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09-03 投稿


cowpea 发音

英:[?ka?pi?]  美:[?ka?pi?]

英:  美:

cowpea 中文意思翻译



cowpea 词性/词形变化,cowpea变形


cowpea 短语词组

1、cowpea def ─── 豇豆粉

2、cowpea crop ─── 豇豆作物

3、cowpea ppt ─── 豇豆ppt

4、cowpea hay ─── 豇豆干草

5、cowpea rust ─── 豇豆锈病

6、cowpea plant ─── [网络] cow豆厂

7、cowpea pdf ─── 豇豆pdf

8、cowpea mosaic virus ─── 豇豆斑驳病毒

cowpea 相似词语短语

1、cowpies ─── 牛仔

2、cowpeas ─── n.[园艺]豇豆(cowpea的复数形式)

3、cowed ─── n.奶牛,母牛;母兽;vt.威胁,恐吓

4、cowped ─── 皱缩的

5、cowier ─── 奶牛

6、scowped ─── 嗤之以鼻

7、Cowper ─── n.考珀(英国解剖学家)

8、cowked ─── v.干呕

9、cower ─── vi.退缩;抖缩;蜷缩;弯腰屈膝

cowpea 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cowpea aphid ─── 蚕豆蚜

2、Salinity and temperature had significant effect on the germination rate of cowpea seed. ─── 温度、盐浓度对豇豆种子的萌发有极显著的影响。

3、Another method that the scientists suggest is to plant *sorghum during aone growing season followed by * cowpea the next. ─── 但如果没有的农地,最好的方法就是采用轮植高粱和豇豆的方法。

4、It is efficient rotation system for overcoming continuous cropping obstacle to use rotation system of cucumber with corn for green manure, black-bean for green manure or planting cowpea. ─── 并提出黄瓜与翻青玉米、豇豆、翻青黑豆轮作是有效预防和克服土壤连作障碍的较佳种植制度。

5、The project is called PICS, for Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage. ─── 该项目被称为“PICS”项目,即普渡大学改善豇豆储藏项目。

6、“Drunken Beauty”is also named “cowpea red glaze”or begonia red glaze.It is a kind of hign fired glaze with changeable coloration and an unique work created during Kangxi period in Qing Dynasty. ─── “美人醉”又称“豇豆红”或“海棠红”,是一种呈色多变的高温颜色釉,是清康熙后期创烧的陶瓷绝品,之后失传。

7、I eat the Chaomian films, surface-peishang cut in the small cowpea, tomato, bean sprouts and other vegetables expected, with a little bit of Ziran, ah, odor Si Yi. ─── 我吃的是炒面片,面片配上切得小小的豇豆、番茄、豆芽等各种菜料,加上一点点孜然,嗯,香气四溢。

8、cowpea weevil ─── 绿豆虫

9、Influence of Amino Acids Plant Nourishment on Growth and Yield of Special early-mature Cowpea ─── 氨基酸植物营养素对豇豆生长及产量的影响

10、The slender cowpea is a miniature of the unforgettable childhood. ─── 修长的豇豆,是难忘童年的缩影。

11、To 1 month-long cowpea, does not want to tell everybody in here, the cowpea was allowed to harvest like this in 3 weeks. ─── 不到1个月的豆角,在这里想告诉大家,豆角这样在3个星期就可以收获了。

12、Childhood is a square array arranged with luxuriant cowpea, expecting the arrival of bees and butterflies who will dance to the innocent and beautiful dream of their tiny hearts. ─── 童年是一丘茂盛的豇豆排成的方阵,企望蜂蜂蝶蝶的莅临,翩跹着小心灵的天真美梦。

13、But on farms that cannot get fertilizer, the best solution may be the method of rotating sorghum with cowpea. ─── 但是如果没有肥料为农田施肥,最好的方法可能就是轮流种植高粱和豇豆。

14、According to the present price of cowpea,the cost and effect of control,the economic threshold,for controlling of Liriomyza sativae was 30.35 worm-eaten path per leaf. ─── 根据豇豆的价格、防治费用、防治效果等,算出其经济阈值为每片叶30.35条虫道。

15、Cowpea contained vitamin C can promote the synthesis of antibodies, anti-virus enhance the role of the body. ─── 豇豆中所含维生素C能促进抗体的合成,提高机体抗病毒的作用。

16、his family's food on the table is often the cowpea, Chinese cabbage, radish soup, and other old faces. ─── 他家餐桌上的菜肴常常是豇豆、白菜、萝卜汤等老面孔。

