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09-03 投稿


comatose 发音

英:['k??m?t??s; -z]  美:['kom?tos]

英:  美:

comatose 中文意思翻译



comatose 网络释义

adj. 昏迷的;昏睡状态的;麻木的;怠惰的

comatose 短语词组

1、comatose amv ─── 昏迷性amv

2、comatose synonym ─── 昏迷同义词

3、comatose definition ─── 昏迷定义

4、comatose lyrics ─── 昏迷歌词

5、comatose level ─── 昏迷水平

6、semi-comatose ─── 半昏迷的,轻度昏迷的

7、comatose song ─── 昏迷之歌

8、comatose jxdn ─── 昏迷jxdn

comatose 词性/词形变化,comatose变形

副词: comatosely |

comatose 相似词语短语

1、comatoseness ─── 昏迷

2、sarcomatoses ─── 肉瘤病

3、comatosity ─── 昏迷

4、comatosely ─── 昏迷地

5、comate ─── adj.多毛的;有须的;n.伙伴

6、compose ─── vt.构成;写作;使平静;排…的版;vi.组成;作曲;排字

7、edematose ─── 水肿

8、comose ─── adj.多毛的;有丛毛的

9、comatulae ─── 科马图拉

comatose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The patient was in deep comatose state when taken into rescue room , cardiopulmonary was arrested , it was entricular fibrillation on electrocardio monitoring . ─── 患者入抢救室时呈深昏迷状态,心跳呼吸骤停,心电监护提示为室颤.

2、The method of temperature taking in comatose patients from groin or armpit is practical. ─── 结论:对于昏迷病人体温测试时,可用腹股沟温代替腋温,临床操作具有实用性及可行性。

3、Acupuncture treatment for a comatose patient due to severe craniocerebral injury: an evidence-based therapy ─── 针灸促醒重型颅脑损伤患者的循证治疗

4、The comatose woman next to Evelyn begins to moan.Eleanor fidgets uncomfortably, slips out of Evelyn's arms, and runs down the hall.Corinne runs after her.I wave my hand good-bye and follow them. ─── 伊芙琳身旁那位处于半昏迷状态的老太太开始呻吟起来,埃莉诺不自在地扭动着身子,从伊芙琳的臂弯里溜出来,沿着大厅跑开了,科琳跑上去追她。

5、9. Upon our rush to the scene for succor, inspection revealed that she was pale, comatose, and tachypneic, while her peripheral radial pulse was not felt on palpation. ─── 不幸的,该病患在过程中,发生了意识和脉搏的丧失,而需要进行心肺复苏治疗的严重休克。收藏指正

6、As he's putting on his things he falls back again into a semi comatose state. ─── 穿衣戴帽时他又陷入一种半昏睡状态,他站着,一只胳膊穿过外衣袖子里,帽子斜扣在头上。

7、Michael sits comatose in the psych ward receiving room. ─── Michael昏昏沉沉地坐在精神病区接待室内。

8、Comparison of Prognostic Value of Dynamic Electroencephalogram in Comatose Patients with Different Diseased Region ─── 动态脑电图对皮层或脑干病变昏迷病人预后的评估价值

9、We present a 37 year-old male case who is the main economic provider of his family.He has sustained a severe head injury that makes him fall into deep comatose state. ─── 摘要本文系描述一位37岁的病患,为家庭主要经济提供者,因车祸造成严重头部外伤而陷入昏迷,整个家庭因而深受冲击。

10、He began to tell me how, as he lay there comatose, he could hear me talking to him and could feel me holding his hand the whole time. ─── 他开始向我讲述当他躺在床上昏迷不醒的时候,他如何听到我和他讲话,如何感觉我一直握住他的手。

11、Sitting there under the streetlight, his wallet gone, his keys lost, his bracelet with him only because the bikers couldn’t figure out how to steal it, Ken regarded his comatose friend. ─── / 在路灯,他的不见了的皮夹之下在那里坐,他的钥匙失去, 他的手镯由于他只有因为骑摩托车的人无法理解该如何偷它,肯恩视为了他的昏睡朋友。

12、All they have been able to do for him is place enchantments on his body to keep it in good health while he is comatose. ─── 她们目前能做的也只能是对他的肉体释放魔法以保证肉体在他昏睡时仍保持健康。

13、Discussion on the Modus of Inserting the Gastric Canal in Comatose Patients with Organophosphorus Pesticide Toxicosis ─── 口服有机磷中毒昏迷患者胃管插入方法探讨

14、The cause of Malfurion's condition has yet to be determined.Tyrande was the one who discovered his comatose body in his barrow den in the Moonglade. ─── 巨龙们知道了第二个永恒之井的存在,他们在上面种了一棵大树来防止它的力量被滥用。

