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09-03 投稿



levanter 发音

英:[[l?'v?nt?]]  美:[[l?'v?nt?]]

英:  美:

levanter 中文意思翻译



levanter 词性/词形变化,levanter变形

动词过去式: levanted |动词第三人称单数: levants |动词过去分词: levanted |动词现在分词: levanting |

levanter 相似词语短语

1、Deventer ─── n.代芬特尔(荷兰东部一座城市)

2、leviter ─── 起重机

3、decanter ─── n.玻璃水瓶;滗析器;倾注洗涤器

4、eventer ─── 事件

5、levants ─── v.躲债,讨债;n.利凡特皮革;n.(Levant)黎凡特(地名);n.(Levant)(美)列万特(人名)

6、levanted ─── v.躲债,讨债;n.利凡特皮革;n.(Levant)黎凡特(地名);n.(Levant)(美)列万特(人名)

7、levator ─── n.[解剖]提肌;脑骨碎片镊子

8、levanters ─── n.逃亡者;累范特风;躲债者

9、levant ─── v.躲债,讨债;n.利凡特皮革;n.(Levant)黎凡特(地名);n.(Levant)(美)列万特(人名)

levanter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、oil of levant wormseed ─── [化] 山道年油

2、Levant seek for the beautiful artistic conception, and the art works which will rise audiences’ repso1e and its aesthetic value and cultural meaning are long-lasting. ─── 深信无论绘画、雕塑、摄影等等艺术形式都是艺术家表达丰富情感的载体,其中的内涵会引起观者的共鸣。

3、with whom I continued three years and a half, making a voyage or two into the Levant, and some other parts. ─── 我吃了人家的,总不好意思把他们轰下去,再说我身上被他们扎得余痛犹在,只得老老实实地躺着,心里则暗暗佩服他们的胆量。

4、2.Limonene: Occurs in various oils such as Levant wormseed oil, pine needle oil and other oils. ─── 柠檬烯:出现在各种油如Levant土荆芥油、松针油和其他油中。

5、Main Nutrition Quality of Levant Garlic Compare with Common Garlic's ─── 南欧蒜与普通大蒜主要营养组分的比较

6、TCHAIKOVSKY, P.: Piano Concerto No. 1 / Serenade in C major / RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, N.A.: Capriccio espagnol (Levant, Ormandy) (1947-1953 ─── 柴科夫斯基,P.:第1钢琴协奏曲/C大调小夜曲/里姆斯基-科萨科夫,N.A.:西班牙随想曲(黎凡特,奥曼迪)(1947-1953

7、levant cotton ─── 草棉

8、(formerly) a native or inhabitant of the Levant. ─── (原指)居住在地中海东部地区累犯特的本地人或居民。

9、levant cotton root-bark ─── 棉花根

10、Levant dollar ─── 莱文特银币(奥地利铸造的一种银币,在近东流通)

11、DANGEROUS uncertainty hovers over the Levant. ─── Levant地区充满了危险的变数。

12、levant cotton exocarp ─── 棉花壳

13、Levant's collections are the result of its owner's feeling of art. The process it present art works is also a part of art creation. ─── 阆风推荐的是深深打动我们的艺术作品,以此感染他人也是我们在愉快进行的艺术创作。

14、levant Morocco ─── 上光摩洛哥羊皮

15、Levant:The countries bordering on the eastern Mediterranean Sea from Turkey to Egypt. ─── 黎凡特:地中海东部自土耳其至埃及地区诸国。

16、We are sorry. We are not familiar with the situation. Would you mind consulting are levant branch?The phone number is XXXXXXX. ─── 对不起,很报歉,我们不了解情况,请您向相关部门去咨询一下。他们的电话是XXXXXXX。

17、The etiological factors,histogenesis,clinical chara cterizations,diagnosis and different diagnosis were discussed along with the re levant references. ─── 结合文献对本病的病因、发生、临床特点、诊断及鉴别诊断进行分析讨论。

18、levant cotton tomentum ─── 棉花

19、It knows for certain that different b rand and specification of pump has re levant use limits by analyzing pumps. ─── 通过对各种离心泵的分析比较可知,不同规格型号的离心泵具有相应的适用范围。

