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09-03 投稿


skimmer 发音

英:['sk?m?]  美:['sk?m?]

英:  美:

skimmer 中文意思翻译



skimmer 词性/词形变化,skimmer变形

动词过去分词: skimmed |动词第三人称单数: skims |动词现在分词: skimming |动词过去式: skimmed |

skimmer 短语词组

1、skimmer brick ─── [机] 撇渣砖

2、skimmer use ─── 撇渣器的使用

3、perforated skimmer ─── 多孔撇渣器,漏勺

4、oil skimmer vessel ─── [化] 撇油器

5、skimmer circuit ─── 去浮回路,溢流回路

6、manure skimmer ─── 粪肥撇渣机

7、open-seas skimmer ─── [化] 海面撇油器

8、drum skimmer ─── [化] 转鼓撇油器

9、skimmer pro ─── 专业撇渣工

10、skimmer net ─── 撇油网

11、skimmer tube ─── [化] 除沫管

12、slag skimmer ─── 撇渣器

13、scum skimmer ─── [医]除沫器

14、skimmer pool ─── 撇渣池

15、oil skimmer barge ─── [化] 撇油船

16、skimmer core ─── [机] 撇渣心型

17、skimmer arrangement ─── 撇渣器布置

18、floating skimmer ─── [化] 浮式撇取器; 浮式撇油器

19、oil skimmer ─── [化] 撇油器; 油撇取器

skimmer 相似词语短语

1、shimmer ─── v.(使)闪烁;发闪烁的微光;n.闪光,闪烁;微光

2、slimmer ─── n.(通过节食、运功等)减肥者;adj.更苗条的;更狭长的;(衣服)更紧身的;(公司或其他组织)更精简的;更单薄的;(机会、份额等)更小的;更狡猾的

3、skummer ─── 骗子

4、swimmer ─── n.游泳者;会游泳的人,游泳运动员;正在游泳的人

5、simmer ─── v.炖,煨;(水或食物)慢慢沸腾;内心充满(愤怒),酝酿;即将爆发;n.炖;即将沸腾的状态;n.(Simmer)(美、印、波、德)西梅(人名)

6、spimmer ─── 钉子

7、skimmers ─── n.撇渣器;撇油器;泛泛阅读者(skimmer的复数)

8、shimmers ─── v.(使)闪烁;发闪烁的微光;n.闪光,闪烁;微光

9、skimmed ─── v.浏览,掠过;去除(skim的过去分词);adj.脱脂的

skimmer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Reasons of the skimmer damage when smelting V-bearing titanomagnetite at Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group are studied. ─── 分析了高炉冶炼钒钛磁铁矿炉前砂口损坏的原因。

2、During each day of each sampling trip, 4 replicate 'flux' cores and 3 replicate 'surface skimmer' cores were deployed at each site. ─── 每天的每次采样,在每个点采集4个“通量”柱的重复,3个“表面浅采”柱的重复。

3、slag skimmer ─── 撇渣器

4、Keywords recirculating aquaculture system(RAS);biofilter;ozone-protein skimmer;hydroponic vegetable; ─── 闭合循环水产养殖;生物过滤器;臭氧-泡沫分离;蔬菜水培;

5、oil skimmer barge ─── 撇油船

6、To meet the production requirement,the old tundish was optimally redesigned with a slag distribution skimmer. ─── 同煤集团公司钢铁公司的连铸机经过改造,提高了中间包的寿命,降低了生产成本。

7、The new type of refractory for the skimmer and dam lining is made and tested. ─── 对新型砂口泥进行了研制,同时改进了套砂口工艺,满足了攀钢高炉焖砂口的需要。

8、1. gull family; skimmer family; jaeger family; auk family. ─── 海鸥科;剪嘴鸥科;贼鸥科;海雀科。收藏指正

9、double skimmer ─── 双撇渣器

10、sorbent surface skimmer ─── 吸着剂面撇油装置; 吸着剂面浮油回收装置

11、open-seas skimmer ─── 海面撇油器

12、The movable water-cooled skimmer was designed according to the work principle of BF cooling stave. ─── 活动式水冷撇渣器是根据高炉冷却壁的工作原理设计的。

13、skimmer block"," ─── 阻渣砖"

14、The Four-spotted Chaser or Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata) is a common dragonfly species, so named for the characteristic four spots on the wings. ─── 四斑猎蜻或四斑掠蜻(小斑蜻)是一种常见的蜻蜓,由翅膀上特有的四个斑点而得名。

