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09-03 投稿


crossbowman 发音

英:[['kr?:s?b??m?n]]  美:[['kr?:s?bo?m?n]]

英:  美:

crossbowman 中文意思翻译



crossbowman 词性/词形变化,crossbowman变形


crossbowman 短语词组

1、crossbowman 5e ─── 弩手5e

2、crossbowman shield ─── 弩手盾

3、crossbowman aoe2 ─── 弩手aoe2

4、crossbowman guide ─── 弩手指南

5、crossbowman foe ─── 弩手敌人

6、crossbowman raid ─── 弩手突袭

crossbowman 相似词语短语

1、crossbows ─── n.弩(crossbow的复数);十字弓

2、cross-town ─── adj.穿过城市的;穿越市区的

3、crossband ─── n.(家具)中板;adj.(通信)交叉频带的

4、crosstown ─── adj.穿过城市的;穿越市区的

5、crossbow ─── n.弩;石弓

6、crossbowers ─── 弩

7、crossbar ─── n.闩,横木;球门的横木;(自行车的)横梁;横杆,横档

8、crossbowmen ─── n.弩手(crossbowman的复数)

9、crossbower ─── 交叉火力

crossbowman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Guide Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy ─── 向导:重型精准十字弓

2、"crossbow:a weapon consisting of a bow fixed crosswise on a wooden stock, with grooves on the stock to direct the projectile." ─── "弩:一种包括有一个交叉固定在木柄上的弓的武器,木柄上有槽以释放弓箭."

3、It has been suggested that the Chinese crossbow was transmitted to the Roman world on such occasions. ─── 这暗示了中国的弩在如此的情形下被传到了罗马人的世界。

4、Weapons: lances, spears, rong, Qi, Zhuo, axes, swords, arrowheads, crossbow, Langyabang, ─── 兵器:戈、矛、銊、戚、啄、斧、剑、镞、弩机、狼牙棒、盔甲等;

5、When you shoot the arrows, the crossbow disappears), Sword&Shield (This increases your protection for 5 small battles). ─── 剑和盾牌(这些武器可以提高你在5场战斗中的防护能力)。

6、Rapid Reload You reload a crossbow faster than normal. ─── 快速装填你能够更加迅速的重新装填你的十字弓。

7、A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow. ─── 中世纪飞弹发射器是根据弩的原理设计的。

8、Serving alongside their Lithuanian allies, Lettish Crossbowmen arrive on the battlefield wielding a wooden crossbow and wearing light armour. ─── 拉脱维亚弩兵与立陶宛军队并肩作战,身穿轻甲,使用木制军弩杀伤重装敌军。

9、a bow drawn by hand as distinguished from a crossbow. ─── 一种从石弓中分化出来的用手来发射的弓箭。

10、the weapons of the standing soldiers are the spear tipped halberd and crossbow;the general also occupies the middle, in command. ─── 立阵的兵器主要使用戟弩以利远战,将帅也是居中指挥。

11、Crossbow blood, this is the only fighter more than the blood Lianfa. Shenfa, of course, the power equipment, it is necessary to complete, but it is not expensive. ─── 血弩,这是唯一能比战士还多血的练法。当然身法、力量装备,要齐全,但是这却不贵。

12、Ever since we began Excalibur in 1983 (click here to read our story) , it's been our aim to help crossbow hunters to enjoy their sport by providing them the very finest in equipment and service. ─── 从1983年的第一把亚瑟弩至今,我们始终致力于为猎手们享受狩猎提供优质设备与服务。

13、a medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow ─── 根据石弓的原理设计的中世纪飞弹发射器

14、Repeating crossbow added (Van Helsing fans rejoice!). ─── 重复弩增加(范海辛球迷欢欣鼓舞!)。

15、5.The crossbow is an excellent weapon for the militiaman, being easy to use, although slow to reload. ─── 弩对于民兵来说是极好的武器,虽然装箭缓慢却容易使用。

16、"No, really.Maybe we should all be practicing swordplay and crossbow technique, leaps and high jumps. ─── “不,说真的,也许我们应该正在练习击剑、弩艺,跳远、跳高。

17、The crossbow is a potent weapon ready to be used with minimal training unlike other archery weapons. ─── 素质:一般类型:早期专业部队与弓箭兵不同,弩兵只须短期训练便可上阵作战。

18、Only possible when armed with a crossbow. ─── 需要十字弓。

19、Amazon - Bow and Crossbow Skills ─── 亚马逊弓和十字弓技能

20、Poorly armoured, it is just as well crossbow militia are expected to hide behind defensive walls. ─── 由于很少护甲,他们最好躲在城墙之后。

22、Peasant crossbowmen are armed with a crossbow, knife and if lucky enough, some armour. ─── 平民弩兵装备军弩和飞刀,部分幸运士兵尚可配备轻型链甲。

23、It is an heavy crossbow designed with new idea and new technology, which can shoot the strong penetr... ─── 发布者:薛永飞所在地:河南焦作市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

