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09-03 投稿


appropriating 发音

英:[??pr??prie?t??]  美:[??pro?prie?t??]

英:  美:

appropriating 中文意思翻译



appropriating 词性/词形变化,appropriating变形

动词过去式: appropriated |动词现在分词: appropriating |动词第三人称单数: appropriates |动词过去分词: appropriated |形容词: appropriative |名词: appropriateness |副词: appropriately |

appropriating 同义词

correct | desired | allowable | becoming | arrogate | take over | misappropriate | adapted | likely | seize | take | capture | expedient | fit | set aside | earmark | apt | divide | budget | impute | acceptable | allow | commensurate | allocate | adopt | conformable | allot | assume | reserve | proper | pirate | agreeable | apportion | share | usurp | good | assign | applicable | conquer | advisable | right | qualified | relative | fitting | worthy |suitable | distribute | apposite

appropriating 反义词

inappropriate | unfit | unsuitable

appropriating 相似词语短语

1、malappropriating ─── 不当

2、expropriating ─── vt.没收,征用;剥夺

3、disappropriating ─── 失踪

4、impropriating ─── v.把圣俸赠予;从教会移交俗人;adj.以此方式移交的

5、reappropriating ─── 重新分配

6、appropriations ─── n.[财政]拨款;挪用(appropriation复数)

7、unappropriating ─── 不适当的

8、appropriative ─── adj.专用的;充当的;可拨用的

9、appropriation ─── n.拨款;挪用

appropriating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The secret motion wind, is appropriating lost articles mutually. ─── 暗暗移动的风,相互拾遗着。

2、At appropri kte places, he kintrodu Nude cesthe criticisms Lady of the creationists and provides answers. ─── 作者在合适的地方引入了对创世纪论者的批评并提供了后者的回答。

3、Favoring ethnic minority areas in appropriating funds from the central budget. ─── 中央资金重点向少数民族地区倾斜。

4、The legislature put teeth into the traffic law by increasing the penalties and appropriating money for its proper enforcement. ─── 议会以提高罚款及拨出执法所需要的专款,使交通法得以正常实施。

5、The Account Management in Paying and Appropriating Pension Insurance Funds in Institutions ─── 谈事业单位养老保险基金缴、拨的账务处理

6、All objections urged against the Communistic mode of producing and appropriating material products,have,in the same way,been urged against the Communistic modes of producing and appropriating intellectual products. ─── 所有这些对共产主义的物质产品的占有方式和生产方式的责备, 也被扩及到精神产品的占有和生产方面。

7、A few other states have integrated natural resource values more directly into their systems for appropriating water. ─── 其他一些州已经比较直接地将自然资源价值并入到他们的占用水系统中。

8、How far can an advertising artist go in appropriating images from other artists? ─── 广告艺术家在多大程度上可以利用其他的艺术家创造的意象?

9、Congress has supported this initiative by appropriating $1 billion for afterschool programs in Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 (up from $846 million in 2001). ─── 国会率先拨一亿美金作为学校后教育计划在2002会计年度的专项基金(高于2001年的846万美金)。

10、My daughter is always appropriating my clothes! ─── 我女儿总是乱穿我的衣服!

11、appropriating funds for education. ─── 拨款作教育基金

12、And, because banks would not be appropriating so much of people's labor and wealth, the economy as a whole would grow much faster. ─── 而且,由于银行将不会被占用如此多的 大众劳力和财富,整个经济将增长更快。

13、Countermeasures of Keeping away from Appropriating and Diverting State Enterprise Assets ─── 防范侵吞和挪用国企资产的对策

14、A “self-strengthening movement” followed, but this aimed simply at appropriating the technology to build gunboats and other Western material objects. ─── 戊戌变法触及到制度层面的革新,终因顽固派的残酷镇压而归于失败;辛亥革命在表面上埋葬了延续2000多年的皇权制度,建立了亚洲第 一个共和国。

15、4) Withholding, pocketing, appropriating or embezzling the family planning funds or social welfare funds; ─── (四)截留、克扣、挪用、贪污计划生育经费或者社会抚养费的;

16、Some Party and government departments have established companies, doing business with funds allocated by the state, abusing power for personal gain and appropriating public property for private use. ─── 有的党政机关设了许多公司,把国家拨的经费拿去做生意,以权谋私,化公为私。

17、And, because banks would not be appropriating so much of people's labor and wealth, the economy as a whole would grow much faster. ─── 而且,由于银行将不会被占用如此多的大众劳力和财富,整个经济将增长更快。

18、Article 5 The National Treasury is responsible for appropriating the funding necessary for government’s investment in national enterprises. ─── 第5条 (国营事业之投资来源及股票之保管)政府对于国营事业之投资,由国库拨付,

19、appropriating a sum of RMB 200,000 to Hans Einhell China to help them purchasing in Chongqing and get international certificates. ─── (二)在政策框架内给予汉斯.安海及其在渝采购配套企业产品国际认证资金支持20万元左右。

20、Is it a celebration of remix culture, revelling in the endless possibilities opened up by appropriating and reusing images without permission? ─── 是混合文化的盛典,还是对未经允许便盗用和改造他人图片所展现出来无限可能性的迷醉?

