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09-03 投稿


exude 发音

英:[?g'zju?d; eg-]  美:[?ɡ'zud]

英:  美:

exude 中文意思翻译



exude 网络释义

vt. 散发;流出;使渗出vi. 流出;渗出;发散

exude 短语词组

1、exude dart ─── 渗出镖

2、exude sentence ─── 漏句

3、exude synonym ─── 渗出同义词

4、exude crossword ─── 流露出纵横字谜

5、exude meaning ─── 流露出意义

6、exude definition ─── 渗出物定义

7、exude kindness ─── 流露出善意

8、exude clue ─── 渗出线索

exude 词性/词形变化,exude变形

动词现在分词: exuding |动词过去式: exuded |动词过去分词: exuded |动词第三人称单数: exudes |

exude 相似词语短语

1、extrude ─── vt.挤出,压出;使突出;逐出;vi.突出,喷出

2、exclude ─── vt.排除;排斥;拒绝接纳;逐出

3、exuded ─── vt.散发;流出;使渗出;vi.流出;渗出;发散

4、exudes ─── 渗出

5、delude ─── vt.欺骗;哄骗;诱惑;【罕用】迷惑;逃避;使失望

6、elude ─── vt.(尤指机智地,巧妙地)避开,逃避,躲避;vt.使无法得到;使无法达到;vt.使不记得;使不理解

7、exode ─── n.(古罗马戏剧间歇或终场后的)笑剧

8、exudate ─── n.(医)渗出物,渗出液;(植物或昆虫)分泌物

9、etude ─── n.练习曲;n.(Etude)人名;(法)埃蒂德

exude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、exude water vapor; of plants. ─── 使植物发散出水蒸气。

2、exude cheerfulness ─── 流露出愉快的神情

3、She does not exude maternal warmth. ─── 她没有散发出母性的温暖。

4、Outfitted with piston-driven jaws and steam-shovel arms, his machines exude biological vibes. ─── 他设计的机器人装备着由活塞驱动的嘴和蒸气铲车那样的胳膊,散发出生命的活力。

5、The mysterious, beautiful, charismatic Shin Minah sshi. From head to toe, does she not exude a certain mysterious charm? ─── 神秘美丽富有魅力的申敏儿小姐。。她是不是从头到尾都展现出神秘的吸引力。

6、any of various beetles that exude an oily substance from the leg joints that deters enemies. ─── 当威吓敌方时会从腿的关节处渗出一种油状物质的各种甲虫。

7、to exude joy ─── 流露出欢乐情绪

8、” Beyond the braying, wheezing, and squawking, penguins exude a truly noxious smell of guano. ─── 因为企鹅除了会发出驴叫声,喘息声和呱呱的叫声外,它的身体还散发出鸟粪般的有毒的味道。

9、Such people exude an indistinct anger and hatred. ─── 更可怕的是,你甚至觉得对自己整个人生的了解也完全是错误的!

10、Exude your confidence with a sense of purpose, backed with well grounded knowledge and strong desire to succeed. ─── 有意识地展示你的自信,它来源于你雄厚的背景知识和强烈的成功欲望;

11、The childhood mischievous matter have been too many, if they are string wind chimes, as soon as then the wind blows, they then exude an intermittent clear delightful sound.... ─── 童年淘气的事太多了,如果它们是一串风铃,那么风儿一吹,它们便发出一阵阵清脆悦耳的响声。...

12、An enthusiastic attitude shows that you are committed.The excitement you exude is contagious and energizes others who will endorse and support your success. ─── 一个积极投入的态度表现出你的专注,,你流露出的喜悦之情富有感染力,使别人激动,他们会认同支持你的成功。

13、The guerrillas exude confidence. Every town, they say, is under their control. ─── 这些游击队员们洋溢着自信。他们说每一座城镇都在他们的控制之下。

14、Bleed To exude a fluid such as sap. ─── 渗出,流出渗出液体,如植物的液汁放血?