20、levant wormseed oil ─── 山道年油

21、Levant garlic ─── 南欧蒜

22、levant cotton seed ─── 棉花子

23、Levant on the island’s management determined that the “Shangri-la” into a modern community, in order to provide more convenience. ─── 黎凡特岛上的管理人员立志将这个“世外桃源”建设成现代化的社区,为大家提供更多的便利。

24、American short staple cotton; Arabian cotton;herbaceous cotton; Levant cotton ─── 美国短绒棉;阿拉伯棉;草本棉;黎凡特棉

25、Happiness isn't something you experience, it's something you remember.---Oscar Levant ─── 幸福不是你经历的,而是你记住的。

26、“Living with Art” is the mission of Levant Art Gallery since its founding, and this also explains how Levant Art Gallery handpicks artists and art works. ─── 是阆风艺术画廊追求的理念,也是选择艺术家和艺术作品的原则。希望每一件作品都能成为生活中朝夕相处的元素,实践艺术的价值。

27、This time it was a great matter that was under discussion, connected with a vessel laden with Turkey carpets, stuffs of the Levant, and cashmeres ─── 这次他们谈的是一笔大生意,即要在一艘船上装载土耳其地毯,勒旺绒布和克什米尔毛织品。

28、The Sphinx did not occur in Mesopotamia until around 1500 b.c. when it was imported from the Levant. ─── 直到公元前1500年左右史芬克斯才出现在美索不达米亚地区。当它从累范特(地中海东部地区)被引入来的时候。

29、Levant storax ─── [医] 亚洲苏合香

30、The Levant in the Mediterranean island, the last of the nudist paradise, perhaps in the near future will be turned into a record of the movement of the Museum of nudity. ─── 黎凡特这个地中海小岛,裸体主义者最后的乐土,也许会在不久的将来演变成记录裸体主义运动的博物馆。

31、levant leather ─── 皱纹革摩洛哥革

32、Levant wormseed ─── [医] 山道年花

33、Up the Nile came cedar wood from Lebanon, copper--probe by from Cyprus--gold, iron, tin and wine from the Levant and Asia Minor ─── 比如从尼罗河上游黎巴嫩进口香柏木,铜可能来自塞浦路斯,金子、铁、锡和葡萄酒则来自黎凡特和小亚细亚。

34、Between 605 and 629, Sassanids successfully annexed Levant and Egypt and pushed into Anatolia. ─── 在公元605年到629年间,萨珊王朝成功地吞并累范特和埃及,向安纳托利亚推进。

35、levant storax oil ─── 苏合香油

36、Levant fever ─── [医] 雷汶特海岸热

37、worn by men in the Levant. ─── 地中海东部地区男子穿着。

38、Coming all that way: Spain, Gibraltar, Mediterranean, the Levant. ─── 是从西班牙、直布罗陀、地中海和黎凡特运来的。

39、Levant berry ─── [医] 印防己[实]

40、crushed levant grain ─── 熨光绉纹粒面

41、It then followed an almost straight line west through mountainous northern Iran and the northern tip of the Syrian Desert to the Levant. ─── 然后是几乎跟随一条直线往西行,穿过多山的北部伊朗和叙利亚沙漠的北部顶端,进入地中海东部地区。

42、Levant is the sole agency of several well-known European artists in China.And has partnereed with top art galleries, art dealers and exhibition organizers in Europe and Latin America. ─── 阆风同欧洲及拉丁美洲资深画廊、艺术经纪人、策展人合作,并拥有数位中国独家代理的当代艺术家。

43、The structure of t he urban water supplying network is int roduced briefly, and the features and re levant control strategy of the networkin g operation are analyzed. ─── 简单介绍了城市供水网络的构成,并分析了网络工作的特点及相应的控制策略。

44、herbaceous cotton; Levant cotton; American short staple cotton; Arabian cotton ─── 草本棉;黎凡特棉;美国短绒棉;阿拉伯棉

45、phenomenology of religion,religion as phenomenology,enigma of the orient,of the levant and of the mediterranean in the geography of appearing. ─── 这种信仰总同时是某种现象学的考虑,也就是说“宗教问题”总是在某种光耀下出场:

46、an ankle-length (cotton or silk) cloak with full sleeves and sash; worn by men in the Levant. ─── 一种长袖且有腰带、到脚踝的(棉布或丝绸)外衣;地中海东部地区男子穿着。

47、"I was dressed like a Turk of the Levant Levantin," said he. ─── “那时候,我打扮得象个东方日出处的土耳其人。”

48、levant cotton oil ─── 棉花油

49、America and Israel want to end this war in a way that transforms the balance of power in the Levant. ─── 美国和以色列想通过改变中东地区的均势来结束战争。

50、of or relating to the Levant or its inhabitants ─── 属于或关于黎凡特、黎凡特居民的

51、levant stress ─── 强重音

52、The meteorological importance of sea-breezes in the Levant region of Spain ─── 在西班牙的地中海东部地区海风的气象学重要性

53、And who will be sending the suitcases?That's a good question, but it'll be interesting to see if there are any 'little phone calls' emanating from the Levant area this week. ─── 我们应该密切关注巴拉多利德队的表现,因为他们有足够实力使其不仅满足于保级,而是向更高的目标挺进。

54、ObjectiveTo understand the occurrence and deve lopment of early pro blem behaviors among pupils, and to provide a basis for the implementation of re levant education. ─── 目的 了解小学生早期问题行为的发生与发展 ,为开展相关教育提供帮助。

55、Results Among the selected dosages, the theoritical optimal proportion of levant storax oil and dalbergiae odoriferae oil, which were both in the Shuangxiangyou soft capsules, was 1:5:1.0; ─── 结果双香油软胶囊中苏合香油、降香油两者在所选择剂量范围内的理论最佳配比为1.5:1.0;

56、To organize r e levant authorities for drawing up work plans for the safety management of food and supervise its enforcement; ─── 食品安全协调科:组织有关部门拟定食品安全管理的工作规划并监督实施;

57、To examine a series of problems existing our country s hospital infect ion coutrol currently when the!public health emergency occurs and put forword re levant counter measure. ─── 通过突发公共卫生事件来审视目前我国医院感染管理工作中存在的一系列问题并提出了相应对策。

58、Arabian cotton; American short staple cotton;Levant cotton; herbaceous cotton ─── 阿拉伯棉;美国短绒棉;黎凡特棉;草本棉

59、In their view, Islam is more likely to have emerged from dissident Christian sects in the Levant than to have “burst out of Arabia”, as the Muslim version of sacred history teaches. ─── 在他们的观点中,像伊斯兰神话故事所教的那样,伊斯兰更倾向于是起源自在黎凡特的反对基督教的教派,而不是“在阿拉伯某个地方凭空冒出来”。

60、Merchants brought with them ideas from far corners of the globe, particularly the Levant. ─── 世界各地的商人带着不同的观点来到这里,尤其是黎范特地区。

61、of or relating to the Levant or its inhabitants. ─── 属于或关于黎凡特、黎凡特居民的。

62、Gibraltar is prone to a weather formation called the Levanter cloud. ─── 直布罗陀容易出现黎凡特风云这样特殊的气象现象。

63、The Levant pattern, which has a low-profile grained appearance, should be the easiest to sweep. ─── 地中海东部模式,而低姿态颗粒外观,应该是最容易清扫。

64、Levant nut ─── [医] 印[度]防己[实]

65、Microsoft figures for the Levant, north Africa and Pakistan. ─── 阿曼电信管理局于8月中旬启动了该国第二张固定机房监控运营商执照的招标工作,招标工作预计在年内完成。

66、A native or inhabitant of the Levant. ─── 黎凡特人黎凡特的本地人或居民

67、Levant Sparrow Hawk ─── n. 东方雀鹰

68、the Levant morocco ─── 上等摩洛哥皮

69、The coefficient of performance and the refrigeration rate of the regeneration cy cle for the ferroelectric refrigeration are calculated and some errors in the re levant literature are pointed out. ─── 计算了铁电制冷回热循环的制冷系数和制冷率,并指出有关文献中的错误。

70、RUBINSTEIN, A.: Piano Concerto No. 4 (Levant, Mitropoulos) (1952 ─── 鲁宾斯坦,A.:第四钢琴协奏曲(里温特,米特罗保罗斯)(1952

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