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09-03 投稿



voluble 发音

英:[?vɑ?lj?b(?)l]  美:[?v?lj?b(?)l]

英:  美:

voluble 中文意思翻译



voluble 同义词

gabby |fluent | talkative | chatty | conversational | communicative | conversable | windy | verbose | articulate | vociferous | garrulous

voluble 反义词


voluble 短语词组

1、voluble syn ─── 口若悬河

2、voluble definicion ─── 体积定义

3、voluble defined ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休的

4、voluble define ─── 滔 ─── 滔不绝的定义

5、voluble option ─── 争论的选择

6、voluble mean ─── 中庸

7、voluble definition ─── 含糊不清的定义

voluble 词性/词形变化,voluble变形

副词: volubly |名词: volubility |

voluble 相似词语短语

1、double ─── adj.两倍的;成对的;(花)重瓣的;供两人用的;双重的;n.极相似的对应物;替身;供双人用的事物;双倍;(复数)双打(尤指网球);(在同一赛季或年份两次获胜的)双料冠军;(棒球)二垒安打;(C语言的)双精度浮点数;v.加倍;对折;det.是……的两倍;adv.双重地;重叠的;pron.双倍数(或量);n.(Double)(美)杜布勒(人名)

2、volute ─── n.螺旋形,涡形;涡螺,涡螺壳;涡形花样;adj.螺旋形的;涡形的

3、insoluble ─── adj.不能解决的;[化学]不能溶解的;难以解释的

4、solubly ─── 坚定地

5、volable ─── 卷

6、volume ─── n.量;体积;卷;音量;大量;册;adj.大量的;vi.成团卷起;vt.把…收集成卷

7、soluble ─── adj.[化学]可溶的,可溶解的;可解决的

8、volubly ─── adv.口若悬河地,喋喋不休地;流畅地

9、rouble ─── n.卢布(前苏联货币单位)

voluble 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The two men are back from a ten-day visit to Iraq, and are even more voluble than usual. ─── 两人刚刚结束对伊拉克的十天访问,这时比平常更健谈了。

2、But are they now pulling shots in the opposite direction?You would think so, judging from the increasingly voluble grumbling in recent months. ─── 那么是不是意味着它们应该走向另一个极端呢?

3、voluble wrapping ─── 缠绕包覆

4、Legislative technique is voluble to legislation and legal system, and even to development of the whole society. ─── 立法技术对立法、法制乃至整个社会发展,有弥足珍贵的价值。

5、He has been a voluble defender of domestic jobs, when logic might dictate that efficiency is to be found outside the confines of high-cost Japan. ─── 御手洗一直滔滔不绝地为国内就业辩护,尽管从逻辑上看,企业只有走出去,摆脱日本国内高成本的限制,经营才能有效率。

6、He also gained a huge, if less voluble, fan base within big global financial institutions. ─── 并且,在全球金融机构中,也有他的大量粉丝虽然这些人更低调。

7、"There is no better," the voluble Vengeance protested in her shrill notes, "in France." ─── “在法国没有比他更优秀的了,”口若悬河的复仇女神尖声尖气地肯定。

8、His content rang from the second gulf war to the third generation of the CPC.He was voluble just like the bank of the yellow river was broken. ─── 从海湾战争到新一届中央政府,从秦始皇东征到抗美援朝,大有一发不可收之势。

9、Bert is a voluble, gregarious man. ─── 伯特是个健谈且善于交际的人。

10、He was tall, vigorous, sandy-haired, freckled, genial and voluble ─── 他个子高高的,精神抖擞,淡茶色的头发,脸上有雀斑,性情和蔼,口齿伶俐。

11、Design of the voluble axle of electric winch test instrument ─── 电动绞车测试仪缠绕轮轴的设计

12、He have be voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan. ─── 他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来,随后又像约旦河相同沉默无语。

13、1.good as a conversationist; 2.conversational; expansive; voluble ─── 健谈

14、a voluBle vine ─── 缠绕性藤

15、She is a voluble talker. ─── 她伶牙俐齿。

16、"One would at least wish to have the choice, madam," replied the voluble dame. ─── “小姐,人们至少希望能有个选择余地。”

17、She was voluble with excitement. ─── 她因为激动而变得很健谈。

18、She is an extremely voluble and kind person. ─── 她是个非常健谈、和善的人。

19、voluble protests, excuses, etc ─── 振振有词的抗议、 辩解等.

