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09-03 投稿



hurdles 发音

英:[?h??d(?)lz]  美:[?h??rd(?)lz]

英:  美:

hurdles 中文意思翻译



hurdles 短语词组

1、hurtling hurdles ─── 冲刺栏

2、logistical hurdles ─── 后勤障碍

3、high hurdles n. ─── 高栏

4、hurdles gif ─── 障碍gif

5、hurdles first ─── 先跨栏

6、run hurdles ─── 参加跳栏比赛

7、hurdles gym ─── 跨栏健身房

8、hurdles track ─── 跨栏跑道

9、hurdles means ─── 障碍意味着

10、hurdles meme ─── 跨栏模因

11、hurdles race n. ─── 障碍竞赛;跳栏赛跑

hurdles 词性/词形变化,hurdles变形

动词现在分词: hurdling |名词: hurdler |动词过去分词: hurdled |动词过去式: hurdled |动词第三人称单数: hurdles |

hurdles 相似词语短语

1、hurdlers ─── n.跨栏运动员;跳栏赛马;跳栏赛狗

2、hurdle ─── n.障碍;栏;跳栏;vt.克服;vi.克服;跳过;n.(Hurdle)人名;(英)赫德尔

3、nurdles ─── 以斜吊小球得分

4、huddles ─── v.挤在一起;缩成一团;乱堆在一起;蜷缩;靠拢(听取指示);聚集(私下讨论);草率了事;n.人群;(美橄榄球)队员围聚接受指点;杂乱一团;n.(Huddle)(美、英、加)赫德尔(人名)

5、hurdled ─── n.障碍;栏;跳栏;vt.克服;vi.克服;跳过;n.(Hurdle)人名;(英)赫德尔

6、hurtles ─── vi.猛冲;猛烈碰撞;vt.猛投;冲向;n.碰撞;猛冲

7、hurdler ─── n.跨栏运动员;跳栏赛马;跳栏赛狗

8、hurdies ─── n.臀部

9、curdles ─── vi.凝固;vt.使凝结

hurdles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She reached the final of the 100m hurdles. ─── 她取得了100米跨栏的决赛权。

2、It consists of 10 events:100m long jump shot put high jump 400m 110m hurdles discus pole vault javelin and 1500m. ─── 共有10项:100米、跳远、铅球、跳高、400米、110米跨栏、铁饼、撑杆跳、标枪和1500米。

3、You need help in the game to collect all the monkeys bananas, the game has many different challenges hurdles. ─── 你需要帮助游戏中的猴子收集所有的香蕉,游戏有许多不同的挑战关卡。

4、At the federal level, however, it faces higher hurdles. ─── 但是在联邦一级,它面临着较大的阻碍。

5、Liu Xiang dejectedly walks away from the track as he realizes he has to withdraw from the defense of his 110 meters hurdles title because of a leg injury. ─── 刘翔由于腿部受伤,不得不放弃捍卫他的100米跨栏冠军头衔,非常沮丧地离开田径赛场。刘翔是中国最受欢迎的运动员。

6、He stressed that nerve repair achieved in the rats was only partial and a treatment for humans still had significant hurdles to clear. ─── 他强调,在老鼠身上成功神经修复实验尚未完全,且给予人类的治疗还有很多明显的障碍要克服。

7、Liu Xiang leaps swiftly over the hurdles. ─── 刘翔飞身跨栏的动作利落矫健。

8、Next up, the 110m hurdles final, and in lane four is the world championship bronze medallist, Liu Xiang of China. ─── 下一个比赛项目是110米跨栏决赛,在第四跑道的是世界锦标赛铜牌获得者,中国的刘翔。

9、You've got to go through all the hurdles and look for the opportunities. ─── 不断克服障碍,寻找机会。

10、World champion Kerron Clement of the United States appeared to effortlessly circle the track in the 400 hurdles, easily winning in 48.36. ─── 世界冠军美国的克莱门特看起来很轻松地以48.36秒赢得了男子400米栏比赛。

11、"It wasn't one of my great races, " said Payne. "I kind of got out of control, but I was able to pick it up on the last few hurdles. " ─── “我跑得并不好,”佩恩说,“我有点失去控制了,不过在最后几个栏时我又找回了节奏。”