15、comatose person ─── 植物人

16、9. Hypothermia is appropriate for patients who are comatose post-resuscitation. ─── 处于昏迷的复苏后综合征病人,(控制性)低温是适宜的。

17、3. A few hours later, she became comatose, with a Glasgow coma scale of 11, and developed hypotension and metabolic acidosis. ─── 几小时后,她进入昏迷状态,格拉斯哥昏迷评分为11分,并出现低血压和代谢性酸中毒。收藏指正

18、a comatose patient returns to con-sciousness before death ─── 回光返照

19、Value of somatosensory evoked potential and electroencephalography to estimate prognosis of non-traumatic comatose children ─── 体感诱发电位和脑电图对非外伤性昏迷患儿预后的判断价值

20、Some of the animals were screaming and gibbering, racing around in their cages , while others were comatose and lethargic. ─── 有些动物尖叫着,叽咕着,围着笼子奔跑,还有些则是昏睡和呆滞的。


22、Rapid implementation of therapeutic hypothermia in comatose out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors ─── 对院外昏迷的心脏停搏获救的患者快速完成治疗性的降温

23、He was comatose and had a severe fever and tachycardia. ─── 他处于昏迷状态,伴高热和心动过速。

24、I always feel a bit comatose after dinner. ─── 我在晚饭后总觉得有点昏昏欲睡。

25、A Study on the Influence of Rhubarb Powder on Stomach pH in Comatose Patient due to Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage ─── 生大黄粉对急性脑出血昏迷患者胃内pH值影响的临床研究

26、Eluana Englaro, the comatose woman at the center of a euthanasia debate that has divided Italy, died Monday, 4 days after doctors removed her from life support. ─── 当地时间9日,在被医生拔掉进食管4天后,昏迷多年的意大利妇女英格拉洛安乐死亡。此前,是否同意英格拉洛安乐死在意大利引发了一场争议。

27、Prognostic value of dynamic electroencephalogram in comatose patients ─── 动态脑电图分级对昏迷患者预后的评估价值

28、Predictive value of dynamic electroencephalogram united brainstem auditory evoked potential in comatose patients ─── 动态脑电图和脑干听觉诱发电位在昏迷预后判断中的应用

29、Danish football player from league leaders FC Nordsjaelland was left comatose by a lightning strike during a practice match in Copenhagen, Reuters reported Tuesday. ─── 据路透社21日报道,效力于丹麦顶级联赛球队的一名球员,在哥本哈根参加一场预备队比赛时不幸被雷电击中而昏迷不醒。

30、He began to tell me how, as he lay there comatose , he could hear me talking to him and could feel me holding his hand the whole time. ─── 他开始向我讲述当他躺在床上昏迷不醒的时候,他如何听到我和他讲话,如何感觉我一直握住他的手。

31、I think I better try for a comatose state so I do not have to watch Grant being outsmarted by the tubby of all teletubbies. ─── 我想我会选择睡觉,那样就看不到格兰特被另一个胖的像水桶的家伙比下去。

32、The patient's condition is very critical and he is in a comatose state. ─── 病人的情况非常危急,他已经处于昏迷状态。

33、The time should not be effected by seizures and comatose state.The best way of delivery is cesarean section. ─── 认为终止妊娠的时间应不受抽搐和昏迷的影响,终止妊娠的最好方式是剖宫产。

34、Clinic nursing study of comatose patients with apoplectic cerebral hemorrhage ─── 卒中性脑出血昏迷患者临床护理研究

35、At night, the studio catches fire, the giant walks out of the fire with the comatose beauty in his arms. The film ends with a kiss. ─── 夜晚,片场发生火灾,长腿巨人抱着昏迷的美人从黑烟中缓缓走出,赢得了美人深情的一吻。

36、TK: I've revised a lot of poems into a comatose state. ─── 我曾把许多诗修改成昏死状态。

37、He lingered on in a comatose state ─── 他一直处于昏迷状态。

38、Value of electroencephalogram patterns in evaluating the prognosis of comatose patients ─── 脑电图构型特征对昏迷患者预后的评估价值

39、The doctors revived the comatose man. ─── 这个医生使这个昏睡的苏醒了。

40、insulin comatose therapy ─── 胰岛素昏迷疗法

41、Electroencephalographic patterns and prediction of outcome in comatose survivors after cardiopulmonary resuscitation ─── 心肺复苏后昏迷患者脑电图模式对预后的预测

