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09-03 投稿


unbefitting 发音

英:[??nb??f?t??]  美:[??nb??f?t??]

英:  美:

unbefitting 中文意思翻译



unbefitting 网络释义

adj. 不合适的;不相宜的

unbefitting 短语词组

1、unbefitting define ─── 取消定义

2、unbefitting def ─── 取消定义

3、unbefitting definition ─── 不限定定义

4、unbefitting meaning ─── 不合时宜的意思

5、unbefitting synonym ─── 不限定同义词

6、unbefitting sentence ─── 不限定句

unbefitting 相似词语短语

1、refitting ─── v.改装(refit的ing形式);重新装修

2、besitting ─── 个人财产

3、unbegetting ─── 无涂层

4、befitting ─── adj.适合的;v.适合(befit的ing形式)

5、unfitting ─── adj.不适当的;不相称的;v.使不合适(unfit的现在分词)

6、unbitting ─── vt.解下(系缆桩上的缆索)

7、benefitting ─── 有益于(befit的现在分词)

8、unremitting ─── adj.不懈的;不间断的;坚忍的

9、pipefitting ─── n.管子配件,管道配件

unbefitting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Unbefitting Application of Liner Model in Scientific Research of Physical Education and Sports ─── 线性模型在体育科研中应用的常见误区分析

2、amount of litter in the streets is unbefitting for a historic city. ─── 街道上垃圾之多与历史名城不协调。

3、You see you and Ursula together would be 5)unbefitting her social stature.You see? ─── 当莱尔回来后,婚礼会按计划举行。

4、His behaviour is unbefitting of a university professor. ─── 他的行为与大学教授的身份不相符。

5、In accordance with the work experience of the author,The paper describes the fault of machine for unbefitting parameters of AC servo system. ─── 分析了参数调整对整个机床的作用及影响;

6、Finally we still meet in the unbefitting timespace. ─── 终究我们还是在不合适的时空相遇.

7、You see you and Ursula together would be 5)unbefitting her social stature. ─── 你知道你和俄苏拉在一起不适合她的社会地位。

8、The drunkard's behavior is unbefitting of a father. ─── 那个酒鬼的行为不符合一个父亲的身份。

9、not priestly; unbefitting a priest. ─── 不是牧师的;不适合牧师的。

10、You see you and Ursula together would be unbefitting [5] her social stature. ─── 你知道你和俄苏拉在一起不适合她的社会地位。

11、You see you and Ursula together would be unbefitting her social statue. ─── 你知道你跟俄苏拉在一起不适合她的社会地位。

12、The relationship between a husband and wife is something specific to them and it is unbefitting of any party to divulge information about marital relations to anyone else. ─── 夫妻关系对他们双方来说有很重要的特殊性,其中一方向他人吐露婚姻生活中的细节都是不合适的。

13、The United boss has delivered a withering assessment of Benitez's recent conduct, saying it is unbefitting of a Liverpool manager. ─── 曼联弗格森评价最近贝尼特斯的表现,说贝尼特斯的行为举止是不适合主教练的身份的说话。

14、behavior unbefitting a father. ─── 不符合父亲身份的行为。

15、You see you and Ursula together would be 5)unbefitting her social stature. ─── 侍者:斯坦霍普夫人,要盐锔牛扒吗?

16、Many opposed them on religious grounds, branding them Satanic; others saw them as deeply irrational and unbefitting of a modern military. ─── 许多人基于宗教的理由反对这些计划,谴责它们是撒旦;其他人把这些计划视为极无理性的产物,与现代化的军事格格不入。

17、Finally we still meet in the unbefitting time space. ─── 终究我们还是在不合适的时空相遇。

18、Unbefitting Application of Liner Model in Scientific Research of Physical Education and Sports ─── 线性模型在体育科研中应用的常见误区分析

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