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09-03 投稿



hogwash 发音

英:[?h??ɡwɑ??]  美:[?h?ɡw??]

英:  美:

hogwash 中文意思翻译



hogwash 相似词语短语

1、hoggish ─── adj.利己的;贪婪的;猪一般的

2、fogash ─── 齿轮

3、to wash ─── vt.水洗…

4、hogfish ─── n.一种食用鱼;任何似猪形之鱼

5、eggwash ─── 洗鸡蛋

6、dogwatch ─── n.暮更;两小时换班的值班

7、downwash ─── n.气流下洗;向下运动;由高处冲下的物质

8、pigwash ─── n.饲猪的厨房剩菜

9、bagwash ─── n.初洗;初洗洗衣店

hogwash 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That is to say, the hogwash after vinegar is made wants than giving birth to the hurried cancer action of hogwash small much. ─── 也就是说,醋制后的泔水比生泔水的促癌作用要小得多。

2、1) Oh, hogwash! I tell you, this cat is mocking us. ─── 哦,算了吧!我告诉你,这只猫都嘲笑我。

3、Application Study of Electrical Conductivity Measurement in Hogwash Oil Identification ─── 电导率的测定在鉴别潲水油中的应用研究

4、Fall in such premise namely, li Zelin teachs the common hogwash in choosing Chinese herbal medicine to make experimental material, began further experimental research. ─── 就是在这样前提下,李泽琳教授选取了中草药中常见的泔水做实验材料,开始了进一步的实验研究。

5、64. That is absolutely hogwash. ─── 简直一派胡言。

6、hogwash fat ─── 潲水油

7、Edward Rendell, the Democratic governor and former mayor of Philadelphia, retorted that this was “hogwash” and “the worst kind of political grandstanding”. ─── 民主党州长和前费城市长EdwardRendell则反驳说这是“狗屎”和“最低劣的政治秀”。

8、hogwash; swill ─── 猪潲

9、"Is the global warming problem real, or is it just a lot of hogwash? ─── 比如:“全球温室效应问题是真的吗,还只是连篇的废话?”

10、Don't listen to political hogwash telling you that mothers who find themselves without husbands are a threat to you and to all of society. ─── 不要听那些政治废话,说什么:没有丈夫的母亲对你、对社会都构成危害。

11、Hogwash is harmful to human's health,at the same time,it can be considered as a kind of recycled resources. ─── 餐厨垃圾具有危害性与资源性并存的双重属性,盲目不当的处理不仅会造成环境污染、危害居民身体健康,同时也是对资源的巨大浪费。


13、Keywords Hogwash oil;Microwave digestion;Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry;Trace elements; ─── 微波消解;电感耦合等离子体质谱;地沟油;微量元素;

14、The results indicated that peanut oil and hogwash oil could be distinguished by absorption spectra. ─── 实验表明,根据光谱曲线形状差异和吸光度大小可以鉴别掺兑潲水油的花生油,并能定量检测。

15、(1) Oh, hogwash!I tell you, this cat is mocking us at every turn. ─── 一派胡言,偶说了这只猫逮着机会就会取笑偶们 .

16、Experimental result makes her astonied, on hurried cancer action, the hogwash after unripe hogwash is made than vinegar is 66 times more ambitious! ─── 实验结果让她大吃一惊,在促癌作用上,生泔水比醋制后的泔水要强66倍!

17、Abstract: Using small and medium-sized test units, we inquire into the practicality and economy of pre-treatina the yellow hogwash yielded during the production of the soybean products. ─── 文摘:采用小型和中型试验装置利用酵母菌对豆制品生产中产生的黄泔水进行预处理,对其实用性和经济性进行了探讨。

18、The results showed that when hogwash oil into edible oil upwards of 10%, the characteristic peak of cholesterol could be observed obviously. ─── 利用极性毛细管色谱柱可将油脂中的胆固醇和植物甾醇很好地分离,从而可鉴别油样中是否混有地沟油。

19、Don't listen to political hogwash telling you that mothers who find themselves without husbands are a threat to you and to all of society. ─── 不要听那些政治废话,说什么:没有丈夫的母亲对你、对社会都构成危害。

20、talk hogwash ─── 满嘴胡吣

21、Objective:Establishing methods for distinguish Hogwash fat in bulk,fied old oil and eligibility vegetable oil to administrate the inferior oil in the food and drinking trade. ─── 目的:为加强对餐饮业劣质油监督管理,建立散装再生油、煎炸老油与合格植物油的鉴别方法。

22、Keywords Hogwash fat;acid value(AV);peroxid value(POV);physical and chemical target; ─── 潲水油;地沟油;酸价;过氧化值;水分含量;理化指标;

23、The extraction process of hogwash fat was simulated to produce hogwash fat by mixing edible oil and sewage and taking the supernatant oil. ─── 本文将不同浓度的污水与食用油搅拌混合,经静置后取其上层油层来人工模拟劣质泔水油。

