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09-03 投稿


ascensive 发音

英:[??sens?v]  美:[??sens?v]

英:  美:

ascensive 中文意思翻译



ascensive 相似词语短语

1、ostensive ─── adj.清晰显示的;以实例证示的;清晰显示的,表明的;(释义)直示的

2、distensive ─── 膨胀的

3、abstersive ─── adj.使洁净的,有洁净作用的

4、ascension ─── n.上升;耶稣升天;n.(Ascension)人名;(西)阿森西翁

5、suspensive ─── adj.暂停的;悬而不决的;可疑的;暧昧的

6、ascendible ─── 上升的

7、abessive ─── adj.残缺格的;n.残缺格

8、aspersive ─── 诽谤的

9、ascensions ─── n.上升;耶稣升天;n.(Ascension)人名;(西)阿森西翁

ascensive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It persists in the policy of ''Quality makes survivable, credit makes ascensive'' and the management target of ''The quality is crucial, never let any flawy product circulates to clients ''. ─── 一直坚持:“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展''''的经营方针和“严把质量关,绝不让劣质产品流到客户手里”的管理目标。

2、Proletarian politics, socialistic politics represented the essential volition of numerous working people and interest, mirrorred social history to develop ascensive requirement. ─── 无产阶级的政治、社会主义的政治代表了广大劳动人民的根本意志和利益,反映了社会历史发展进步的要求。

3、"With when all is entered " increased direction-sense, aggrandizement ascensive property. ─── “与时俱进”增加了方向感 ,强化了进步的性质。

4、This is the ascensive ideologist later people provided rich thought nourishment. ─── 这为后来的进步思想家们提供了丰富的思想养料。

5、I should leave, how to turn that feeling into me ascensive motivation? ─── 我要离开了,怎样将那份情感变成我进步的动力?

6、Scientific research compares the past to producing ascensive effect any moment are more outstanding. ─── 科学研究对于生产进步的作用比过去任何时候更为突出。

7、Canal into think the 3rd pace is ascensive promotion, undertake sale and rich guest apply digitlizing a network. ─── 渠成认为第三步是进步提升,进行数字化网络营销和博客应用。

8、It occupies special position - joint of agriculture and nomadism civilization, and also it is the most important strategic field, so the whole area is still creative and ascensive. ─── 但由于自身处在农耕文明与游牧文明交汇处的特殊区位,始终是屏藩京畿的战略要地,整个地区仍然有新的创造和进步。

9、After the Pang Wei that achieve what one wishes enters fire line, got saving team coach Yi Shiyi's friendly help, ascensive amazingly quick. ─── 如愿以偿的庞伟进入射击队后,得到了省队教练亦师亦友的帮助,进步神速。

10、pars ascens aortae ─── 主动脉升段

11、Sun Nan's ball age although have 14 months only, but the course tries hard difficultly, it is ascensive amazingly quick simply. ─── 孙楠的球龄虽然只有14个月,但经过艰苦努力,简直是进步神速。

12、rough characteristic of the boulder clause is to produce old feeling through its colour, veins and shape. The sensitive sheen of mica enable it have harmonious and ascensive function. ─── 粗糙的特点通过它的色彩、纹理和形状产生了一种苍老感,敏感的云母光辉,使它有协调和强调的作用。

13、Make clear " advanced productivity " connotation, to quickening socialistic modernization pace, drive a society ascensive sense is great. ─── 弄清“先进生产力”的内涵 ,对加速社会主义现代化建设步伐 ,推进社会进步意义重大。

14、The rough characteristic of the boulder clause is to produce old feeling through its colour, veins and shape. The sensitive sheen of mica enable it have harmonious and ascensive function. ─── 散石粗糙的特点通过它的色彩、纹理和形状产生了一种苍老感,敏感的云母光辉,使它有协调和强调的作用。

