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09-03 投稿


semiaquatic 发音

英:[[?sem??'kw?t?k]]  美:[[?sem?r'kw?t?k]]

英:  美:

semiaquatic 中文意思翻译



semiaquatic 短语词组

1、semiaquatic spider ─── 半水蜘蛛

2、semiaquatic crossword ─── 半水生纵横字谜

3、semiaquatic mean ─── 半水生平均数

4、semiaquatic snake ─── 半水栖蛇

5、semiaquatic define ─── 半水栖定义

6、semiaquatic rodent ─── 半水生啮齿动物

semiaquatic 相似词语短语

1、nonaquatic ─── 非水的

2、semimonastic ─── adj.半隐修院的

3、semiautomatics ─── adj.[自]半自动的

4、sematic ─── adj.具有警告作用的

5、semifluidic ─── 半流体

6、semiautomatic ─── adj.[自]半自动的

7、aquatic ─── adj.水生的;水栖的;在水中或水面进行的;n.水上运动;水生植物或动物;n.(Aquatic)人名;(法)阿卡蒂克

8、subaquatic ─── adj.水下的;半水生的

9、seminomadic ─── 半游牧的

semiaquatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species. ─── 多种无尾、矮胖身体的两栖动物,后肢长适于跳跃;半水栖和陆栖种类。

2、small to moderate-sized terrestrial or semiaquatic New World salamander. ─── 小型到中等的陆栖或半水栖的新大陆蝾螈。

3、large semiaquatic snake of Australia; ─── 产于澳大利亚的大型半水栖蛇;

4、any of several small semiaquatic shrews usually living near swift-flowing streams ─── 几种半水栖的小鼩鼱,通常生活在急流的河溪近旁

5、slender-bodied semiaquatic mammal having partially webbed feet; valued for its fur. ─── 部分趾间有蹼、细长身体的水栖哺乳动物;以其皮毛而名贵。

6、large semiaquatic snake of Australia; black above with red belly. ─── 产于澳大利亚的大型半水栖蛇;红腹黑背。

7、A large semiaquatic rodent(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)of tropical South America, having short limbs and a vestigial tail and often attaining lengths of more than1.2meters(4feet. ─── 豚一种巨大的半水栖啮齿动物(水豚),产于南美洲的热带地区,四肢短小,尾已退化,身体长达1。

8、Any of various semiaquatic carnivores of the genusMustela, especially M. vison of North America, resembling the weasel and having short ears, a pointed snout, short legs, and partly webbed toes. ─── 鼬(尤指水貂):一种鼬属的半水生食肉动物,尤指北美的鼬属水貂同其它鼬属动物相似,耳短、口吻突出、腿短且部分趾间有蹼

9、semiaquatic and terrestrial species. ─── 半水栖和陆栖种类。

10、small large-eyed semiaquatic salamander of the United States northwest ─── 美国西北部大眼半水栖的小型蝾螈

11、large semiaquatic snake of Australia;black above with red belly. ─── 产于澳大利亚的大型半水栖蛇;红腹黑背。

12、large semiaquatic snake of Australia; black above with red belly ─── 产于澳大利亚的大型半水栖蛇;红腹黑背

13、A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal(Ornithorhynchus anatinus) of Australia and Tasmania, having a broad flat tail, webbed feet, and a snout resembling a duck's bill. ─── 鸭嘴兽产于澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚的一种半水生产卵的哺乳动物(鸭嘴兽鸭嘴兽属),尾宽阔而扁平,脚有蹼,鼻子类似于鸭嘴

14、small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and North Asia. ─── 北美、欧洲和亚洲北部的小型并通常是色彩鲜艳的半水栖蝾螈。

15、Any of various semiaquatic carnivores of the genus Mustela, especially M. vison of North America, resembling the weasel and having short ears, a pointed snout, short legs, and partly webbed toes. ─── 鼬(尤指水貂)一种鼬属的半水生食肉动物,尤指北美的鼬属水貂同其它鼬属动物相似,耳短、口吻突出、腿短且部分趾间有蹼

16、large semiaquatic snake of Australia; ─── 产于澳大利亚的大型半水栖蛇;

17、any of several small semiaquatic shrews usually living near swift-flowing streams. ─── 几种半水栖的小鼩鼱,通常生活在急流的河溪近旁。

18、any creeping semiaquatic feather palm of the genus Nipa found in mangrove swamps and tidal estuaries; ─── 分布在美洲红树沼泽和河口三角洲一带的利珀属植物,半水生,鳞状树干;

19、A large semiaquatic rodent(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) of tropical South America,having short limbs and a vestigial tail and often attaining lengths of more than1.2 meters(4 feet). ─── 水豚,一种巨大的半水栖啮齿动物(水豚),产于南美洲的热带地区,四肢短小,尾已退化,身体长达1.2米(4英尺)。

20、Herbs annual, perennial, or sub shrubs, semiaquatic or terrestrial, dwarf. ─── 一年生或多年生草本,或亚灌木,半水生或者陆生,矮小。