17、The activities of SOD, ASP and SOD isoenzymes have been studied in cowpea (Vigna sinensis) seedling leaves damaged by carmine spider mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus). ─── 摘要朱砂叶螨危害豇豆幼苗后,叶绿体内与活性氧代谢有关的酶SOD、ASP活性及同工酶均受到不同程度的影响。

18、The agriculture properties of cowpea exist very notable relativity. ─── 豇豆各农艺性状间存在极显著的相关性;

19、Field trials of optimum picking time of cowpea as dehydrated vegetable ─── 脱水豇豆最佳采摘期的试验

20、Some field experiments were taken on the degrading process of dichlorvos residing in bean vegetables(green soy bean,pea,cowpea) and soil. ─── 对敌敌畏在毛豆、豌豆、豇豆等豆类蔬菜及在豌豆田土壤中的残留降解动态进行田间测定。

21、Another method that the scientist suggested is to plant sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next. ─── 另一种科学家建议的方法是在生长季节种植高粱,接下来播种豇豆。

22、Another method that scientists suggest is to plant sorghum during one growing season followed by cowpea the next. ─── 科学家建议的另一种方法是,在生长季节种植高粱,接着在下一季种植豇豆。

23、They then refused 500 boxes, " Lu Jinhu, a Hainan cowpea dealer said. ─── 他们拒绝了500箱,”陆金虎,一位海南豇豆交易商说。

24、common cowpea leaf ─── 豇豆叶

25、Fired in a high temperature oxidized atmosphere, this glaze is challenging to control and can easily turn green and so many cowpea red pieces have tints of green in the glaze. ─── 其釉色淡雅,釉面局部氧化而呈绿色苔点。在浑然一体的红色中隐现点点绿斑,更显幽雅清淡、柔和悦目。

26、Effect of Different Application Times of Humic Acids Fertilizer on Yield of Cowpea and Its Residual Effect on the Following Strawberry ─── 腐植酸膏体冲施肥不同施用次数对豇豆产量及下茬草莓后效作用试验研究

27、No significant difference on PME activities in root cap was observed between treatments treated under different Al~(3+) concentration when cowpea roots had same length. ─── 不同浓度Al3+液处理对相同根长红豇豆的根冠PME酶活性没有显著的影响。

28、virus cowpea mosaic virus ─── 豆工豆花叶病毒

29、Another method that the scientists suggest is to plant sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next. ─── 科学家们建议的另一个方法是在成长季节种植高粱,接下来的季节种植豇豆。

30、Yunnan cowpea root ─── 山马豆根

31、The result showed that this strain could colonize in many plants, such as capsicum, tomato, eggplant, cabbage, lettuce, cowpea, wheat, corn and rice. ─── 结果表明:该菌株的内生宿主范围较广,可以通过种子、叶片表面以及根际土壤等进入辣椒、番茄、茄子、白菜、生菜、豇豆、小麦、玉米、水稻等多种植物体内定殖。

32、Another method that scientists suggest is to plant sorghum during one growing season followed by cowpea the next. ─── 科学家建议的另一种方法是,在生长季节种植高粱,接着在下一季种植豇豆。

33、common cowpea;cow pea;cowpea; ─── 英文名: black-eyed pea;

34、oil cowpea ─── 油豆角

35、red cowpea ─── 红豇豆

36、The variation of each trait among food legumes accessions revealed different,therein protein content of Common bean and Chickpea as well as starch content of cowpea varied most. ─── 不同来源的食用豆类种质资源品质性状比较结果表明,国内绿豆种质资源粗蛋白含量明显优于国外种质资源。

37、Studies on Microecology of Cowpea Rhizosphere of Diseased and Healthy Plants and Screening of Antagonistic Strains ─── 豇豆健、病株根际微生态研究及拮抗菌的初步筛选

38、" General use rice, millet, sorghum,huang mi , climbing beans (cowpea), jujube, chestnut, peanut and other raw materials, cooked sweet and delicious. ─── 一般用粳米、小米、高粱、黄米、爬豆(豇豆)、大枣、栗子、花生等原料,煮熟后香甜可口。

39、For example, using animal waste may be best for farms that have the animals to supply it.But on farms that cannot get fertilizer, the best solution may be the method of rotating sorghum with cowpea . ─── 比如,使用动物粪便对饲养动物的农民来说就是最好的方法,但对那些没有肥料的农民来说,最好的办法就是轮种高梁和豇豆。

