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09-03 投稿



glycogenic 发音


英:  美:

glycogenic 中文意思翻译



glycogenic 短语词组

1、glycogenic center ─── [医] 致糖尿中枢

2、glycogenic degeneration ─── [医] 糖原变性

3、glycogenic acid ─── [化] 葡糖酸

4、glycogenic heart ─── [医] 糖原 ─── [贮积]心

5、glycogenic amino acid ─── [化] 生糖氨基酸

6、glycogenic infiltration ─── [医] 糖原浸润

7、glycogenic cardiomegaly ─── [医] 糖原储积性心肥大

glycogenic 词性/词形变化,glycogenic变形

形容词: glycogenetic |

glycogenic 相似词语短语

1、glycogeny ─── n.糖原生成

2、glycogenesis ─── n.[生化]糖原生成(作用)

3、glyconic ─── 格莱坎诗体;格莱坎诗体的诗

4、glycogenous ─── adj.糖原生成的

5、glycogenetic ─── adj.生糖的

6、glycogenosis ─── n.[内科]糖原病

7、lysogenic ─── adj.生成细胞溶素的;溶原的;产噬的

8、glycogen ─── n.糖原;动物淀粉

9、glycogens ─── n.糖原;动物淀粉

glycogenic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Generalized glycogen storage disease of infants ─── 婴儿泛发性糖原贮积病

2、Results show that: the contents of rat glycogen and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) were not remarkably changed, while the level of myoglobulin adenosine triphosphatase (M ATPase) decreased and LDH increased markedly. ─── 实验结果表明:慢性束缚所致疲劳大鼠的糖原与琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)含量无显著改变,肌球蛋白三磷酸腺苷酶(M?ATPase)明显降低,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)明显升高;

3、The concentrations of blood ketone body(KB),liver KB,skeletal muscle KB and brain KB were measured as well as the level of liver glycogen,skeletal muscle glycogen,blood glucose,brain glucose and serum FFA. ─── 分别测定血液、肝脏、骨骼肌和脑中的酮体(Ketone Body,KB),肝、骨骼肌糖原以及血糖、脑糖、血清游离脂肪酸(FFA)等指标。

4、Brancher deficiency glycogen storage disease ─── 分支酶缺乏性糖原贮积病GSD

5、They contain nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and sulphur or phosphorus, and include all forms of animal foods (excepting fats and glycogen) and some vegetable foods. ─── 它含有氮、碳、氧、氢、硫磷,包括所有形式的动物性食物(除脂类和肝糖类)和蔬菜性食物。

6、It can be inferred from the passage that the time required to replenish muscle glycogen following anaerobic glycolysis is determined by which of the following factors? ─── 大型动物需要相对较长的一段时间恢复,在一段时间里面,如果遭受体型较小敌人连续不断的攻击,大型动物很难有抵御能力.

7、The liver capacity was explained in the previous chapter to store carbohydrates as glycogen and to release glucose to maintain the normal concentration of glucose in the blood. ─── 前章已解释了肝脏能以糖原形式储存糖,并能释放葡萄糖以保持血液的葡萄糖正常含量。

8、Sutherland first discovered that epinephrine acts by activating the enzyme (phosphorylase) which leads to the formation of glucose from glycogen. ─── 中性刺激与无条件刺激在时间上的结合称为强化,强化的次数越多,条件反射就越巩固。

9、One of the three basic foodstuffs (proteins and fats are the others), carbohydrates are a group of chemical substances including sugars, glycogen, starches, dextrins, and cellulose. ─── 下面三个基本食品(蛋白质和脂肪的其他)碳水化合物是一组化学物质,包括糖、糖、淀粉、糊精、纤维素。

10、In the light cell,nuclei is large,euchromatin is plentiful in the nuclei,RER and free ribosome are abundant, saccules in Golgi complex is multilayer, The quantity of mitochondrial crista are affluence, glycogen is not abundant. ─── 明细胞胞核较大,常染色质多,RER、游离核糖体丰富,高尔基复合体的扁平囊泡层数较多,线粒体嵴发达, 糖原较少;

