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09-03 投稿


deciphering 发音

英:[d??sa?f?r??]  美:[d??sa?f?r??]

英:  美:

deciphering 中文意思翻译




deciphering 短语词组

1、deciphering w2 ─── 破译w2

2、deciphering machine ─── [计] 译密码机

3、deciphering hieroglyphs ─── 解象形文字

4、deciphering meaning ─── 释义

5、deciphering means ─── 破译手段

6、deciphering old german handwriting script ─── 破译古德语手写体

7、deciphering q ─── 破译q

8、deciphering morse code ─── 破译莫尔斯电码

deciphering 词性/词形变化,deciphering变形

形容词: decipherable |动词第三人称单数: deciphers |名词: decipherer |动词过去式: deciphered |动词现在分词: deciphering |动词过去分词: deciphered |

deciphering 相似词语短语

1、cyphering ─── n.密码,暗号;以密码书写的东西;解码;零;无足轻重的人,不重要的东西;(姓名首字母的)拼合字,花押字;(管风琴音管因机械故障发出的)连响;v.用密码书写;做算术,计算;(管风琴音管)连响

2、ciphering ─── n.计算;算出;v.运算;译成密码(cipher的ing形式)

3、decipherment ─── n.解读;翻译;[通信]解密

4、deciphers ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文

5、deciphered ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文

6、unciphering ─── 解开

7、enciphering ─── v.把(电文、文本)译成密码

8、decipherer ─── n.译码器;译码员

9、decipher ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文

deciphering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、59.Despite the skepticism of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize "pop culture" as a key for deciphering the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society. ─── 尽管很多同事心存怀疑,但有些学者已经开始强调流行文化是解密当代社会神话、希望和恐惧的关键。

2、Researchers and clinicians are not always clear on the best way to go forward in deciphering the full influences of sex on the brain, behavior and responses to medications. ─── 如何做才能完整揭露性别对脑子、行为与药物反应的所有影响?科学家与医师并不完全清楚。

3、The interaction between the human and computers makes it easy to bring expertise into the deciphering process. ─── 人机交互的方式使得专家经验可以很容易地融入解译过程中。

4、Presenting, negotiating, delivering evaluations, deciphering financial statements - you can practice them all. ─── 演示推介、谈判、评估、解读财务报表,这些都可以练习。

5、The Stratum Parameter Second Log Deciphering of Wen 203 Block and Its Application ─── 文203块储集层参数测井的二次解释及应用

6、It is deciphering this sentence now. ─── 此刻负责解释这句子的就是它。

7、Environmental chemistry is a new, fast developing science aimed at deciphering fundamental mechanisms ruling the behaviour of pollutants in ecosystems. ─── 环境化学是在生态系统里计划解释基本的机制统治污染物的行为的一门新,迅速发展的科学。

8、Comparison among the deciphering methods of temperature based on numerical weather prediction ─── 基于数值预报产品的温度释用方法比较

9、Deciphering of the Relationship Between the New Text School and the Ancient Text School In the View of Hermeneutics ─── 经今古文学之争的解释学解读

10、This type of testing drives some people crazy, as it involves understanding and deciphering data and process flows between subsystem pieces. ─── 这种测试令人疯狂,因为它涉及理解和破译子系统之间的数据和进程流。

11、RSA cryptosystem is the best one of the public key cryptosystems, and its enciphering or deciphering speed depends on a powering algorithm. ─── RSA是目前最成熟的一种公钥密码体系,RSA加解密算法的速度依赖于模幂算法,因而快速模幂算法一直是人们感兴趣的课题。

12、Modern geology has for its aim the deciphering of the whole evolution of the earth from the time of the earliest records that can be recognized in the rocks to the present day. ─── 现代地质学业的目标,是解释从可以在岩石上辩识其最早记录的太古时代,直到今天的地球形成全过程。