12、World 110m hurdles record holder Dayron Robles was not at the meet, and so US David Oliver won in 13.20 seconds. ─── 在男子110米栏比赛中,记录保持者罗伯斯缺席,美国名将奥利弗以13秒20夺冠。

13、You must overcome all the hurdles. ─── 你必须克服所有的障碍。

14、Athens Olympic champion Liu Xiang ignited a sold-out Olympic sports center with victory in the men`s 110m hurdles finals at the 11th Chinese National Games on Sunday. ─── 在周日举行的第十一届全运会男子110米栏决赛中,雅典奥运会冠军刘翔摘得金牌。奥体中心内座无虚席,全场观众都为之沸腾。

15、World indoor champion Lolo Jones of the United States came from behind to win the women’s 100 hurdles in 12.58, and Melanie Walker of Jamaica won the 400 hurdles in 54.22. ─── 世界室内冠军美国的罗罗。琼斯后来居上,以12.58秒赢得了女子100米栏,牙买加的米兰妮。沃克尔以54.22秒赢得了女子400米栏。

16、In starting a new company, many hurdles must be crossed. ─── 刚开办一个公司时, 必须克服许多障碍。

17、Some sources have indicated a deal could be reached as early as this weekend but there are still plenty of hurdles left before Delphi can finally emerge from Chapter 11. ─── 一些消息来源曾表示交易能够达成,早在本周末,但仍有很多障碍之前离开德尔福终于可以摆脱第11章。

18、The Cuban province has inspired popular songs like Guantanamera and turns out famous athletes like Robles, the world record-holder in the 110m hurdles (12.87 seconds). ─── 古巴拥有富有创造力的流行歌曲Guantanamera和日渐出名的田径选手,比如110栏世界记录(12.87秒)的保持者罗伯斯。

19、Davis won the 400 metre hurdles in a new Olympic time of 49.3 sec. ─── 戴维斯以49.3秒这一新的奥运会记录在400米跨栏赛跑中夺冠。

20、Music producers said customers might try this, but they are trying to put up legal and technical hurdles to such ploys. ─── 唱片公司宣称消费者可以尝试这么做,但他们正在试图通过法律和技术手段对此类行为予以约束。

21、Bronze medal of men's 60m hurdles at 2003 IAAF World Indoor Champs, the first medal for China in 18 years. ─── 2003年世界室内田径锦标赛60米栏第三,是中国18年来获得的首枚奖牌。

22、Determining user context will require software designers to surmount serious engineering hurdles, however. ─── 不过,想决定查询者的背景,程式设计师必须先跨越可观的工程障碍。

23、In this series, I ll start with an overview of Web services and some of the hurdles that must be overcome in order for mass adoption to occur. ─── 在本系列中,我将从Web服务的概述和一些为了实现大规模采用而必须克服的障碍入手。

24、Open Constitution was set up as a company because aid groups that try to register as nonprofits often face insurmountable administrative hurdles in China. ─── 公盟是作为一家公司成立的,因为在中国,试图注册为非盈利组织的法律援助团体,经常面临难以逾越的行政障碍。

25、The health overhaul still has several hurdles to clear before it can become law, and its final passage is far from assured. ─── 医疗改革法案在成为法律之前,仍有好几个障碍要扫除,而且最后能否通过还远没有板上钉钉。

26、But Liu was seen as the most valuable. Softspoken and boyish, the 25-year-old was a national hero after winning the 110-meter hurdles at Athens in 2004. ─── 但是人们认为刘翔是最有价值的。言语温和,少年英俊,自从2004年在雅典夺得110米栏的冠军之后,25岁的刘翔就成了民族英雄。

27、But leading members of Congress said Sunday that the bill would take more time and could face significant hurdles. ─── 但是,国会多数星期天说这个法案会花费更多时间,面临重大障碍。

28、He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer. ─── 他克服了许多困难成为一名律师。

29、World record holder Dayron Robles breezed through the 2nd round of the men's 110 meters hurdles Tuesday night clocking 13.19 seconds. ─── 19日晚,在奥运会110米栏第二轮的争夺中,世界纪录创造者古巴人罗伯斯毫无悬念地以13秒19组第一晋级半决赛。

30、China's Liu Xiang broke the world record in the men's 110m hurdles by clocking 12.88 seconds in Lausanne. ─── 中国选手刘翔在(瑞士)洛桑以12秒88的成绩打破110米栏世界记录。

