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09-03 投稿


laughable 发音

英:[?l?f?bl]  美:[?lɑ?f?bl]

英:  美:

laughable 中文意思翻译



laughable 网络释义

adj. 有趣的,可笑的

laughable 短语词组

1、laughable facts ─── 可笑的事实

2、laughable gif ─── 可笑的gif

3、laughable app ─── 可笑的应用程序

4、laughable def ─── 可笑的定义

5、laughable laws ─── 可笑的法律

6、laughable person ─── 可笑的人

7、laughable loves ─── 好笑的爱

8、laughable synonym ─── 可笑的同义词

laughable 词性/词形变化,laughable变形

名词: laughableness |副词: laughably |

laughable 相似词语短语

1、cashable ─── adj.可变现的

2、laudable ─── adj.值得赞赏的

3、slaughterable ─── 可屠宰

4、catchable ─── 抓得住的;可捉到的

5、crushable ─── adj.可压碎的;可制服的

6、laughableness ─── 可笑

7、laughably ─── adv.可笑地;有趣地

8、ploughable ─── 可耕的

9、gaugeable ─── 可测定的;可计量的;可量测的

laughable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The special effects are very outdated and look rather laughable now. ─── 剧中的特效方面在现在看起来已经非常过时与可笑了。

2、S. values. It would be laughable, if it didn't point to a real challenge in the Sino-American relationship. ─── 那将是很可笑的,如果它没有指向一个真正的挑战在中美两国的关系。

3、For a discussion of stars our language is inadequate and seems laughable, as if someone were trying to plow with a feather. ─── 因为我们人类的语言不适合论述星辰,否则会显得可笑,就如同某些人想用羽毛去犁地一样。

4、Even if packing the midfield was a sensible precaution, expecting Baros to carry the game to United was laughable. ─── 即便加强中场的保护是明智的预想,但指望巴罗什搅乱曼联的防线实在可笑。

5、Most attempts to understand ecological relations seemed laughable in light of these weird creations. ─── 在无奇不有的天地万物面前,大多数企图了解生态关系的尝试都显得那么可笑。

6、The most laughable thing is our education. The Right always seems to be associated with the bad, when the real perpetrators are all on the Left. ─── 可笑的是我们的教育,右似乎总是与不好连起来,而真正害人的却是一系列的左。

7、Often remembers these laughable dreams, I thought that on the face does not have the light. ─── 每每想起那些可笑的梦,我都觉得颜上无光。

8、laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity ─── 由于明显的荒谬或不协调而使发笑或可笑的

9、For Mr Obama now to take up the no-protection cause at the G20’s forthcoming meeting in Pittsburgh would, alas, be laughable. ─── 现在对奥巴马先生来说,在即将到来的匹兹堡G20会议上拿起非贸易保护的理由,唉,是很可笑的。

10、He'd like his mom and me to pay him for extra chores, but his suggested pay rate ('I'll fold the clothes for $50') is laughable. ─── 他希望我和太太给他派更多的家务活好让他多挣点钱,但他提出的酬劳实在高得离谱(我叠衣服,你们付我50美元)。

11、They are laughable. ─── 他们是可笑的。

12、It is a laughable story. ─── 好笑的故事。

13、Men show their character in nothing more clearly than what they think laughable. ─── 从一个人觉得什么可笑最能清楚地看出他的个性。

14、20.The dog has got more fun out of Man than Man has got out of the dog, for the clearly demonstrable reason that Man is the more laughable of the two animals. ─── 狗从人身上获得的乐趣比人从狗身上获得的乐趣多,其原因显而易见:认识这两种中更可笑的一种。

15、More obscure findings can fare worse: Germs, quarks, black holes, and continental drift were all once considered laughable. ─── 更多冷门的发现境遇更糟:细菌,夸克,黑洞,大陆漂移学说曾让人笑掉大牙。

16、What is more laughable, Lu in accepts in the interrogation process to insist “stresses the civilization”, “thanks” right one to handling a case police left one “thanks”. ─── 更可笑的是,吕某在接受审讯过程中一直坚持“讲文明”,对办案民警左一个“谢谢”右一个“感谢”。

17、The 28-year-old Adams complained: "I gave her a second chance, and Phil - Michel arbitrarily simply too laughable. ─── 28岁的亚当抱怨道:“我给了她第二次机会,但和菲尔-米歇尔乱搞简直太可笑了。

18、I have made several serious suicide attempts, some laughable in their miscalculation of how many pills it would take or how deep to cut a wrist. ─── 我有过数次严重的自杀企图。有点荒唐可笑,如自杀竟会误算了施药量或者割腕合适的深度。

19、He said: "I believe such a small amount of the tax cuts could stabilize the economy is laughable. ─── 他说:“相信如此小规模额度的减税就可以稳定经济是可笑的。”

20、The questions they asked u are laughable at best.... ─── 口说我认为绝对不会有任何问题....既然是从美国回来的....