24、Crossbow Technology, Inc. operates a representative office in China. ─── 我们在北京代表处的业务不断发展创造了很多的职位机会。

25、And those fools were milling around, trying to figure out why their commander was lying on the ground with a crossbow bolt in his left eye. ─── 在他们找出我躲的那棵树前又挂了五个。

26、” He sighted one man whose crossbow was aimed, and drove off a humming shaft that took the man in the wrist and pierced through flesh and gristle up to his elbow. ─── 他看见一个人的弓箭对准目标,就射出一箭,击中一个人的腰部,穿透肌肉和软骨直达肘部。

27、 双语使用场景

28、The bolt left the crossbow, and a black hole, small but inky, appeared where I had been aiming. ─── 箭疾飞而去,一个又小又黑的洞出现在我之前瞄准的位置。

29、Overall, the simplicity of "Crossbow Training" makes it a lively party game. ─── 一旦游戏中有超过四个玩家就很有竞争性。

30、A crossbow which can live up to its name! ─── 暴龙弩如其名,值得称道。

31、Crossbow is leading the revolution for connecting the physical world with the digital world through wireless sensor networks as well as the use of MEMS technology in avionics, land and marine vehicle navigation. ─── 我们正在寻找兼具能力与活力并具有相关专业背景的人士加盟我们这个迅速发展和令人振奋的团体。

32、Bow, crossbow, knives, marked the washing MP to HP. ─── 弓、弩、刀、标洗MP到HP上。

33、Now she not only commands her own forces but spends time personally training her Crossbow troops as well. ─── 在他的指导下,所有的弓箭手都能很快掌握百步穿杨的好箭法。

34、The growing popularity of the crossbow in the Middle East, amongst both Christians and Muslims corresponds to heavier armour being employed more widely amongst troops, particularly cavalry. ─── 无论基督国家或伊斯兰世界,重装部队都日益广泛投付作战,骑兵盔甲尤为坚固,因此中东地区弩兵部队亦随之发展壮大。

35、You'll also need to equip ammunition (crossbow bolts) in the Bolt Ammo Slot by double left-clicking on the bolts. ─── 记住弩需要双手持握,因此你不能同时装备盾牌。

36、After the crossbow is loaded, insert the fishing fork from the front, then aim and shoot. ─── 挂机后,将鱼叉箭自弩身头部穿入,瞄准目标后即可射击。

37、Peasant Crossbowmen are equipped with a crossbow and have a simple knife for a sidearm.Lucky peasants are armoured in light mail, most peasants though are not lucky and are unarmoured. ─── 平民弩兵装备军弩和飞刀,部分幸运士兵尚可配备轻型链甲,但大部分弩兵为轻装上阵。

38、Bela shrugged and recocked the crossbow with one swift, powerful pull on its forestock grip. "Personally, I often find it difficult to comprehend your species at all." ─── 贝拉耸耸肩,轻快有力地拉住前托上的把手,重新抬起十字弓,说道:“我个人觉得,理解你们这个种族实在是太困难了。”

39、An arrow with a four-edged head is shot from a crossbow. ─── 有四面刃头的箭是从石弓发出来的。

40、the characteristics of crossbow use ─── 弩射特点

41、The terra cotta cavalrymen, wearing kilt-like robes and short armour for easy mounting and dismounting and shod in leather boots with protective leggings, look vigorous and mettlesome, one hand holding the reins and the other a crossbow. ─── 骑兵俑则战袍如裙,铠甲较短,便于跨马作战,它们一个个足蹬皮靴,胫着护腿,右手提缰,左手握弓,英姿焕发,威武雄壮。

42、Mercenary unit equipped with crossbow, sword and armoured with mail. ─── 雇佣弩兵装备军弩、长剑和链甲。

43、according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son's head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap). ─── 根据传说,奥地利的统治者让他用自己的弓箭射他儿子头上的苹果(他成功地射中没有带来灾祸)。

44、7.Rogue and Fighter based trainers can now teach Bow and Crossbow skills. ─── 浪人和战士的基础导师现在会教授弓箭和弩技能了。

45、Link's Crossbow Training ─── 林克的十字弓训练

46、Crossbow militia are inexpensive units formed to protect settlements. ─── 素质:民兵类型:都市民兵持弩民兵维护费用低廉,常用于防御城邑。

47、This heavy crossbow was used by the forces of several different Prime regimes to obliterate large numbers of enemy forces with relative ease. ─── 这柄重型十字弓被多个不同政权的军队使用,以便相对容易地消灭大批敌军。

48、Maybe that's why Excalibur has won the US National Crossbow Championships for the last eight years, and the Canadian 3-D Championship crossbow class for the last six years! ─── 也许这便是亚瑟连续八年蝉联美国最佳弩具冠军、以及连续六年在加拿大3-D中夺魁的原因!