11、In collaboration with the Nobel Laureate Carl Cori he studied the mechanism by which epinephrine regulates the degradation of glycogen to glucose in the liver. ─── 他在研究消化现象时,观察了狗的唾液分泌,即对食物的一种反应特征。

12、Large heavy-weight Protein muscles with lots of stored Glycogen energy are desirable because they are strong and work efficiently. Muscle tissue burns calories even when resting, promoting efficient metabolism. ─── 大量重量的蛋白质肌肉适合大量储存的肝糖能量,因为它们强壮且运转有效。肌肉组织甚至在静止时燃烧热量,促进有效的新陈代谢。

13、We store only a very limited amount of carbohydrate (glycogen) in our bodies. ─── 人体只能储存非常有限量的醣(肝醣)。

14、METHODS: After administration of GGP, the levels of insulin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), lactic acid (LC), and oxygen consumption, as well as blood glucose (BG) and liver glycogen (LG) were measured. ─── 方法:为了观察GGP对胰岛素分泌和糖酵解的影响,给予GGP后,测定血糖(BG)和肝糖元(LG)含量,及胰岛素、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、乳酸(LC)水平。

15、Study of Chinese herbal medicine that resists the damage of animal liver Glycogen by noise. ─── 中药抵抗噪声引起动物肝糖原的损害。

16、Secrete overmuch pancreas to raise blood sugar vegetable, arouse glycogen yuan, stimulative glycogen yuan different is born and make blood sugar elevatory. ─── 分泌过多的胰升血糖素,动员肝糖元,促进肝糖元异生而使血糖升高。

17、Keywords glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB;AMI;ELISA; ─── 关键词糖元磷酸化酶同工酶BB;急性心肌梗死;ELISA;

18、Acid maltase deficiency (AMD) is a form of glycogen storage disease, which is an inherited autosomal recessive disease and rarely found in adults. ─── 摘要酸性麦芽糖酵素缺乏症在成人当中是一个罕见的遗传染色体隐性疾病。

19、Methods The rats content of blood sugar,hepatic glycogen and muscle glycogen were measured after they were poisoned acutely through douche. ─── 方法用灌胃法对小鼠进行急性染毒后,测定小鼠血糖、肝糖元、肌糖元的含量。

20、Anaerobic exercise burns glycogen as its primary fuel, while causing the body to store fat. ─── 无氧运动以糖原质作为首要的能源消耗,同时使脂肪在身体内聚积。

21、Advances in the Study of Glycogen Storage Disease Type ─── 型糖原累积病的研究进展

22、Methods: 42 children who were diagnosed as liver glycogen storage disease during January 1990 January 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾分析1990年1月-2006年1月收治的42例以肝脏损害为主的肝糖原累积病患儿的临床资料。

24、ELISA for the Determination of Glycogen Phosphorylase Isoenzyme BB ─── elisa法测定糖原磷酸化酶同工酶BB

25、SOD, MDA, T-AOC in cardiac muscular tissue, hepatic tissue, and musculus quadriceps femoris are tested; LA, LDH, BUN of serum and glycogen in hepatic tissue and musculus quadriceps femoris are tested. ─── 测定心肌组织、肝组织和股四头肌中SOD、MDA、T-AOC,血清LA、LDH、BUN,肝组织和股四头肌糖原。

26、Taken together, these data provide insight into mechanisms of cardiac PRKAG2 disease and suggest that glycogen-storage cardiomyopathy can be modulated by lowering glycogen content in the heart. ─── 总之,这些数据对于心脏PRKAG2疾病的机制提供了独到的见解,表明可通过降低心脏糖原浓度来调节糖原贮积型心肌病。

27、Prior to now, endurance athletes usually followed a high-carbohydrate diet with the rationale that enhanced glycogen stores are known to fuel superior training and marathon race performances. ─── 截至今日耐力型的选手通常遵循增加肝醣的存量可以提升训练和比赛时体能的理论而采用高醣饮食。

28、The three kinds of enzymes might be related to the process of absorption of glycogen through the tegument of Cysticercus pisiformis. ─── 本作者认为,这3种酶分布于皮层可能是协助皮层从宿主组织摄取葡萄糖。