21、For Mr Obama now to take up the no-protection cause at the G20's forthcoming meeting in Pittsburgh would, alas, be laughable. ─── 因此,奥巴马想要在匹兹堡即将召开的20国集团会议上着手处理无保护政策,简直是贻笑大方。

22、The women's pentathlon did not make the Olympic program until 1964, but Babe Didrikson would have won that event in 1932, with laughable ease. ─── 女子马拉松是在1964年以后才列为奥运会正式比赛项目的,但是米尔德丽德在1932年,就曾经获得马拉松比赛的冠军。

23、The play was a tragedy but the acting was laughable . ─── 戏是悲剧,可是演得却令人发笑。

24、Likewise, as her son, Juno Leung steps in with a good debut performance.In no situation does Leung tries to be acting, but instead remains real and without a moment of laughable overacting. ─── 同样,梁进龙的处子秀也很出彩,他不温不火,保持了生活中的本色,让人不觉得他是在表演。

25、Some of the decisions on Wednesday night were laughable. ─── 周三晚间的某些判罚实在是可笑。

26、Sometimes, I find it laughable that those in our memory occupy a small fraction of people are often left us with a most impressive. ─── 有些时候我觉得很可笑,那些在我们记忆力占据着很小一部分的人们,却往往给我们留下了最深刻的印象.

27、8. Thomas Mugridge, on the other hand, considered it a laughable affair, and was continually bobbing his head out the galley door to make jocose remarks. ─── 相反地,汤玛斯?茂格兰治倒以为这是可笑的事,时时从厨房的门里伸头出来,说几句打趣的话。

28、Many people may assume that this would be laughable, but a matter of fact, Simmons is moving in this direction. ─── 或许很多人对于这样的假设会感到可笑,但事实上,西蒙斯正在朝这个方向努力。

29、In the case of Eddie the Eagle Edwards, failed British ski-jumper in the 1986 Winter Olympics, laughable amateurishness was celebrated nationally. ─── 1986年冬季奥运会上,英国滑雪运动员“山鹰”艾迪?爱德华失利,全国掀起了有趣的业余滑雪热。

30、When fully realized, this engine is supposed to be able to donatural-language queries, which have always been laughable. ─── 那种搜索引擎可以利用日常口语进行提问,并且通常也很有趣。

31、The comparisons drawn in the pre-match build-up between Kaka and Cristiano Ronaldo looked laughable as the former left United's defence floundering with his pace and movement. ─── 当米兰限制住克里斯蒂亚诺.罗纳尔多在左路的活动的时候,赛前拿他和卡卡作的比较就显得十分可笑。

32、idea that TV shows like "Dallas" or "Dynasty" represent typical American life is laughable. ─── 认为像《豪门恩怨》或《鹰冠庄园》那样的电视剧代表典型美国生活的想法是可笑的。

33、Those who make one not know whether to laugh or cry, while these “the wise” receives the reality ridicule, in book that most laughable “fool” Ms.Bennet, finally actually by the proof is most correct. ─── 更令人啼笑皆非的是,就在这几位“智者”受到现实嘲弄的同时,书中那位最可笑的“愚人”贝内特太太,最后却被证明是最正确的。

34、I felt I am such laughable, such silliness. I pay cannot trade the equal repayment actually. ─── 我感觉我是那么的可笑,那么的傻.我的付出却换不回来等价的回报.

35、It's laughable that people don't see him for the player he is and the telling contribution he has made to Bayern Munich's success. ─── 人们没看到他这样的球员以及他为拜仁慕尼黑的成功作出的贡献,这实在可笑。

36、The notion that Yi would not be comfortable in Milwaukee is laughable, too. ─── 易不适合在密尔沃基打球的想法也是可笑的。

37、The fact that you actually believed that TNT report is laughable. ─── 事实是你竟然相信tnt的报导真是太可笑了。

38、Laughable child! ─── 可笑的小孩!

39、They don't want to back into it in the laughable Eastern Conference. ─── 他们不想等回到可笑的东区以后再蹭回季后赛席位。

40、He considers it laughable that anyone would think that a car crash could have killed them. ─── 。[/COLOR]他认为有人会认为车祸能杀了他们是非常可笑的。

41、Village branch secretary: Can give birth to child can't yet manage one house well , laughable I do not know as for woman, but there are answers: Yes. ─── 村支书:至于女人能生孩子还不能管好一个家,好笑不好笑我不知道,但有答案:能。

42、The surface the children seem laughable and childish imagination but the ability to think on their healthy growth is very precious. ─── 表面上看儿童的想象力显得可笑而幼稚但对他们思维能力的健康成长是非常珍贵的。

