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09-03 投稿


arbored 发音

英:[['ɑ:b?:d]]  美:[['ɑ:b?:d]]

英:  美:

arbored 中文意思翻译



arbored 短语词组

1、arbored hole saw set ─── 轴孔锯组

2、arbored vs non arbored ─── 乔木与非 ─── 乔木

3、arbored vs non-arbored ─── 乔木与非 ─── 乔木

4、arbored door lock kit ─── 带杆门锁套件

5、arbored vs non arbored hole saw ─── 乔木与非 ─── 乔木孔锯

6、arbored hole drill bits ─── 轴孔钻头

arbored 相似词语短语

1、arboured ─── 树

2、arborised ─── 树栖的

3、arbores ─── 乔木;芯骨;边框(arbor的复数)

4、arborized ─── vi.形成树枝状;vt.使分叉

5、arboreal ─── adj.树木的;栖息在树上的

6、harbored ─── n.港,海港;避难所;v.庇护;窝藏;怀有;为……提供庇护;入港停泊;居住,生存;n.(Harbor)(美)哈伯(人名)

7、arboret ─── n.灌木

8、armored ─── adj.装甲的

9、harboured ─── n.海港,港口;避难所,安全港湾(同harbor);v.心怀,怀有(尤指反面想法或感情);为……提供住所(或动物栖息地);为……提供庇护;藏匿(罪犯或赃物);包含;藏有;携带(细菌等,可导致疾病的传播);保留;入港停泊;n.(Harbour)(美、英、加拿大)哈伯(人名)

arbored 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The distribution of arbor biomass is in the following order:bole wood(101.4t/ha)>branch(56.6t/ha)>bark wood(20.4t/ha)>foliage (6.0t/ha)>dead-branch(3.8t/ha)>twig(2.2t/ha). ─── 乔木层生物量在各组分中的分配如下:干材101.4t/ha,树皮20.4t/ha,多年枝56.6t/ha,一年枝2.2t/ha,枯枝3.8t/ha,叶6.0t/ha。

2、It is very important that determine arbor size when planning process of boring on lathe. ─── 在制定车床上镗孔的工艺规程时,镗刀杆尺寸的确定十分重要。

3、After a renovation last year, Ms.Burson felt guilty about not reusing all the old oak flooring from her 1970s Ann Arbor ranch home. ─── 去年经过一次重新装修后,伯森感到愧疚不已,因为没能对牧场中的旧橡木地板进行重新利用。

4、He saw the lordly oaks before the house, the flower beds, the garden and the arbor, and farther off, the glint of rails. ─── 他看到了那屋前高大的橡树,那花坛,那菜园和葡萄棚,再远,那铁轨的闪光。

6、It is produced archipelago is pulled in Portuguese Ma De, belong to rosaceous arbor. ─── 它产在葡萄牙的马地拉群岛,属蔷薇科的乔木。

7、Soon half the neighborhood had joined me under the apple arbor. ─── 不一会儿,附近几乎一半的人都跑来和我一起站到了苹果树阴下。

8、Looking on the Internet for plans and instructions is very simple, and can help you find an arbor that would complement your landscape design. ─── 在网上找图和指示很简单,并可以帮你找一个会配合你的乔木景观设计。

9、Six kinds of characteristics for 16 species of arbor and shrub were analysed by the methods of factor analysis and expert evaluation. ─── 应用因子分析和专家打分法对16种乔木和灌木的6种性状进行统计分析。

10、In this sporopollen group, arbor pollen grains are dominant, amounting to 94.5% of the total, shrub and herbage pollen grains amount to 3?2%, and pteridophyta spores to 2?3%. ─── 乔木和木本花粉总数占94.5%,灌木和草本植物花粉总数占3 2%,蕨类植物孢子总数占2 3%。

11、We applied the air seeding technology for this year's Arbor Day. ─── 今年植树节前夕,我们用上了飞播造林技术。

12、So Arbor Day was born on April 10th, 1872, and the first Arbor Day was celebrated. ─── 于是第一个植树节于1872年4月10日诞生了,并举行了第一个植树节庆典。