20、My feeling: Voluble finger meets those who tell you each other to experience. ─── 我的感受:缠绕的手指会告诉你对方的感受。

21、voluble shrub ─── 缠绕灌木绕缠的灌木

22、Then there is the voluble Jim Webb, who in January said Mr. Obama had offered a reasonable timeline in ordering Guantanamo closed in a year. ─── 接着说到健谈的JimWebb他在一月说Obama已经给出了一个可行的时间表让Guantanamo在一年内关闭。

23、Her niece, an extremely voluble young woman, engages in soliloquies, not conversations. ─── 她的侄女是一个极其善谈、说起话来滔滔不绝的年轻妇人,她总是在独白,而不是对话。

24、He is too voluble; he discusses his emotions. ─── 他太好讲话,爱谈自己的心情。

25、Kerry listened to Simon for almost an hour, surprised at how voluble the old man was. ─── 凯瑞听西蒙讲话听了快一个小时,对那个老人的健谈非常吃惊。

26、"I gave her rather a lot of brandy, " she said, "It's made her a little voluble. But not confused, do you think? " ─── “我让她喝了不少白兰地,”她说,“使她变得有点儿唠叨,可是她并没有糊涂,你看呢?”

27、voluble protests ─── 振振有词的抗议

28、He carried the others off their feet, glib, dexterous, voluble ─── 他叫大家发起狂来,讲得口若悬河,伶俐乖巧,滔滔不绝。

29、The Englishman broke into voluble and perfect Italian. ─── 那个英国人突然讲起流利而纯正的意大利语来。

30、Evelyn was very voluble on the subject of women's rights. ─── 伊夫林谈起女权这个话题口若悬河。

31、A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; quack or fraud. ─── 假内行,庸医,骗子精心制作或制造欺骗的人,而且对自己的技术或知识经常夸大其辞的人;江湖医生或骗子

32、A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud. ─── 假内行,庸医,骗子精心制作或制造欺骗的人,而且对自己的技术或知识常常夸大其辞的人; 江湖医生或骗子

33、Yet, despite this rich subject-matter, and a privileged and voluble English-speaking class, Pakistan has produced little decent literature on its political dramas. ─── 然则,尽管拥有丰富多彩的政治话题和一群善辩、懂英语的特权阶层,巴基斯坦却拿不出什么像样的以政治题材为主的文学作品。

34、she inquired, thinking of the voluble promises he had made. ─── 想起他的海誓山盟,她不禁问道。

35、Self-esteem is the most voluble of the emotions. ─── 自尊心是最无常的感情.

36、Honeysuckle flower has some other names such as honeysuckle, double blossom and so on. It's voluble and evergreen shrubs. Its color is black and white. Therefore, it is called honeysuckle. ─── 银花,又名金银花、双花、二宝花等,为忍冬科多年生半常绿缠绕灌木,叶对生,卵型,有柔毛,花唇形对生于叶腋,初白后黄,黄白相间,故名“金银花”。

37、Its short points are: the crosslinked tape exists a small amount of air gap between voluble layers though being sulfurated under pressure and high temperature; ─── 其缺点是:一层层缠绕包覆的交联带虽然经过加压高温硫化,其层与层之间必然存有少量气体间隙;

38、Hugh Hendry, one of the hedge fund industry's most voluble figures, has long been critical of China's property boom. ─── 作为对冲基金业最好发议论的人物之一,休?亨德利(HughHendry)长期以来一直对中国的房地产热潮持批评态度。

39、Yang was voluble on talking about morality when at rostrum, but after that, he violently captured a female's arm. ─── 讲坛之上大谈道德,下了讲坛,就粗暴的抓住异性的胳膊,这算什么?