43、The world's fastest runners couldn't keep up with a greyhound in a straight sprint. Were such a contest held on a track with banked turns, it would become laughable. ─── 在直线短跑比赛中,世界上跑得最快的选手也赶不上一只灰狗。如果比赛安排在有转弯的跑道上进行,那么比赛的情形一定会使人哈哈大笑。

44、United on Friday moved to quell further talk that their prize asset was about to link up with the Bernabeu club, saying the rumours were utter nonsense and totally laughable. ─── 曼联在周五否认了更多的谈判将会进行,否认了他们的价值球员将会与伯纳乌俱乐部联系起来,声称那些流言是“完全没有意义和可笑的。

45、I'd not use the word unfortunate either for this fine example of state censorship, probably "pathetic" or "laughable" describes it well. ─── 对我来说,我想我不会用“不幸”这个词来形容中国相关部门的审查,我觉得用“可悲”或者“可笑”来形容可能更加合适。

46、Perhaps the city's challenges are still too daunting: a deeply troubled police department, a stubborn crime problem, laughable infrastructure and a yawning budget hole. ─── 或许是因为这座城市正面临着令人畏惧的挑战:深陷麻团的警察部门,恶疾难除的犯罪问题,荒唐可笑的基础设施建设和巨大的预算缺口。

47、They both laughed but it was not because the idea was laughable but because they both so liked it. ─── 他们都笑了,但这并不是因为这个想法很可笑,而是因为他们都很喜欢它。

48、Detonated Southeast financial crisis's hot money to the same year to flow out massively directly vigilantly, really so laughable? ─── 对当年直接引爆东南亚金融危机的热钱大规模流出加以警惕,真的如此可笑吗?

49、laughable; funny; ridiculous; comical; amusing ─── 好笑

50、He was a laughable figure. ─── 他是个荒唐可笑的人。

51、Men show their charater in nothing more clearly than what they think laughable. ─── 从一个人觉得什么可笑最能看出一个人的个性。

52、You'd better not make jokes if there are no people interested in it. Do not laugh loudly and consider the occasion, never laugh at other's grief even it is laughable. ─── 如果没人感兴趣,不要开玩笑,笑声不要太大,也不要不分场合.不要拿别人的不幸开玩笑,即使确有可笑之处.

53、In your letter , the wording and the grammar are all wrong , I feel very laughable . ─── 你在信中,措辞和语法都错了,我觉得非常可笑的。

54、Most attempts to understand ecological relations seemed laughable in light of these weird creations. ─── 在无奇不有的天地万物面前,大多数企图了解生态关系的尝试都显得那么可笑。

55、Why on earth could I do such a laughable thing ? ─── 我为什么会做这么令人可笑的事情呢?

56、Laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity. ─── 可笑的由于明显的荒谬或不协调而使发笑或可笑的

57、He is just installing to do the funny laughable appearance ─── 他正装做滑稽可笑的样子。

58、For banking, such lax security measures would be laughable. ─── 对于银行业来说,采用这样松懈的安全措施会很可笑。

59、He attacked Frank Holt as a“ pleasant vegetable,” and implied that Rockefeller had had homosexual relations with black men, a laughable charge considering his earlier well-earned reputation as a ladies' man. ─── 他攻击弗兰克·尔特,称他“快乐菜头”,而且暗示洛克菲勒与一些男性黑人有着同性恋关系,联想到他曾经赢得的“女士们的男人”的荣誉,这一指控真是可笑。

60、In his speech, he denounced the right's “bogus claims” bluntly, insisting that such talk was “laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible. ─── 在这次演讲中,他明确地指责了右派的错误言论,表示类似的言论“如果不是如此愤世嫉俗,且不负责任,它可以说是可笑的。

61、Men show their character in nothing more clearly than by what they find laughable. ─── 没有什么比一个人发现什么东西可笑更能表现他的性格。

62、To make matters more laughable, the fix that NV is forcing on Dell, HP and everyone else does not fix the problem, it simply makes it less likely to occur during the warranty period. ─── 使问题更可笑,修复程序NV公司是迫使对戴尔,惠普和其他所有人不解决此问题,它只是使得它不太可能发生在保修期。

63、"This clarification, of course, does nothing to correct the first statement and the double meaning of the joke becomes even more laughable . ─── 当然,这个解释并没有纠正她的第一句话,反而使这个笑话的双重含义变得更加好笑。

64、Owen will look after himself and the notion he owes anything to us is laughable given the mercenary nature of PL football. ─── 欧文要另谋出路,欧文亏欠球迷将成为充斥着外援的英超很可笑的一句话。

65、Cause Italian's demonstrative, the Virgin-Night cannot stay longer.For Lambo, for Gokudera, had ample experience is very important, or hurt by inexperienced will be laughable. ─── 众所周知我是支持云狱的,作为意大利人的蓝波如果十几岁都过了还是处男,不丢脸吗?