31、The logistical and environmental hurdles involved in executing these dams underscore China's commitment to hydropower. ─── 在建设这些大坝上的资金和环境困难显示了中国政府对水力发电的支持。

32、The high hurdles - the barriers measure 3ft 6in for men - quickly eke out any physical weaknesses in the protagonists and magnify them to the point of physical agony. ─── 3英尺6英寸高的跨栏,可以将人类的生理弱点推向一个极高的点而导致极大的痛苦。

33、He noted Ukraine and Georgia must still clear many hurdles to be eligible for alliance membership. ─── 他并且指出,乌克兰和格鲁吉亚还需要扫清很多障碍才有资格加入北约。

34、None of these hurdles for why women are underrepresented are determinative -- and certainly all three can be overcome. ─── 以上阻碍女性代表的因素没有一个是决定性的——而且这三个障碍都肯定可以被克服。

35、Chinese sprinter Liu Xiang has apologized to his fans and his country after his sudden withdrawal in the 110 meter hurdles due to injury. ─── 中国短跑运动员刘翔因受伤突然退出110米栏比赛后,向他的体育迷和全国人民道歉。

36、But all agree that China, regardless of the myriad of hurdles, presents an irresistible opportunity. ─── 但不管重重障碍,所有人认可中国呈现一个不可抵抗的机会。

37、Major hurdles to the deal, however, are a rival bid for GM's European operations from Magna International as well as opposition from German trade unions. ─── 主要障碍的协议,但是,是一个竞争对手收购通用汽车的欧洲业务由麦格纳国际以及反对德国工会组织。

38、He won the 400 metres hurdles. ─── 他在400米跨栏赛中获胜。

39、Preliminary talks are already underway and Giggs does not foresee any upcoming hurdles over the deal. ─── 初步的谈判已经展开,吉格斯认为续约不存在障碍。

40、"Like the main breakthrough, Coontz said,"reprogramming cells could open new avenues of biomedical research once scientists clear a few more hurdles. ─── Coontz说,“与首要的进展一样,一旦科学家能清除几个障碍,重新编程细胞可能为生物医学研究开辟新方向。

41、Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men's110- metre hurdles. ─── 刘翔夺得了男子110米跨栏的金牌,作为获得此项目冠军的第一位亚洲人,他让全亚洲的人都为之激动。

42、June would be a positive month but you would experience a set of hurdles too during this month, due to birth in Capricorn Moon Sign (Makara Raasi). ─── 六月对于月摩羯来说是个积极的时期,但同时也要做好克服各种困难的准备.

43、These hurdles will doubtless fall once a few Indian start-ups make it big. ─── 一旦一些印度风险公司做大后,这些障碍将就会降临,这是毋庸质疑的。

44、He was using the phrase "Chinese Wall" to indicate to the Board the multitude of hurdles he has had to surmount in order to make any headway. ─── 他使用“Chinese Wall”(“中国墙”)这个词向董事会说明,为了取得任何进展,他所须克服的难点为数之多和难度之大。

45、In the women's 60-metre hurdles,Michelle Freeman of Jamaica set the fastest time of the year with 7.77 seconds to heat Slovenia's Brigitta Bukovec. ─── 在女子60米栏赛中,牙买加选手米切尔·佛里曼以本年度最快的时间7秒77的成绩击败斯洛文尼亚选手布里吉塔·布科维奇而获胜。

46、But the new boys have often leapt these hurdles impressively. ─── 令人钦佩的是,这些“新人”已经绕过这些障碍。

47、Meanwhile, China is struggling to oerhaul its food system and improe safety standards, but still faces major hurdles. ─── 同时,中国正在努力审查其食物系统并改进安全标准,但面临的障碍仍然很巨大。

48、The Chinese side has noted with joy the new development achievements of ASEAN in recent years despite multiple hurdles and challenges. ─── 中方高兴地看到,近年来,东盟努力克服各种困难和挑战,不断取得新的发展成就。

49、Liu Xiang is the famous athlete who won the 28th Athens Olympic Games men's 110m hurdles champion. ─── 刘翔是一位著名的运动员,他获得了第28届奥运会男子110栏冠军。

50、The five coverings which usually are the hurdles in practice, such as avarice, wrath, dullness, agitation and doubt, can't cumber him. ─── 一般凡人的贪欲、瞋恚、疑法、掉悔、睡眠等五盖都被他突破了,再也不能成为他修行路上的障碍。

