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cervixes 发音

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cervixes 中文意思翻译



cervixes 词性/词形变化,cervixes变形

名词复数: cervixes |

cervixes 相似词语短语

1、cervix ─── n.子宫颈;颈部

2、ceramides ─── n.[生化]神经酰胺;磷脂质;天然保湿因子(ceramide复数)

3、cercises ─── n.紫荆

4、cerites ─── n.[矿物]铈硅石

5、cervicums ─── 子宫颈

6、cervices ─── n.子宫颈(cevix的复数)

7、certifies ─── 证明;合格证明;发证书

8、cervids ─── 鹿科的;鹿科

9、cervine ─── adj.鹿的;像鹿一样的;n.(Cervine)(美、英、阿、巴、西)茨尔维呢(人名)

cervixes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results showed that 18.18% of normal cervixes, 66.67% of CINs, and 87.50% of cervical carcinomas expressed p16. The expression of p16 was significantly higher in cervical carcinomas than in normal cervixes (P < 0.01). ─── 在正常宫颈上皮、CIN和宫颈癌组织中,p16表达的阳性率分别为18.18%、66.67%、87.50%。 从正常宫颈到CIN到宫颈癌组织中p16表达呈现逐渐升高的趋势。

2、Cervical cancer is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular Pap tests (a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope). ─── 宫颈癌通常生长缓慢,可以没有症状,但定期作巴氏试验(在显微镜下观察宫颈细胞刮片的一项检查)可获诊断。

3、A method of induced abortion,prior to the 14th week of gestation the embryo and placenta are removed by applying suction to the dilated cervix. ─── 一种人工流产方法,在怀孕十四个星期以前胎儿与胎盘分离。

4、Artificial insemination: Introduction of semen into a female's vagina or cervix by means other than sexual intercourse. ─── 人工授精:不经性交而将精子引进雌性动物阴道或子宫颈内的方法。

5、The endometrial adenocarcinoma is present on the lumenal surface of this cross section of uterus. Note that the neoplasm is superficially invasive. The cervix is at the right. ─── 图示子宫内膜腔面纵切面的子宫内膜腺癌,可见其向下浸润。右示宫颈。

6、Dried laminaria, when inserted into the cervix, causes it to open and, over a period of hours, gradually stretchs the cervical canal. ─── 当把干的昆布塞入宫颈,在几个小时内它引起宫颈张开,逐渐拉长宫颈道。

7、This process is aimed at dilating the cervix to the point where the baby's head can pass through it into the vagina. ─── 产妇经历这个产程,可以扩张子宫颈口,直到能够让胎儿头颅通过、娩出到阴道的那种程度。

8、A contraceptive device consisting of a thin flexible disk,usually made of rubber,that is designed to cover the uterine cervix to prevent the entry of sperm during sexual intercourse. ─── 子宫帽避孕套,通常由薄橡皮膜制成的套在子宫颈上的帽,以避免性交过程中精子的进入。

9、Abstract: Objective :To study CT features of lymphangioma in cervix and to evaluate the diagnostic value of CT findings. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探讨颈部淋巴管瘤的CT表现及诊断价值。

10、A Gram stain of a sample from a urethra or a cervix allows the doctor to see the bacterium under a microscope. ─── 一种革兰氏染色的样本,从尿道或宫颈让医生看到阪下显微镜下观察。

11、Some epithelia are accessible enough, such as the cervix, that cancer screening can be done by sampling some of the cells and sending them to the laboratory. ─── 一些部位象子宫颈上皮很容易发生恶变,肿瘤筛选常常选宫颈上皮细胞进行实验室检查。

12、Cervix mouth leaves complete, the embryo shows the person that be located in below ischiadic thorn first, feasible obstetric forceps is aided produce. ─── 子宫颈口开全,胎先露位于坐骨棘下者,可行产钳助产。

13、The cervix in women with cervicitis is usually erythematous and friable with a mucopurulent discharge. ─── 患宫颈炎的患者,宫颈通常充血、质脆伴有黏液浓性分泌物。