13、Index value is in 20 years>in 10 years>in 5 years of artificial arbor communities and natural shrub communities. ─── 乔木和灌木群落各指数大小为封禁20年>封禁10年>封禁5年。

14、Flannery of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor to produce a model for the emergence of agriculture in Central American prehistory. ─── Flannery)的研究。他原来是想建构一个模型,研究中美洲的史前农业起源。

15、It may difficult to believe, but building an arbor for your landscape can actually be quite inexpensive. ─── 也许很难相信,但你乔木景观建设其实是相当便宜。

16、Arbor layer is principal part of community biomass; it is 91% in brush forest and 99% in sedge forest. ─── 乔木层生物量构成了群落生物量的主体,其中灌木落叶松林的乔木层生物量占到总生物量的91%左右,而苔草落叶松林占到99%左右。

17、Adopting the concept of space as a substitute for time, the communities were investigated and divided into 4 restoring types with the IV indexes of arbor layers. ─── 以空间代替时间方法进行典型样地调查,根据乔木种的重要值,将木荷马尾松林划分为4个恢复类型并分析了不同恢复类型的群落结构特征;

18、According to living types,shrubbery and arbor are more,which separately account for 60.25% and 28.57% of the woody medicinal species. ─── 从生活类型统计,灌木和乔木最多,分别占木本药用植物的60.25%、28.57%;

19、Example: Dryad Arbor's type line says "Land Creature -- Forest Dryad." Forest is a land type, and Dryad is a creature type. ─── 3e若神器生物牌的类别栏上面印制了副类别,则这些副类别均为生物类别。若神器地的类别栏上面印制了副类别,则这些副类别均为地类别。

20、Ann Arbor is a city of southeast Michigan west of Detroit. A research and educational center,it is the seat of the University of Michigan (founded in 1817) with a population of 109,592. ─── 安阿伯是密歇根州东南部城市,位于底特律西部,是研究和教育中心,密歇根大学(建于1817年)就座落在这里,有人口109592。

21、In the arid sauna and sauna of desertification habits with dense arbor and bare herbage and shrub, the species and quantity of free ticks of ground were both scarce. ─── 在乔木密集,草本植物和灌木稀少的干旱的盐碱和盐碱沙化生态环境中,地面游离蜱的种类和数量均十分稀少。

22、T oday, March 12th, is the Arbor Day in China. ─── 今天是3月12,中国的植树节。

23、From the word arbor could we guess those who marked this festival in calendar wanna their offsprings have more shade of trees. ─── 从“树荫”这个用词我们可以想见,当年定下植树节的人们是希望我们这些后代拥有更多的树荫。

24、When they had advanced about twenty yards, Danglars looked back and saw Fernand stoop, pick up the crumpled paper, and putting it into his pocket then rush out of the arbor towards Pillon. ─── 他们大约向前走了二十码左右,腾格拉尔回过头来,看见弗尔南多正在弯腰捡起那张揉皱的纸,并塞进他的口袋里,然后冲出凉棚,向皮隆方面奔去。

25、Taper of hob arbor fitting Morse no. ─── 主轴锥孔。

26、Arbor was the dominant species, with a maximum density of 1975/hm~2.Phanerophytes were the largest in all species and therophytes were in the middle. ─── 乔木树种占主导地位,植株最大密度为1975株/hm~2;

27、Arbor Day programs urged children to plant a tree as a patriotic act, as a good investment for the future, and as a way to beautify the community. ─── 在植树节这一天,学童通常都被鼓励要种植一棵树木,也当成他们爱国的表现,同时也是美化社区的方法之一。

28、To the horizontal large main arbor, it is key to solve the inconvenience of fit, adjust and maintain evocable by the weight of shaft. ─── 对于卧式布置的大型主轴,结构设计上要在保证主轴达到精度要求的条件下,着重解决因自重而引起的安装、整、修不便的问题,若重视不够,将使机床不能正常工作。

29、In the years following the first Arbor Day, his idea spread to Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Ohio. ─── 一花引来万花开。莫尔顿倡导的植树节迅速传遍堪萨斯州、田纳西州、明尼苏达州和俄亥俄州。

