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09-03 投稿



grubs 发音

英:[ɡr?bz]  美:[ɡr?bz]

英:  美:

grubs 中文意思翻译



grubs 词性/词形变化,grubs变形

动词过去分词: grubbed |动词第三人称单数: grubs |动词现在分词: grubbing |名词: grubber |动词过去式: grubbed |

grubs 相似词语短语

1、grub ─── n.(昆虫的)蛆,幼虫;小毛虫;食物;v.翻掘,搜寻;刨地;(从土中)挖出;掘除(地上的)残根及树桩;笨拙地搜寻;苦干;拼命苦干得到;n.(Grub)(美)格鲁布(人名)

2、grues ─── n.战栗;可怕;(苏格兰)一点;雪;vi.发抖;战栗;n.(Grue)人名;(意)格鲁埃

3、drubs ─── vt.用棒打;硬灌;打击;vi.打击;敲击

4、gubs ─── 古柏。

5、grabs ─── n.链钩(grab的复数);v.抓取;捕获(grab的第三人称单数);n.(Grabs)人名;(德)格拉布斯

6、grups ─── 组

7、grubby ─── adj.肮脏的;生蛆的;卑鄙的;矮小的

8、gruels ─── n.稀粥,燕麦粥;n.(Gruel)(法、美)格吕埃尔(人名)

9、rubs ─── vt.擦;摩擦;惹怒(rub的第三人称单数);vi.擦;摩擦;擦破(rub的第三人称单数);n.摩擦;障碍;磨损处(rub的复数)

grubs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tell me, good my friend, what torch is yond, that vainly lends his light to grubs and eyeless skulls? ─── 告诉我,我的好朋友,那边是什么火把,向蛆虫和没有眼睛的骷髅浪费着它的光明?

2、The rose leaves have curled because of an attack by grubs. ─── 玫瑰的叶子因虫子的侵袭打了卷。

3、How to hide GRUB menu on boot-up? ─── 如何在开机时隐藏GRUB的菜单显示?

4、Luohua No.1 and Yuanyu 16-8 had strong resistance to grub, and the yield and economic losses were small. ─── 其中,漯花1号和远育16-8对蛴螬的抗性较强,产量损失和经济损失较小。

5、He will be the victim of grubs and worms and lose his life because of his stupidity. ─── 冒失的人,必要丧亡。

6、Another carry-over from their hunting instincts is their love of digging, and if left unsupervised, they can often be found digging for grubs in your lawn. ─── 另为一个他们捕猎本性的遗留物就是他们喜欢挖洞,如果他们在没有监督的情形下,它们统称会被发现在你的草坪上挖洞。

7、Researchers modified the fruit fly grubs to explore how the brain translates chemical signals into smells. ─── 研究者改造了果蝇的幼虫,从而探索其大脑是如何将化学信号转化为气味的。

8、"I say, you've grown fat! So the grub's better here than at home, eh? ─── “妈的,吃胖了,这里吃的比咱家吃的好,是不是?

9、Chemical and Biological control and prevention of insects. Must be registered for use in People Republic of China. Insects controlled are Mole Crickets, Army Worm, White Grub, Earwigs, Ants. ─── 实用化学和生物、农药控制和预防害虫,必须在中华人民共和国注册,控制的害虫有地老虎等。

10、Introduction into the grub shell grub ─── 外壳简介

11、Your task is to grub out the history of this double edged sword ─── 你的任务是去查清楚这把双刃宝剑的来历。

12、All men long to be immortals, Yet silver and gold they prize; And grub for money all their lives Till death seals up their eyes. ─── 世人都晓神仙好,只有金银忘不了!终朝只恨聚无多,及到多时眼闭了。

13、Third sister's head spun as if in search of some grubs in the tree holes. ─── 三姐的脑袋转动着,好像在寻找树洞里的虫子。

14、" Third sister's head spun as if in search of some grubs in the tree holes. ─── ”三姐的脑袋转动着,好像在寻找树洞里的虫子。

15、Receive details about Transport internationally, Transportation and Export packing in addition to offers on Forwarding businesses or Logistics achievements on the homepage of GRUB HANS LOGISTIK GMBH. ─── grub HANS LOGISTIK GMBH 是一家现代化的、靠的专门产品供应商,这家供应商从事物流效率,运输传送的制造、售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。

16、You hungry?The grub here will make your bollocks tingle. ─── |饿吗?

17、AoLike is an environmental sound insecticide for underground insects such as grubs and Gryuotalpa unispina etc. ─── 奥力克 是针对蛴螬、蝼蛄等地下害虫的特性而研究开发的环保型生物杀虫剂。

18、How to "grub gold" from building trash ? ─── 如何从建筑垃圾中"掘金"?