14、The result shows that age,occupation .contraceptive wags,induced abortion and parity have importam effect on the pathogenic mechanism of cervix erosion,apart from age of menarche. ─── 从流行病学的角度,探讨了年龄、职业、避孕方式、初潮年龄、人流次数、产次与宫颈糜烂的关系。

15、Abstract:Objective:To investigate the value of curative effects of the transvaginal cone resection of cervix uteri (TCRC) on cervical diseases. ─── 子宫颈病变是女性常见病、多发病,主要发生在宫颈区域,包括炎症、各种损伤、畸形、癌前病变和宫颈的各种肿瘤。

16、Lymph nodes, cervix, uterus, adnexa, and anus appeared normal. ─── 在小阴唇的两面都有红斑和硬化,并且有阴道流出物,淋巴结、子宫颈、子宫附件、子宫和肛门正常。

17、A. Labor is characterized by uterine contractions of sufficient frequency, intensity, and duration to result in effacement and dilatation of the cervix. ─── 分娩的特征是频率、强度和持续时间足够的子宫收缩,使宫颈消退和扩张。

18、Effects of ESAC on in vitro growth of 3 cell lines (including human hepatoma BEL 7402,Human cervix uteri tumor-derived HeLa and human umbilical vein endothelial cell line HUVEC) were determined by MTT method. ─── 利用MTT法检测ESAC对 3种细胞系 (人肝癌系BEL74 0 2、人宫颈上皮癌细胞系HeLa和人脐静脉血管内皮细胞系HUVEC)体外生长的影响。

19、Woman menstruation, cervix mouth is open, make love to be affected extremely easily at this moment, cause uterus or accessory inflammation. ─── 女方月经期间,子宫颈口开放,这时性交极易感染,导致子宫或附件发炎。

20、Endocervix:moderate dysplasia of the cervix with loss of polarity of slightly hyperchromatic nuclei over the lower half of the squamous epithelium. ─── 子宫颈内膜:中等程度分化不良,鳞状上皮下半部细胞核已失去排列极性。

21、Dewan Ak, Mohan GM, Ravi R.Intravesical formalin for hemorrhagic Cystitis following irradiation of Cancer of the cervix[ J].Int. ─── 于国瑞.子宫颈癌[A].谷酰之,殷蔚伯,刘春福.肿瘤放射治疗学[M].北京:北京医科大学,中国协和医科大学联合出版社,1993.662-664.

22、Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of 32 cases of enterocolitis after radiotherapy for uterine cervix cancer. ─── 中西医结合治疗宫颈癌放射性直肠炎32例。

23、The metastasis of pelvic lymph node occurs in the early stage of the uterine cervix cancer(UCC),and the research of its tumor lymphatic genesis has been recognized. ─── 宫颈癌早期即可发生盆腔淋巴结转移,其肿瘤淋巴管生成的研究受到重视。

24、Oh ,the cervix is already open about 4cm,and part of the fetus can be seen in the cervix.The fetus will come out soon. ─── 啊,子宫颈口已经开了4厘米了,子宫口可以看见部分胎儿,胎儿马上就要下来了。

25、At least two women died from the procedures, while scores more suffered perforated bowels, cervixes and uteruses, authorities said. ─── 至少有两名妇女死于这种程序,同时几十人遭受肠穿孔,宫颈和子宫,当局说。

26、The clinic symptom is different abscess appeared under the skin with the dopes appeared like cheese,especially often occurred on cervix,back and extremities. ─── 临床表现为皮下出现大小不一的脓肿,脓汁呈干酪样,尤其在颈部、背部和四肢较多发。

27、Let me do a rectal examination for you. Oh, the cervix is open about 3cm. Your baby will be delivered today. ─── 我给您做个直肠检查。哦,宫口已经开了大约3指,您今天就要生了。

28、Analysis of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Chlamydia trachomalis of cervix in 418 infertile women. ─── 418例不孕妇女宫颈解脲脲原体和沙眼衣原体检测分析

29、If CuZn-SOD and LSA were combined to diagnose malignant turner ,the positive rates of cancers of utrine cervix,lung and esophagus came up to 100% ,96.15%,90.00% respectively. ─── 且均有统计学意义(P

