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09-03 投稿



egotistic 发音

英:[?eɡ?'t?st?k]  美:[??ɡ??t?st?k]

英:  美:

egotistic 中文意思翻译



egotistic 词性/词形变化,egotistic变形

副词: egotistically |形容词: egotistic |

egotistic 相似词语短语

1、Scotistic ─── 刻痕

2、agonistic ─── adj.竞赛的;论争的;好斗的

3、egotistical ─── adj.任性的;自我本位的;傲慢自尊的

4、egotist ─── n.自高自大者;言必称“我”者(形容词egotistic,副词egotistically)

5、nepotistic ─── adj.裙带关系的;重用亲戚的;任人唯亲的

6、egotists ─── n.自高自大者;言必称“我”者(形容词egotistic,副词egotistically)

7、protistic ─── adj.原生动物的

8、Jehovistic ─── 犹太教徒

9、egoistic ─── adj.自私自利的,自我中心的

egotistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“I think you mean egotist ,” Tom said. ─── “我想是你把我看成自我主义者了。”

2、I still haven't told you about the ones before that one: the egotist , the philistine, the block of wood - even a small-time hooligan. ─── 我还没有告诉你那家伙以前的几个呢,有自私鬼,有小市侩,有木头人,还有一个是臭流氓。

3、an egoist; an egotist ─── 自我中心者

4、a self-propelled egotist; the arms program is now self-propelled. ─── 自我激励;武器计划现在处于自我推动状态。

5、The first of the stages is her egotistic childhood. ─── 的童年时代是第一个阶段。

6、Egotist: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me. ─── 自私的人:这个人品味低下,关心他自己胜过关心我。

7、But he's viewed with suspicion by many Japanese for his egotistic streak. ─── 但是日本民众对小泽一郎的自负颇为不满。

8、The nice thing about egotist s is that they don't talk about other people. ─── 自我中心者有一点好处他们不说他人的閒言閒语。

9、Marian is such an egotist that she talks about herself all the time. ─── 玛利亚过于以自我为中心,喋喋不休地谈论自己。

10、WIE: Would Jung see evil as a complex or force within us? Orwould evil be our own egotistic or narcissistic urges taken to anextreme? ─── 容格把罪恶看成我们内心的一个情结还是力量?或者罪恶是我们自我本位或者自恋欲望推向极至的产物?

11、If your club tries to big itself up, you are a monstrous egotist. ─── 如果你的俱乐部想要充大,那你也是一个恶魔般的自我中心论者。

12、An egotist loves himself for the most superficial of reasons, while a self-respecting person takes pride in qualities of character that he or she has worked hard to develop. ─── 以自我为中心的人会为许多肤浅表面的理由而看重自己,自尊尊重的人却是以他们苦心提升人格特质的成果为豪。

13、Without any guidance to the infant's egotistic thinking, it is not beneficial for them to develop their cognitive ability and social competence properly. ─── 如果听任幼儿的自我中心思维延续到儿童期甚至更远,将不利于他们认识能力和社会性的正常发展。

14、He’s an out-and-out egotist. ─── 他是个不折不扣的自我中心主义者。

15、You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist; This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover. ─── 你可以把他的行为刻画为个人主义者的行为。

16、You need to be an egotist to succeed in politics. ─── 要在政治上成功就必须自负。

17、KRISHNAMURTI: Certainly, you do become egotistic. ─── 克:你当然会变得自我中心。

18、Genial egotist that he was, he went at once into a detailed account of his own career."I'm going to have a business of my own pretty soon," he observed in one place. ─── 从6点半钟开始,他就像个影子似地在三十九街入口处的附近徘徊,总是假装成一个匆匆赶路的行人,可又生怕自己会漏掉要等的目标。

19、5.WIE: Would Jung see evil as a complex or force within us? Orwould evil be our own egotistic or narcissistic urges taken to anextreme? ─── 容格把罪恶看成我们内心的一个情结还是力量?或者罪恶是我们自我本位或者自恋欲望推向极至的产物?

20、“I think you mean egotist,” Tom said. “If you study my project, it might edify your mind. That assumes that you're still educable.” ─── “我想是你把我看成自我主义者了。”汤姆说,“如果你研究一下我的工程,你的思想会受到启发。由此可以设想你还是可教育的。”

21、Personal relations can be either positive or negative: they include hatred as well as love, envy and egotistic pride as well as fellowship among persons in community. ─── 个人关系既可以是正面的,也可以是负面的:它们既包括爱,也包括恨,共同体中的人既有同胞情谊,也有嫉妒和自傲。

22、I think you mean egotist, Tom said. ─── 我想是你把我看成自我主义者了。

23、She is quite unpopular among her colleagues for she is so egotistic . ─── 她在同事中间非常吃不开,因为她太 自私自利 了。

24、We in Korea now have to ask ourselves whether we possess a state strategy to fend off Chinese egotistic, nationalistic hegemony. ─── 在韩国,我们现在要问自己,我们是否拥有一个国家战略,以抵御中国自我中心,民族主义霸权。