15、any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants; they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying. ─── 任何从植物中流出的物质(可溶于水),潮湿时呈凝胶状,干燥后变硬。

16、exude confidence ─── 流露出自信心

17、to exude foolishness ─── 傻冒

18、To exude or expel foam. ─── 流出或喷出泡沫

19、any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants; they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying ─── 任何从植物中流出的物质(可溶于水),潮湿时呈凝胶状,干燥后变硬

20、Vampires exude two types of power. ─── 吸血鬼具有两种力量。

21、The hot sun made him exude sweat. ─── 烈日晒得他汗流浃背。

22、Being happy:Feeling nervous and irritated may make you exude more oil, so, you will have more serious acne problem. ─── 愉快的心情:紧张烦闷的心情容易增加油脂的分泌,所以青春痘当然会长得更多。

23、This, combined with the pungent pheremones that Rodians naturally exude, has fomented an increasingly common intolerence towards their kind. ─── 加上罗迪亚人天生分泌出来的刺鼻激素味道,导致人们对他们普遍难以容忍的情绪日益增加。

24、exude a delicate fragrance ─── 放出清香

25、Perceived Quality - Do the characteristics of the phone exude a sense of quality for the price paid? ─── 感知的质量:对于所支付的金钱,此电话所表露出来的特性质量特性是否与所支付的金钱相匹配。

26、Substance said to exude from the body of a medium. ─── 假想由灵媒身体发出来的物质。

27、Her works exude strong feminine consciousness about individual identity, self-worth, and above all about life. ─── 女性作为“生殖之性”,首先就意味着生命的繁衍与生生不息,她最接近生命本原,因而对生命和生存有着最深刻的体会。

28、But they have not said a word the function, will only exude the fuzzy cry. ─── 但它们并没有言语的功能,只会发出模糊的叫声。

29、2. Quite different is her approach in the case of her sculptures: she produces feminine nudes in Bronze, elongated and languorous bodies that exude a strong sensuality. ─── 她还有非常不同于画作的艺术品,就是雕像。这是用青铜制成的,呈现出女性裸体一种瘦长及慵懒的体态,来呈现出一种强烈的柔和美。收藏指正

30、Mr.Schaller has an outgoing personality and is gracious and hospitable, devoid of the arrogance found in many general managers, and his manners exude confidence. ─── 施华德开朗大方,热情好客,没有一般总经理式的傲慢,却在言谈举止间透露出一种自信。

31、From its CEO, to its massively popular operating system, the company does not exude the cool, hip style of Apple. ─── 从CEO到广为流行的操作系统,这家公司都没有散发出苹果那种时尚、酷毙的风格。

32、Cancer cells exude different compounds than healthy cells do, Haick explains, and the circuit picks up this difference. ─── 海克解释说,癌细胞所散发出的化合物跟健康细胞不同,该电路发现了这种不同。

33、A brand should exude confidence; it should reflect what it's selling; it should express the true essence of what it offers to its audience. ─── 品牌应该流露出自信,它应该反应出它所卖的东西,它应该诠释出它的受众提供物品的真是内涵。

34、Investigators have found that the knapweed's roots exude a toxin that builds up in the soil. ─── 研究者发现,这种矢车菊根部分泌的一种毒素会渗进土壤里,使得其他植物的细胞大量死亡,并抑制萌芽与生长。

35、To expel through external pores; exude. ─── 渗出,流出通过外部的小孔排出;渗出

36、Be unpredictable, edgy and exude a sense of danger in your demeanor. ─── 你的行为风度要让人猜不到,要锐利,要发散一种危险的信号。

37、She exude great confidence. ─── 她流露出了极大的自信。

38、The symbiosis clao could be established in solution.Mycorrhiza could exude more organic acid than root , that can improve phosphorus uptake. ─── 接种菌根增加了植物对水分的利用率和抗重金属污染,强化了植物对基质中磷的吸收和利用,改善了根际微生物群落的种类和数量,促进了植物的生长发育。

39、disease of cattle that can be transmitted to humans; results from infection with actinomycetes; characterized by hard swellings that exude pus through long sinuses. ─── 牛沾染的一种病可以传播到人;由于放射菌感染而引起。

40、To exude or form gum. ─── 结胶分泌或形成树胶

41、a true bug: brightly colored bug that can exude a stain. ─── 半翅目长虫;颜色鲜艳并能分泌色素。

42、exude or from gum; of certain trees. ─── 结胶分泌或形成树胶;用来指某些树。

43、Probably because I exude confidence. People are drawn to that, you know? Confidence, not exuding. ─── 也许是因为我浑身流露着自信,这点很吸引人的,你懂吗?

