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09-03 投稿


dermoid 发音

英:[?d??rm??d]  美:[?d??m??d]

英:  美:

dermoid 中文意思翻译



dermoid 短语词组

1、dermoid tumors ovary ─── 卵巢皮样肿瘤

2、sequestration dermoid ─── [医] 遗留性皮样囊肿

3、thyroid dermoid ─── [医] 甲状腺管皮样囊肿

4、dermoid ovarian cyst removal ─── 卵巢皮样囊肿切除术

5、implantation dermoid ─── [医] 植入性皮样囊肿

6、dermoid lesion ─── 皮样病变

7、dermoid ovarian cyst ─── 皮样卵巢囊肿

8、inclusion dermoid ─── [医] 包涵性皮样囊肿

9、dermoid cyst neck ─── 颈部皮样囊肿

10、dermoid cyst ─── [医] 皮样囊肿

11、dermoid cancer ─── [医] 皮样癌

12、tubal dermoid ─── [医] 输卵管皮样囊肿

13、dermoid tumor ─── [医] 皮样瘤, 畸胎瘤

14、corneal dermoid cyst ─── 角膜真皮囊肿

dermoid 常用词组

dermoid cyst ─── 皮样囊肿

dermoid 相似词语短语

1、dermic ─── adj.真皮的;皮肤的(等于dermal)

2、cormoid ─── 科莫

3、dermis ─── n.皮肤,真皮

4、desmoid ─── adj.硬纤维的;n.硬纤维瘤

5、dermo- ─── 皮肤

6、dermoids ─── adj.皮状的,皮样的

7、Hermod ─── n.(Hermod)人名;(丹)赫莫兹

8、dermatoid ─── adj.皮状的

9、desmoids ─── adj.硬纤维的;n.硬纤维瘤

dermoid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Histologically, the dermoid sinus contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. ─── 组织学上,皮窦包含着毛囊、皮脂腺及汗腺。

2、Keywords Conjunctiva;Choristoma;Dermoid;Tomography;X-ray computed; ─── 结膜;迷芽瘤;皮样瘤;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

3、The excision of subconjunctival mass and the plasty of right upper eyelid were performed simultaneously. pathological examination confirmed that the mass is dermoid tumor in nature. ─── 我们实施右眼眼皮整形手术及结膜下肿块切除,病理报告证实为一皮样囊肿。

4、Results:51 of 67 cases were tumors,which were dermoid cyst,hemangioma,rhabdomyosarcoma as the three leading kinds; ─── 结果:67例中肿瘤51例,前3位是皮样囊肿、血管瘤、横纹肌肉瘤;

5、dermoid polyp ─── 皮样息肉

6、dermoid cyst ─── 良性囊性畸胎瘤皮样囊肿

7、Dermoid cyst of the anterior fontanelle in infants ─── 婴儿前囟门皮样囊肿

8、Conclusion The main cause of exicision of corneal neoplasm is croneal dermoid, the second cause is intraepithelial neoplasm. ─── 结论角膜肿瘤切除最常见的原因是角膜皮样瘤,其次是上皮内瘤变。

9、The differential diagnosis of a hypoechoic lesion inferomedial to the globe includes anterior encephalocele, hemangioma, and periorbital dermoid cyst. ─── 眼眶内下分低回声病损的鉴别诊断包括前部脑膨出、血管瘤和眶周皮样囊肿。

10、inclusion dermoid ─── [医] 包涵性皮样囊肿

11、The orbital dermoid cyst occurs in one eye and mainly on superior temperal orbital rim. ─── 8例均单眼发病,囊肿多位于颞上方眶缘。

12、Differential diagnosis of a spinal dermoid includes lesions with high lipid content such as teratomas and lipomas. ─── 椎管内皮样囊肿的鉴别诊断包括那些含有高脂性的病变,如脂肪瘤和畸胎瘤。

13、CT Diagnosis of Dermoid Cyst of the Orbit ─── 眼眶皮样囊肿的CT诊断

14、sequestration dermoid ─── [医] 遗留性皮样囊肿

15、Analyzing Results of Radiotherapy on Dermoid of Head and Face ─── 头面部皮肤癌放射治疗的疗效分析