25、I don’t think I’m such an egotist, I just happen to enjoy my company. ─── 我认为我并非像他们所说的那样,是一个心中只有我的人,我只不过是碰巧喜欢跟自个儿做伴罢了。

26、KOR 93J and Whistlewave, both of you are right and perhaps also wrong.Chiang and Mao were both egotistic leaders who placed self- ambitions above national interests at times. ─── 蒋介石对台湾人民做过什么错事我不知道,但我知道蒋介石对大陆人民所做的贡献是巨大的。

27、Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish, egotistic streak. ─── 苏珊和黛博拉两个人都十分自私,以自我为中心。

28、The egotistic separateness is perhaps the very root of the degeneration of the wholeness of the mind with which we are deeply concerned. ─── 自我的分离感或许就是破坏头脑完整性的根源,这点正是我们深切关注的。

29、every animal including man exalts nature by serving egotistic needs-but at the same time makes a contribution to a larger system....we meet our own needs while rendering service to others... ─── 人们已经公认,在奇迹般的物质文明进步与停滞不前的人类精神发展间,存在著一种不平衡...

30、I may become self-important, but you will surely contain my egotist by your forgiveness and affect me by your greatness; ─── 也许,在来的路上,我会变得高傲,但你一定会用你的宽广包容我的自私,用你的博大感染着我;

31、The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain egotistic and self-complacent is erroneous; ─── Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) British author 人们普遍认为成功使人变得虚荣、自以为是、自满 从而毁了他们 但这种看法是错误的;

32、Would Jung see evil as a complex or force within us? Orwould evil be our own egotistic or narcissistic urges taken to anextreme? ─── 容格把罪恶看成我们内心的一个情结还是力量?或者罪恶是我们自我本位或者自恋欲望推向极至的产物?收藏指正

33、Egotistic Gaston is a preening, musclebound jerk who sings odes to himself: "As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating/I'm especially good at expectorating/I use antlers in all of my decorating. ─── 加斯顿经常为自己大唱赞歌:“作为杰出的代表,我居高临下/我特别擅长吐痰/很多鹿角摆设在我的家里。”

34、Richter:Because I'm an egotist. ─── 李希特:因为我很自我中心。

35、If you're proud of your achievements, you're an egotist. ─── 如果你送花给她,你是在追求点什么。

36、The ego's purpose is fear, because only the fearful can be egotistic. ─── 3小我的目的就是恐惧,因为唯有心怀恐惧之人才会变得自我中心。

37、But he was too much the egotist to reach the polish which Hurstwood possessed. ─── 不过他过于自顾自,没有赫斯渥所具有的那种修养。

38、This paper points out that children aged 4 and above should get away from the egotistic idea. ─── 因此,要帮助4岁以上的幼儿逐渐摆脱自我中心思维;

39、Children at the age of 2 to 3 come to the egotistic stage in self-c1onscience. ─── 孩子约在2至3岁时自我意识发展到自我中心阶段。

40、Drouet had ability in this line himself when the game was worth the candle, but he was too much the egotist to reach the polish which Hurstwood possessed. ─── 在这种事情上,杜洛埃也是很有一套的,只要他认为值得下一番功夫。 但是他太自高自大,缺乏赫斯渥那份温文尔雅。

41、That’s how I came to know a few things it might have been easier not to know, stories that did nothing for my peace of mind, the kind of news an egotist should always take care to avoid. ─── 我开始逐渐意识到有些事情你不去了解可能会使你的心情感觉轻松些,有些事情对我宁静的心境不会有丝毫的帮助,对于一个自我主义者,总是应该有意回避那种消息的。

42、There were four things that the Master wholly eschewed;he took nothing for granted.He was never over-positive, never obstinate, never egotistic. ─── (不主观臆断,不绝对,不固执,不以自我为中心.难道我们不是会犯其中的某一项吗?

43、Genial egotist that he was, he went at once into a detailed account of his own career. ─── 他是个典型的言必称"我"者。 因此,立刻详细地谈起了他自己的事业。

44、As he began to earn more and more money, his personality became more and more egotistic. ─── 他的钱越赚越多时,他的个性也变得越来越自负。

45、The egotistic separateness is perhaps the very root of the degeneration of the wholeness of the mind with which we are deeply concerned. ─── 自我的分离感或许就是破坏头脑完整性的根源,这点正是我们深切关注的。

46、This paper points out that children aged 4 and above should get away from the egotistic idea. ─── 因此,要帮助4岁以上的幼儿逐渐摆脱自我中心思维;

47、From four things the Master was entirely free.He made no arbitrary conjectures.He was never over-postive,never obstinate,never egotistic. ─── 孔子没有四种毛病:不凭空猜测,不绝对肯定,不拘泥固执,不唯我独是。

48、very egotistic, you think love is a kind of thing that can be get and deserted easily for you. ─── Cat——你非常以自我为中心,认为爱情对你是可以轻易得到和放弃的东西。

49、PA was adequate. Brett Anderson put on a very egotistic performance and shook his ass a lot. ─── PA是足够的。BrettAnderson疯狂地扭着他的屁股,他的表演非常叛逆。

50、a self-propelled egotist; ─── 自我激励;

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