29、The fine structure of glycogen purified from oyster was investigated by enzymic methods. ─── 本文应用酶法研究了牡蛎糖原的精细分子结构。

30、Glycogen storage disease type Ⅰ ─── 1型糖原累积病

31、The Vmax of glycogen phosphorylase from skeletal muscle is much larger than the Vmax of the same enzyme from liver. ─── 来自骨骼肌中的糖原磷酸化酶的Vmax要比来自肝脏中同样的酶的Vmax高很多。

32、Polysaccharides: Starch, dextrin, cellulose and glycogen, all of which are made of chains of glucose. ─── 多糖:淀粉、糊精、纤维素和糖原,而这一切都是由糖链。

33、Using 25g/kg and 10g/kg stomach infusion for 9 days continuously, it improved the amount of glycogen of the liver of the mice that had been injured by CCl4. ─── 以25g/kg,10g/kg灌胃,连续九天,能增加四氯化碳(CCl4)肝损伤小鼠肝糖原含量。

34、This article mainly discuss the changes of meat flavor during maturation after slaughter, expatiating the contribution of muscle glycogen, protein, fat and nucleotide. ─── 摘要介绍宰后肉在成熟过程中风味的变化,分别阐述肌糖原、蛋白质、脂类、核苷酸等几类化合物对肉风味的贡献。

35、Meanwhile, the function evaluations of by the blood sugar test, liver glycogen test and swimming trial showed that saccharide mixtures could enhance anti-fatigue function. ─── 同时,以血糖、肝糖原和游泳时间为指标的功能性评价表明复配糖类有增加抗疲劳的功能。

36、Consume carbs+protein after workouts - Consuming a shake or sport drink after your workout replenishes muscle glycogen, and releases insulin which halts catabolic processes. ─── 是不是意味着运动后还要用体饮冲蛋白粉?

37、Large heavy-weight Protein muscles with lots of stored Glycogen energy are desirable because they are strong and work efficiently. ─── 大量重量的蛋白质肌肉适合大量储存的肝糖能量,因为它们强壮且运转有效。

38、Before the test he makes sure to get plenty of carbohydrates in his diet so that his leg muscles and liver are loaded with glycogen. ─── 测试前他刻意在饮食中摄取大量的碳水化合物以确保他的肌肉和肝脏中储存足够的肝醣。

39、Low carbohydrate intake depletes liver and muscle glycogen (stored sugars) and water molecules linked to these sugars. ─── 低碳水化合物摄取肝脏、肌肉耗尽糖原(储存糖)和水分子与这些糖。

40、Given that the flight muscles usually contain about 0.35% glycogen by weight, calculate how long a game bird can fly. ─── 因为通常飞翔肌中含有大约0.35%的糖原,计算猎鸟能飞多长时间?

41、Practice has proved that only a sustained campaign for more than about 40 minutes, the body fat can be mobilized together with the glycogen energy. ─── 实践证明,只有运动持续时间超过大约40分钟,人体内的脂肪才能被动员起来与糖原一起供能。

42、Drinking low-fat chocolate milk or a carbohydrate drink, like Gatorade, is better for the body, as they replace glycogen stores lost during exercise. ─── 喝低脂巧克力奶或碳水化合物饮料,如Gatorade,能补充运动中丢失的糖原,对机体有益。

43、One study found that athletes who refueled with carbohydrate and protein had 100 percent greater muscle glycogen stores than those who only ate carbohydrate. ─── 有一项研究发现,那些同时吃碳水化合物和蛋白质的运动员比那些只进食碳水化合物的运动员,能够多存储100%的肌肉糖原。

44、Expert review: The research proved that only then the movement duration surpasses about 40 minutes, in human body's fat can transfer energizes together with the glycogen. ─── 专家点评:研究证明,只有运动持续时间超过大约40分钟,人体内的脂肪才能被调动起来与糖元一起供能。

45、AIM: This experiment was designed to study the protective effects of maslinic acid, a novel glycogen phosphorylase inhibitor, on cerebral ischemia in mice. ─── 摘要目的:研究糖原磷酸化酶抑制剂-山楂酸对缺血性脑损伤的保护作用,初步探讨糖原磷酸化酶抑制剂的脑缺血保护机制。

