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09-03 投稿



delimitation 发音


英:  美:

delimitation 中文意思翻译



delimitation 词性/词形变化,delimitation变形

动词第三人称单数: delimits/delimitates |异体字: delimitate |名词: delimitation |动词过去分词: delimited/delimitated |形容词: delimitative |动词现在分词: delimiting/delimitating |动词过去式: delimited/delimitated |

delimitation 短语词组

1、delimitation of ore bodies ─── 矿体圈定

2、delimitation upsc ─── 划界upsc

3、delimitation in research study ─── 研究性学习的界定

4、delimitation of continental shelf ─── [法]大陆架划界

5、delimitation date ─── 划界日期

6、delimitation line ─── 分界线

7、delimitation act ─── 划界法

8、delimitation zone ─── 划界区

9、delimitation def ─── 定界 ─── 定义

delimitation 相似词语短语

1、felicitation ─── n.祝贺;庆祝;庆贺

2、delimitative ─── 定界的

3、delamination ─── n.分层;[生物][化学]层离

4、delimitating ─── v.给……划定界限(等于delimit);定义

5、elicitation ─── n.引出;诱出;抽出

6、elimination ─── n.消除;淘汰;除去

7、prelimitation ─── 预模拟

8、illimitation ─── 不模仿

9、debilitation ─── n.衰弱;乏力

delimitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The participative dragon boat rides 12 people, 10 delimit the hand, in addition has the drummer and helmsman each person. ─── 参赛龙舟乘坐12人,其中10名划手,另有鼓手和舵手各一人。

2、Actually any commodity, famous spending always is to mix quality is superior delimit equal-sign. ─── 其实任何商品,知名度总是和品质精良划等号。

3、Man-made stone of abroad can use what sand paper handles the appearance to delimit beautiful grain, but homebred man-made stone is to grind more beautiful more however. ─── 国外的人造石可以用砂纸处理表面的划花的纹路,但国产的人造石却是越磨越花。

4、In all danger, the danger having a little danger to happen less but often, sometimes is to adjust by insurance coming duty to these not statutory delimitation danger. ─── 在所有的危险中,有一些危险性较小但时常发生的危险,对于这些未法定化的危险,往往是通过安全保障义务来调整的。

5、Therefore, all the coastal countries confront many problem, suchas how to determine the new legal status of the Caspian Sea, how to delimit theboundary, how to lay the petroleum pipeline, how to protect ecology etc. ─── 因此,重新确定里海法律地位、里海划分、油气管线铺设及生态保护等问题成为环里海国家共同面临的课题。

6、demarcation; dividing line; limit; boundary line; border; borderline; delimitation; mete; frontier; boundary. ─── 边境;分界线;国境;边境;分界线。

7、China's consistent position to resolve issues of territorial sovereignty and maritime delimitation through peaceful negotiations. ─── 中国一贯主张在尊重历史事实的基础上通过谈判和平解决领土和海洋划界争议。

8、The implication of his delimitation of the reason encompasses the bulk body with regard to his illumination of the fundamental nature of philosophy. ─── 关于纯粹理性的划界规定包含了他对哲学本性的科学解释的主要内容。

9、Outstanding achievement improves De Yuan Yin considerably is Gong department lasts Tui Hang recombines Ji to delimit reduce this. ─── 业绩大幅改善的原因是公司持续推行重组计划降低成本。

10、Inspiratory when delimit with the leg that raises up circle, direction is suitable go against all but, expiratory when return start, suspend an action. ─── 吸气的时候用向上举起的腿划圈,方向顺逆均可,呼气时则回到起点,并停止动作。

11、Both such formulation is equal to delimit equal-sign, but have word of a force, without the life of vigor, without the competition of effort, competition also does not have what meaning and meaning. ─── 两者这样的提法不等于划等号,但都有一个力字,没有活力的生命,没有力气的竞争,竞争也就没有什么意义和意思了。

12、But anyhow, the person if make love to delimit with marriage equal-sign, very funny. ─── 但无论如何,人如果把做爱与婚姻划等号,就很可笑了。

13、Loss of Cell Delimitation LT ─── 信元定界丢失

14、Delimit Beijing is bad to say, program branch still does not have relevant report! ─── 划入北京不好说,规划部门还没有相关报道!