51、Modern pentathlon, women's football finals and men's 110m hurdles finals will also be highlights of the day. ─── 另外,现代五项、女足决赛和男子110米栏决赛也将是今日值得关注的比赛。

52、He ran sprints, he ran hurdles, he ran distant races. ─── “不,就我一个,”大个子说。“这位小兄弟是领队。”

53、There are several hurdles to be got over in this project. ─── 在这项工程中有一些困难要克服。

54、He won the 400 meters hurdles. ─── 他赢了400公尺的跨栏赛跑。

55、Pessimists look at that situation and despair. But three success stories show that the hurdles to prevention are not impossibly high. ─── 农业领域的此类障碍是制造业的两倍,而富裕国家对中等收入新兴市场设置的门槛是最高的。

56、He places first in the 400meter low hurdles. ─── 他在400米低栏中名列第一。

57、But the drug faces many hurdles. ─── 但是这种药物面临许多障碍。

58、After years of rapid growth and its share of hurdles, the wind industry has grown up. ─── 经历了几年快速成长及困难之后,风能行业已经成熟。

59、China's government has clamped down on speculation in residential apartment prices in recent years partly by pinching foreign investors with new hurdles. ─── 作为中国政府近年来打击住宅价格投机行为的一项举措,政府先后设立了一些为难外国投资者的新障碍。

60、China's hurdles star Liu Xiang shattered the men's 110m hurdles world record when he clocked 12.88 seconds in an IAAF meet in Lausanne, Switzerland on July 11. ─── 7月11日,中国跨栏明星刘翔在瑞士洛桑的国际田径锦标赛中以12秒88的成绩打破了男子110米跨栏世界纪录。

61、What are the three most significant things that need to be accomplished in this position in the first year and what are major hurdles ? ─── 在这一工作岗位中,第一年要完成的最主要的三件事是什么?它所面对的主要障碍是什么?

62、Fell slightly Friday after a week Prev Crack two hurdles to clear, and K-line collection of a rebound since the first five Lianyin. ─── 周五小幅收跌后,沪指一周内连破两关,并在K线上收出反弹以来的第一个五连阴。

63、Liu Xiang holds the world record for the 110 metre hurdles. ─── 刘翔是110米跨栏赛跑的世界纪录保持者。

64、Cuba's world record holder Dayron Robles won the 110m hurdles Olympic title Thursday, clocking 12.93 seconds -- the second fastest time in Olympic history. ─── 上周四的奥运会男子110米栏决赛中,世界纪录保持者、古巴名将戴龙?罗伯斯以12秒93的成绩摘得冠军,这一成绩仅次于奥运历史上该项目的最好成绩。

65、Hurding events are dashes in which comperitors must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles. ─── 在跨栏跑项目中运动员需要跨过十个栏。

66、China suffered a huge setback Monday to its hopes of winning gold on the track when superstar Liu Xiang sensationally pulled out of the 110m hurdles. ─── 周一:当超级巨星刘翔悲壮地退出110米栏比赛的时候,中国队夺得一块田径金牌的希望遭到了重创。

67、Judging from the current situation, the world men's 110 meter hurdles Liu Xiang will show, Luo Bosi, Oliver 3-hegemony of the situation. ─── 从目前情况看,世界男子110米栏将呈现刘翔、罗伯斯、奥利弗三雄争霸的局面。

68、But in a warmup shortly before his morning heat, Liu cleared two hurdles then dropped to his knees on the track. ─── 但在今天早上简短的热身中,刘在跨过两个栏之后即在赛道上倒下了。

69、Mr. McNerney said the point was one often voiced by American executives: 'We have too many regulatory hurdles that don't amount to much. ' ─── 麦克纳尼说,这一点常常是美国企业高管表达的。他说,我们的太多监管障碍都没有什么价值。

70、Liu Xiang surprised and thrilled China in 2004 when he romped to the gold in the 110 metres hurdles, popularising the event. ─── 也有一些比赛在绝大部分时间内是无人关注的,直到一个夺金机会出现。

71、Dayron Robles of Cuba breezed to the men's 110m hurdles finals at the Olympic Games Wednesday night, leading others to finish in 13.12 seconds. ─── 刘翔因伤退赛后,奥运会110米栏的争夺依然激烈。20日晚,古巴选手罗伯斯以13秒12轻松进入决赛。