15、lard skimmer ─── 撇油沫漏勺

16、In accordance with the problem on the skimmer,supply pump,magnetic filter during operation,the modifications of the emulsion system of CDCM unit are made. ─── 针对本钢冷轧厂CDCM机组乳化液系统使用中,撇污装置、供给泵、磁性过滤装置存在的问题进行了改造。

17、With its uniquely shaped bill, the lower mandible is much longer than the upper one, skimmer birds feed on small fish by flying open-mouthed over the surface of estuaries and rivers. ─── 剪嘴鸥有着独特的成形鸟喙,它的下颚比上颚长很多。它们大张着鸟喙低飞过河口或河流的水面,捕捉小鱼为食。

18、skimmer brick ─── 挡渣砖

19、skimmer machine ─── 撇沫机

20、gull family; skimmer family; jaeger family; auk family. ─── 海鸥科;剪嘴鸥科;贼鸥科;海雀科。

21、Maritime workers on a large flotilla of skimmer boats are working the spill, off the coast of Liaoning province. ─── 撇油船队上的海事工作人员正在辽宁省海岸进行清理工作。


23、Skimmer; Browser ─── 浏览器

24、Experiment on water treatment of protein skimmer with different ozone concentrations in industrial fish farming system ─── 蛋白质分离器中的不同臭氧浓度对工厂化养殖净水效果的试验

25、skimmer shovel ─── 刮土机

26、belt-type oil skimmer ─── 带式刮油器

27、ubmersion skimmer ─── 浸没式撇油器; 浸没式浮游回收装置

28、surface skimmer ─── 水面掠行艇

29、Black Skimmer ─── n. 黑剪嘴鸥(剪嘴鸥科)

30、[America] skimmer ─── 直身服装

31、i also bought this azoo skimmer w/ 1800l/h azoo pump, but no bubble produced. ─── 图左入水口前面有个"咀仔", 要插条气喉, 喉要露出水面一两吋.

32、The skimmer boats, tugs, and other equipment needed for quick response will be useless if they are parked far from a spill in an ice-locked inlet. ─── 如果石油泄漏发生在某个被海冰封锁的小湾内,那撇油船、拖船以及其他用于快速反应的设施也将于事无补。

33、suction skimmer ─── 吸入式撇油器; 吸入式浮油回收装置

34、protein skimmer ─── 蛋白质分离器

35、She again took up the shining skimmer, held it beneath the pump, and began anew. ─── 她又拿起了撇奶油的勺子,把勺子伸到水管子下面,重新开始工作起来。

36、Evelyn Wood's "walking encyclopedia" of a professor was probably a skimmer too, assuming he existed. ─── 埃文莱·伍德在“活百科全书”中讲述的那个教授如果真的存在,估计也是浏览速度。

37、AquaExcel Skimmer Internal design item, quality design with professional bubble plate, fit for tank up to 600L. ─── 内置使用,适用于600升的水族箱。采用优质压克力材料精心制作,配置专业导流盒,效果更佳。

38、Keywords oil spill;boom;weir skimmer;plane recovery; ─── 溢油;围油栏;堰式撇油器;面式回收;

39、I am planning a trip with the drawing of the new skimmer, so to get the manufacturing started. ─── 我正计划带着新的敞奶器作一次旅行,以完成开始制造。

40、oil skimmer ─── 撇油器油撇取器油回收船

41、Principles and Performance of Oil Skimmer ─── 撇油器的原理及性能

42、Her big face, dotted with red blotches, presented the appearance of a skimmer. ─── 她的那张宽脸生满了雀斑,看去就象个漏勺。

43、skimmer equipment ─── 臂斗式挖掘机

44、oil skimmer vesse ─── 撇油器

45、African Skimmer ─── n. 非洲剪嘴鸥

46、skimmer core ─── [机] 撇渣心型

47、skimmer wall ─── 胸墙

48、This paper discuss the necessarily of the research of home steel band oil skimmer, and introduce its operating principle and the key technology of design and manufacture. ─── 本文论述了研制国产钢带式撇油机的必要性,并介绍了其工作原理及设计制造的关键技术。

49、air skimmer ─── 空气撇渣器

50、drum skimmer ─── 转鼓撇油器

51、I am planning a trip with the drawing of the new skimmer, so to get the manufacturing started. ─── 为了开始生产,我准备带铲削器的图纸出差。可能是为了跟工厂讨论具体的生产要求。