40、Testicular biopsies could offer voluble help for diagnosis and treatment of azoospermia. ─── 睾丸活检对无精症的诊治具有重要的指导意义。

41、3. A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent , and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud. ─── 假内行,庸医,骗子精心制作或制造欺骗的人,而且对自己的技术或知识常常夸大其辞的人;江湖医生或骗子

42、Cellulose is, therefore, a contributing source of voluble animal protein. ─── 因此,纤维素对有价值的动物蛋白而言是有一定贡献的资源。

43、He have be voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan. ─── 他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来,随后又像约旦河相同沉默无语。

44、Under the course of our bill market development, the bill business of branch of industrial and commercial bank has many a voluble experiences to use for reference. ─── 在我国尚无完整意义上的票据市场的大环境下,工商银行华信支行的票据业务具有诸多可鉴之处。

45、and at last there was nothing left to record this painful accident, except the cherry and seven green feathers. and that was the vicious and voluble end of the seven young parrots. ─── 七只小鹦鹉没走多远,忽见一树,树上仅挂着一颗樱桃,最大的一只鹦鹉立即摘下它。

46、voluble herb ─── 绕缠的草本缠绕草本

47、Unlike the taciturn characters he plays on screen, he's voluble, chatting and laughing with his staff with a sharpness and enthusiasm that make him seem far younger than his age. ─── 不像在银幕上扮演的角色沉默寡言,他口若悬河,和工作人员閒聊与谈笑间的敏锐和热忱,让他看起来比实际岁数年轻许多。

48、In the 21st century, the most voluble information must sometimes be transported by mnemonic couriers - professionals like Johnny who offer the ultimate in security and confidentiality. ─── 公元2021年,资料除了透过电脑输送外,还可利用人脑运输,确保资料的保密性。

49、You would think so, judging from the increasingly voluble grumbling in recent months. ─── 从近几个月来不断涌出的怨言来看,大概应该如此。

50、A small voluble figure, he preferred the spoken to the written word, and he took to television as a duck to water. ─── 这位身材矮小的健谈者,更喜欢说而不喜欢写,面对电视仿佛如鱼得水。

51、1. He expressed voluble protests. ─── 他表示了振振有词的抗议。

52、she is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations. ─── 这位少妇非常健谈,以致于她可以沉浸在自言自语中而不需要交谈者。

53、Even the sack would have been unlikely to damp for long the spirits of the voluble, irrepressibly upbeat Prof Hopper (who claims as his personal motto: “Have your cake and eat it”). ─── 就算是解雇,也不可能让健谈又极为乐观的霍珀教授消沉多久。他宣称自己的个人信条是:“鱼和熊掌兼得”。

54、He became very voluble and told her everything. ─── 他变得滔滔不绝, 把一切都告诉了她。

55、Voluble axle ─── 缠绕轮轴

56、The answer may be found until you have lost the voluble stones in life . ─── 当空间填满了,才困惑生命中最重要的是什麽。

57、The surviving children look like ghosts. They silently press against their mothers, voluble in their relief. ─── 幸存下来的孩子看起来似乎像没有了生命力。他们沉默地躲在自己母亲的怀里,沉浸在自己的世界中。

58、48. Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed. ─── 她对于工作失败的解释振振有辞,但是很难令人信服。

59、The new comer in our company is voluble. ─── 我们公司新来的同事很健谈。

60、(informal) voluble conversation. ─── (非正式)滔滔不绝的交谈。

61、He has been voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan. ─── 他滔滔不绝直到把自个儿憋得透不过气来,随后又像约旦河一样沉默无语。

62、His new boss, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. Chairman Li Shufu, is the voluble son of former farmers with a classic entrepreneur's rise. ─── 他的新上司、浙江吉利控股(ZhejiangGeelyHoldingGroupCo.)董事长李书福则是农民家庭出身,讲话滔滔不绝,有着一段典型的创业致富经历。

63、Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed. ─── 她对工作失败的解释口若悬河,但不易为人相信。

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