30、Both vaccines also appeared to prevent abnormal, precancerous cell growths found in the cervix, he says. ─── 他表示,两种疫苗似乎都能防止子宫颈内不正常、尚未成癌的细胞生长。

31、In women, cervical are mainly for the performance of the lower abdomen discomfort, pain, swelling the cervix, erosion, and increased leucorrhea, who also happens urethritis. ─── 在女性,则以宫颈炎为主,表现为小腹不适、疼痛,宫颈红肿、糜烂,并有白带增多,也有发生尿道炎者。

32、Perhaps it was the anaesthetic the nurse had used on my cervix that had numbed the condition. I later found out that no anaesthetic is used during a smear test. ─── 也许它是护士将麻醉剂用于我的颈部,它使我对周围情况失去知觉。在做涂片测试后,我发觉并没有麻醉剂用在我身上。

33、The female reproductive organs are composed of ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix uteri, vagina and external genitalia. ─── 女性生殖器官是由卵巢,输卵管、子宫、子宫颈、阴道和外生殖器组成。

34、Depending on the case, this could be close to the cervix, in the cervix, in the uterus, or in the Fallopian tubes. ─── 依据各自原因不同,精子可能靠近子宫颈注射,可能注射到子宫腔或注射到输卵管。

35、Perhaps it was the anaesthetic the nurse had used on my cervix that had numbed the condition. ─── 也许它是护士将麻醉剂用于我的颈部,它使我对周围情况失去知觉。

36、Colposcopy showed a0.5×0.8×0.5- cm sized, pigmented lesion on the anterior lip of the cervix. ─── 常见的图象学表现为多发性结节或肿块。

37、Because children are developing, it will cause cervix ache and even "cyrtosis" with uncomfortable pillow when fall asleep. ─── 儿童的身体正在发育中,睡觉时枕头不合适会引起儿童颈部疼痛甚至导致“脊椎弯曲”。

38、After checking on her cervix, the doctor suggested she run a biopsy to eliminate the possibility of cancer. ─── 医生检查她的子宫颈后,建议她进行活体病理检查以排除癌症的可能。

39、When a woman is in labour,her cervix opens up to allow the baby to be born. ─── 当妇女分娩时,子宫颈张开让婴儿生出来。

40、The polysaccharide Krestin is being clinically used in treatment of hepatitis B, tumors in the digestive system, respiratory system and in the cervix uteri. ─── 临床用来治疗慢性乙型肝炎,消化系统、呼吸系统疾病及宫颈、乳腺等部位癌症。

41、HIV needs to be transmitted inside the body, and cavities such as the anus/rectum and the upper reaches of the agina (particularly around the cervix) provide such an environment. ─── HIV必须在身体内传播,而像肛门/直肠以及阴道较上面区域(特别是在宫颈周围)等腔体就提供这样一个环境。

42、D: Have you ever had any female diseases, such as pelvic inflammation, cervictis or polyp of the cervix, etc? ─── 你曾经得过妇女病么?如盆腔炎、颈炎、颈息肉等。

43、One improvement could be flexible rings that sit at the neck of the cervix and release microbicidal drugs for several weeks. ─── 一种改进的方法是放一个可以持续释放几个星期药物的柔软的环在子宫颈上。

44、Phase III trial comparing radical radiotherapy with and without cisplatin chemotherapy in patients with advanced squamous cell cancer of the cervix. ─── 中、晚期宫颈癌症和肿瘤43例同步放疗、化疗的临床疗效观察。

45、The patients is a 13-year girl with the eruption at cervix, armpit and hip.There is no discomfort and no abnormality in the systemic examination. ─── 患者系一13岁女孩,病史1年,表现为颈部、腋下、髋部皮疹,无自觉不适,系统检查未发现异常,病理表现典型。

46、Have you ever had any female diseases, such as pelvic inflammation, cervictis or polyp of the cervix, etc? ─── 你曾经得过妇女病么?如盆腔炎、宫颈炎、宫颈息肉等。