21、The Crime of Appropriating State-Owned Property ─── 论私分国有资产罪

22、It is more responsible to strengthen supervision and dispose in time after appropriating funds. ─── 这更说明,哈珀政府对保障人民的生活和工作是负责任和公平的。

23、This consists of appropriating the "early rain" power for Christian character perfection, and reflecting the righteousness of Christ fully. ─── 包括改变基督徒品格的早雨圣灵的能力及完全表现基督的义。

24、She again entreated his forgiveness for so selfishly appropriating the cottage . ─── 她为自己这么自私地占用了这座农舍而再次恳求他的原谅。

25、Each locality shall conscientiously tighten the control of special financial funds ensuring special funds for special purpose, and appropriating them for other use shall be prohibited. ─── 各地要切实加强对财政专项经费的管理,专款专用,严禁挪作他用。

26、The treasurer was arrested for appropriating company funds. ─── 该出纳由于挪用公司资金而被捕。

27、8.Some Party and government departments have established companies, doing business with funds allocated by the state, abusing power for personal gain and appropriating public property for private use. ─── 党、群众组织、军队、企业、机关,都要把经常工作建立起来,要把经常的组织工作、经常的宣传教育工作建立起来。

28、The artist is no longer representing reality, but is instead appropriating, copying and reproducing it. And by doing so, he/she is agitating the existing discourse of reality. ─── 他的作品不再是对现实的表征,而是对现实的挪用、复制与再造,他搅乱着现实话语。

29、One reason is that as Europe tipped into recession, the right moved left -- appropriating some of the left's long-standing economic policies, including nationalizations and bailouts. ─── 造成这一现象的原因之一是,随着欧洲经济陷入衰退,右翼政党的政策开始向左移动,从而盗取了左翼政党长期宣扬的一些经济政策,如国有化和政府救助等。

30、He was accused of appropriating club funds. ─── 他被控盗用俱乐部资金。

31、Legal Analysis on Missing Articles and Appropriating Lost Property ─── 关于遗失物与拾得行为的法律探析

32、We were awarded the state's appropriating funds for CATV projects twice and possess two patent rights. ─── 公司业务涵盖软件开发与设计,网络工程,系统集成,各类大中型软件系统开发等信息化建设。

33、She again entreated his forgiveness for so selfishly appropriating the cottage ─── 她为自己这么自私地占用了这座农舍而再次恳求他的原谅。

34、Today we see much of the art produced in China approaching and appropriating this global mainstream, in terms of subject matter, language and appearance. ─── 今天我们看到很多中国艺术在主题、语言和造型上,都是朝这种方向发展。

35、b:group companies can perform flexible arrangement of funds among their subsidiaries by collecting from and appropriating into the accounts. ─── 集团总公司通过集团一级账户资金的上收和下拨,在其子公司之间进行资金的灵活调剂。

36、A few other states have integrated natural resource values more directly into their systems for appropriating water. ─── 其他一些州已经比较直接地将自然资源价值并入到他们的占用水系统中。

37、You can become wealthy by creating wealth or by appropriating wealth created by other people. ─── 你可以通过创造财富或掠夺他人创造的财富而致富。

38、but probably this vessel was planned long before the war was thought of, and that Congress had to pass a bill appropriating the money; ─── 真正的事物是由伟大的思想创造的,而这工作的完成又是借助想像力的运用。为了培养想像力,做一些练习是必要的。

39、By possessing the property of buying everything, by possessing the property of appropriating all objects, money is thus the object of eminent possession. ─── 货币,因为具有购买一切东西、占有一切对象的特性,所以是最突出的对象。

40、But modern bourgeois private property is the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and appropriating products, that is based on class antagonisms, on the exploitation of the many by the few. ─── 但是,现代的资产阶级私有制是建立在阶级对立上面、建立在一些人对另一些人的剥削上面的产品生产和占有的最后而又最完备的表现。

41、Application Form for Appropriating Fund Project is generated on the "declaration system" . ─── 通过“申报系统”生成的“资金项目拨付申请表”;

42、6. He was accused of appropriating club funds. ─── 他被控告挪用俱乐部基金.

43、In order to do this, it fuses with the host cell membrane, appropriating its components to form its own envelope. ─── 要令包膜形成,核壳先要与宿主细胞膜融合,然后拨出自己的部分成分来组成包膜。

44、Favoring ethnic minority areas in appropriating funds from the central budget. ─── 中央资金重点向少数民族地区倾斜。

45、Entrepreneurs face a dual challenge, that of creating entrepreneurial rents and appropriating some of these rents. ─── 企业家面临着一个双重性的挑战:创造更多的企业家租金并占有其中的一部分。

46、Performance in appropriating capital: We need to measure the return on investment against the return expected. ─── 资金优化配置的绩效评估我们需要将实际的投资回报率和作出投资决定时预期的投资回报率进行比对。

47、This accountant is casted into prison for appropriating big amount of money of firm. ─── 这个会计由于公司挪用巨额款项而进了监狱。

48、Did they have access to modern technology before appropriating that of the [[DHARMA initiative]]? ─── 他们在侵占“达摩启动”组织的地盘前有自己的途径接触现代科技吗?

49、1. appropriating a sum of RMB 100,000 to Hans Einhell China and their partner in Chongqing for exploiting the international market and going abroad. ─── (一)对汉斯.安海及其在渝合作伙伴国际市场开拓、出国考察支持10万元左右。

50、but even here a considerable quantity of labour is generally required, not for the purpose of creating, but of finding and appropriating them. ─── 但即令是这些东西,通常也需要花费相当数量的劳动,不是为了制造它们,而是用于寻找和占有它们。

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