30、Countries, pp.180-210. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ─── 中国人民银行(000)《中国统计年鉴》,北京:中国金融出版社。

31、In Ann Arbor, Michigan, the Freedom from Religion Foundation complained about a Nativity scene on a highway median that has been displayed for 63 years. ─── 在密歇根的安阿伯,宗教自由基金会投诉一个在交通中心放置了63年的耶诞布景。

32、If you keep the arbor small, to a two-post size, you can have a very attractive landscape feature for a small cost. ─── 如果你把小乔木,两个职位大小你可以有一个很有吸引力的特色景观有小成本。

33、Arbor Networks reports that it is monitoring nothing significant at the moment in terms of recent attacks directed at CNN, although there have been some. ─── 乔木网络报告说,它是监测什么重大目前而言,最近的攻击是针对美国有线新闻网,尽管有过一些。

34、Arbor Day is one day in the year that prevents deforestation, celebrates trees and promotes planting. ─── “植树节”是一些国家为防止森林过度开伐,激发人们爱林、造林的感情而设立的法定节日。

35、Children all over the world celebrate Arbor Day in a number of ways. Here are some exciting suggestions. ─── 世界各地的儿童用各种方式庆祝植树节,来看看大家都做些什么?

36、One Lisu in the performance of Arbor Day "on Daoshan, under the sea of fire" soul-stirring, eye-openers. ─── 其中傈僳族在刀杆节表演的“上刀山,下火海”惊心动魄,令人叹为观止。

37、Wolpoff of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor wonders whether the Flores find might even represent an offshoot of Australopithecus. ─── Wolpoff),则琢磨弗洛瑞斯岛人骨甚至可能代表南猿人的一支。

38、Park,A.(1996),“Risk,Storage,and Grain Storage in China.”Mimeo ,Department of Economics ,University of Michigan ,Ann Arbor,MI. ─── 卢海元,走进城市:农民工的社会保障,北京:经济管理出版社,2004年。

39、Arbor has the largest emission factor of CO2, bush takes the second place, and herbage has the lowest emission factor. ─── 乔木释放的CO2排放因子最大,灌木次之,草本最小。

40、Different plans for simple arbors exist, with variations on different themes and looks (using similar principles it is possible to build an arbor that has four posts). ─── 不同规划简单乔木存在以不同主题变奏曲,样子(有可能用类似的原则,建立一支拥有四乔木员额)。

41、Totally 2,000 types of plants are growing in the Garden, including 60 thousand arbor species, 300 thousand shrub species, 66 thousand vine species, 850 thousand herbs, 400 thousand square meters greensward, one million potted flowers. ─── 共移栽植物2000多种,其中乔木6万株,灌木32.4万株(丛),藤本6.6万丛,草本85万多株(丛),培植草坪43万平方米,花卉150多万盆,珍息濒危和有较高观赏价值的植物达110多种。

42、A ceiling of leaves over the arbor. ─── 凉亭上面的树叶顶篷

43、Arbor and shrub layer comprised 94.8% and 1.2% of the biomass, herb and litter layer comprised 0.7% and 3.3% of the value,respec- tively. ─── 乔木、灌木、草本和死地被物层分别各占94.8%,1.2%,0.7%和3.3%。

44、The above-ground biomass of arbor layer amounted to 54.826 t/ha, and mean annual production amounted to 10.229t/ha. ─── 9年生萌生林乔木层地上部分生物量为54.826t/ha,年平均净生产量为10.229t/ha.