21、8. large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges. ─── 大型半水栖啮齿动物,后足有蹼,尾巴宽而平;建造复杂的水坝和水下巢穴。收藏指正

22、large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges ─── 大型半水栖啮齿动物,后足有蹼,尾巴宽而平;建造复杂的水坝和水下巢穴

23、8. large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; ─── 大型半水栖啮齿动物,后足有蹼,尾巴宽而平;

24、A large semiaquatic rodent(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) of tropical South America, having short limbs and a vestigial tail and often attaining lengths of more than1.2 meters(4 feet). ─── 水豚一种巨大的半水栖啮齿动物(水豚),产于南美洲的热带地区,四肢短小,尾已退化,身体长达1。2米(4英尺)

25、Well adapted to wetland environments, these antelope typically feed on the delta's semiaquatic grasses. ─── 很好地适应湿地环境,这些羚羊一般用三角洲的半水生的草喂养。

26、any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species ─── 多种无尾、矮胖身体的两栖动物,后肢长适于跳跃;半水栖和陆栖种类

27、Any of numerous tailless, aquatic, semiaquatic, or terrestrial amphibians of the order Anura and especially of the family Ranidae, characteristically having a smooth, moist skin, webbed feet, and long hind legs adapted for leaping. ─── 蛙一种无尾、水生、半水生或陆生两栖动物,属无尾目,尤属蛙科,以其光滑湿润的皮肤、蹼足和修长善跳的后腿为特征

28、small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and North Asia ─── 北美、欧洲和亚洲北部的小型并通常是色彩鲜艳的半水栖蝾螈

29、small genus of aquatic or semiaquatic plants. ─── 水生或半水生的植物的一个小属。

30、large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges. ─── 大型半水栖啮齿动物,后足有蹼,尾巴宽而平;建造复杂的水坝和水下巢穴。

31、Small large-eyed semiaquatic salamander of the United States northwest. ─── 美国西北部大眼半水栖的小型蝾螈。

32、small large-eyed semiaquatic salamander of the United States northwest. ─── 美国西北部大眼半水栖的小型蝾螈。

33、small to moderate-sized terrestrial or semiaquatic New World salamander ─── 小型到中等的陆栖或半水栖的新大陆蝾螈

34、large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges. ─── 栖啮齿动物,后足有蹼,尾巴宽而平;建造复杂的水坝和水下巢穴。

35、A large semiaquatic rodent(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) of tropical South America, having short limbs and a vestigial tail and often attaining lengths of more than .2 meters (4 feet). ─── 水豚:一种巨大的半水栖啮齿动物(水豚),产于南美洲的热带地区,四肢短小,尾已退化,身体长达.2米(4英尺)

36、Platypus is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) of Australia and Tasmania,having a broad flat tail,webbed feet,and a snout resembling a duck's bill. ─── 鸭嘴兽是产于澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚的一种半水生产卵的哺乳动物(鸭嘴兽属),尾宽阔而扁平,脚有蹼,鼻子类似于鸭嘴。

37、insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs. ─── 通常是半水栖、蹼足并食虫的两栖动物,体表光滑潮湿,后肢长。

38、any creeping semiaquatic feather palm of the genus Nipa found in mangrove swamps and tidal estuaries; its sap is used for a liquor; leaves are used for thatch; fruit has edible seeds. ─── 分布在美洲红树沼泽和河口三角洲一带的利珀属植物,半水生,鳞状树干;树液用于液剂;叶可用来盖茅草房;果实的种子可食。

39、small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and North Asia. ─── 北美、欧洲和亚洲北部的小型并通常是色彩鲜艳的半水栖蝾螈。

40、venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States. ─── 美国南部半水栖毒蛇。

41、Well adapted to wetland environments, these antelope typically feed on the delta's semiaquatic grasses. ─── 为了更好地适应湿地环境,这些羚羊一般以半水生的草料来作为饲料。

42、a semiaquatic plant or animal. ─── 半水生植物或半水栖动物

43、With its gaping maw, hairless body and eyes that sit high on its head, the semiaquatic hippo is one of the most distinctive members of Africa's mammalian menagerie. ─── 河马是非洲野生哺乳动物中形象鲜明的一员,体表无毛,有著一张大嘴巴,两只眼睛长在头顶上。

44、insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs. ─── 通常是半水栖、蹼足并食虫的两栖动物,体表光滑潮湿,后肢长。

45、any of numerous tailless,aquatic,semiaquatic,or terrestrial amphibians of the order Anura and especially of the family Ranidae,characteristically having a smooth,moist skin,webbed feet,and long hind legs adapted for leaping ─── 任一种无尾、水生、半水生或陆生两栖动物,属无尾目,尤属蛙科,以其光滑湿润的皮肤、蹼足和修长善跳的后腿为特征





n. 半挂车;半独立式的住宅

n. (Semi)人名;(意、芬)塞米

变形:复数 semis。


semi arid 半干燥的

semi trailer 半挂车

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