19、What he needs is lots of good grub, care and affection. ─── 他需要的是大量有营养的食物、照料和关怀。

20、And he conned the grub of the cache and the grub of the Hudson Bay Company post over and over again. ─── 他一遍又一遍地想着地窖里的食品和哈得逊湾公司商站那儿的吃的东西。

21、He grins as he lists the food which can supplement his normal army-issue rations: wallabies, turtles, witchetty grubs, wild oysters. ─── 他微笑着列举了一些能够充当部队配给粮食的食物:小袋鼠,海龟,木蠹蛾幼虫,野牡蛎。

22、An error occurred while setting up GRUB for the multipath device. ─── 在为多径设备设置GRUB时发生了一个错误。

23、They serve good pub grub there. ─── 他们那儿供应上好的酒吧食物。

24、With praise of grub at Carmody’s, a score of years ago. ─── 对她家饭菜赞不绝口,那是在二十多年前。

25、Ranked sixth to tenth are lutefisk from Norway, grubs from Australia, snake wine from Vietnam, donkey from Italy, and ostrich from South Africa, respectively. ─── 六至十名分别是挪威的鳕鱼乾、澳洲的蛾幼虫、越南的蛇酒、义大利的驴肉及南非鸵鸟肉。

26、Well, I am pretty hungry. But I suppose we can spend a little more time looking for a place with grub we both like. ─── 对,找个我们俩都喜欢吃的地方。这附近有个叫汉宫的中餐馆,他们的菜很好吃。我们去汉宫,怎么样?

27、He find what he want by grub around in the library. ─── 他在图书馆乱翻一通终於找到了需要的资料。

28、genus of beetles whose grubs feed mainly on roots of plants; includes several pests of cultivated grasses. ─── 其幼虫主要以植物根为食的一种甲虫;包括一些禾本科栽培作物的害虫。

29、Where's the grub from Greg Abe and Babe will grab? ─── 他们将从格雷格哪儿抓虫呢?

30、In the first case (that is the most usual) you have certainly installed GRUB on MBR after you receive, in the terminal, the message that there are no errors. ─── 在第一个方案中(这个是最常见的)您在终端得到的信息中没有错误,那么已经安装GRUB到到MBR了。

31、Have you ever known guys to turn down free grub? ─── 你可知道是否有人(大男孩子)拒吃免费的东西?

32、LL: It is a Mexican restaurant. Mexican food is some of my favorite grub. ─── 你喜欢吃墨西哥饭?我怎么不知道。对不起,我可不喜欢吃墨西哥饭。我们能不能去别的餐馆呢?

33、Test on precaution and treatment against grubs in lawn with tobacco or cigarette ash ─── 利用烟灰防治草坪蛴螬试验

34、(Certificates of Debarking and Grub Hole Control). ─── 和《剥皮和大虫孔控制证书》

35、The chemical constituents of grub ( Holotrichia diomphalia Bates. ) were systematically analyzed. The results showed that grab contained amino acids, polypeptide or protein, carbohydrate, alkaloid, organic acid, steroid et al. ─── 对Holotrichia diomphalia Bates(蛴螬)的水浸液、乙醇提取液、石油醚提取液进行了成分分析,结果表明蛴螬中含有氨基酸、多肽或蛋白质、糖类、生物碱、有机酸盐、甾体化合物等成分。

36、When cold weather arrives, frozen ground prevents foraging for worms, grubs and fallen seeds, leaving berries as a nourishing lifeline. ─── 当寒冬到来时,结冰的地面上不可能搜寻出蚯蚓、幼虫和掉落的种子,只有果实才能提供养分,维持生命。

37、Receive details about Transport internationally, Transportation and Export packing in addition to offers on Forwarding businesses or Logistics achievements on the homepage of GRUB HANS LOGISTIK GMBH . ─── GRUB HANS LOGISTIK GMBH是一家现代化的、可靠的专门产品供应商,这家供应商从事物流效率,运输传送的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。

38、She has not shown the same caution in the case of the crow, because the crow feeds on dead flesh, or on grubs and beetles, or fruit and grain, that do not need to be approached stealthily. ─── 大自然不会把这样的警示给予乌鸦,因为它们以腐肉、幼虫、甲虫,或者水果和谷物为食,无需暗中逼近猎物。

39、They also manage to gather yams, wild bananas, witchetty grubs, a blue-tongued lizard and a rock python which they cook and eat. ─── 他们也采集一些马铃薯、野蕉,煮食食木虫(witchettygrubs)、蓝舌蜥蜴、和非洲石莽来吃。

40、How to change default Operating System boot-up for GRUB menu? ─── 如何更改GRUB菜单内默认启动的操作系统?