45、If one of the cards is Dryad Arbor (a creature land card), you may reveal Dryad Arbor and another land card or Dryad Arbor and another creature card. ─── 如果其中一张牌是树灵乔木(一张地生物牌),则你可以展示树灵乔木与另一张地牌,或是展示树灵乔木与另一张生物牌。

46、Steele extended the concept to stereotypes after joining the faculty of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1987. ─── 史蒂尔在1987年加入安娜堡密西根大学,并将此概念延伸到刻板印象论。

47、Let us have a rest under the arbor. ─── 咱们在凉亭下休憩一下吧。

48、An arbor can quickly become one of the focal points of a classy landscape. ─── 乔木能迅速成为一个焦点一流景观。

49、C. gigantea is a uni-predominant species in the arbor layer, microphyll and simple leaf hemicryptophytes are dominated in the shrub and grass layers. ─── 巨柏是乔木层的单优势种,灌木层和草本层以全缘草质小型单叶地面芽植物为主。

50、They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea. ─── 他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。

51、A shaded, leafy recess; an arbor. ─── 凉亭,遮荫处一个荫蔽的、有树荫的休息处;凉亭

52、Abies yuanbaoshanensis is a Guangxi endemic and endangered evergreen coniferous arbor,listed in the Red Data Book of plant in P.R. ─── 元宝山冷杉是松科冷杉属的常绿针叶乔木,是20世纪70年代发现的新种,它是世界上仅产于广西融水县北部元宝山的残遗濒危种,已被列为一级保护的濒危植物。

53、Born in Goteborg, Sweden, April 2, 1964, Jake has lived in Winnipeg, Tel Aviv and Amsterdam before settling in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1991. ─── 1964年4月2日出生于瑞典哥德堡,杰克在1991年定居于密歇根州安阿伯之前曾经生活在温尼伯,特拉维夫和阿姆斯特丹。

54、Featured regularly at all Borders Bookstores in the Detroit area as well as Ann Arbor and Flint. ─── 常常受特邀在底特律地区布劳德斯书店及安阿伯和菲林特等地演出。

55、Evergreen bush or small arbor distributed in subtropics. ─── 常绿灌木或小乔木。

56、On Saturday afternoon, Judge Paul Borman of the U.S.District Court in Detroit charged Mr.Abdulmutallab at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor, Mich. ─── 周六下午,美国底特律地区法院的法官博尔曼(PaulBorman)在密歇根州安阿伯的密歇根大学医疗中心对阿卜杜-勒穆塔拉提出了指控。

57、A shaded,leafy recess;an arbor. ─── 凉亭,遮荫处一个荫蔽的、有树荫的休息处;凉亭

58、More and more, in Pittsburgh and Lansing, Madison and Ann Arbor, Boston and Miami and Spokane, I'd finish reading the story to the sound of ambulance sirens arriving outside. ─── 从匹兹堡到兰辛,从麦迪逊到安阿伯,从波士顿到迈阿密再到斯波坎,越来越多次我是在救护车的警笛声中读完这个故事。

59、The runoff amount of herbage vegetation was 1248m3/km2 per year, while shrub and arbor vegetation were 843 m3/km2 and 2079 m3/km2, respectively. ─── 乔木、灌木、草本植被类型对水土流失的影响不同:草本的年均径流量为1248m3/km2,灌木为 843 m3/km2,乔木为 2079 m3/km2;

60、Jong D. E., “Analysis of the behavior of a class of a genetic adaptive system, ” Ph. D. Dissertation, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor(1975). ─── 张季娜、罗仕勇、宋振晶、高述伦、蔡彰文、陈世琏、庄泰旭、邱镇宏,田口品质工程,中华民国品质公管制协会,台北,民国七十八年。

61、In addition,the government is determined to speed up the reclamation of the barren hills suitable for farming,readjust the forestry structure step by step and increase the production of arbor foodstuffs. ─── 中国将加快宜农荒山开发,调整林地结构,逐步增加木本食物生产。

62、 双语使用场景

63、Rein Laak.Wastewater Engineering Design for Unsewered Areas.1980 by Ann Arbor Science Publishers,Inc. ─── 国家环境保护局.氧化塘污水处理技术.中国环境科学出版社,1991,3.