13、Such meaning, according to Aristotle, is inseparably tied to deciphering the rational process of how a thing is made and made well. ─── 根据亚里士多德,要获知是类意义,我们往往得求诸事物的制作过程,认识作者力求完美的理性经过。

14、This paper analyzes briefly literature deciphering under accept esthetics to strengthen its significance and value by further. ─── 对接受视域下的文学进行解读,可以进一步强化其在文学解读中的意义和价值。

15、Deciphering the first code is the most difficult step. ─── 破译第一个密码是最困难的一步。

16、A Neural Network Method for Deciphering the Public Key Cryptograph ─── 破译公钥密码的一种神经网络方法

17、Meanwhile, the German and British Naval Intelligence code intercepting service were busy deciphering each other's radio messages. ─── 同时,德国和英国的海军密码情报机构繁忙地解密对方的无线电信息。

18、Some gifted students are so good at deciphering a character by taking it apart that they can figure out what western civilization and Chinese civilization happen to share. ─── 有些无师自通的“拆字家”甚至能从汉字中窥知中西两种文明暗合的内容。

19、Even for the technically inclined, it can bea difficult task deciphering all this technobabble. ─── 甚至对于一个稍为有点技术的人,解释所有这些技术问题也是一件难事。

20、Nobody doubts his knowledge of German archives, or his skill in deciphering the crabbed handwriting of senior Nazis. ─── 没人怀疑他在德国档案研究方面的学识,也没有人怀疑他对纳粹高层人士潦草笔迹高超的辨认能力。

21、He examined without wrath, and with the eye of a linguist who is deciphering a palimpsest, that portion of chaos, ─── 他用语言学家考证古人遗墨的眼光

22、Deciphering International Norms of Anti-Corruption ─── 反腐败国际准则解读

23、The personal security system includes the functions of ciphering and deciphering messages, digital signing or verifying, managing the certificate. no matter what the user"s knowledge of security is. ─── 使得用户在申请个人邮件帐号的同时把个人证书也得到了。

24、Supports file enciphering, file deciphering, digital signature, data integrality validating and other interfaces; ─── 提供文件加密,文件解密,数字签名,数据完整性验证等接口。

25、a device for deciphering codes and ciphers. ─── 用来解释密码或代码的装置。

26、Today thousands of researchers are hard at work deciphering the myriad ways that genes control the development and functioning of organisms.All those genes are written in the medium that is DNA. ─── 今天有成千上万的研究人员,努力想要了解基因控制生物体发育与运作的各种方法,而这些基因就都写在DNA里。

27、Traditional Mentality and Modern Feelings-- Deciphering Zhang Ailing From the Angle of Marriage and Love ─── 传统意识与现代情怀--从婚姻爱情的角度解读张爱玲

28、“Deciphering the Knowledge Management Hype", Dr. Yogesh Malhotra, www.brint.com/km/whatis.htm, 1998 ─── “[知识管理]包含组织寻找拥有资讯科技的资料与资讯处理流程与人类创造与创新能力的综效结合。"

29、3. Cryptography: Practice of the enciphering and deciphering of messages in secret code in order to render them unintelligible to all But the intended receiver. ─── 密码法:以密码将讯息编码与译码的方法,让指定接收者以外的所有人都无法得知其含意。

30、Deciphering food labels is tricky business. ─── 解读食品标签是一件棘手的事情。

31、I'm still no closer to deciphering the code. ─── 破译这个密码我还是没有进展。

32、Application of Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assay in Deciphering DNA-Protein Interactions ─── 染色质免疫沉淀技术在研究DNA与蛋白质相互作用中的应用

33、This article analyzes the satire art of Lu Xun's essays by deciphering his language,including three aspects:the lexic choice,the flexible grammar and the rhetoric skill. ─── 从鲁迅的语言着手,分别从词语选择、语法活用、修辞技巧三个方面分析和解读鲁迅杂文的讽刺艺术。