15、He gets on dish end desk, second hastens taking a chopstick to be in dish in delimit come stroke, seek gallinaceous end. ─── 他把菜端上桌,乙赶忙拿着筷子在盘里划来划去,找鸡屁股。

16、The primary difficulty of Chinese indigenized communication research is how to delimit boundaries of key concepts such as “Chinese indigenized communication theory” and “Chinese indigenous culture”. ─── 华人本土传播研究的主要难点在于“华人本土传播理论”、“华人文化”等核心概念的边界如何界定。

17、They help delimit the system and give a clearer picture of what the system should do. ─── 关于对象化设计同多层架构的结合中有一些问题我一直苦思不得其解。

18、Before always looks at others on the television to delimit the bamboo raft, today own finally personally experience. ─── 以前老在电视上看过人家划竹筏,今天自己终于亲自来体验一下。

19、China and neighboring states have disputes on the sovereignty of Nansha Islands, which makes maritime boundary delimitation in that area more complicated. ─── 中国在南沙群岛海域与邻国存在领土主权争议,使得其中的海洋划界争议更加错综复杂。

20、Such a modus vivendi as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be without prejudice to the final delimitation. ─── 前项临时安排不妨碍最后分界线之划定。

21、To prevent the name from being interpreted as a three-part name, dbo. Tab. One, delimit the table name part. ─── 为防止该名称被解释为一个三部分的名称dbo.tab.one,用分隔符分隔表名部分。

22、The decisions of ICJ tell that the principle of medium line is not a principle of delimitation in this fields and it is only a kind of method. ─── 国际法院判决表明中间线划界非大陆架划界原则,而是一种划界方法。

23、People's governments at all levels shall, in accordance with the statutory criteria, delimit protected environs for meteorological observation and incorporate them into city planning or into village or town planning. ─── 各级人民政府应当按照法定标准划定气象探测环境的保护范围,并纳入城市规划或者村庄和集镇规划。

24、Looks back on past events' time, remembers these like meteor to delimit the life love. ─── 回首往事的时候,想起那些如流星般划过生命的爱情。

25、P1: Female bisexual; P2:Rare male; H1,H2 and H3:groups of hybird progeny . Dotted lines delimit none interpreted activity zones. ─── 两性卤虫;P2:罕见雄体;H1、H2和H3:为杂交后代类型。虚线区表示未做分析的活性区域。

26、This paper mainly analyzes the legal status of estoppels and its application in the international maritime delimitation as well as its significance for China s maritime boundary delimitation. ─── 在国际海洋划界领域,禁止反言原则包含在公平原则之中,其适用对我国海域划界具有重要意义。

27、Double leg rotates slowly, delimit in sky the circle of dish size, suitable hour hand and anticlockwise direction turn 10 times each, control is down, put at the body two side. ─── 双腿慢慢旋转,在空中划盘子大小的圆圈,顺时针和逆时针方向各转10次,手心向下,放于身体两侧。

28、Everyform is the delimitation of a surface by another one; it possesses aninner content which is the effect it produces on the one who looks atit attentively. ─── 一切形式的划定是一个表面的另外一个,它具有内在的内容是它所产生的影响对一个谁看到它认真。

29、Individual account capital is pressed year in the beginning of the year one-time delimit. ─── 个人帐户资金按年在年初一次性划入。

30、Accordingly, "Delimit to state-owned company worker turn state-owned asset " inextricability the problem of difference of the rich and the poor that expands ceaselessly. ─── 因此,“向国有企业职工划转国有资产”无法解决不断扩大的贫富差距问题。

31、Sino-French joint delimitation of boundary ─── 中法勘界

32、Keywords health;disease;bio-medical model;delimitation; ─── 健康;疾病;生物医学模式;划界;

33、to delimit; to mark out; to define the boundary of ─── 划定

34、Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary flags?to delimit (separate) messages. ─── 信令单元定界 -- 插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。

35、border, borderline, boundary, boundary line, delimitation, demarcation, dividing line, frontier, limit, mete. ─── 分界线,分界线,国境,边境,边境。

36、delimitation of property rights ─── 产权界定

37、WITH QUOTES When you specify WITH QUOTES or WITH QUOTES ON, any double quotes in the string expression are assumed to delimit an identifier. ─── WITH QUOTES当指定WITH QUOTES或WITH QUOTES ON时,假定字符串表达式中的所有双引号都用于界定标识符。

38、Gets and sets the delimiter used to delimit the event data that is written to the ETW subsystem. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