16、dermoid tumor ─── 皮样瘤

17、Dermoid cyst or epidermoid cyst ─── 眼眶皮样囊肿或表皮样囊肿

18、Midline congenital nasal dermoid cysts and sinuses are rare congenital anomalies with occasional central nervous system connections. ─── 摘要先天性鼻部中线皮样囊肿和瘘管是罕见的先天性异常。这些异常可存在于鼻腔内,但大部份存在于外鼻部;

19、Dermoid sinus is a genetic, autosomal skin condition in dogs. ─── 皮窦是一种犬类的常染色体遗传病。

20、Analysis of 65 cases of dermoid cyst rejection with laparoscope ─── 腹腔镜下卵巢良性畸胎瘤剔除术65例分析

21、Keywords mass of the orbit;dermoid cyst;tomography;X-ray computed; ─── 关键词眼眶占位;皮样囊肿;断层摄影;X线计算机;

22、dermoid cyst of eyelid ─── 眼睑皮样囊肿

23、dermoid cyst and dermoid cyst. ─── 囊肿与皮样囊肿。

24、In some cases, the contralateral ovary may have another type of neoplasm, usually a dermoid cyst. ─── 在某些病例,可在对侧之卵巢发现另一种卵巢肿瘤,通常为皮样肿瘤。

25、dermoid cyst of conjunctiva ─── 结膜皮样囊肿

26、Conclusion There are some characteristic features in the clinical course and tomography of the dermoid cyst of maxillofa-cial su... ─── 结论颌面骨缝皮样囊肿影像学表现有一定特征,手术是目前唯一有效的治疗手段。

27、Transseptal endoscopic excision of nasal dermoid sinus cyst ─── 内镜下经鼻中隔进路鼻皮样窦囊肿手术

28、cyst dermoid ─── 皮样囊肿

29、Dermoid sinus is sometimes also confused with dermoid cyst (a teratoma). ─── 皮窦有时也会与皮样囊肿混淆。

30、Keywords Dermoid cyst Epidermoid cyst Teratoid cyst; ─── 皮样囊肿;表皮样囊肿;畸胎样囊肿;

31、CT evaluation of the epibulbar dermoid and dermolipoma ─── 眼球表面结膜皮样瘤及皮脂肪瘤的CT分析

32、Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of dermoid cyst in sellar region. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨鞍区皮样囊肿的临床特征、诊断及治疗。

33、sublingual dermoid cyst ─── 舌下皮样囊肿

34、In the case of a dermoid sinus, this separation has not fully taken place. ─── 而皮窦患犬发育时,分离不完全。

35、Continuous or discontinuous thin ring-like enhancement could be seen in secondary pseudo-arachnoid cyst.fat-suppression sequence was helpful in diagnosis of epidermoid cyst and dermoid cyst. ─── 结论:鞍区不同性质的囊性病变具有一定的影像学特点,通过详细的影像学检查可对其中多数病变做出正确的定性诊断。


37、Dermoid cyst of mouth ─── 口腔皮样囊肿

38、Keywords Spine Dermoid cyst MRI; ─── 脊柱;皮样囊肿;磁共振成像;

39、ectopic dermoid ─── 异位性皮样囊肿

40、dermoid cancer ─── 皮肤癌皮样癌

41、Keywords orbit dermoid cyst photographic examining; ─── 眼眶;皮样囊肿;影像检查;

42、Keywords Orbital;Dermoid cyst;Diagnosis;Surgery; ─── 关键词眼眶;皮样囊肿;诊断;手术;

43、epibulbar dermoid ─── 眼球外层皮样囊肿

44、Testicular tumor markers were negative.Simple inguinal orchiectomy was performed and the dermoid cyst was confirmed pathologically.We discuss the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. (J Urol R.O.C. ─── 后进行鼠蹊部高位睪丸切除术,预后良好,而病理报告为睪丸的皮脂腺囊肿,我们对其致病机转、诊断及治加以讨论。

45、The dermoid sinus gene is believed by some to be recessive, meaning that the animal must receive one defective gene from each parent in order to develop the condition. ─── 有人认为皮窦基因是隐性的,也就是犬只必须从父母双方各获得一个皮窦基因才可能导致疾病发生。