41、British writer best known for his novels about poverty and hardship,such as New Grub Street(1891). ─── 吉辛,乔治·罗伯特1857-1903英国作家,以其关于贫穷和艰辛的小说最出名,比如新穷人街(1891年)

42、The New Caledonia crow (Corvus moneduloides) has been shown to fashion tools out of parts of pandanus leaves and to use them to extract grubs from crevices in wood. ─── 南太平洋新克里多尼亚乌鸦(Corvusmoneduloides)能以露兜树叶制造工具,从树缝中挑出昆虫的幼虫吃。

43、Stop grub about there and tell me what you be look for ─── 别在那儿东翻西找的,告诉我你要什麽

44、Advance in housefiy grub and its product exploitation ─── 家蝇幼虫及其产品开发利用研究进展

45、Then Lieutenant Grub launched into the old recruiting routine. "See, save and serve! ─── 于是,格拉布上尉开始说起招兵的老一套了:“见见世面,攒点钱,为国家出点力!”

46、Grub for a living. ─── 为谋生而艰苦劳作

47、[[[index/guide/HideGRUB|How to hide GRUB menu on boot-up? ─── 如何在开机时隐藏GRUB的菜单显示?

48、Voila! Reboot and you should see Grub menu with your boot menu options! ─── 完成,重新启动你的机器,你就看到Grub菜单出现在你的选项里面了。

49、How to display Splash Image for GRUB menu on boot-up? ─── 如何更改GRUB菜单内默认启动的操作系统?

50、Field Efficacy Experiment of 10% Diazinon GR against Peanut Grub ─── 10%二嗪磷颗粒剂防治春花生蛴螬田间药效试验

51、British writer best known for his novels about poverty and hardship, such as New Grub Street(1891). ─── 吉辛,乔治·罗伯特1857-1903英国作家,以其关于贫穷和艰辛的小说最出名,比如新穷人街(1891年)

52、Don't choose installing GRUB during the installation process, we will install GRUB manually later. ─── 不要在安装过程中选择安装GRUB,而应该在安装完成之后手工去做。

53、What they wanted, they said, was not more work, but more grub, more clothes, more leisure, more pleasure and better homes. ─── 他们说他们需要的不是更多的活儿,而是更多的食物,更多的衣服,更多的娱乐和舒适的住房。

54、He grins as he lists the food which can supplement his normal army-issue rations: wallabies, turtles, witchetty grubs, wild oysters. ─── 他微笑着列举了一些能够充当部队配给粮食的食物:小袋鼠,海龟,木蠹蛾幼虫,野牡蛎。

55、grub in the earth for potatoes ─── 在土中挖掘马铃薯

56、"Three hundred francs for rent, and six hundred for her grub, with a little present thrown in now and then, a pair of stockings or whatnot. ─── “房租三百法郎,饭钱六百法郎,不时地送双袜子,一共一千法郎。

57、The air I always breathed was mixed up with grub an' house-rent an' scrappin' an booze an' that's all they talked about, too. ─── 可我呼吸的空气里却一向离不开吃饭、房租、打架、‘马尿’,谈的也尽是这些。

58、He tries to grub out his family history. ─── 他试图发掘自己的家史。

59、They got the big tent up on the Forest Service's platform, the kitchen and grub boxes secured. ─── 他们在林管部门指定的地方搭起了帐篷,搭锅起灶,归置好餐盒。

60、Where did you grub up these old-fashioned articles? ─── 你从哪里搜罗出这些老古董的?

61、But when a blue light was shone near the modified grubs, they wriggled toward the glow as if it were a mushy banana. ─── 但当一束蓝光在改造过的果蝇幼虫附近闪耀时,它们会靠近光束蠕动,好像光束是一个糊状的香蕉一样。

62、My system is RedHat linux 8.0. GUI is GNOME. Loader is grub. ─── 大哥你真会说笑,进不了系统,怎么安装啊!!

63、How to change GRUB menu password if forgotten? ─── 如果忘记了GRUB菜单的密码,要如何重新设定?

64、16. If Abe and Babe will grab a grub from Greg, ─── 如果阿贝和贝比将从格雷格那儿抓幼虫的话,

65、How to restore GRUB menu after Windows installation? ─── 如果忘记了GRUB菜单的密码,要如何重新设定?