46、Starch, glycogen and cellulose are examples of polysaccharides. ─── 淀粉、糖原和纤维素也是多糖的例子。

47、"Glycogen is necessary for thinking; it's necessary for muscle action; it's necessary just for the cells to live in general," says Dr. Naomi Neufeld, an endocrinologist at UCLA. ─── naomi Neufeld医生UCLA的内分泌专家说:“糖原是思考的必需品,是肌肉活动的必需品,糖原是普通细胞存活的必要因素。

48、In game birds, glucose 1-phosphate is formed by the breakdown of stored muscle glycogen, catalyzed by the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase. ─── 在猎鸟体内,G1-P产生于肌糖原的降解,这是通过糖原磷酸化酶催化的。

49、Milk, especially, contains nutrients that are known to replace muscle glycogen. ─── 众所周知,牛奶,特别是营养食品能取代肌肉肝糖。

50、Increased glycogen production and storage is the body's normal way of signaling the brain's satiety centre that enough food has been eaten. ─── 增加的肝糖产生和储存是身体中常见的方式,通过大脑的饱食中枢传递信号,表明中有足够的食物已被消耗。

51、His fat metabolism is augmented, there is a substantially reduced reliance on glycogen, and his glycogen stores are larger. ─── 他的脂肪代谢提高,也降低消耗肝醣,并且身体中肝醣的储量也增加。

52、Starch(bacterial glycogen)synthase ─── 淀粉合酶, 细菌糖原合酶

53、"What we found is that (insulin) sensitie indiiduals took the energy from carbohydrate in the meals and stored it away as glycogen in both lier and muscle," said Shulman. ─── “我们的发现是胰岛素敏感个体从膳食中碳水化合物吸收能量并在肝脏和肌肉中以糖原形式存储”舒尔曼说。

54、The experiments have determined the glycogen contents in big mice lever by exposing and non exposing to noises with and without astragals injection. ─── 对未经过噪声暴露和经过噪声暴露(未注射药物和注射黄芪)的大鼠分别进行了肝糖原质量分数的测定。

55、From our experiment, the health care product B increases the storage of both liver and muscle glycogen, and also either increasing of glycogen storage or reduction of glycogen consumption. ─── 本实验结果表明,保健品B能使疲劳小鼠的肝糖元及肌糖元含量均明显增加,提示其有促进糖原储备或减少糖原消耗的作用。

56、(3) reduces glycogen output. ─── (3)减少肝糖输出。

57、Sometimes different signals produce the same effects, such as adrenaline, glucagon, can promote the degradation of glycogen and increase blood sugar. ─── 有时不同信号产生相同的效应,如肾上腺素、胰高血糖素,都能促进肝糖原降解而升高血糖。

58、X-linked hepatic glycogen storage disease ─── X连锁肝糖原累积症

59、Since fat reduction was not as a great of a concern the last week, the total caloric intake was increased slightly in attempt to allow adequate calories for recovery and increased glycogen stores. ─── 因为减肥不是作为一个伟大的一个关注的最后一个星期,总热量摄入是略有增加,在尝试,以便有足够的热量,为恢复和增加肝糖原的商店。

60、When 25% and 75% alcohol was used to elute the medium, the desalting ratio of 93.79% and 78.59% glycogen was obtained. ─── 依次用25%和75%乙醇进行阶段洗脱时,脱糖率为78.59%,脱盐率为93.79%;

61、Methods: Mice were given 33 3,333 3 and 1000 0 mg/kg gen_seng product in water and oil,res pect ively,30 d later,liver glycogen,blood glucose,triglyceride (TG),very low density lipoprotein (VLDL),alanine aminotransferase(ALT) were measured. ─── 方法 分别以水和食用油为溶剂给予小鼠3 3 3、3 3 3 3和 10 0 0 0mg/kg同一种西洋参产品 ,3 0d后检测肝糖原、血糖、甘油三酯、极低密度脂蛋白和丙氨酸氨基转移酶等指标。