34、Issues arise in deciphering images. ─── 图像解译时也会出现问题。

35、Therefore, fantasy to a certain extent reflects the differences between China and the world in understanding and deciphering matters. ─── 因此,幻想在某种意义上折射出中国与世界在理解和解读上差异。

36、Password encryption algorithm is the antithesis of cryptanalysis, that is, deciphering the technical studies. ─── 密码加密算法的对立面就是密码分析,也就是破译技术研究。加密与破译是一对矛盾,了解破译对研究加密非常必要。

37、To develop precision agriculture in China, research needs to focused on database based on GIS, soil spatial variability, data collection of soil characteristics, deciphering of remote sensing information, variable rate technology, etc. ─── 从基于GIS的数据库建设、土壤性状空间变异理论、土壤性状的数据采集、遥感信息解译、农业机械变量控制技术等方面介绍了实现我国精准农业还需研究的问题等。

38、Analysing the Satire Art of Lu Xun's Essays by Deciphering the Language ─── 从语言学角度解读鲁迅杂文的讽刺艺术

39、So,a new image encryption method based on 3D chaotic system is proposed in this paper,which can not only increase secret key space,but also tone up ability to deciphering. ─── 为此,提出了一种基于三维混沌系统的图像加密新方法,扩大了密钥空间,提高了加密系统的抗破译强度。

40、Abstruse, pure, and beautiful complicated emotion breaks out in the twinkling of an eye, deciphering the independence and dazzling charm of the princess. ─── 深邃、纯净、美丽的复杂情绪在瞬间爆发,解读着公主的特立独行和妩媚逼人。

41、Barnes likens his work with the Mice to deciphering a snapshot of an automobile accident in progress. ─── 巴尼斯把他的工作比做破译正在发生中的车祸的快照。

42、The task facing science and industry in coming decades is as at least as challenging as the original deciphering of the human genome. ─── 未来十年,科学界和制药业面临的任务至少与最初解密人类基因的任务一样具有挑战性。

43、Records of the manipulation of time within Earth's journey into the unconscious of the Great Central Sun are assisting us in deciphering parallel manipulations to time herein. ─── 在地球进入大中枢太阳无意识的旅途中所产生的时间操纵的记录,正在帮我们解密这里平行的时间操纵。

44、After obtaining additional hieroglyphic writings from other sources, he succeeded in providing a relatively accurate translation and contributed to the deciphering of the ancient Egyptian language. ─── 在从其它资源中获得象形文字的知识后,杨成功地提出了一种相对准确的翻译并破译了古埃及文字。

45、A Dream Dictionary is often helpful in deciphering symbols as well as searching the internet for the symbolic meaning of that which has been shown to you. ─── 一本梦词典通常有助于译解符号以及搜索已向你展现的符号含义的网络。

46、As you will see, it does not do much, but it proved invaluable in deciphering the Eclipse documentation. ─── 正如您将看到的那样,它没有很多功能,但它对Eclipse文档的解释被证明是非常重要的。

47、Researchers are gradually deciphering the genetic structure found in the cells of organisms. ─── 研究者正渐渐破译存于有机体细胞内的基因结构。

48、Deciphering the enemy's messages hastened the war's end. ─── 破译敌人的许多文电加速了战争的结束。

49、Deciphering about Promoting Operation Level of Agricultural Industrialization in Less-Developed Area--Analysis of the Case of Agricultural Operation Level Weinan of Shaanxi ─── 提高欠发达地区农业产业化经营水平解读--陕西省渭南市农业产业化经营水平实证分析

50、Many ancient scripts (notably Linear A from the island of Crete and Rongorongo from Easter Island), have defied deciphering precisely because they cannot be linked to any known language. ─── 很多古代手稿(特别是来自克里特岛的A类线形文字和来自复活节岛的朗戈朗戈),难于被破译,因为它们无法与任何已知语言相联系。

51、Figuring out these emotions and deciphering what is truly driving you to be in a broken relationship will help you stop the destructive pattern. ─── 理清这些情绪,分辨出哪种情绪是真正让你找回破碎关系的元凶。这可以帮助你停止这种破坏性的模式。

