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09-03 投稿


catechist 发音

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catechist 中文意思翻译



catechist 词性/词形变化,catechist变形

形容词: catechistic |

catechist 短语词组

1、catechist teacher resume ─── 问答老师简历

2、catechist name ─── 类别名称

3、catechist pdf ─── 问答pdf

4、catechist magazine ─── 问答杂志

5、catechist definition ─── 范畴定义

6、catechist teacher ─── 问答教师

7、catechist define ─── 问答定义

8、catechist magazine subscription ─── 问答杂志订阅

catechist 相似词语短语

1、catechists ─── n.盘问者;问答式教授者

2、catechises ─── 问答式教授;盘问

3、catechise ─── 问答式教授;盘问

4、catechised ─── 问答式教授;盘问

5、catechiser ─── 儿茶师

6、catechism ─── n.问答教学法;教义问答书

7、catechisms ─── n.问答教学法;教义问答书

8、catchiest ─── 引人注目的;(曲调、歌曲)容易记住的;狡诈的,易使人上当的;一阵阵的,时断时续的(catchy的最高级)

9、catechistic ─── 传道师的

catechist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This I found to be another catechist, but of a different order from the blind man of Mull. ─── 我发现他也是一位传教士,不过跟姆尔岛的那个瞎子不属于一个教派。

2、a new convert being taught the principles of Christianity by a catechist ─── 被传授教义教规的新入教者

3、9. This I found to be another catechist, but of a difficult order from the blind man of Mull. ─── 我发现他也是一位传教士,不过跟姆尔岛的那个瞎子不属于一个教派。

4、This I found to be another catechist, but of a different order from the blind man of Mull. ─── 我发现他也是一位传教士,不过跟姆尔岛的那个瞎子不属于一个教派。

5、a new convert being taught the principles of Christianity by a catechist. ─── 被传授教义教规的新入教者。

6、My brave wife 'returned Defarge standing before her with his head a little bent and his hands clasped at his back like a docile and attentive pupil before his catechist 'I do not question all this. ─── 我勇敢的老婆,”德伐日微低着头,双手背在身后,像个站在教理问答老师面前的小学生似的回答道,“我对这一切都不怀疑。”

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