46、Abstract: Objective To study the clinical characteristics of children orbital dermoid cyst. ─── 文摘:目的探讨小儿眼眶皮样囊肿的临床特点。

47、21. Conclusion MRI can exactly and clearly show the location, modality, size, signal character, and relationship with around structure of the orbital dermoid cyst. ─── 结论MRI可以准确而清楚地显示眼眶皮样囊肿的位置、形态、大小、信号特征及其与周围结构的关系。

48、Result The orbital dermoid cyst occurs in one eye and mainly on superior temperal orbital rim. ─── 结果8例均单眼发病,囊肿多位于颞上方眶缘。

49、There were 42 cases of neurilem-moma,20 cases of metastic tumour,14 spinalmeningioma,14 epidermoid tumour,7 ependy-moma,5 lipoma,5 dermoid cyst,4 teratoma,4 e(?) idural cyst,3 hemangioma,and 2 chordo-ma. ─── 神经鞘瘤42例,转移瘤20例,脊膜瘤14例,表皮样囊肿14例,室管膜瘤7例,脂肪瘤5例,皮样囊肿5例,畸胎瘤4例,硬脊膜外囊肿4例,血管瘤3例,脊索瘤2例。

50、Histologically, the dermoid sinus contains hair follicles , sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. ─── 组织学上,皮窦包含着毛囊、皮脂腺及汗腺。

51、Keywords Obit Dermoid cyst Diagnosis; ─── 关键词眼眶;皮样囊肿;诊断;

52、Epidermoid cyst and dermoid cyst. ─── 表皮样囊肿与皮样囊肿。

53、The result is that in some cases, the dermoid sinus remains connected to the animal's spinal cord;in other cases, the sinus terminates in a "blind sac" that is less dangerous to remove. ─── 导致某些病例中患犬的皮窦仍然与脊髓相连接,其他一些病例中皮窦成为一个“盲囊”,这种情况下将皮窦移除相对危险性较小。

54、Others believe that the dermoid sinus condition is more appropriately characterized as polygenic, involving multiple genes. ─── 另外一些人认为,皮窦是多基因相关疾病。

55、tubal dermoid ─── [医] 输卵管皮样囊肿

56、implantation dermoid ─── [医] 植入性皮样囊肿

57、Methods CT and MRI findings of dermoid in 15 cases and epidermoid cysts in 6 cases were analyzed and compared with surgical and pathological findings. ─── 方法总结分析15例眼眶内皮样囊肿和6例表皮样囊肿的CT,MRI表现并与手术、病理对照。

58、Others believe that the dermoid sinus condition is more appropriately characterized as polygenic, involving multiple genes. ─── 另外一些人认为,皮窦是多基因相关疾病。

59、2.Methods 8 cases of orbital dermoid cyst were analysed. ─── 方法对8例小儿眼眶皮样囊肿患者进行临床分析。

60、dermoid cyst of spermatic cord ─── 精索皮样囊肿

61、Thymic tumours and dermoid cysts, although in the anterior mediastinum, may be closely related to the pulmonary trunk ─── 胸腺肿瘤和皮样囊肿,虽然位于前纵隔,也可与肺动脉段密切相连。

62、dermoid cyst of ovary ─── 卵巢皮样囊肿

63、Methods A total of 11 cases of dermoid cyst in sellar region verified with operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法对经手术及病理证实的11例鞍区皮样囊肿进行总结分析。

64、Objective To study the clinical characteristics of children orbital dermoid cyst. ─── 目的探讨小儿眼眶皮样囊肿的临床特点。

65、Treatment of epidermoid cyst, dermoid cyst and teratoma in spinal canal ─── 椎管内表皮样囊肿及皮样囊肿和畸胎瘤的治疗

66、Keywords Orbit;Dermoid cyst;Tomography;Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 眼眶;皮样囊肿;体层摄影术;磁共振成像;