44、to exude cheerfulness ─── 显得愉快

45、Her eyes exude beauty ripples blossoming, her beauty in embryo sketched love sickness pain. ─── 她的眼眸流露出姿色涟漪朵朵,她的美貌素胚勾勒出相思情殇。

46、"Your eyes exude the knowledge of life. Truly a great fighter for a woman!" ─── 眼神中流露出对生命的知识,??是个可敬的女剑士!

47、The hot sun made her exude sweat. ─── 烈日晒得她冒汗。

48、To exude or give off(matter) in drops or small quantities. ─── 使挤出;使滴下以点滴或少量的渗出或排出(物质)

49、to exude or give off(matter) in drops or small quantities ─── 以点滴或少量的渗出或排出(物质)

50、You exude negativity. ─── 你流露出消极态度。

51、To exude moisture. ─── 渗出露珠

52、To exude from a vessel into surrounding tissue. ─── 外渗从脉管流入周围的组织

53、You have to exude confidence and you have to transfer that confidence to the players. ─── 所以你在比赛场上时刻都要展现出自信,并且要将自信专递给每名队友。

54、any of various beetles that exude an oily substance from the leg joints that deters enemies ─── 当威吓敌方时会从腿的关节处渗出一种油状物质的各种甲虫

55、Some successful men exude self-confidence. ─── 有些成功的人流露出自信。

56、Similar to Mai Fan Rock, remote infra-red structure and active organic charcoal, The Purion can soften and smooth water texture, enabling tea leaves to exude various compositions of flavor. ─── 对茶及茶汤质地的转化:老岩泥系列同时具有类似麦饭石的结构及活性碳素。

57、Distinguishes the biggest lake at the earthquake to exude the surface, interior was the territory has carried on the division to the sequence. ─── 在层序划分的基础上,建立的研究区的层序地层格架,并在层序格架的基础上,对砂体分布规律进行了研究。

58、Whereas Biggers' earlier works convey[1] a sense of burden and ordeal is drawings of life in Africa and his later works exude affirmative power, balance, dignity, and position connection to the earth. ─── 尽管比格斯的早期作品给人一种沉重而痛苦的感觉,他描绘非洲生活的素描以及他的后期作品却流露出乐观的力量、均衡、尊严以及与大地积极的联系。

59、An audience wants to feel like it's in good, stable hands, and a comedian needs to exude that tone while putting aside her own insecurities. ─── 观众希望感觉到良好的,稳定的发挥,喜剧演员需要自然流露,把个人的不安全感抛在一旁。

60、To ooze forth; exude. ─── 渗出;泻出

61、But I am one sincere, gentle, good do not exude humorous, mischievous and the romantic mood woman, belongs to the good wife and loving mother. ─── 我是一位真诚、温柔、善良但不泛幽默、调皮和浪漫情怀的女人,属于贤妻良母型。

62、To exude a fluid such as sap. ─── 渗出,流出渗出液体,如植物的液汁

63、No matter how you're feeling, keep your personal woes out of the interview process, asserts Ms.Alfus Rothman.Instead, always exude an upbeat attitude. ─── 罗斯曼强调道,无论心情如何,面试时一定要表现得蓬勃向上,把个人的不幸全部忘掉。

64、Sound: Because the floor lays down the quality is not high, the people take a walk when above will exude the sound which will creak, after hearing, will be very uncomfortable. ─── 响声: 由于地板铺设的质量不高,人们在上面走动时会发出嘎吱的响声,听到后很不舒服。

65、to reveal; to betray; to show (or display) unintentionally; to exude; to have (a certain look) on one's face ─── 流露

66、on 10th the same day, reporter has found the Luo Beijing through the telephone myself, in the telephone his sound is gentle, occasionally also will exude the frank laughter. ─── 10日当天,记者通过电话找到了罗京本人,电话中他的声音平和,偶尔还会发出爽朗的笑声。

67、Perceived Quality ? Do the characteristics of the phone exude a sense of quality for the price paid? ─── 感知的质量:对于所支付的金钱,此电话所表露出来的特性质量特性是否与所支付的金钱相匹配。

68、Ladybirds can exude a drop of poison from their legjoints. A yellow fluid. ─── 瓢虫的腿关节能分泌出黄色的毒汁。