39、delimitation in the East China Sea ─── 东海海域划界

40、Agreement on Delimitation of the Boundary from Monte Fitz Roy to Cerro Daudet ─── 划定菲茨罗伊山至道德特峰之间疆界的协定

41、We will omit them for simplicity between elements on separate lines, but will always include them to delimit instructions or declarations appearing on the same line. ─── 为了简单,在不同的行中我们可以省略分号,但是如果在同一行中,我们始终要使用这个符号来分割指令或声明。

42、When you use qualified object names you may have to delimit more than one of the identifiers that make up the object name. ─── 使用限定对象名称时,可能需要分隔组成对象名称的多个标识符。

43、It can be information transparent transfer of the Internet, it may be subnet border delimitation. ─── 它可以将信息透明地子网上进行传递,它可由子网边界定界。

44、And then, this part studied the sovereignty of Diaoyutai Islands and the juridical position and effect of Diaoyutai Islands on the delimitation. ─── 其次结合相关实践对钓鱼岛的主权归属问题、钓鱼岛等岛屿在中日东海划界中的法律地位和作用进行了分析;

45、The matter of delimitation needs the two countries to negotiate. It can't be decided unilaterally. ─── 划界的事还需两国商量,并不是任何一方能够单独决定的。

46、In fact, the share reform size non-hidden danger not yet thoroughly eradicates, will delimit newly always brings up the rear the additional size must gradually to welcome lifts a ban the tide. ─── 事实上,股改大小非的隐患尚未彻底根除,新老划断后新增大小非又将逐步迎来解禁潮。

47、P1: Female bisexual; P2: Rare male; H1, H2 and H3: groups of hybird progeny. Dotted lines delimit none interpreted activity zones. ─── 两性卤虫;P2:罕见雄体;H1、2和H3:为杂交后代类型。虚线区表示未做分析的活性区域。

48、The delimitation of stands within ecotons generally gives on difficulties. ─── 在群落交错区范围内,通常划定群落片段的边界并不太困难。

49、This year, "Hair chaos is random " no longer with not orderly delimit equal-sign, and the pronoun that made trend. ─── 今年,“头发乱乱”不再与不整洁划等号,而成为了潮流的代名词。

50、A punctuation character used to delimit character strings. ─── 一种用来分隔字符串的标点字符。

51、To coordinate the delimitation of customs operations, and the functions and responsibilities of Customs Office departments and institutions. ─── 协调划分海关业务分工和总署各部门、各单位职责分工。

52、The rule of law versus the rule of men is not the delimitation of two distinct places or times. ─── 法治与法治的男子并非是两个不同的划分地方或次。

53、Where the passage of pedestrians and vehicles is not affected, the relevant government department may delimit parking area within the scope of urban roads. ─── 在城市道路范围内,在不影响行人、车辆通行的情况下,政府有关部门可以施划停车泊位。

54、Land area of about 39499 sq m (delimitation of the area to survey date). ─── 土地面积约39499平方米(以勘测定界面积为准)。

55、Individual account expends except individual capture 2% outside, pay of unit of choose and employ persons is basic of medical treatment insurance premium 30% delimit individual account, in storing the citizen gets stuck. ─── 个人帐户除个人缴费的2%外,用人单位缴纳基本医疗保险费的30%划入个人帐户,存储到市民卡中。

56、You had invested capital, it is cash or bank delimit no matter account, want a foundation chalk it up of law of second-round exam chalk it up. ─── 你公司已经投入了资金,不论是现金还是银行划帐,都要根据复试记帐法记帐。

57、delimit marine demarcation lines in Beibu-bay ─── 北部湾划界

58、Discussion on the delimitation of species and infraspecific ranks, with special reference to the Agrimonia in China. ─── 关于种和种以下等级划分的讨论 -- 兼对中国龙芽草属植物分类的初步意见.

59、Its are made delimit as a whole fund. ─── 其作划入统筹基金。

60、You'll end up having to delimit the keyword column names with square brackets or double quotes. ─── 因此,最终您必须用方括号或双引号分隔含有关键字的列名。


62、For example, if a name part contains a period, double quotation mark, or a left or right bracket, use brackets or double quotation marks to delimit the part. ─── 例如,如果名称某部分包含句点、双引号、左括号或右括号,则需要使用括号和双引号来分隔该部分。

63、Join the insurance premium of primary medical treatment that keeps unit pay, deduct delimit the part of individual account, be sure to plan as a whole for primary medical treatment namely fund. ─── 参保单位缴纳的基本医疗保险费,扣除划入个人帐户的部分,即为基本医疗保险统筹基金。

