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09-03 投稿



hybridization 发音

英:[?ha?br?d??ze??n]  美:[?ha?br?da??ze??n]

英:  美:

hybridization 中文意思翻译



hybridization 词性/词形变化,hybridization变形


hybridization 短语词组

1、hybridization probe ─── 杂交探针

2、hybridization bag ─── [医]杂交袋

3、slot hybridization ─── [医]狭线杂交

4、bond hybridization ─── [机] 键混成作用

5、molecular hybridization ─── [化] 分子杂交

6、somatic cell hybridization ─── 体细胞杂交

7、hybridization-competition assay ─── 杂交竞争试验

8、subtraction hybridization ─── 减法杂交

9、hybridization technique ─── 杂交技术

10、hybridization competition ─── 杂交竞争

11、allele specific oligonucleotide hybridization ─── 等位基因特异性寡核苷酸杂交

12、hybridization arrest ─── 杂交扣留; ─── 杂交捕捉

13、hybridization solution ─── [医]杂交(溶)液

14、hybridization mixture ─── 杂交混合物

15、dot hybridization ─── [医]斑点杂交(分)

16、trigonal hybridization ─── [化] 三角杂化

17、hybridization pattern ─── 杂交模式

18、allele-specific hybridization ─── 等位基因特异性杂交

19、hybridization in situ ─── [化] 原位杂交

hybridization 常用词组

in situ hybridization ─── 原位混合法

dna hybridization ─── [分子生物]DNA杂交

somatic hybridization ─── 体细胞杂交

hybridization 相似词语短语

1、subsidization ─── n.补助;提供津贴;奖金

2、lyricization ─── 抒情

3、hybridisation ─── n.混合淡化技术(等于hybridization)

4、iridization ─── n.虹视

5、hyalinization ─── n.透明样变化

6、fluoridization ─── n.涂氟法

7、acidization ─── n.酸蚀作用;酸化过程

8、Hebraization ─── 希伯来化

9、bromization ─── 溴化

hybridization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Title: Asymmetric somatic hybridization between Daucus carota L. and Swertia musstii Franch. ─── 关键词:川西獐牙菜;胡萝卜;不对称体细胞杂交;同工酶;染色体

2、A hybrid language or dialect;a pidgin. ─── 不纯正的语言一种混合语言或方言;混杂行话

3、We will collect money nation-wide to make all cars hybrid, all houses solar. ─── 在全国各地募捐,将所有的汽车都变成混合动力汽车,将所有的房屋都变成太阳能房屋。

4、Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique was used to screen up-regulated genes in regenerating liver. ─── 采用新发展的抑制差减杂交技术(suppressionsubtractivehybridization,SSh),在基因组水平筛选再生肝中高表达基因。

5、Effect of interferon on HBV determined by dot hybridization and PCR. ─── HBeAg、HBV DNA斑点杂交以及定量PCR检测在评价干扰素抗HBV疗效的价值探讨

6、DNA hybridization techniques have been widely used in aves,based on which a new avian classification system was born. ─── DNA杂交技术曾在鸟类中有过大规模的应用,并由此诞生了一套新的鸟类分类系统。

7、Intergeneric hybridization is an available way to create new germplasm and enrich breeding materials. ─── 摘要属间远缘杂交是创造新种质、解决育种材料短缺的一种有效方法。

8、Human Alu sequence and EBER-1 in tumor tissues were detected with PCR and in situ hybridization. ─── 分别用PCR方法检测肿瘤组织中是否存在人Alu序列 ,原位杂交检测肿瘤组织中EB病毒小RNA分子EBER 1;

9、"Breetish ?"she asked in a halting French-English hybrid . ─── “你是英国人?”她不肯定地问道,说的英语明显夹着法语的口音。

10、We can get nonmalignant hybrid cells. ─── 我们可以获得非恶性的杂种细胞。

11、The main exceptions to this are hybrid and polyploid speciation. ─── 对于这一点,最主要的例外是杂种和多倍体物种。