42、Results Among 314 comatose patients, 119 had cerebrovascular accidents, 91 with poisoning, 42 with metabolic diseases, 37 cardiovascular diseases and 25 others. ─── 结果314例昏迷患者中,脑卒中119例,各类中毒91例,代谢性疾病42例,心血管疾病37例,其他25例。

43、Clinical meaning of rehabilitation nursing of ankle joint for brain injured and comatose patients ─── 脑损伤昏迷患者踝关节康复护理的临床意义

44、There are two kinds of distractions of mind, they are comatose and unsteady minds. ─── 人心的散乱有两种:一是昏沉,一是浮动。

45、A study of prognostic value of EEG reactivity on comatose patients with acute severe head injury ─── 脑电图反应性对急性重型脑伤患者预后的评估研究

46、She was in a comatose state and had a bilateral lower limb skin rash, arthralgia, mild muscular rigidity and hyperreflexia. ─── 她处于昏迷状态,伴有双下肢皮疹、节痛、度肌强直和反射亢进。

47、One recalls from old photographs and movie or television screens, the comatose and glazed expressions of survivors of the great bombardments of World War I and the attendant horrors and death of trench warfare. ─── 一个人会从老照片和电影或电视中播放的节目回忆起一战期间猛烈炮战中的生还者呆钝的表情以及参加者恐惧和堑壕战中的屠杀场景。

48、Objective To investigate the electroencephalogram (EEG) manifestations of comatose patients and their correlation with clinical prognoses. ─── 目的探讨昏迷的脑电图表现和预后之间的关系。

49、A comatose patient whose life support was removed last month in South Korea's first court-approved "death with dignity" case has survived with spontaneous breathing. ─── 韩国国内首例实施"尊严死"的昏迷患者自上月摘除呼吸机后,目前仍能通过自主呼吸维持生命。

50、She was in a comatose state and had a bilateral lower limb skin rash , arthralgia, mild muscular rigidity and hyperreflexia. ─── 她处于昏迷状态,伴有双下肢皮疹、节痛、度肌强直和反射亢进。

51、Where is the crypt from which Helen, Will and Ashley rescue three comatose women? ─── 海伦,威尔和阿什莉在哪里的地窖救出三个沉睡的女人?

52、5.Upon our rush to the scene for succor, inspection revealed that she was pale, comatose, and tachypneic, while her peripheral radial pulse was not felt on palpation. ─── 不幸的,该病患在过程中,发生了意识和脉搏的丧失,而需要进行心肺复苏治疗的严重休克。

53、Grandpa lies comatose on the sofa. ─── 爷爷躺在沙发上昏睡。

54、The future chose Kyle Baldwin but when his cousin Shawn Farrell tried to protect him, Shawn was taken instead and Kyle was left comatose for three years ─── 表兄肖恩·法瑞尔为保护本来被选中的凯尔·鲍德温而被未来带走,凯尔·鲍德温则在医院沉睡了三

55、A society with plenty of snobberies is like a dog with plenty of fleas: it is not likely to become comatose, Every snobbery demands of its, devotees unceasing efforts, a succession of sacrifices. ─── 一个有许多种势利感的社会就像一只有许多跳蚤的狗,它不太可能变得麻木倦惰。

56、She became comatose, and she died of a pulmonary embolism before church members finally brought her to the hospital. ─── 她进入昏迷,死于肺动脉栓塞,死后教会成员们才把她送去医院。

57、- During an engine performance test, Trip is critically injured and left comatose in sickbay. ─── + 在一次引擎的性能测试里Trip收了重伤并在医疗室昏迷不醒.

58、South Korean hospital Tuesday removed the life-support device from a 77-year-old comatose patient, marking the first "mercy killing" in the nation's history, AFP reported. ─── 据法新社报道,23日,韩国一家医院停止了对一名77岁植物人的延命治疗,成为国内首例执行安乐死的病例。

59、A few hours later, she became comatose, with a Glasgow coma scale of 11, and developed hypotension and metabolic acidosis. ─── 几小时后,她进入昏迷状态,格拉斯哥昏迷评分为11分,并出现低血压和代谢性酸中毒。

60、Liu JT, Wang CH. Regaining consciousness for prolonged comatose patients with right median nerve stimulation. Acta Neurochir Suppl 2003; 87:11 ─── 王军,王玉升,齐小玲,等.针药合用对大鼠局灶性脑缺血预后的影响[J].中国临床康复,2002,6(13):1914-5

61、Methods EEG manifestations of 32 comatose patients were analyzed and compared with their clinical prognoses. ─── 方法对32例昏迷的脑电图进行综合分析,并与其预后做对照。

62、He began to tell me how, as he lay there comatose,he could hear me talking to him and could feel me holding his hand the whole time. ─── 他告诉我,那时他处于昏迷状态,躺在那里时,他能够听到我对他说话,也能感觉到我一直握着他的手。

63、Sylvia: You know, back when she was comatose, the doctors almost donated away Liu‘s organs. ─── 席薇雅:你知道吗,当初她昏迷时,医生差点把刘小姐的器官捐出去了。

64、feeling comatose after a large meal ─── 大吃一顿后感到困倦.