72、New world record holder China's Liu Xiang gestures with the time he set in the men's 110m Hurdles at the athletics IAAF Super Grand Prix Athletissima, in Lausanne. ─── 中国选手刘翔毫无疑问成为了2006年瑞士洛桑田径超级大奖赛的超级明星。

73、What hurdles are for Liu Xiang, high jump is for me. ─── 刘翔的拿手好戏是跨栏,而我的拿手好戏是跳高。

74、Since the way Indonesian people think differs from most westerners, there are some hurdles in learning it. ─── 因为印尼人的思维方式同大多数西方人不同,在学习过程中会遇到一些困难。

75、Liu Xiang is the world champion in 110m hurdles. ─── 刘翔是一百一十米跨栏的世界冠军!

76、Vendors have many deployment hurdles to leap. ─── 供应商们还有很多障碍要克服。

77、China's hurdles star Liu Xiaang shattered the men's 110m hurdles world record when he clocked 12.88 seconds in an IAAF meet in Lausanne, Switzerland on July 11. ─── 中国跨栏选手刘翔在今年7月11日瑞士洛桑举行的国际田联黄金联赛中,以12.88秒的成绩打破了110米栏的世界纪录。

78、BEIJING, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- Defending Olympic champion Liu Xiang pulled out of the men's 110m hurdles first round Monday morning at the Beijing Olympics. ─── 北京,8月18日--在本届奥运会的星期一早上举行的男子110米栏的第一轮中,卫冕冠军刘翔退出比赛。

79、Despite the macro- and microeconomic hurdles, there are advantages for executives trying to drive through wholesale reforms in a downturn. ─── 尽管存在宏观与微观经济障碍,对于试图在低迷期推动大规模改革的高管们来说,优势还是存在的。

80、Roberts's Liu Xiang and Cuba's absence makes the Beijing Olympic Games bronze medalist, the United States's Oliver became the men's 110 meter hurdles race the only star. ─── 刘翔和古巴名将罗伯斯的缺席使得北京奥运会铜牌得主、美国名将奥利弗成为本次比赛男子110米栏唯一的明星。

81、Now that the request has cleared all the checks and hurdles, it's ready to be handed off to the model class for processing. ─── 既然请求已经通过了所有检查和障碍,它就可以交给模型类来处理了。

82、Dayron Robles of Cuba set a world record in the 110-meter hurdles, clocking 12.87 seconds at the Ostrava grand prix on Thursday. ─── 在周四举行的(国际田联)俄斯特拉法站大奖赛中,古巴选手达雷-罗伯斯在110米栏的比赛中跑出了12秒87的成绩,创造了一个新的世界纪录。

83、In fact, most agree there are some formidable hurdles yet ahead since the target is a complex one. ─── 事实上,大多数人同意,前方还有一些难以克服的障碍,因为这一目标非常复杂。

84、That anything novel ever surmounts these hurdles to evolve is astounding. ─── 任何能够跨越种种障碍以求进化的新颖事物都令人惊骇。

85、But injury forced the 25-year-old to pull up during the first round of the hurdles in Beijing.People across the country were distraught. ─── 但是上并使得这位25岁的运动员在北京奥运会第一栏的时候被迫退出比赛,全世界的人们都感到痛心。

86、Liu became the first Chinese athlete to win a gold medal in a track event when he won the 110 meter hurdles at Athens in 2004. ─── 刘翔在2004年赢得雅典奥运会110米跨栏比赛的冠军,成为第一位赢得径赛项目金牌的中国运动员。

87、But analysts greeted the deal with scepticism and warned that consolidation in China's steel industry faced huge hurdles and would proceed slowly at best. ─── 但分析师对上述交易持怀疑态度,他们警告称,中国钢铁行业整合面临巨大障碍,在最理想的情况下也只能缓慢推进。

88、Based upon this research, the most worthwhile events to invest are men's 400 M hurdles, 3000 M Steeplechase, women's triple jump, and pole vault. ─── 国内值得发展的项目为男子400M跨栏、3000M障碍、女子三级跳远、撑竿跳等项目。

89、"This was one of our biggest hurdles for monetizing the website," Manuel says. ─── "这是我们的一个最大的障碍,货币化网站, "曼努埃说。

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