52、floating skimmer ─── 浮式撇油器

53、weir skimmer ─── 堰式撇油器

54、My girlfriend says bigger is better, so I am going to build the biggest skimmer I can. ─── 并不是海水饲养太难,而是大部分人养淡水太不厚道,对海水鱼还算人道,对淡水鱼简直是惨无人道。

55、hydro skimmer ─── 腾空船

56、skimmer n. ─── 浏览者;

57、The slag skimmer combines the electronic systems together.The simple design and structure make the machine easy to maintain and operate, and workers can operate beside the machine or in control rooms. ─── 该机集电液于一体,结构简单,便于维护,操作方便,可在机旁操作也可在监控室内操作。


59、The smaller oil skimmer vessels are capable of removing debris and algae and the larger vessels can work on the deep ocean. ─── 小型的浮油回收船可以清除碎片残骸以及海藻类,大型的浮油回收船可以在深海中作业。

60、The second type of core, the 'surface skimmer'core, was used to measure the composition of recently-deposited sediment. ─── 第二类样品柱,“表面浅采型柱”,用于测定新近沉积的沉积物的组成。

61、BEST Series oil skimmer overcomes all weak points of all oil skimmers , which ranks the first place with its more practical and innovative technique and mor efficient oil-receiving method. ─── BEST系列浮油回收机克服了所有浮油回收机的弱点,以更切合实际的创新科技、更高效的收油手段,独占鳌头。

62、top skimmer ─── 最表层鱼

63、Being improved, the recovery speed and efficiency of the weir skimmer are increased markedly. ─── 改进后的撇油器溢油回收的效率大幅提高。

64、Indian Skimmer ─── n. 剪嘴鸥

65、Oil spill skimmer ─── 浮油回收器

66、skimmer bar ─── 扒渣棒, 撇渣棒, 清除熔渣通条

67、could a man-made stone skimmer beat a human; ─── 人造的打水漂机器能胜过真人吗;

68、ozone -protein skimmer ─── 臭氧-泡沫分离

69、It is equipped with scum skimmer and remover. The bottom of tank can be either flat or sloping. ─── 设浮渣刮集排泥装置,池底可为平流底或斜流底。

70、BEST Series oil skimmer overcomes all weak points of all oil skimmers, which ranks the first place with its more practical and innovative technique and mor efficient oil-receiving method. ─── BEST系列浮油回收机克服了所有浮油回收机的弱点,以更切合实际的创新科技、高效的收油手段,独占鳌头。

71、The skimmer,slag notch plug and hot metal ladle were reformed,and also the quality of workers was improved through technical train. ─── 同时,举办炉前技术培训班,提高职工的整体素质。

72、perforated skimmer ─── 漏勺多孔撇渣器

73、If the skimmer performs as expected, BP or the federal government will contract with TMT to work in the Gulf, the company said. ─── 台湾海陆运输公司说,如果鲸鱼号的表现达到预期,英国石油或美国联邦政府将聘用公司在墨西哥湾作业。

74、The Skimmer takes another approach to presenting news online. ─── 浏览窗则试图从另一个角度来呈现在线新闻。

75、deoiling skimmer ─── 撇油池

76、The Research and Development of Electromechanical Integration Steel Band Oil Skimmer ─── 机电一体化钢带式撇油机的研制开发

77、skimmer family; ─── 剪嘴鸥科;

78、A flock of African skimmer birds glides over the fish-rich waters of Gabon's coastal region. ─── 一群剪嘴鸥在加蓬海岸区鱼类富集的水面上空滑翔而过。

79、sludge skimmer ─── 刮板捞渣机

80、skimmer gate ─── 撇渣口

81、Standard Guide for Collecting Skimmer Performance Data in Controlled Environments ─── 受控环境中分离器性能数据的收集

82、dish skimmer ─── 碟形扒渣器

83、cyclone-recovery skimmer ─── 涡旋式水上浮油回收装置

84、strip skimmer ─── 带式撇油器

85、scum skimmer ─── 除沫器

86、galvanized iron wire skimmer ─── 铅丝笊篱

87、slag skimmer system ─── 扒渣站

88、Keywords semi-steel;desulphurizing agent;ratio of desulphurization;skimmer; ─── 半钢;脱硫剂;脱硫率;撇渣器;

89、skimmer blade ─── 刮刀刮板

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