40、Environment Temperature and Variations of Vigour Research on Cowpea Seed be Exposed to the sun in Different Conditions ─── 不同条件下暴晒豇豆种子的环境温度与活力变化研究

41、Xiangxi sour cowpea ─── 湘西酸豆角

42、To them the meaning of the festival is like a net similar to the cowpea trellis made of bamboo poles and vines. ─── “七月半”因此呈现不同的形态,但基本的意义是固定的。

43、catjang cowpea seed ─── 白豆

44、This piece is an excellent example of this ideal cowpea red color, it is stamped with the seal “made during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty” on the base. ─── 此瓶形似柳叶,又称柳叶瓶。足部露胎,底书“大清康熙年制”楷书款。釉层滋润细腻,造型秀美典雅。

45、When the host larvae from different vegetable put together, it attacked and oviposited on the larvae from kidney bean and cowpea more than from luffa and cucumber. ─── 在菜豆、豇豆、丝瓜和黄瓜4种蔬菜上的美洲斑潜蝇幼虫并存时,多选择菜豆和豇豆上的寄主攻击和产卵寄生,但不同蔬菜上的寄主对寄生蜂的生长、发育和繁殖无影响。

46、Study on Cowpea Lactic Fermentation Process and Quality Preservation of Its Minced Meat Cooking Product ─── 豇豆乳酸发酵工艺控制及酸豇豆炒肉末保质初探

47、American non-bracket cowpea ─── 美国无架豇豆

48、A virus was isolated from cowpea seedlings characterized by the symptoms of mosaic in Hefei. ─── 在合肥地区从豇豆带毒的实生苗中分离到一病毒分离物,易经汁液摩擦接种,在豇豆上大多数为系统感染。

49、white cowpea ─── 白豇豆

50、Another method that the scientists suggest is to planting sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next. ─── 科学家建议的另一种方法就是在生长季节间种植高梁,接着种植豇豆。

51、Under the coexistence of several vegetable hosts,the order of selectivity and preference of Bemisia tabaci to them was: cucumber>white gourd,tomato,cowpea>chinese kale,eggplant>cabbage,balsam pear. ─── 在多种蔬菜寄主同时存在的情况下,烟粉虱对寄主的选择性和嗜好性排序为:黄瓜>节瓜,番茄,菜豆>芥蓝,茄子>甘蓝,苦瓜。

52、Pickled cowpea was liked deeply by the large crowd because of unique flavor and promoting digestion, increasing appetite, and other effectiveness. ─── 泡豇豆因其风味独特以及促消化、增食欲等功效深受消费者的喜爱。

53、But on farms that can not get fertilizer, the best solution maybe the method of both take in(rotating) sorghum with cowpea. ─── 但是对于得不到施肥的土地来说,最好是轮流种植高梁和豇豆。

54、Response of root border cell in red cowpea to aluminum stress ─── 红豇豆根缘细胞对铝胁迫的响应

55、Experiments in the Coating Effects on Cowpea Seeds with Germs ─── 带菌豇豆种子包衣效果试验

56、To 1 month-long cowpea, does not want to tell everybody in here, thecowpea was allowed to harvest like this in 3 weeks. ─── 不到1个月的豆角,在这里想告诉大家,豆角这样在3个星期就可以收获了。

57、Several germplasm resources which were beneficial to cowpea breeding, were selected. ─── 筛选出了一些对豇豆遗传育种有益的种质资源材料。

58、Another method that the scientists suggest is to planting sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next. ─── 科学家建议的另一种方法就是在生长季节间种植高梁,接着种植豇豆。

59、The Effects of Foliar Fertilization on Pest Control of Cowpea ─── 叶面肥在豇豆有害生物控制中的作用

60、cowpea: An annual African plant (Vigna unguiculata) in the pea family, widely cultivated in warm regions for food, forage, and soil improvement. ─── 豇豆一种一年生非洲豆科植物(豇豆属豇豆),广泛种植于温带地区,可以食用、作为饲料及改良土壤

61、There was relationship between texture of pickled cowpea and pectin content and composition. ─── 豇豆在腌制过程中的质构变化与果胶的含量和组成相关。

62、Keywords Cowpea (vigna unguiculata L. Walp);protein;function food; ─── 豇豆;蛋白;功能性食品;

63、This morning, I ate two eggs and two steamed stuffed bun, a bowl of soybean milk, a dish of cowpea, actually didn't finish those. ─── 今天早晨,我吃了两个鸡蛋,两个包子,一碗豆浆,一小碟豇豆菜,其实都没吃完那些。

64、Keywords Trichoderma harzianum;Fermented liquid;the growth promoting substance;Cowpea;Enhanced growth; ─── 哈茨木霉;豇豆;发酵液;促生活性物质;分离;促生作用;

65、Effects of pod growth and post harvest periods on cowpea seed quality ─── 豆荚生长与后熟天数对豇豆种子质量的影响

66、Ginger Juice Clit Fry Cowpea, Poached Egg White Steam Old Cunt Shell! ─── 姜汁阴核炒豆角,蛋花清蒸老西壳!