52、data deciphering ─── 数据解密

53、data deciphering device ─── 数据解码装置

54、For example, one step in Newbold's solution involved the deciphering of anagrams, which is notoriously imprecise: the anagram ADER, for instance, can be interpreted as READ, DARE or DEAR. ─── 举例来说,纽柏德的解答中包含以迴文方式解译文字,这种方式是出了名的不精确。例如ADER这字就可以看成READ、DARE或DEAR。

55、This article analyzes the satire art of Lu Xun's essays by deciphering his language, including three aspects: the lexic choice, the flexible grammar and the rhetoric skill. ─── 从鲁迅的语言着手,分别从词语选择、法活用、修辞技巧三个方面分析和解读鲁迅杂文的讽刺艺术。

56、Deciphering through all of the marketing hype and promises can be overwhelming, so closely adhering to these weight loss tips is advised in the weight loss process. ─── 从所有的营销宣传和承诺中做出清醒的判断是尤为重要的,所以尽量遵循在减肥过程中建议的这些减肥小贴士。

57、So, studying one based on embedded system and adding the algorithm of deciphering has important theory meaning and practical value. ─── 因此,研究一种基于嵌入式系统的加解密算法具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

58、the study of ancient forms of writing (and the deciphering of them). ─── 对古代书写形式(及如何识读)的研究。

59、The study of techniques for deciphering cryptographic writings or systems. ─── 密码学研究译解密码书写或密码系统技巧的学科。

60、And I made my own way deciphering that fire ─── 我试图詮释那一团火簇

61、He examd without wrath, and with the eye of a linguist who is deciphering a palimpsest, that portion of chaos which still exists in nature. ─── 他用语言学家考证古人遗墨的眼光,平心静气地观察自然界中迄今还存在着的多种多样的混乱现象。

62、Now we're just a few years away from one of the most important breakthroughs of all time: deciphering the human genome,the 100,000 genes encoded by 3 billion chemical pairs in our DNA. ─── 现在,只要再过几年,我们距离揭开人类基因组(由10万个基因构成,这些基因在人类DNA中由30亿个化学对编码),这是人类有史以来最重要的突破之一。

63、Soon afterward Nirenberg had competition: Nobelist Severo Ochoa of the New York University School of Medicine set up his own lab and started deciphering the code, too. ─── 不久竞争者就出现了,纽约大学医学院的诺贝尔奖得主欧乔亚建立了自己的实验室,著手解开密码,一直到1964年才停止这项工作。

64、This book offers Python programmers one place to look when they need help remembering or deciphering the syntax of this open source language and its many powerful but scantily documented modules. ─── (译):这本书Python程序员提供了一个地方看,他们需要帮助时,想起或破译了这个开源语言和它的许多功能强大,但人口稀少的记录模块语法。

65、the study of ancient forms of writing (and the deciphering of them) ─── 对古代书写形式(及如何识读)的研究

66、Despite the [skepticism] of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize "pop culture" as a key for [deciphering] the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society. ─── 尽管他们的许多同僚对此怀疑,一些学者还是开始强调“通俗文化”是解释当代社会神话、希望和恐惧的一个关键所在。

67、the process or skill of communicating in or deciphering secret writings or ciphers ─── 密码术一种用秘密书写或密码进行交流的方法或技巧;译解秘密书写或密码的方法或技巧

68、Although these seals and samples of Indus writing have been floating around the scholastic world for close to 70 years, little progress has been made on deciphering this elegant script. ─── 尽管这些印度河流域的图案文字和样本已经在考古界辗转了将近七十年,可是对这些文字的解读几乎毫无进展。

69、l Data enciphering, deciphering, validating component: Encapsulating the function of CryptoAPI of Microsoft. ─── 4. 数据加密、解密、验证组件:主要封装微软加密库CryptoAPI函数。