24、Objective:To establish the discrimination and detection method of hogwash oil in laboratory. ─── 目的:研究潲水油的实验室鉴别检测方法。

25、The government report about the murder was nothing but hogwash. ─── 政府对那件谋杀案的报告只是一派胡言。

26、Hogwash oil is usually made from discarded kitchen waste that has been refined. ─── 地沟油通常是从丢弃的厨房垃圾提炼而制成的。

27、This is, in a word, hogwash. ─── 总之就是一派胡言。

28、pig feed; pigwash; hogwash; swill ─── 猪食

29、Keywords Hogwash Fat Animal and vegetable oil Waste New Technological Process Enviromental Protection; ─── 环保;泔水油;动植物油脂;油酸;甘油;硬脂酸;新工艺;

30、Method Hogwash oil and qualified edible oil were compared to find the characteristics of electrical conductivity. ─── 目的探索通过电导率的测定来鉴别潲水油的检测方法。

31、Quick discrimination of ageing frying oil and hogwash oil from good edible vegetable oil with thin layer chromatography ─── 薄层色谱法快速鉴别潲水油和煎炸老油的研究

32、Using small and medium-sized test units, we inquire into the practicality and economy of pre-treatina the yellow hogwash yielded during the production of the soybean products. ─── 采用小型和中型试验装置利用酵母菌对豆制品生产中产生的黄泔水进行预处理,对其实用性和经济性进行了探讨。

33、Oh, hogwash! I tell you, this cat is mocking us at every turn. ─── 一派胡言,我说了这只猫逮着机会就会取笑我们。

34、Consumers seem to think they have few options for saving money on mobile service. That's hogwash. ─── 消费者似乎认为并没有太多选择可以帮他们节省手机费用。胡说!

35、Divide outside decreasing to use food directly, popularize Sichuan and other places to develop hogwash to raise pig and succulence to raise the way of the pig even. ─── 除减少直接用粮外,还要推广四川等地发展泔水养猪和青饲料养猪的做法。

36、Oh,hogwash!I tell you ,this cat is mocking us at every turns. ─── 我告诉你,这只猫看我们哪儿都不顺眼。

37、Hogwash fat containing large quantity of animal and vegetable oil adds difficulty to be treated with, hogwash fat also causes serious environmental pollution and resource waste by sluiced directly. ─── 餐饮泔水油中含大量的动植物油脂增加了污水处理的难度,泔水油的直接排放也造成了严重的环境污染及资源浪费。

38、However, they didn't translate the word 'hogwash. ─── 不过他们把‘猪食’这个词省略了。

39、Keywords Environmental protection;Hogwash fat;Hydrogenation;Catalyst;Fatty acids;Agitator;Temperature;Stearic acid; ─── 餐饮杂油;氢化;催化剂;脂肪酸;硬脂酸;

40、Distinguishing hogwash oil in edible vegetable oil by determination of cholesterol content ─── 测定胆固醇含量鉴别地沟油的研究

41、Using small and medium sized test units,we inquire into the practicality and economy of pre treating the yellow hogwash yielded during the production of the soybean products. ─── 采用小型和中型试验装置利用酵母菌对豆制品生产中产生的黄泔水进行预处理,对其实用性和经济性进行了探讨。

42、A gas chromatographic method for determination of cholesterol was applied to distinguish hogwash oil from the edible vegetable oil. ─── 动物脂肪中普遍含有大量的胆固醇,而在植物油中一般不含或含有极少量的胆固醇。

43、If the content of cholesterol was more than 0.05 mg/g, the vegetable oil was considered to have mixed with hogwash oil. ─── 使用这种方法,当食用植物油中掺有10%(质量分数)以上的地沟油时,即可检出。

44、Distinguishing hogwash oil from peanut oil by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry ─── 紫外可见分光光度法鉴别掺兑潲水油的花生油

45、Base on physical and chemical characteristic of the hogwash oil,the absorption spectrum of the hogwash oil bleached by hydrogen peroxide and activated bleaching earth were studied. ─── 基于潲水油理化特征,研究了双氧水、白土对潲水油脱色后的吸收光谱,建立了光谱法监控对潲水油进行双氧水氧化和活性白土吸附脱色的新方法。

46、Who knows, but I'm sure it's organized religious hogwash more than it is for "health" purposes. ─── 谁知道呢,我相信这更多是因为穆斯林的传统而不是出于健康的考虑。

47、hogwash wastewater ─── 泔脚水

48、By contrast with national standard, some hogwash fat in bulk and fried oil are abnormal on sense, and that acid value is higher than the maximum value of nation standard. ─── 散装再生油、煎炸油及合格食用植物油的理化指标与国家规定食用油标准进行比对,部分散装油及煎炸老油的感观异常,特别是酸价远高于国家家庭食用油最高允许值。

49、Keywords hogwash fat;refine;electroconductivity;detect; ─── 潲水油;精炼;电导率;检测;

50、Sticky rice dumplings? Queers? Hogwash! ─── 粽子?同志?奇谈!