66、By six o' the horses were all saddled, the grub wagon ready. ─── 六点钟,马都备了鞍,装粮食的大车也安排就绪。

67、Kevin: You should come to our event on Friday night. They're showing some 1)Bollywood films and then everyone is going out for Indian 2)grub . ─── 凯文:你应该来我们星期五晚上的活动。他们要放映一些宝莱坞电影,然后大家要去吃印度料理。

68、Grub's up! ─── 吃饭了!

69、They live on grasslands where they can easily dig up ants, grubs, and worms. ─── 他们生活在草原上,在那儿可以很轻易的挖掘到蚂蚁、蛆和其它蠕虫。

70、LL: Actually, a friend told me that the grub at China Garden is not so good. It isn't very authentic... ─── 对,找个我们俩都喜欢吃的-地方。这四周有个叫汉宫的中餐馆,他们的菜很好吃。我们去汉宫,乍样样

71、These adaptations are quite sensible, allowing the aye-aye to see well at night and retrieve grubs, which are one of its primary food sources, from deep within hollow branches. ─── 这些适应性是相当合理的,使狐猿在夜间看得很清楚,并能从空心树枝深处取回幼虫,这是它的主要食物来源之一。

72、's possible that the birds can derive so much energy from these grubs that they only need to eat a few each day. ─── 可能的情况是,鸟类能从这些甲虫中获取到大量能量,所以它们一天只需要吃几只甲虫即可。

73、Stop grub about there and tell me what you is look for. ─── 别在那儿东翻西找的,告诉我你要什麽。

74、It appears upon the budding grub and continues throughout life unchanged. ─── 在萤火虫的一生中,这个特征从它们幼虫时期开始一直存在。

75、I am not a fan of meat pizza, but this one changed my mind.The rest of the menu ranges from normal bar grub to chicken Parmesan, fish sandwiches, burgers, wraps and lasagna. ─── 奥运是全世界人民的赛事,照中国这个搞法,其他条码阅读器条码阅读器条码阅读器条码阅读器条码阅读器发展中国家是没有资格和能力的。

76、DJGPP's linke (LD) can produce AOUT files, one of the formats that GRUB nativly supports for loading of kernel files. ─── DJGPP的连接器(LD)可输出AOUT文件,这是GRUB所直接支持的一种格式,可用来装载内核文件。

77、GRUB is probably the best bootloader around (and its GNU), and will take away the hassle of booting your kernel for you. ─── GRUB或许是可找到的最好的引导程序了(并且它是GNU软件),可以为您解决加载您的内核的那些麻烦。

78、He find what he want by grub around In the library ─── 他在图书馆乱翻一通终於找到了需要的资料

79、genus of beetles whose grubs feed mainly on roots of plants; includes several pests of cultivated grasses ─── 其幼虫主要以植物根为食的一种甲虫;包括一些禾本科栽培作物的害虫

80、You have to grub up the roots. ─── 你必须连根掘起。

81、"Hear me, grub," the Regent growled, hood puffed up like a poisonous sac. ─── “听我说,幼虫,”瑞金特咆哮着,外颚叶鼓得像毒囊一般。

82、The result is a wood that retains its shape in the presence of water, and is no longer recognised as wood by grubs that would otherwise attack it. ─── 其结果是木材在保持水分的情况下形状不变。而且也不被咬食它的蛴螬认作木材。

83、The great secret of life is to learn to earn one's grub. ─── 人生最大秘诀是学会糊口。

84、Control Effect of 48% Lorsban on White Grubs in Peanut Field ─── 48%乐斯本防治花生蛴螬

85、On a daily basis we'll whip you up a menu of traditional Irish pub grub, freshly baked bread, traditional Irish fare and even some modern fusion cuisine. ─── 在日常生活中我们会掀起你的菜单传统的爱尔兰酒吧餐馆蛴螬,新鲜出炉的面包,传统的爱尔兰票价,甚至一些现代融合菜肴。

86、And they mooch free meals in part by waggling their heads to beg for food like all the other ant grubs. ─── 为了蹭到免费的伙食,它们使用的伎俩之一就和其它蚂蚁幼虫一样,摇头晃脑地讨吃的。

87、Witchety Grubs, Australia. Basically, moth larvae about the size of your small finger. ─── WitchetyGrubs:产自澳大利亚,基本就是小拇指大小的飞蛾幼虫。

88、How to disable all interactive editing control for GRUB menu? ─── 如何关闭所有GRUB菜单的互动式编辑模式?

89、He made his way up the hill; his temper was not improved by noticing unmistakable marks of badger. No one else grubs up the moss so wantonly as Tommy Brock. ─── 他在走上小山的路上;他的心情因为留意到明显是獾的痕迹而没改善。没有其他人会像汤米獾那样放肆地翻掘苔藓。

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