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09-03 投稿



inquietude 发音

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inquietude 中文意思翻译



inquietude 短语词组

1、inquietude bible ─── 问询圣经

2、inquietude 1998 inquietude 1998 ─── 年

3、inquietude def ─── 探询曲

4、inquietude define ─── 探究式定义

5、inquietude crossword clue ─── 问询纵横字谜线索

6、inquietude crossword ─── 问询纵横字谜

inquietude 相似词语短语

1、quietude ─── n.平静;寂静;沉着

2、assuetude ─── n.习惯

3、disquietude ─── n.不安,忧虑,焦虑

4、inquietly ─── adv.不安地;焦急地

5、inquiet ─── adj.焦急的;不安的;不安静的

6、pinguitude ─── 平谷

7、inquisitive ─── adj.好奇的;好问的,爱打听的

8、disquietive ─── 令人不安的

9、aquiclude ─── n.不透水层,隔水层;含水土层

inquietude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The prevalence of sub-health was 70.66% in medicos, which made them difficult to focus attention, be tired for a long time, memory decreasing, get a cold easily, fantod and inquietude, insomnia and have many dreams. ─── 医学院学生亚健康人群比例较高(70.66%),表现为注意力难以集中、长期持续疲劳、记忆力减退、经常感冒、烦躁不安、失眠多梦等。

2、Gas private parts is insufficient, cannot go up battalion brings about mind inquietude at the heart, occurrence insomnia. ─── 气阴不足,不能上营于心而导致心神不宁,出现失眠。

3、Forestry does not promote Liaoning inquietude Liaoning to serve as republican cornstalk, it is to taking glory and earnest wish, prep against difficulty and challenge stride of 21 centuries. ─── 林业不兴辽宁不宁辽宁作为共和国的长子,是带着光荣与梦想,迎着困难和挑战迈进21世纪的。

4、And some houses feel depressive and depressing, sit establish inquietude? ─── 而有的房子则感觉压抑沉闷,坐立不宁?

5、inquietude A state of restlessness or uneasiness; disquietude ─── 不安;焦虑

6、My mind is inquietude today. ─── 我今天心神不宁。

7、Children is excessive and active, morpheus inquietude. ─── 儿童过度活跃,睡眠不宁。

8、Make the person generates the sentiment of be agitated impulse, mind inquietude. ─── 使人产生烦躁冲动的情绪,心神不宁。

9、Investigation of psychological inquietude problems in the middling occupational nursing students ─── 中等职业护士生心理不安倾向的调查

10、apocalyptic and oracular tone provides the spectators with a glimpse of the anxiety and inquietude penetrating current Japanese society. ─── 天启式、神谕性的基调让观众一睹渗透整个日本社会的焦虑和不安情绪。

11、Amidst the grass and hills shimmering in the setting sun, No one can fathom the inquietude of my mind. ─── 我试着借酒浇愁,用酒精麻醉自己,但我仍能感到内心的空虚。衣服从我衰弱的身躯散漫地垂下。

12、The patient often has the feeling that emerges at the head on blood, actuation, mood inquietude, heart nest ministry is unwell, constipation. ─── 患者经常有血上涌于头部的感觉,冲动,心绪不宁,心窝部不适,便秘。

13、Investigation of psychological inquietude problems in the middling occupational nursing students ─── 中等职业护士生心理不安倾向的调查

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