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09-03 投稿


crunode 发音

英:[['kru:n??d]]  美:[['kru:no?d]]

英:  美:

crunode 中文意思翻译



crunode 短语词组

1、crunode definition ─── 关键节点定义

crunode 相似词语短语

1、cruncher ─── 克朗彻(人名)

2、crunched ─── n.咬碎,咬碎声;扎扎地踏;(突发的)不足,短缺;财政困难;关键时刻;vt.压碎;嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;扎扎地踏过;vi.嘎吱作响地咀嚼;嘎吱嘎吱地踏过

3、crusade ─── n.改革运动;十字军东侵;vi.加入十字军;从事改革运动

4、crude ─── adj.粗糙的;天然的,未加工的;粗鲁的;n.原油;天然的物质

5、crunchie ─── n.南非白人;n.(Crunchie)克伦奇(巧克力品牌)

6、crusaded ─── n.改革运动;十字军东侵;vi.加入十字军;从事改革运动

7、crunodal ─── 拐点

8、crunches ─── n.仰卧起坐;仰身(crunch的复数);v.嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼;嘎吱地压过(crunch的三单形式)

9、crunodes ─── n.[数]结点;[数]叉点

crunode 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The role is a social mask of individual, an individual coordinate positioning in special social relations, and also a crunode of the net of social relations. ─── 摘要角色是个体的社会面具,角色是个体在特定社会关系中的坐标点,也是社会关系网的结点;

2、based on a summary of several existing architectures , we put forward the part crunode degeneration composite architecture. ─── 在总结当前几种组织形式基础上提出了部分结点蜕化的混合式组织结构。

3、A Study on Crunode Structure between Abutment and Main Beam of Jointless Bridge ─── 无伸缩缝桥梁桥台与主梁的结点构造研究

4、role is a social mask of individual, an individual coordinate positioning in special social relations, and also a crunode of the net of social relations. ─── 角色是个体的社会面具,角色是个体在特定社会关系中的坐标点,也是社会关系网的结点;

5、Crunode equivalent transformation and effective buffer generation ─── 结点的等效变化及缓冲区快速生成算法

6、The test,so-called computer spline,is a slippery and controllable plane curve,generated on the known crunode by computer drawing software. ─── 所谓的计算机样条,是应用计算机绘图软件在已知结点上生成的一条可控形状的光滑平面曲线。

7、All pipelines has been optimized and less crunode based on history customers' feedbacks.The pipe between element and vessel has been redesigned and confirmed. ─── 所有的管路全部进行优化,减少结点,同时根据历史客户使用体验的反馈,对主机与油气桶间的管道进行了加固及设计变更。

8、container stream from container transaction stations is to be transported by varieties of trains to adjacent crunode stations. ─── 集装箱办理站产生的集装箱流向其邻近的结点站输送,可能采用不同的运输方案。

9、After partition the pipe into calculation cells, the sound velocity, fuel density, fuel pressure and flowing velocity at every calculation crunode in different time are gained. ─── 在对油管合理地划分计算单元后,可求解得到油管各个结点在不同时刻的燃油音速、密度、压力和流速等特征参数值。

10、mathematical model of stress distribution in vacuum glass was established by using crunode method. ─── 用结点法建立真空玻璃应力分布数学模型。

11、WPC products are different from wood with very convenient using, you don't have to consider the grain and crunode. ─── 塑木型材使用起来非常方便,与木材不同,使用塑木型材时你不必考虑木材纹路方向或结点。

12、A Study on Crunode Structure between Abutment and Main Beam of Jointless Bridge ─── 无伸缩缝桥梁桥台与主梁的结点构造研究

13、The Marshalling Station is a key crunode of the railway network, its work is fulfilled by multitype workers of different departments. ─── 编组站是铁路运输网络上的关键结点,其工作是由不同部门、多工种联合劳动、共同协作完成的。

14、Hybrid CFD and crunode meshwork method for estimating stuctured packing column efficiency ─── 利用CFD及结点网络相结合的方法研究规整填料传质效率

15、Study on the Bearing Capacity of Jointless Bridges with Composite Crunode and Test ─── 无伸缩缝桥梁合成梁式结点的受力性能和试验研究

16、The Marshalling Station is a key crunode of the railway network whose work is fulfilled by multitype workers of different departments . ─── 编组站是铁路运输网络上的关键节点,其工作是由不同部门、多工种联合劳动、共同协作完成的。

17、Crunode equivalent transformation and effective buffer generation ─── 结点的等效变化及缓冲区快速生成算法

18、Analyses of Enterprise Social Network Based on Crunode Relationships ─── 基于结点关系的企业人际网络解析

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