67、Effect of carmine spider mite on contents of chlorophyll and protein in cowpea seedlings ─── 朱砂叶螨危害对豇豆幼苗叶绿素和蛋白质含量的影响

68、Studies on Yield Loss and Dynamic Economic Threshold of Cowpea Aphid Aphis craccivora Koch on Cowpea, Vigna sp. ─── 豆蚜危害豇豆损失率及动态经济阈值研究。

69、The Effect on Physical Control of Cowpea Pest ─── 物理防治在控制豇豆虫害中的作用

70、Another method that the scientists suggest is to plant sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next. ─── 科学家提出的另一个方法是在一个生长季节种植高梁,在下一生长季节种植豇豆。

71、Biological character of typical and active type of Cowpea weevil. ─── 四纹豆象的标准型与活动型之间生物学特性.

72、Comparative study on seed sprouting characteristics and drought tolerance of mung bean,cowpea,red bean ─── 绿豆、豇豆、小豆种子萌发特性及耐旱性比较研究

73、root growth of some cowpea cultivars ─── 一些豇豆品种的根生长

74、The fermentation production of Trichoderma hazianum produced by improved GPF formula was applied to the germination and seedling growth of cowpea. ─── 应用改良后的GPF培养基,采用三级发酵和固液两相发酵相结合的培养方法培养得到的哈茨木霉发酵产物,在豇豆萌发和苗期生长中进行应用。

75、But on farms that can not get fertilizer, the best solution may be the method of what taking (rotating) sorghum with cowpy (cowpea). ─── 但在那些没有肥料的农场,最好的解决办法可能是轮流种植高梁和牛豆。

76、Catalytic Characteristics of Polyamine Oxi dase from Cowpea Primary Leaves ─── 豇豆初生叶多胺氧化酶的催化特性

77、mixed coloured cowpea ─── 花豇豆

78、Nigeria is the world's largest cowpea producer. ─── 尼日利亚是世界上最大的豇豆生产国。

79、The seed selection system is used to select the new cowpea 2 from the green cowpea 90. ─── 新豇2号是在绿豇90品种中变异单株采用系统选育而成豇豆新品种。

80、vine cowpea ─── 蔓生性豇豆

81、Soil obstacles in the area of cowpea industrialization base for sustainable development and countermeasures to solute the problems ─── 豇豆产业化基地可持续生产的土壤障碍及对策

82、Strip Cropping as a Way to Increase Cowpea Production ─── 尼日利亚农民尝试新的种植方法提高豇豆的常量

83、The crops have been applied with the special-used long effective compound fertilizer, including cotton, wheat, corn, beet, peanut, potato, tomato, cowpea, aubergine etc. ─── 推广施用专用长效复合(混)肥的作物有棉花、小麦、玉米、甜菜、花生、土豆、西红柿、江豆、茄子等。

84、The city's industrial areas, once centres of garment-making, are now ghost towns. Cowpea vines blow around the empty roads. ─── 曾经是服装加工中心的城市工业区,现在杂草丛生,已经荒废殆尽。

85、common cowpea ─── 豇豆

86、But on farms that can not get fertilized, the best solution may be the method of (rotatine) rotating sorghum with cowpea. ─── 但是如果得不到这样的施肥,最好的方法是间断种植高粱和豇豆。

87、Another method that the scientists suggest is to plant sorghum during one growing season followed by cowpy (cowpea) the next. ─── 科学家建议的另一个方法是在一个增产的季节内种植高梁,接着种植牛豆。

88、Effect of Different Water Treatments on Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Cowpea ─── 不同水分处理对豇豆光合生理特性的影响

89、Included in this family are acacia, alfalfa, beans, broom, carob, clover, cowpea, lupine, mimosa, peas, peanuts, soybeans, tamarind, and vetch. ─── 豆科植物有金合欢、苜蓿、豆、金雀花、角豆树、车轴草、豇豆、羽扇豆、含羞草属、豌豆、花生、大豆、酸豆和巢菜。

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