69、The computer model demonstrated that in the dinosaur top of the head's giant crown contained has wound the winding nasal structure, might use for to exude fearful and the low and deep howling. ─── 电脑模型显示,恐龙头顶上的巨型头冠包含了蜿蜒曲折的鼻音结构,可以用来发出可怕而低沉的吼叫声。

70、A large man with working-class Manchester roots, he does not exude the aura of any globetrotting elite. ─── 他出身于一个曼彻斯特工人阶级家庭,身材高大,没有那种见多识广的精英做派。

71、They seemed to exude confidence and the smell of money. ─── 他们似乎浑身充满了自信和钱的味道。

72、“Mask,” the title song, and “Paralyzed,” progress with slow rhythms, and “Blue Snow,” and “Getting Up” exude jazzy colors. ─── “变相怪杰” ,主打歌,而“瘫痪” ,进展缓慢的节奏,和“蓝雪”和“站起来”流露出爵士乐颜色。

73、Rooms exude a sophisticated style and feature real parquet floors. ─── 客房享有精致的风格,以真正的拼花地板装饰。

74、These opinions and the thought, just liked a sudden clap of thunder, had caused the Sichuan inland to exude the micro billows to the stagnant water place. ─── 他们的这些言论和思想,犹如一声惊雷,使四川内地于死水处泛起微澜。

75、The research outcome indicates that parents and teachers exude a medium level of understanding in setback education. ─── 本研究结果显示:幼儿家长和教师对挫折教育的理解属中等水平;

76、a true bug: brightly colored bug that can exude a stain ─── 半翅目长虫:颜色鲜艳并能分泌色素

77、Pheromones clearly act as sexual attractants in the animal world. Older male elephants, for example, exude sexual prowess with a mix of chemicals the younger bulls can't muster. ─── 信息素显然在动物世界起性引诱剂的作用。例如,年纪大的雄性大象利用一组年轻的公象所没有的化学成分来展示它们的性能力。

78、Bottle label and carton graphics exude a tropical paradise theme. ─── 瓶标签和纸箱图形流露出的热带天堂的主题。

79、To fall or exude in drops or small quantities. ─── 渗出;滴下以点滴或少量形式落下或排出

80、induce [exude] perspiration ─── 发[流]汗

81、Lift-off from a floating launchpad sends a pickerel frog high over a dragonfly. Pickerel frogs exude a poisonous chemical from their skins, protecting them from predators. ─── 瞧,这好像叫“梭子蛙”,这么一蹦,高过了莲叶上那只蜻蜓。梭子蛙能从皮肤散发出一种有毒的化学物质,这是为了保护自己避免成为捕食者的盘中餐。

82、The silence seemed to grow; the flowers ceased to exude their fragrance , numbed by the weighty air. ─── 岑寂似乎渐渐加深了;花儿不再散发它的芬芳,被那种沉重的空气弄得麻痹起来了。

83、Early diagnosis and double seam and duration rinse exude for treatment of patients with duodenal injuries ─── 早期诊断双层缝合持续冲洗治疗十二指肠破裂

84、If he's able to exude Zen-like calm when stuck in gridlock, 19 "he's likely to have more self-control. " ─── 如果他在交通瘫痪的时候还能抱守清明19“他往往有较强的自制力。”

85、As an integration of sculpture, painting, installation art, photography and medical technology, Xia Xiaowan's works exude an air of ambiguity. ─── 显然,如果要界定夏小万的作品,就会发现具有非常模糊而暧昧的特点雕塑、绘画、装置、摄影、医学技术的综合。

86、Quite different is her approach in the case of her sculptures: she produces feminine nudes in Bronze, elongated and languorous bodies that exude a strong sensuality. ─── 她还有非常不同于画作的艺术品,就是雕像。这是用青铜制成的,呈现出女性裸体一种瘦长及慵懒的体态,来呈现出一种强烈的柔和美。

87、To give off; exude. ─── 渗出,发出

88、exude sweat ─── 流汗

89、Murals in Sandalwood Private Resort retain the essence of Italian traditional painting, and exude a rich classical atmosphere. ─── 檀宫的壁画保留了意大利最传统的绘画手法与主题,将古典主义风格进行到底。

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