49、Lacquer Crossbow with Incised Pattern (duplicate) ─── 锥画漆弩(复制品)

50、Operation Crossbow ─── 石弓计划(描第二次世界大战时盟军空袭德国火箭发射场的计划)

51、It is no surprise then to see the crossbow amongst the Seljuk, despite their reputation for light swift troops. ─── 尽管塞尔柱军中向来推崇轻骑如风,但现在出现破甲劲弩,绝非偶然之举。

52、Increases the effectiveness of crossbow shots. ─── 增强十字弓的射击效力。

53、Don't make the crossbow in the loading state too long, in order to avoid the damage of bow slices. ─── 不能长期处于挂机状态,以免损坏弓片。

54、Rapid ReloadYou reload a crossbow faster than normal.Prerequisites: Simple Weapon Proficiency: Light Crossbow ─── 快速装填你能够更加迅速的重新装填你的十字弓。先决条件:擅长武器:轻十字弓

55、The arbalest is a dangerous weapon and are sometimes considered inhumane or unfair weapons, since an inexperienced crossbowman can use one to kill a knight who had a lifetime of training. ─── 素质:一般类型:雇佣兵雇佣弩手是一个危险武器,因为一个无经验的弩手能杀害有终身训练的骑士。

56、A metal practical middle and small hunting crossbow, which can shoot two-wing arrows, three-wing arrows and steel balls. 2. ─── 2.满足一般狩猎爱好者狩猎,出外旅游,自我防卫使用。

57、It carried a sword, had a crude crossbow slung across its back, and wore a faded leather corset. ─── 它拿着一把剑,背着一把粗糙的十字弓,还穿着一件磨损的皮质紧身外套。

58、an arrow with a four-edged head that is shot from a crossbow ─── 一种发自石弓的四面刃头的箭

59、Sniper's crossbow artefact now gives a hero and army ability to shoot without penalties for distance and obstacles. Description changed to reflect the change. ─── 狙击弩可以令英雄不受距离与障碍限制,说明进行相应改动。

60、4.Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, and none more so then the Genoese. ─── 意大利人因为热爱十字弓而享誉世界,其中尤以热那亚人为甚。

61、Excalibur Crossbow reserves the right to use the winners name or photos for marketing purposes. ─── 藉由我们的忠诚客户的帮忙亚瑟王的神剑一直产生世界最好的狩猎石弓为在24年内。

62、International Crossbowman Union ─── 国际弩手联盟

63、Other companies, such as Crossbow Technology, Millennial Net, Sensicast, Tranzeo and MicroStrain, are applying the innovations to their existing technologies. ─── 目前传感器尚未得到广泛的运用:技术还在继续成熟,还得让消费者相信它值得拥有。

64、an arrow with a four-edged head that is shot from a crossbow. ─── 一种发自石弓的四面刃头的箭。

65、Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise. ─── 巨盾持弩民兵装备链甲和全身巨盾。

66、Hans Holbein's sketch of a marksman shows mainly his face, the one eye closed, the other sighting down the crossbow. ─── 汉斯?霍尔班(HansHolbein)的一张神射手素描主要显现出他的脸,一只眼睛紧闭,另一只眼顺着十字弓瞄准。

67、The Greek version was basically a huge crossbow fastened to a mount. ─── 希腊投石机基本上为一绑在基座之巨大的弩;

68、I've been Nu river grand canyon for half month and hasn't still found a good old Dao,so I just got a crossbow and two carpets from the peasants in Dulong mountain. ─── 唉!去了趟怒江大峡谷半个月,把车都颠得快散了也找不到把象样的老刀,只从独龙山民手上拿了把独龙弩和两床手编独龙毯.

69、Chewie, give 'em your crossbow ─── 朱伊,给我你的石弓

70、Chase threw aside the crossbow and yanked out the sword from over his shoulder, then ran for the thing, jumping over it as he stabbed with the sword. ─── 蔡司把十字弓扔到一旁,猛地拽出肩上的长剑,然后冲向那东西,奋力跃起,擎剑刺下。

71、1 At Excalibur, we aren't big business cashing in on crossbow hunting, we're crossbow hunters who build crossbows. ─── 我们亚瑟不打算用弩来赚大钱,我们是那种懂得作弩的猎手。

72、But when they need to hit targets well beyond their great reach, their preferred weapon is their native laser crossbow. ─── 但要有效地打击超出他们蛮力范围之外的目标时,他们的首选武器是土制的激光十字弓。

73、Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow;decision, to the releasing of a trigger. ─── 势如张弩,节如发机。

74、Bela was with him on the firing range, showing him how to use the Praxian crossbow. ─── 贝拉正在射击训练区指导他如何使用普拉西斯十字弓。

75、One question rescuers have is 'how much do you give a 50-ton whale in a dart fired by a crossbow? ' ─── 拯救人员目前仍有疑问,即要用标枪朝这头50吨重的鲸鱼射麻药的话,标枪头上应放多少麻药。

76、crossbow incision ─── 弓形切口

77、the chase for the quarrel on a crossbow. ─── 驽弓上用来捕猎猎物的箭槽

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