67、Methods:analyzes 48 clinical cases of operations to cure dermoid cyst. 43 of 48 cases are spaying dermoid cyst; ─── 方法对手术治疗48例卵巢良性畸胎瘤临床资料进行分析,其中卵巢畸胎瘤切除43例,单侧附件切除5例。

68、dermoid cyst of mammary glands ─── 乳腺皮样囊肿

69、Thymic tumours and dermoid cysts , although in the anterior mediastinum , may be closely related to the pulmonary trunk . ─── 胸腺肿瘤和皮样囊肿,虽然位于前纵隔,也可与肺动脉段密切相连。

70、Results In all the cases, there are 34 cases of dermoid cyst, 7 cases of epidermoid cyst, 4 cases of mucous cyst, 4 cases of sebaceous cyst. ─── 结果病理学检查证实皮样囊肿34例,表皮样囊肿7例,粘液囊肿4例,皮脂腺囊肿4例,与术前诊断一致。

71、The clinical analysis of orbital dermoid cyst ─── 眼眶皮样囊肿临床分析

72、Keywords Pleomorphic lipoma;Verruciform xanthoma;Dermoid tumor;Skin;Mucosa; ─── 关键词多形性脂肪瘤;疣状黄瘤;皮样瘤;皮肤;粘膜;

73、Dermoid sinus a genetic, autosomal skin condition in dogs. It can appear as single or multiple lumps on the dorsal midline. ─── 皮窦是一种犬类的常染色遗传病。该疾病会在犬只的背中线上出现单个或多个肿块。

74、7 dermoid cyst showed heterogeneous intensity on T1WI; ─── 7例皮样囊肿T1WI呈混杂信号;

75、Keywords orbit children dermoid cyst; ─── 关键词眼眶;儿童;皮样囊肿;

76、thyroid dermoid ─── [医] 甲状腺管皮样囊肿

77、However, unlike pilonidal sinus in humans, dermoid sinus in dogs is a neural tube defect. ─── 然而,与人类的藏毛窦不同,皮窦是因犬只的神经管缺陷引起的。

78、Findings of CT in Orbital Dermoid Cysts and Epidermoid Cysts ─── 眼眶皮样囊肿及表皮样囊肿的CT表现

79、dermoid system ─── 皮肤系统

80、Abstract] goal: Discusses the dermatoid sarcoma clinical, the pathology characteristic, the differential diagnosis and the method of treatment. ─── [摘要] 目的:探讨上皮样肉瘤的临床、病理学特点,鉴别诊断及治疗方法。

81、Keywords: Dermoid, cyst, Epidermoid, cyst, Teratoid, cyst, ─── 关键词:皮样囊肿,表皮样囊肿,畸胎样囊肿

82、[9]Tian QT.A case report of dermoid cyst in scalp[J].Chin J Clin Neurosci, 2002,7(2): 109. ─── 田庆涛.头皮巨大皮样囊肿1例[J].中国临床神经外科学杂志,2002,7(2):109.

83、Methods A total of 11 cases of dermoid cyst in sellar region verified with operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法对经手术及病理证实的11例鞍区皮样囊肿进行总结分析。

84、Pathological dia-gnosis showed: 10 osteomas, 7 meningio-mas, 4 metastatic tumours, 3 neurinomas,2 optic nerve gliomas, 2 cavernous he-mangiomas, 2 mucoceles, 2 epidermoidand dermoid cyst and 1 chondrosarcoma. ─── 病理诊断:骨瘤10例,脑膜瘤7例,转移癌4例,神经鞘瘤3例,视神经胶质瘤2例,粘液囊肿2例,上皮样及皮样囊肿2例,海绵状血管瘤2例和软骨肉瘤1例。

85、Dermoid cyst with malignant transformation ─── 皮样囊肿伴恶变

86、dermoid cyst of mediastinum ─── 纵隔皮样囊肿

87、Well, that woman had a dermoid cyst. ─── 噢,那个女人得了皮样囊肿。

88、Dermoid cyst and teratoma were mixed in different degree with fat, calcification and skeleton. ─── 畸胎类肿瘤特点为含有脂肪成分和不同程度钙化、骨化。

89、mature teratoma (cystic teratoma, dermoid cyst) ─── 成熟畸胎瘤

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