65、Keywords diabetes hypertonity comatose;famouse doctor s experience;Lin Lan; ─── 糖尿病高渗性昏迷;名医经验;林兰;

66、Liu Deyun desperately for help, constantly beating with a brick down his things, there is no response, again over the last comatose. ─── 刘德云拼命呼救,不断用砖块敲打压住他的东西,没有任何回应,再次昏迷了过去。

67、comatose patient ─── 昏迷的病人

68、Awaking and nursing the comatose patients with serious craniocerebral in-jury ─── 重型颅脑损伤后昏迷患者的促醒及护理

69、LL: So what we are doing tonight? What is the plan? I feel refreshed after two hours of comatose. ─── 是啊,图书馆里的椅子都特别舒服,而且又安静,最合适睡觉。

70、a state of comatose torpor. ─── 昏睡无感觉的一种状态。

71、semi comatose ─── 半昏迷的, 轻度昏迷的

72、She had 416mg of alcohol per decilitre in her blood, enough to make her comatose and depress her respiratory system. ─── 其血液内每分升含有416毫克酒精,这足以使她昏迷不醒,抑制其呼吸系统。

73、Not long ago, Tyrande discovered Malfurion's comatose body in his barrow den in the Moonglade. ─── 不久之前,泰兰德在月光林地的大兽穴中发现了玛法里奥陷于昏睡的身体。

74、Opossums playing dead actually slip into a semi-comatose state, thus removing any excitement of the kill for a predator. ─── 装死的负鼠实际上是处于一种半昏迷状态,以消除天敌的猎杀的兴奋感。

75、Mr Thompson, a former senator from Tennessee who was counting on a win in South Carolina to revive his comatose campaign, came third and duly dropped out (see article). ─── 来自田纳西州的参议员汤普森本来是想在南卡罗来纳州赢得一局来让自己“昏迷”的竞选起死回生,但是最后得票率只排在第三,无奈之下只好作罢,退出竞选。

76、One is almost comatose;two are shrunken with age, and one seems too young and spry to be here. ─── 一位老太太几乎处于昏迷状态,两位年事已高,形容枯槁,另一位看上去既年轻又活跃,似乎这儿并不是她呆的地方。

77、AIM: To analyze rapidly the intragastric substances of comatose patients caused by the drugs, in order to judge the medical factors leading to coma. ─── 目的:对药物中毒患者的胃内容物进行分析,判断致其昏迷的药物因素。

78、The woman was treated with furosemide and mannitol, but remained comatose with a Glasgow coma scale of 6. ─── 给予速尿和甘露醇治疗,但这位妇女仍然昏迷,格拉斯哥昏迷评分为6分。

79、comatose state ─── 昏迷状态

80、Children killed in quake? Amazing! Who would have thought children might get killed in a natural disaster. Whoever wrote this headline is comatose. ─── 有孩子在地震中受害?天哪,谁能设想孩子会在自然灾害中受难,谁写下这个标题的人肯定是昏头了(这个帖的标题是孩子在地震中受害)

81、Afterwards, he had neurological deterioration with a generalized convulsion and became comatose the following day.Computed tomogram of the brain was normal. ─── 但是病人却在隔天发生抽搐而陷入昏迷状态,此时脑部电脑断层扫为正常。


83、The right side of my brain had been so severely bruised that I was comatose for a month. ─── 我右侧的大脑受了重创,以致我一个月都昏迷不醒。

84、A series of overlapping stories about four suburban families dealing with different maladies.Esther Gold's (Close) life is consumed by caring for her comatose son; ─── 多线式剧情描述四个郊区家庭百无聊赖的日常生活:爱斯特的生活耗费在照顾她的昏病儿子;

85、Comparison of influence of mixed milk fed with a nasal feeding pump and injected with an injector on frequency of defecation in comatose patients ─── 鼻饲泵泵入与注射器注入混合奶对昏迷患者大便次数的影响比较

86、METHODS:The clinical data and EEG patterns of 580 comatose patients in the past 22 years were retrospectively studied. ─── 方法:回顾性研究过去22年间580例昏迷患者的临床资料和脑电图构型。

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