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Huguenot 发音

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Huguenot 中文意思翻译




Huguenot 网络释义

n. 胡格诺派教徒adj. 胡格诺派的

Huguenot 词性/词形变化,Huguenot变形


Huguenot 短语词组

1、Huguenot Church ─── 胡格诺教堂

Huguenot 相似词语短语

1、Huguenotism ─── n.胡格诺派教徒(Huguenot的变形)

2、Huguenots ─── n.胡格诺派;胡格诺派教徒(Huguenot的复数)

3、Huguenotic ─── 胡言乱语的

4、unguent ─── n.药膏,油膏

5、Huguenot ─── n.胡格诺派教徒;adj.胡格诺派的

6、hugest ─── 巨大的;庞大的(huge的最高级)

7、guenon ─── [脊椎]长尾猴

8、huge cost ─── 巨大的代价;巨大的成本

9、agunot ─── 阿古尼特

Huguenot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pleasure gardens are opening and French food is all the rage, swept in by Huguenot immigration. ─── 游乐花园比比皆是,胡格诺派移民带来的法国餐风靡一时。

2、A city of northern France southwest of Le Havre. A Huguenot stronghold in the16th and17th centuries, it is the burial place of William the Conqueror. Population,114, 068. ─── 卡昂法国北部位于列·哈佛莱西南部的一座城市。是16世纪和17世纪胡格诺派教徒们的活动中心,是威廉征服者丧葬的地方。人口114,068

3、The mother of Augustine was a Huguenot French lady, whose family had emigrate to Louisiana during the days of its early settlement. ─── 奥古斯丁的母亲是法国雨格诺教派的信徒,其祖上在早期移民的年代就已迁入路易斯安那州。

4、In 1621 he abandoned this enterprise to serve on the Huguenot side in the civil wars. ─── 1621年,他放弃了企业而投身于国内战争的雨格诺教徒那一派。

5、In east London's Brick Lane, Bangladeshis go to the Jamma Mesjid, a mosque that served earlier immigrants as a synagogue and still earlier ones as a Huguenot church. ─── 在东伦敦的布里克巷,JammaMesjid这个早期就为移民服务的清真寺至今仍见孟加拉人出入,还有更早期的胡格诺教堂也一直在为移民服务。

6、There he rented rooms from a French Huguenot called Christopher Mountjoy, a maker of ladies' wigs and other headgear. ─── 他从一个名叫克里斯托夫·芒乔伊(ChristopherMountjoy)的人那里租房子住,芒乔伊是法国雨格诺派,制作女士假发和其他头饰。

7、Admiral de Coligny was the most respected Huguenot leader. ─── 科里尼将军是最受尊敬的胡格诺领袖。

8、Holland attracted many persecuted Jewish, Huguenot and other refugees for its liberal religious views. ─── 荷兰以其开明的宗教观吸引了许多受迫害的犹太教徒、雨格诺教徒和其它流亡者。

9、A city of western France on the Bay of Biscay southwest of Tours. It was a Huguenot stronghold in the16th century. Population,75, 840. ─── 拉罗切利法国西部一城市,位于图尔斯西南、比斯开湾沿岸。16世纪曾是胡格诺教派的堡垒。人口75,840

10、The French Protestant, known as Huguenot, was one of the major figures produced by France Reformation. ─── 胡格诺教徒是法国宗教改革的产物,然而在法国本土并没有得到适合的生存环境和发展机会;

11、herb of huguenot fer ─── 凤尾草

12、A man kept his hat on in the presence of a procession--it was a Huguenot attitude; he was sent to the galleys. ─── 一个人在教会行列走过时头上还戴着帽子,这是新教徒的态度,该送去当桡手。

13、Admiral de Coligny was the most respected Huguenot leader. ─── 科里尼将军是最受尊敬的胡格诺领袖。

14、Huguenots and Huguenot Wars ─── 胡格诺派与胡格诺战争

15、His family was of French Huguenot stock, and was said to have been in South Africa since the 1760s. ─── 他的家族一直信奉法国胡格诺派教,据说,自从18世纪60年代就定居在南非。

16、Huguenot Refugees in Colonial New York: Becoming American in the Hudson Valley ─── 纽约殖民地的雨格诺教徒难民

17、1. The mother of Augustine was a Huguenot French lady, whose family had emigrate to Louisiana during the days of its early settlement. ─── 奥古斯丁的母亲是法国雨格诺教派的信徒,其祖上在早期移民的年代就已迁入路易斯安那州。

18、The city was later a Huguenot center and was besieged and captured by Louis XIII in '22.Population, 97,23. ─── 后来成为胡格诺派教的中心,并于'22年被路易十三围攻占领。

19、A Huguenot stronghold in the 16th and 17th centuries, it is the burial place of William the Conqueror. ─── 是16世纪和17世纪胡格诺派教徒们的活动中心,是威廉征服者丧葬的地方。

20、Huguenot churchyard near there. ─── 格诺派的教会墓地不远。

21、It was a Huguenot stronghold in the16th century. Population,75,840. ─── 该市16世纪曾是胡格诺教派的堡垒。人口75,840。

22、A city of northern France southwest of Le Havre. A Huguenot stronghold in the16th and17th centuries, it is the burial place of William the Conqueror. Population, 114, 068. ─── 卡昂法国北部位于列 哈佛莱西南部的一座城市。是16世纪和17世纪胡格诺派教徒们的活动中心,是威廉征服者丧葬的地方。人口114,068

23、The winery, founded in 1960, is situated on the historic French Huguenot farm. ─── 酒厂创始于1960年,位于法国赫赫有名的胡格教徒农场。

24、Isaac's mother who was descended from the Tauntons of Huguenot blood was a member of a wealthy influential family in Southampton.In her the love of freedom mingled with the joy of religious song. ─── 华兹母亲生于胡格诺派的汤顿家(汤顿家是南安普敦的名门望族),天生热爱自由,且以敬拜唱诗为乐。

25、Son of a French Huguenot noble, he was sent to the court of Henry of Navarre (later Henry IV). ─── 他是法国胡格诺派贵族,早年进入那瓦尔的亨利宫廷(后来的亨利四世)。

26、Huguenot Wars ─── 胡格诺战争

27、"The first French Huguenot community was founded in 1546, and the confession of faith drawn up by the first synod in 1559 was influenced by the ideas of John Calvin." ─── 第一个法国胡格诺派团体建立于1546年,1559年首次集会中起草的信仰告白受到了喀尔文理念的影响。

28、A city of northern France southwest of Le Havre. A Huguenot stronghold in the16th and17th centuries,it is the burial place of William the Conqueror. Population,114,068. ─── 卡昂法国北部位于列·哈佛莱西南部的一座城市。是16世纪和17世纪胡格诺派教徒们的活动中心,是威廉征服者丧葬的地方。人口114,068。

29、Henry was brought up as a Protestant and received his military training from the Huguenot leader Gaspard II de Coligny in the Wars of Religion. ─── 从小受新教的洗礼,并在宗教战争中从胡格诺派领袖科利尼那里接受了军事教育。

30、Keywords Huguenot fern herb;Chemical composition;Pharmacological action; ─── 凤尾草;化学成分;药理作用;综述;

31、Huguenot stronghold in the 16th and 17th centuries, it is the burial place of William the Conqueror. ─── 是16世纪和17世纪胡格诺派教徒们的活动中心,是威廉征服者丧葬的地方。

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