62、type Ⅰ-Ⅷ glycogen storage disease ─── Ⅰ-Ⅷ型糖原贮积病

63、Fig.6 Freezing and cryosubstitution with PVP cryoprotective agent for rat heart tissue. There are no glycogen particles in the muscular tissue. ─── 图6经冷冻防护剂处理后的心肌组织,结构不如未经冷冻防护剂处理的心肌组织清晰,而且糖原颗粒均已消失。

64、 双语使用场景

65、Gamboge refined by the pericarp, medicine proven to reduce fat in the postprandial manufacture and converted into glycogen, reducing appetite, reducing the sense of fasting. ─── 它由藤黄果皮精制,医学证实能在餐后减低脂肪制造量,并将其转化为肝醣,降低食欲减少空腹感。

66、denitrifying glycogen accumulating organisms (DGAOs) ─── 反硝化聚糖菌

67、glycogen storage disease type IV ─── 安德森病, 糖原贮积病Ⅳ型(遗传性肝糖原贮积病)

68、Methods To take ICR mice as objects,group them randomly, give them gastric perfusion every with certain doses for 20 days, and then measure content indicators of liver glycogen and muscle glycogen. ─── 方法以ICR小鼠(陕西省中医药研究院提供)为研究对象,随机分组,各给药组小鼠按剂量每天灌胃,持续20天后即刻从眼眶采血,取肝脏、股四头肌,测定肝糖原、肌糖原含量指标。

69、The swimming time on mice and some biochemistry indexes were tested, such as lactacidaemia, hepatic glycogen, and serum urea nitrogen. ─── 测定小鼠负重游泳时间,检测血乳酸、血清尿素氮及肝糖原含量,研究其抗疲劳作用。

70、Keywords seasickness;fatigue;learning and memory;glycogen;lactate; ─── 晕船;疲劳;学习记忆;糖原;乳酸;

71、When training is intense, glycogen stored within your muscles provides most of the energy for contractions. ─── 当训练激烈,你肌肉提供糖原储存大部分的精力收缩。

72、Glycogen densa in the cells of the uterine gland appeared at the base or at the area above the nucleus, this features indicated that these cells stayed in early secretory stage. ─── 子宫腺细胞基底及核上区有糖原斑,为动情晚期形态。

73、The goal during this week is to deplete the muscles of glycogen .Two days before the show, sodium intake is reduced by half, and then eliminated completely. ─── 同时他们会减少碳水化合物的摄取,这个礼拜的目标是减少肌肉的糖分。

74、uridine diphosphate glucose glycogen transglucosylase ─── 尿苷二磷酸葡糖糖元转葡糖基酶

75、Before a marathon or longer race, will fat loading in combination with glycogen loading boost performance? ─── 在马拉松或长程比赛前,同时累积脂肪和肝醣会不会有更好的体能?

76、The rate of ATP production is limited by the rate at which glycogen can be broken down. ─── atp产生的速度受到糖原的降解速度的限制。

77、cerebral glycogen storage disease ─── 大脑性糖原贮积病

78、While at 14d, XTP also increased the content of liver glycogen in diabetic rats and reduced the mortality of it. ─── 同时观察到血糖平能明显降低糖尿病鼠死亡率。

79、To observe the effect of Pueraria lobata flavone on endurance exercised rat's convalescent liver glycogen and muscle glycogen. ─── 摘要通过动物实验,观察葛根总黄酮对大强度耐力训练后大鼠的肌糖原和肌糖原恢复的影响。

80、There were papillae, microvilli or microvesicles on the surface of some cells.Less or more mitochondria, endoplasmic reticula, ribosomes and glycogen granules existed in the cytoplasm. ─── 其中线粒体超微结构的变化可以作为评判培养条件优劣的一个指标.核常呈圆形,核膜为一单位膜,核孔清晰;

81、glycogen storage disease type Ⅱ ─── Ⅱ型糖原累积病

82、Abstract: FDP has many actions for mice, such as antifatigue, antioxygen-deficient, decreasing urinary nitrogen output of fatigue mice, improving glycogenesis and decreasing glycogen consumption. ─── 文摘:福达平(FDP)对小鼠具有抗疲劳、耐缺氧、降低疲劳小鼠血清中尿素氮质量浓度、促进糖原储备、降低糖原消耗等作用。

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