70、The Sumerian cuneiform deciphering skills of Zecharia Sitchen, a linguist in command of many ancient languages, has set the scientific world on its ear with his astounding interpretations of ancient writings. ─── 扎查里亚西特切的闪族楔形文字破译技巧,一位语言学家在指挥着很多古代语言,已经把科学世界设计在它的倾听上,连同着他对古代作品惊人的解释。

71、They are still deciphering the precise mechanisms behind how and why life can so routinely be paused in itro and in animals. ─── 他们至今还在解读为什么在机体外何在动物体内,生命可以有规律地停止,具体的机制是什么。

72、At this moment begins the Christian hermeneutics of the self with its deciphering of inner thoughts. ─── 笛卡尔对于自我的解释学及其内在思想的诠释,就是在此刻开始。

73、The Brief Analysis of Literature Deciphering under Accepts Esthetics ─── 略论接受视域下的文学解读

74、The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems. ─── 密码分析对密码书写或密码系统的分析和译解

75、Article Eighteen Production of pirated software, software for deciphering secret and software with the main function of removing technology-protection measures are prohibited. ─── 第十八条禁止生产盗版软件和解密软件以及主要功能是解除技术保护措施的软件。

76、Representation of Components of the Encipheringand Deciphering Transformation in LUC PKC ─── LUC公钥密码体制加解密变换分量表示

77、Understanding protein folding is the next step in deciphering the genetic code. ─── 破译遗传密码的下一步是了解蛋白质折叠。

78、During the deciphering process, the sinking and confirmation of the bedding surface can be controlled easily by decipherers. ─── 解译过程中,层面的下沉和确定都由解译者灵活控制。

79、Malhotra, Y. Deciphering the knowledge management type.Journal for Quality and Participation, July/August 1998. [Special issue of Learning and Information Management ─── 托马斯.M.科洛斯、卡尔.佛雷保洛著,陈岳、管新潮译.知识管理[M].上海:远东出版社,2002-10,第1版.

80、"Financial investment information platform" to make the perfect graft message is no longer out of touch with the market, complete deciphering the K line changes behind Hsuanchi! ─── “金融界投资信息平台”的完美嫁接令消息与行情不再脱节,彻底破译K线异动背后的玄机!

81、Since it contained parallel inscriptions in both Greek characters and Egyptian hieroglyphics, it provided a key to deciphering ancient Egyptian writing. ─── 由于它上面并列地刻着希腊字符和埃及象形文字,它为解读古代埃及文献提供了一把钥匙。

82、Wireless network attack is an important analyzing technology for spy and disposal, encrypting and deciphering of wireless communication signals. ─── 无线网络攻击关键是无线通信信号侦察处理、加密和密码分析技术。

83、After each change the scoring function tests a new wiring by deciphering the message and trying to determine how closely the resulting plaintext matches the statistics of the natural language. ─── 每次做出改变后,新对象的“良好度”与“适切度”须由一个得分函数来决定。

84、We returned to the observatory and Iris set about deciphering the tablets. ─── 我们回到天文台,艾里斯开始解读石板的内容。

85、Algebraic Methods For Deciphering Metamorphic Reactions ─── 变质反应的代数识别方法

86、Until now, I had been deciphering the world's handwriting on my skin. ─── 到现在为止,我一直在我的皮肤上破译世界的笔迹。

87、5.But when more than one planet is tugging at a star, deciphering the meaning of the wobble is complicated. ─── 但是,多个行星牵引一个恒星,解密星体移位的内涵就会复杂化。

88、When this happens, you can either spend a considerable amount of time deciphering that code or find a tool to do it for you efficiently. ─── 当这种情况发生时,您可以选择花费大量时间破译代码,也可以选择寻找一种可提供有效帮助的工具。

89、Enciphering and deciphering time would have prevented vital operational information from being dispatched or delivered to staff sections with any degree of speed. ─── 加密和解密的速度是他们认为所有传送重要情报的方法中最快的。”

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