15、But should know electronic industry grow and ascensive mode is abiding model, and in 30 years we did not realize this. ─── 但要知道电子行业的成长和前进模式是长久型的,而在30年咱们没无意识到这一点。

16、It persists in the policy of 'Quality makes survivable, credit makes ascensive' and the management target of 'The quality is crucial, never let any flawy product circulates to clients '. ─── 一直坚持:“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展''的经营方针和“严把质量关,绝不让劣质产品流到客户手里”的管理目标。

17、1 of fair Yu Fen of the change of agricultural growth pattern and agrotechnical progress mechanism, agriculture grows the core of means transition: Establish is agrotechnical ascensive mechanism. ─── 农业增长方式的转变与农业技术进步机制公玉芬1、农业增长方式转型的核心:确立农业技术进步机制。

18、indicating much study, we even ascensive technique of extending coxa speediness and touchdown actively in the period of running of modern sprint. ─── 许多研究表明,现代短跑途中跑技术更强调的是“快速伸髋”和“积极着地”技术。

19、Canal into think the 3rd pace is ascensive promotion, undertake sale and rich guest apply digitizing a network. ─── 渠成认为第三步是进步提升,进行数字化网络营销和博客应用。

20、But should know electronic industry grow and ascensive mode is abiding model, and in 30 years we did not realize this. ─── 但要知道电子行业的成长和前进模式是长久型的,而在30年咱们没无意识到这一点。

21、How to know our country to show what level exists to exploit, exploit existence has without inevitability and ascensive sex, already became the heat issue that people pays close attention to. ─── 如何认识我国现阶段存在的剥削 ,剥削存在有无必然性和进步性 ,已成为人们关注的热点问题。

22、To reach some calmness he stays at the farmstead of Ascen, an old religious woman.Although but a few words are spoken love grows. ─── 天地悠悠/生命之光 Jap n剧情简介: A painter from the big city goes to a remote canyon to commit suicide.

23、It is the ascensive child with transitional profundity of latter-day China society, it is the most advanced new-style revolution political party. ─── 它是近代中国社会深刻变迁的进步产物,是最先进的新型革命政党。

24、He notices, at present a lot of officials are communicated with the netizen through the network, this is ascensive expression. ─── 他注意到,目前很多官员通过网络与网友沟通,这是进步的表现。

25、It intends to accord with the require of age and keep up with the tideway of ascensive society, but not to prove private land tenure or public-owned land tenure more reasonable in theory. ─── 其目的不是在学理上证明应当土地私有化还是公有化,而是如何符合时代要求,跟上社会进步的潮流。

26、Its occurrence, civilized to society of development of culture of contemporary world economy, mankind progress has enormous social value and ascensive sense. ─── 它的出现,对于当代世界经济文化发展、人类社会文明进步具有巨大的社会价值和进步意义。

27、He notices, at present a lot of officials are communicated with the netizen through the network, this is ascensive expression. ─── 他注意到,目前很多官员通过网络与网友沟通,这是进步的表现。

28、Ideological emancipation is human society develops ascensive sign. ─── 思想解放是人类社会发展进步的标志。

29、Innovation is lineal economics fails to envisage the economy with illuminate all the time ascensive mechanism. ─── 创新是正统经济学一直未能正视和阐释的经济进步机制。

30、Thoroughly changing the built-in traditional procreation conception of the masses, and replacing the scientific, civilized and ascensive procreation conception, is a profound thought revolution. ─── 摘要彻底转变群众固有的传统生育观,代之以科学、文明、进步的生育观,是一场深刻的思想革命。

31、The market mechanism that has not form can make manufacturing structure produce ascensive sex change rarely. ─── 尚未形成的市场机制很少能促使生产结构发生进步性变化。

32、After the Pang Wei that achieve what one wishes enters fire line, got saving team coach Yi Shiyi's friendly help, ascensive amazingly quick. ─── 如愿以偿的庞伟进入射击队后,得到了省队教练亦师亦友的帮助,进步神速。

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