47、Pevic examination showed the outlet and vagina were normal. The cervix was smoth. The uterus was normal in size with 1st degree retroversion . Both adnexas were thickened. ─── 一般情况好,盆腔检查外阴及阴道正常,宫颈光滑,子宫正常大小,一度后倾,宫旁两侧增厚

48、Uterine blood antrum of injury, if cervix of uterine burst 、 cracks an injury. ─── 损伤的子宫血窦,如子宫破裂、子宫颈裂伤。

49、Recombinate technologies are used to develop HPV vaccines, which is the only effective method to prevent cervix cancer so far. ─── 利用基因重组技术开发HPV疫苗是目前预防宫颈癌唯一有效的方法。

50、The diagnosis of both by western medicine gynecologic examination were cervix Naboth cyst. ─── 其西医妇科检查均诊断大小双为子宫颈纳氏囊肿。

51、The presence of metaplastic and endocervical cells indicates adequate sampling of the transformation zone of the cervix, the area at risk for neoplasia. ─── 宫颈内细胞及化生的存在说明取材足够,并取到了移行带的细胞。

52、Placenta previa is generally defined as the implantation of the placenta over or near the internal os of the cervix after 28 Gestational weeks. ─── 前置胎盘是妊娠晚期出血的主要原因之一,是妊娠期的严重并发症,可危及母儿生命。

53、Cervix dilation and descending of fetal head are the most important parameters to evaluate birth process in clinical obstetrics. ─── 宫颈扩张和胎头下降是两个标志产程进展的最重要的指标。

54、This is the gross appearance of a cervical squamous cell carcinoma that is still limited to the cervix (stage I). The tumor is a fungating red to tan to yellow mass. ─── 图示宫颈鳞癌(I期)的大体标本,病变局限于宫颈。肿瘤呈菌样生长,黄褐色。

55、Oh,the cervix is already open about 4cm,and part of the fetus can be seen in the cervix.The fetus will come out soon. ─── 啊,子宫颈口已经开了4厘米了,子宫口看见部分胎儿,胎儿马上就要下来了。

56、That is because ewes have strangely shaped cervixes which make it impossible for a bendy tube to reach the uterus via the traditional route. ─── 因为,母羊的子宫颈形状特殊,不便于利用传统方法将弯弯曲曲的管子伸入其子宫。

57、The first case of vulvar melanomas with a subsequent malignant melanoma of the cervix diagnosed based on liquid-based cytology without evidence of gross pathology is described. ─── 大体未见改变,用宫颈液基细胞学得出的诊断。

58、Title: The effect of mifepristone and misoprostol on the histological changes of uterine cervix during second trimester pregnancy. ─── 关键词:米非司酮;米索前列醇;引产;组织学;子宫颈

59、Chronic cervicitis: erosion of cervix, cervical ectropio, leucoplasia of cervix and cervical polyp (large polyp in endocervix or multiple polyp). ─── 慢性宫颈炎:宫颈糜烂、宫颈外翻、宫颈白斑、宫颈息肉(颈管内大的息肉或多发息肉)。

60、The cervix and entire vagina should be carefully inspected and palpated to identify overt tumors or subepithelial vaginal extension. ─── 应该仔细探查和触诊宫颈和整个阴道,以发现明显肿块或阴道上皮下浸润。

61、The various treatments are aimed at removing the symptoms, i.e. the warts and pre-cancerous conditions in the cervix. ─── 上述各种各样的治疗针对的是祛除症状,也就是消除湿疣和子宫颈癌前期症状。

62、If the disease is untreated, the infection usually spreads from the cervix into the uterus and Fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease. ─── 如果未经疾病,感染通常从子宫颈散播到子宫和输卵管,引起盆腔炎。

63、BLM is effective in treatment of squama cancer of head and cervix,and malignant lymphoma without decreasing leucocytes,inhibiting immuno-functions,and damaging hemopoietic system. ─── 博莱霉素对头颈部鳞癌、恶性淋巴瘤有效 ,且不引起白细胞减少 ,不抑制机体免疫功能 ,也不损害造血系统。

64、Therefore, it is important to distinguish small cell carcinoma from other malignant tumors of the uterine cervix. ─── 基于以上原因,将小细胞上皮癌与其他的子宫颈癌症区别出来是相当重要的。