64、Tahcheng Protocol on the Delimitation of Sino-Russian Boundary ─── 中俄勘分西北界约记

65、delimitation of state-owned property ─── 国有资产产权界定

66、He still says to search CEO to resemble looking for a girlfriend, need says lot, should find appropriate cannot delimit a schedule. ─── 他还称寻找CEO就像找女朋友,需要讲缘分,要找到合适的就不能划定一个时间表。

67、South China Sea disputes between China and the Philippines are over territorial and maritime delimitation. ─── 中国和菲律宾在南海争端问题上的焦点是领土和海洋边界。

68、You can use multiple command arguments in one task by using spaces to delimit arguments. ─── 可以在一个任务中使用多个命令参数并用空格来分隔这些参数。

69、He said that the Johannsen 600,000 dollar sale price absolute above the price in value, 600,000 dollars trade 3 points which saves a life, Shenzhen Club this business really do delimit come. ─── 他说,约翰森60万美金的身价绝对物超所值,60万美金换来救命的3分,深圳俱乐部的这笔买卖做得真划得来。

70、Keywords North Sea;Oil;Gas;Boundary Delimitation; ─── 北海;石油;天然气;边界划分;

71、There is only human nature in the sense of anthropological constants that delimit and permit man's socio-cultural formations. ─── 只有在人类学上不变的意义下,人类本质限定且允许社会、文化的构成。

72、delimitation of East China Sea ─── 东海划界

73、The fatigue life of the composite structures contained delimitation flaw is highly depe... ─── 含分层缺陷复合材料结构的疲劳寿命不仅与缺陷尺寸,而且与缺陷位置有关。

74、What is the attitude of the Holy See regarding the delimitation of the borders of dioceses according to the new civil circumscriptions? ─── 因为新行政区的划分而致改变了教区的管辖范围,圣座采取了甚么立场?

75、On the basis of the primitive data,the analytic data in different years,different analytic units chained with corresponding values in working area in order to delimit anomalous parameters. ─── 从原始数据的处理入手,对不同年度、不同分析单位的分析数据用单一工作区单元素的相应衬值进行拼接后统一求取异常圈定参数。

76、Then,better route becomes the initial group and is designated father of solutions,directly operates packet and delimitation,improves the attained route to come at the best route. ─── 再用所得较好的航线表示作为初始种群,指定为父体,直接进行分组定界操作,将已得航线进行优化改良,求得最佳航线。

77、The matter of delimitation needs the two countries to negotiate. It can't be decided unilaterally. ─── 划界的事还需两国商量,并不是任何一方能够单独决定的。

78、Nevertheless, user " want to use " not can simple with " good with " delimit good number. ─── 不过,用户“想用”并不能简单与“好用”划上等号。

79、the Continental Shelf Delimitation in East China Sea ─── 东海大陆架划界

80、Theory and practice of the international maritime delimitation II. ─── 国际海洋划界的理论与实践2。

81、Double quotation marks cannot be used to delimit literal string expressions; single quotation marks must be used to enclose literal strings. ─── 不能使用双引号分隔文字字符串表达式,而必须用单引号括住文字字符串。

82、Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary 襢lags?to delimit (separate) messages. ─── 信令单元定界--插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。

83、Construction of marine delimitation's GIS is an important part of provincial and civic marine delimitation's work. ─── 海疆勘界信息体系建设是省、县际海疆勘界工作的主要组成部门。

84、As a basic principle in the delimitation,equitable principle has been established gradually in international practice,and become one part of international practices. ─── 公平原则作为大陆架划界的基本原则的地位是在国际实践中逐步确立的,并且已经成为习惯国际法的一部分。

85、Why does the enterprise in account of individual of primary endowment insurance delimit partial Biliru decides? ─── 基本养老保险个人帐户中企业划入部分的比利如何确定?

86、To set the boundaries of; delimit. ─── 划分设置边界;划界

87、May remove the diameter to be smaller than the character pen to delimit the radius the isolated noise spot. ─── 可以去除直径小于字符笔划半径的孤立噪声点。

88、land investigation delimitation ─── 土地勘测定界

89、This kind of principle of distribution must not only regulate background system of principle of economical distribution but also delimit reasonable boundary for efficiency and fair. ─── 基于这种意义上的分配正义原则不仅要规范经济分配的背景制度,还要为分配的效率与公平抉择设定合理限度。

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