12、We design a set of experiments to evaluate performance of hybrid models. ─── 在此基础上设计了一组实验对混合模型进行了性能分析与评价。

13、Methods: Immunofluorescence, immunochemistry, electron microscopy and in situ hybridization were used. ─── 方法:间接免疫荧光、免疫组化、透射电镜和原位杂交。

14、P16 messenger RNA (mRNA), p27mRNA weredetected by in situ hybridization (ISH) in these tissues. ─── 应用原位杂交技术检测相应组织中p16mRNA和p27mRNA的表达。

15、A new species and a new hybrid of Athyrium from Yunnan. ─── 云南蹄盖蕨属一新种和一新杂种.

16、The objective is to study the value of HPV immunohistochemical technique and in situ hybridization for diagnosis of condylomata. ─── 目的探讨 HPV 免疫组化技术及原位杂交技术在尖锐湿疣病变中的应用价值。

17、They even passed a hybrid virus through a series of ferrets. ─── 他们甚至在一系列的雪貂中传播一种混合病毒。

18、The mRNA hybridization signal for Nav1.8 in DRG of group CCI and group APA was lower than that of group C. ─── CCI组和APA组大鼠L4和L5DRGNav1 8杂交信号较C组明显降低 (P 0 0 5 )。

19、The hybridization of various domestic varieties has always been an important technique in plant and animal improvement. ─── 各种不同驯化品种的杂交在动植物改良中经常是一个重要的技术。

20、For I have seeded the Hybrid on many,Many worlds. ─── 因为我有“播种”许多、许多的种子,于这广大的世界中。

21、A hybrid car that recharges by simply plugging into the wall. ─── 插电式的充电套件,让油电混合车更有效率,也更加环保;

22、We have carbon, sp3 hybridization. ─── 我们碳是sp3杂化。

23、It is misspent time to calculate and report hemagglutinating titers for cell hybrid studies. ─── 在细胞杂交过程中计算和报道血球凝集的滴定度是浪费时间。

24、Antigen receptor gene rearrangement and hybridization have been used routinely in auxiliary diagnosis of lymphomas. ─── 抗原受体基因重排和杂交检测等分子技术已稳定运用于辅助淋巴瘤诊断。

25、The distant hybridization of inter-genera and inter-genera is still the main way of breeding. ─── 种间及属间的远缘杂交仍是兰花育种的主要手段;

26、On hybrid embryo culture in vitro of Syringa L. ─── 丁香(Syringa L.)种间杂交幼胚离体培养研究

27、BDM factors also can cause hybrid weakness or inviability. ─── BDM因子也可以导致杂种劣势和杂种无活力。

28、"Things" is a hybrid, but its existence has been scattered open. ─── “东西”是一个混合体,然而它的存在却是分散开的。

29、The resulting hybrid material offered a combination of advantages. ─── 制造出的复合材料提供了优势的联合。

30、Thomas Andrew knight created new apples by deliberate hybridization. ─── T.A.·奈特用人工杂交方法育成苹果新品种。

31、Aboard Cylon base ships, what is a "hybrid"? ─── 在塞昂基地之星上,什么是“混合体”?

32、In situ hybridization detected that pAAV-VMAT2 expressed in COS7 cells. ─── 原位杂交证实pAAV-VMAT2能在COS7细胞表达;

33、The hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey. ─── 駃騠公马与母驴所生的杂交种

34、The Gheep is a hybrid sheep made in Cambridge. ─── “Gheep”是剑桥大学研究出来的一只杂交羊。

35、Latest Development of Hybrid Uncooled Pyroelectric IR FPA[J]. ─── 引用该论文 胡旭,黄承彩,太云见,蔡毅.