51、Kevin said it was a "load of hogwash" that he was not interested in football. ─── 凯文声称,说他对足球不感兴趣是“一派胡言”。

52、That is absolutely hogwash. ─── 简直一派胡言。65.


54、I don't believe it. That's a bunch of hogwash. ─── 我不相信它,简直是一堆胡言乱语。

55、In this paper,UV-Vis spectra of peanut oil,blended oil,sunflower oil and hogwash oil were studied. ─── 研究了潲水油、花生油、调和油和葵花籽油的紫外可见光吸收光谱。

56、Hogwash is thing of drug of a kind of have diarrhoea, generally speaking, the hogwash that the doctor opens to the patient has been made through vinegar. ─── 泔水是一种泻下药物,一般来说,医生给病人开的泔水是经过醋制过的。

57、Diagnostic Physical and Chemical Target on Distinguishing Hogwash Fat form Good Edible Vegetable Oils ─── 潲水油、煎炸老油与合格食用植物油的鉴别研究

58、The Journal reported that "in an email, [Steve Jobs wrote] 'I think it's hogwash' " and "an Apple spokesman declined to comment. " ─── 该报道称,(史蒂夫?乔布斯)在一封电子邮件中写道,“这没有任何意义”,同时称,苹果公司的发言人拒绝置评。

59、Keywords electroconductivity;hogwash fat;edible oil;distinguish; ─── 电导率;潲水油;食用油;鉴别;

60、Keywords Hogwash oil;Electrical conductivity;Identification; ─── 潲水油;电导率;鉴别检测;

61、word, hogwash. ─── 总之就是一派胡言。

62、That's a bunch of hogwash. ─── 那全是一堆废话。

63、Hogwash oil is collected and refined from eatery offal, and it always contains animal fat. ─── 地沟油是从餐饮业废弃物中提取的,成分复杂,常混有动物脂肪。

64、Results: By contrast with national standard, some hogwash fat in bulk and fried oil are abnormal on sense, and that acid value is higher than the maximum value of nation standard. ─── 结果:散装再生油、煎炸油及合格食用植物油的理化指标与国家规定食用油标准进行比对,部分散装油及煎炸老油的感观异常,特别是酸价远高于国家家庭食用油最高允许值。

65、That's absolute hogwash . All parents all over the world want their children to lead a better life than themselves . ─── 这绝对是废话全世界的父母都希望他们的孩子能拥有比自己更好的生活。

66、Keywords waste water control;pretreatment;hogwash fat;hydrolysis;hydrogenate;fatty acids; ─── 污水治理;前处理;泔水油;水解;氢化;脂肪酸;

67、Again the hogwash after the experiment gives birth to the hurried cancer action of hogwash to be made than vinegar strengthens 66 times! ─── 再次实验生泔水的促癌作用比醋制后的泔水加强66倍!

68、“This so-called quiet diplomacy is hogwash,” said the Archbishop of Bulawayo.“You can't persuade Mugabe to leave.He has to be forced out. ─── “所谓的温和外交是无稽之谈”布拉瓦约的大主教说,“穆加贝不可能被劝下台,只能强行使他下去。”

69、Methods: Compare study develops between hogwash oil and edible oil and wants to find especial,discriminating,physical and chemical character in laboratory. ─── 方法:将潲水油与正品食用油进行对照研究,寻找潲水油特有的可在实验室进行检测的理化指标。

70、Keywords Hogwash waste Disposal Management; ─── 泔脚垃圾;处理;管理;

71、In response to questions from The Wall Street Journal about the discussions, Mr. Jobs said Monday in an email, 'I think it's hogwash. ' ─── 在回应《华尔街日报》记者有关继任讨论的提问时,乔布斯周一发电子邮件说,我觉得那是胡说八道。


73、Objective: Establishing methods for distinguish Hogwash fat in bulk, fied old oil and eligibility vegetable oil to administrate the inferior oil in the food and drinking trade. ─── 摘要目的:为加强对餐饮业劣质油监督管理,建立散装再生油、煎炸老油与合格植物油的鉴别方法。

74、Cheney: Talk of blunders in Iraq is 'hogwash' ─── 钱尼:伊拉克热门失误'泔水'

75、Keywords hogwash waste of catering trade;collection and disposition;questionnaire investigation; ─── 餐饮单位泔脚垃圾;收运处置;问卷调查;

76、People talk about how aliens must be coming from other galaxies — that's hogwash! ─── 人们已经讨论过外星人必定来自于其他星系——这些都是废话!

77、After the testing of oil eletroconductivity, we found eletroconductivity of hogwash fat is bigger than that of edible oil. ─── 实验研究表明:潲水油的电导率大于合格食用油;

78、Questionnaire Investigation on Collection and Disposal of Hogwash Waste of Catering Trade in Shanghai ─── 上海市餐饮单位泔脚垃圾收运处置问卷调查

79、Keywords food wastes;feedstuff;hogwash;fermentation; ─── 食物垃圾;饲料;泔水;发酵;

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