65、Nerve entrapment frequently occurs with pelvic tumours such as carcinoma of the cervix. ─── 在诸如宫颈癌这样的盆腔肿瘤疾病中出现神经压迫症较频繁。

66、Note the IUD string protruding from the cervix. ─── 图示宫颈口突出的为肿物。

67、Instead of cutting through the abdomen to cut and tie the fallopian tubes, a doctor works through the cervix, using a thin tube to thread small devices into each fallopian tube. ─── 医生通过子宫颈,用细管螺纹小型设备到每个输卵管切断结扎输卵管,而不是贯穿腹部(经腹)。

68、That is because ewes have strangely shaped cervixes which make it impossible for a bendy tube to reach the uterus via the traditional route. ─── 因为,母羊的子宫颈形状特殊,不便于利用传统方法将弯弯曲曲的管子伸入其子宫。

69、Cervical cancer begins with an overgrowth of abnormal cells may cover much or all of the cervix, and then begin to invade the surrounding tissue. ─── 在未治疗的子宫颈癌会出血和痛且扩散至阴道,会阴,骨,结肠,膀胱.细胞由会阴淋巴结至其他器官.

70、Women are usually not aware of severe lesions which are confined to the cervix. ─── 女性通常并不知道有严重病变局限于子宫颈。

71、The cervix has been opened to reveal an endocervical canal leading to the lower uterine segment at the right that has an erythematous appearance extending to the cervical os consistent with chronic inflammation. ─── 宫颈被剖开以示子宫颈内管(右)与子宫下段相连,一直到宫颈外口呈红斑状外观,符合慢性炎症特征。

72、The major complication of conization of cervix was haemorrhagia. ─── 宫颈锥切术的主要并发症为出血。

73、Bioassays on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, cervix, and trachea of experimental animals have shown that particulate matter of urban air can be carcinogenic in the intact animal. ─── 对实验动物的皮肤、皮下组织、颈和气管的生物鉴定表明,城市空气中的颗粒物质对健康动物可能是致癌的。

74、Here is a normal cervix with a smooth, glistening mucosal surface. ─── 图示:正常宫颈,粘膜表面平滑。

75、Here is the gross appearance of a normal uterus with fundus, lower uterine segment, cervix, vaginal cuff, right fallopian tube, left fallopian tube, right ovary, and left ovary from a young woman. ─── 图示:肉眼观一年轻女性正常的子宫,子宫下段,宫颈,阴道断端,双侧输卵管及卵巢.

76、FemaleThe patient waits in size labium, clitoris, cervix place is most common. ─── 女性病人则在大小阴唇、阴蒂、子宫颈等处最为常见。

77、At the left, dark vulvar skin leads to vagina and to cervix in the center, where an irregular tan tumor mass is seen infiltrating upward to the bladder. ─── 左侧为颜色较深的外阴皮肤、阴道和宫颈,此处可见一个形状不规则的棕褐色的癌组织向上侵及膀胱。

78、Conclusion EUS is useful in determining the thoracic esophageal carcinoma, and it is helpful in determining the abdominal and cervix cases. ─── 可用于颈段食管癌、贲门癌术前常规筛查。

79、The uterus consists of two uterine horns, a body and a cervix. ─── 子宫是由两个子宫角,一个子宫体和一个子宫颈构成。

80、Punctate hemorrhages may be visible on the vagina and cervix in 2%. ─── 2%患者宫颈及阴道可见点状出血。

81、In developing countries, due to not completed checking and neglect for cervix, the percentage of cervical cancer is 6 times of that of developed country. ─── 在发展中国家,由于宫颈筛查工作不完善,女性对宫颈疾病的忽视,致使我国宫颈癌的发生率是发达国家的6倍。

82、Today is the third day she used AZT+DDI+EFV, red papula appeared with a little inch from yesterday in her hands and cervix. ─── 患者今日复诊,目前使用AZT+DDI+EFV的第三天,昨天起双手和颈部出现少量红色丘疹,瘙痒不明显。

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