36、However, interspecific hybridization programmes can be slow and require a great deal of scientific expertise and skilled labour. ─── 不过,种间杂交过程可能会很慢长,需要大量的科学专业知识和熟练劳动力。

37、Expression of P53 oncogene was detected by in situ hybridization . ─── P53基因异常表达采用原位杂交方法。

38、They even passed a hybrid virus through a serious of ferrets. ─── 他们甚至在一系列雪貂身上注射这种病毒。

39、During the past 200 years, cottons have evolved hybridization to become the industrial cottons we know today. ─── 在过去的200年中,经过杂交,棉花演变成今天的工业用棉。

40、Monoculture crops are often hybrid varieties of a traditional species. ─── 单一栽培作物通常是某种传统品种的杂交种。

41、Joes J W. Hybrid vigor in rice., J.Awer .Soc. Agr., 1926: 423-428. ─── 岩规信治.稻热病高度耐病性水稻品种的育成经过[J].育种研究,第一辑,1952(日文).

42、This paper reviews advances in studies on genetic structure and hybridization in plant molecular ecology. ─── 从物种遗传结构和杂交的角度介绍了当前植物分子生态学研究的新进展。

43、The drawings reveal Ferrari is working on an all-wheel drive hybrid system. ─── 图纸透露法拉利是工作的全时四轮驱动混合动力系统。

44、A hybrid insertion scheme for on-chip global interconnects is presented. ─── 摘要提出了一种用于片上全局互连的混合插入方法。

45、Mendel called the second generation the hybrid generation. ─── Mendel将第二代称为杂交代。

46、A CAN-bus based AMT control system is developed based on a hybrid electric bus. ─── 摘要以某混合动力电动大客车应用为例,设计开发了基于CAN总线的AMT控制系统。

47、Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique developed. ─── 发明原位免疫荧光杂交(FISH)技术.

48、If you can,buy a hybrid car. ─── 如果你有能力,请购买混合动力汽车。

49、Research progresses on interspecific hybridization of Heliothinae. ─── 实夜蛾亚科的种间杂交研究进展。

50、Hybrid cars will help us conserve gas and protect the environment. ─── 复合动力车将会帮助我们节省汽油和保护生态环境。

51、As a tissue, cell body fixed ideal CD for the in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis. ─── 作为组织切片、细胞固定的理想裁体,用于原位杂交、免疫组化分析。

52、A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Wanjiao No. ─── 宛椒1号辣椒的选育。

53、The study of hybrid refractive-diffractive telephoto lens[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨智,戴一帆,张沛.

54、The authors propose a new hybrid conjugate gradient method. ─── 摘要给出一个新的杂交共轭梯度法。

55、We explore the sensitivity and specificity of in situ hybridization in human papillomavirus in condyloma acuminata tissues. ─── 我们探讨原位分子杂交法诊断尖锐湿疣的敏感性与特异性。

56、Somatic cell hybridization is technique. ─── 体细胞杂交是一种技术。

57、We detected 213 specimens from 173 people using probe of pBR-322 by Dot and Southern blot hybridization. ─── 我们用常见的克隆载体pBR322作探针,用核酸点杂交和Southern吸印方法,检测了来自173人的213例样品。

58、"Cablegram" is a hybrid; half the word is Latin and half is Greek. ─── "海底电报"一词是混合语,半为拉丁语,半为希腊语。

59、The particular nature and the unique properties of these molecules make their use a promising procedure for in situ hybridization assays. ─── 这些分子特殊的性质与独有的属性为原位杂交分析提供了一个很有前景的方法。

60、Shielding Gas Method of CO2Laser-TIG Hybrid Welding[J]. ─── 引用该论文 高明,曾晓雁,胡乾午,严军.

61、A hybrid language or dialect; a pidgin. ─── 不纯正的语言一种混合语言或方言; 混杂行话

62、We are manufacturers of environment-friendly hybrid cars. ─── 我们是环保混合型汽车的生产商。

63、Methods Immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. ─── 方法免疫细胞化学和原位杂交技术。

64、Optical design of a triple-waveband hybrid system[J]. ─── 引用该论文 马韬,沈亦兵,杨国光,白剑.