64、The arbor provided a shady resting place in the park. ─── 公园里的凉亭提供了一个荫凉的休息处。

65、Ph.D. In Chinese Studies, Dept. Of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. ─── 密执安大学博士,汉学,语言学。

66、Once you have your arbor, you can use it as a backdrop for intimate weddings and for entertaining. ─── 一旦你乔木,你可以用它作为背景音乐,以及亲密婚礼。

67、The proportion of summer green broad-leaf trees to needle-trees is about 8:2, the proportion of the arbor to the shrub is about7:3. ─── 夏绿阔叶树、常绿针叶树比例在8:2 左右,乔灌比例在7:3 左右为宜。

68、MICHAEL F.CLARKE and MICHAEL W.BECKER worked together in Clarke's laboratory at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where breast tumor stem cells were first isolated in 2003. ─── 克拉克与贝克在2003年时分离出乳癌干细胞,当时克拉克在美国密西根大学安娜堡分校任教,而贝克在克拉克的实验室工作。

69、Moreover, mountainous areas occupy 70 percent of Chinese total territory, which will offer China widely prospects for increasing the demand of arbor stuffs. ─── 中国山地区面积占国土总面积的70%,增加木本食物的前景也十分广阔。

70、Not only China has a Tree Planting Day, according to statistics, more than 50 countries have the world's Arbor Day, but a different name for. ─── 不光中国有植树节,据统计,世界上50多个国家都有植树节,只是叫法不同。

71、At the early,middle and arbor stages of succession,the H(X)value was 2.96,3.85 and 3.75,while H(Y|X)value was 1.27,1.66 and 1.37,respectively. ─── H(Y|X)指数值演替初期为1.27,演替中期增加为1.66,至乔木林阶段则为1.37.

72、One of the principal species is arbor, which includes arborvitae, East-liaoning oak, China Armand pine, birch, and fir. ─── 主要树种有侧柏、辽东栎、华山松、桦、冷杉等乔木;

73、Last Arbor Day I planted two trees. ─── 去年的植树节,我种了两棵树。

74、Fernand wiped away the perspiration steaming from his brow, and slowly entered the arbor, whose shade seemed to restore somewhat of calmness to his senses, and whose coolness somewhat of refreshment to his exhausted body. ─── 弗尔南多擦了擦额头上的冷汗,慢慢地走入凉棚,在那凉棚中,荫凉似乎使他平静了些,清爽的空气使他那精疲力尽的身体重新振作了一些。

75、Almost extinct evergreen small arbor found in coastal and swamp areas in Tainan and Kaohsiung. It is the striking feature in Sihcao mangrove forest. ─── 产于台南高雄沿海沼泽地区已近绝迹,此为四草地区红树林的一大特色。

76、Obi-Wan, with the help of Tahl, Adi Gallia, and Siri Tachi, infiltrates Zan Arbor's labs and frees Qui-Gon. ─── 在塔尔人阿迪咖利亚和斯里,塔奇的帮助下,欧比旺潜入了瓒阿博的实验室并救走了魁刚。

77、You may have heard of Arbor Day at school. ─── 你可能在学校里听过植树节。

78、In arbor pollen grains, the dominant species are ?Pinus? and ?Betula?, with a small amount of ?Quercus, Juglans, Tilia? and ?Artemisia ?etc. ─── 乔木和木本花粉中主要的优势种属为松属(Pinus)和桦属(Petula)以及少量的栗属(Quercus)、胡桃属(Juglans)、椴属(Tilia)和蒿属(Artemisia)等。

79、After a forenoon, four of us got at Pak Tam Au ahead of them, there is an arbor and water supply. ─── sufan又煮了蛋汤和咖啡,这是非常重要的一次能量补给。

80、March 12 is Arbor Day.A student of Hunan agriculture university tied a ribon on a small tree which she planted. ─── 3月12日,湖南农业大学的学生在自己种植的树上系上“橙丝带”。

81、Rosita Smith and Teresa Sir-Petermann of the University of Chile in Santiago;and Vasantha Padmanabhan of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. ─── 其他研究人员的研究包括Pedro Rojas-Garcia, Monica Recabarren, and Victor Alfaro of the University of Concepcion in Chillan, Chile;

82、The humidifying effect of each green land was in the order of arbor+herb>arbor+ shrub+herb>arbor>shrub>shrub+herb>lawn. ─── 各绿地也具有降噪效应,降噪效应依次为乔-灌-草>乔-草>乔木>灌-草>灌木>草坪;

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