65、The hybridization of various domestic varieties has always been an important technique in plant and animal improvement. ─── 各种不同驯化品种的杂交在动植物改良中经常是一个重要的技术。

66、Another innovation, is the "Trombe Wall" hybrid solar-heating system. ─── 另一个发明是“特兰勃墙”,混合型太阳能加热系统。

67、Methods: Comparative genomic hybridization was applied to investigate the genomic imbalance in COC1/DDP and COC1 cells. ─── 方法:采用比较基因组杂交技术分析COC1和COC1/DDP两组癌细胞间基因组的不平衡,即DNA丢失或扩增。

68、Mankanga Ismail, who planted hybrid trees about six years ago. ─── 当地的每棵树能产5-6捆小果肉果实。

69、It occurred only on "hybrid habitats". ─── 它只在“杂种生境”内表现出来。

70、The new hybrid is more resistant to drought. ─── 新的杂交品种更能抵御干旱。

71、It may survive and give rise to two mononucleate hybrid cells called synkaryons. ─── 可存活并产生两个称为合核体的单核的杂种细胞。

72、HSP I - Ab, SABC ready - to - use kit, In situ hybridization kit for HSP, DAB are purchased from Boston Corp, Wuhan. ─── HSP7O一抗(小鼠抗大鼠IgG)、即用型SABC免疫组化染色试剂盒、HSP70原位杂交检测试剂盒、DAB显色试剂盒,由武汉博士德生物工程有限公司提供。

73、In situ hybridization for Y1 mRNA confirmed the autoradiography results. ─── 原位杂交证实了放射自显影结果。

74、Design of infrared hybrid athermal optical system[J]. ─── 引用该论文 温彦博,白剑,侯西云,杨国光.

75、A New Sweet Corn F1 Hybrid -'Fengtian No. ─── 丰甜1号甜玉米的选育。

76、If you were to cross two species you would get a hybrid. ─── 如果你要将两种物种进行杂交,你会得到一个混种。

77、IOS International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems. ─── 国际混合智能系统杂志。

78、The aggrecan gene NTR region was analyzed by Southern hybridization. ─── 使用DNA杂交技术分析聚集蛋白聚糖基因可变数目串联重复序列区域。

79、A property is a hybrid between a field and a method. ─── 属性是字段和方法之间的混合。

80、The chemical emasculation in hybrid as emphasis was explored. ─── 以化学杀雄杂交技术作为重点进行探讨。

81、But there is disagreement about where hybrid technology is heading. ─── 但是有人对油电混合车技术的发展前景持不同意见。

82、The hybridization rate decreased with pollination time delay. ─── 在一定范围内,杂交率随时间递减;

83、Altman D. Hybrid rocket development history. AIAA Paper 91-2515. ─── 单建胜等.固液火箭发动机的研制及其应用.固体火箭技术,1997,20(3).

84、Gendering equality in physical education: Toward hybrid bodies? ─── 体育教育中的性别平等:走向男女合班上课?

85、Jimai 4” was selected throughs exual hybridization using pedigree techn ique. ─── 小麦新品种吉麦4号”是通过有性复合杂交,经系谱法选育而成。

86、"Aeroplane" is a hybrid which is made from a Greek word and a Latin one. ─── aeroplane(飞机)是一个由希腊词和拉丁词组成的混合词。

87、But the researchers say the hybrid virus did not spread easily. ─── 但研究员们说这种混合病毒并不容易传播。

88、Responsible for agronomy study of commercial hybrid and pipeline. ─── 对已经和将要商业化的杂交种进行农艺研究。

89、In Situ Hybridization on Vasa Gene of Silkworm Bombyx Mori. ─── 家蚕vasa基因的原位杂交研究


FISH是英文fluorescence in situ hybridization的缩写。翻译成中文就是荧光原位杂杂。在《人的基因序列变化与人体疾病表征》中,它是一种用来检测序列变化的技术。荧光是这个技术中指示剂,杂交是用来检测人体的细胞中是否有突变序列的方法。它是基因**领域的专有名词,在基因检领域的基因**领域都有使用。它在检测基因组变化、大片段序列变化方面有独特的优势。

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