66、It would be laughable if we weren't always having to fork out money far the police which ought to be spent on roads. ─── 如果我们总是不情愿把用来修路的钱交给警察,那将是很可笑的。

67、In fact, their know it is only a laughable. ─── 其实自己也知道这只是一种可笑。

68、For a discussion of stars our language is inadequate and seems laughable, as if someone were trying to plow with a feather. ─── 因为我们人类的语言不适合论述星辰,否则会显得可笑,就如同某些人想用羽毛去犁地一样。

69、Many people have experienced the anguish not stand for something, after which time they find it laughable. ─── 很多人都经历过为一件事苦恼不堪,过后又觉得可笑的时候。

70、Some of it is laughable, some laudable, some of it irrelevant, and some of it really captures a time. ─── 有的作品滑稽可笑,有的值得称道;有的作品无足轻重,也有的确实紧扣时代脉搏。

71、I know this will sound laughable, but every lunchtime I stop being a highly capable person and turn into a dithering fool over what to eat. ─── 我知道这听上去很可笑,但每次午餐时,我都不再是一个具备高度能力的人,而变成了一个傻傻的不知道吃什么的人。

72、The Athlete, the Lecturer, the Scientific Discoverer was a laughable, lovable, healthy young human thing. ─── 这位运动员、演说家、科学发现者是有趣的、讨人喜欢的、健康的年轻人。

73、Only months ago, the idea that Mr Bush would publicly lambast America 's corporate bosses was laughable. ─── 可是就在几个月前,布什公开抨击美国大公司老板的想法却是荒谬可笑的。

74、The inappropriate use of words,phrases and others gives rise to laughable situations and,more seriously,resulting in business and political misunderstandings. ─── 有时候,用词不当不但会贻笑大方,还可能造成商务上或政治上的误解。

75、His defense is often laughable and his mood is usually surly. ─── 他的防守也常常很可笑,而且态度也总是很粗暴。

76、Asks you others to sign equates in oneself not illegally, this is not generally laughable. ─── 把人家找你签名等同于自己没有违法,这不是一般地可笑。

77、Jerry Buss said that every trade offer thus far has been laughable and not even under consideration. ─── 杰瑞·布斯说每次交易的出价都高的不只可让人发笑,甚至不在考虑中。

78、Unexplainable. Laughable, if everyone isn't crying, and Boston doesn't have to win but one more game to win a championship that was still there in the Lakers' clutches. ─── 一切都难以解释。可笑的是,所有人好像还不以为然,认为凯尔特人不可能再赢一场从而赢得“已经握在湖人手里的总冠军”。

79、For those who haven’t, many frugal practices are no longer laughable. ─── 对于那些浪费者而言,很多节俭的习惯不再有趣可笑了。

80、The excuse for TMac's early struggles that he was simply deferring to Yao is lame and laughable. ─── 只要麦迪保持现在的打球方式,即使姚明回来以后,火箭只需要做很小的调整。

81、If the insults are laughable, just laugh. ─── 如果侮辱是可笑的,那么你一笑了之;

82、Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable. ─── 人们展示他们的个性只不过是因为他们过于可笑。

83、The extent to which people avoid legitimate responsibility is almost laughable, but it is nothing new. ─── 人们想尽理由逃避该尽的责任,是很可笑,但这并非什麽新鲜事。

84、Don Quixote is laughable, but is a idealism incarnation throughout. ─── 堂吉诃德是可笑的,但又始终是一个理想主义的化身。

85、What are the basic elements in the laughable? ─── 可笑的情事到底包括哪些基本因素?

86、Your looks are laughable, they're un-photographable,But still, still you're my favorite work of art.Is your figure less than Greek? ─── 五年之前,那张再熟悉不过的脸,会每天出现在我的生活中,那时很单纯很憧憬将来的一切也许会不知所措也许会完美无缺抑或是徘徊在两个极端。

87、They all recognized my challenge in not knowing any Chinese and we went on about our business in a very informal, laughable sort of way. ─── 他们发现我对中文一窍不通,所以我们用了一种非正式的、有趣的方式来相互沟通。

88、As for the match, O'Sullivan said: "I've never had so much bad luck, it was laughable. ─── 对于比赛,奥沙利文说:“我从来没有这么多的坏运气,这真是可笑。

89、The two constantly squabbled over seemingly insignificant and trivial matters - which reminds people of how laughable some of their own quarrels are. ─── 他们常常因为一点点看起来微不足道的小事而吵架--这也让观众觉得有时人们之间的的吵架是多么的可笑。


哈哈 这个问题 我有权利回答 我们家俩宝肯定是哥哥给弟弟说 看 我手里是什么 弟弟会说 哥哥换换 因为现在他们就是那样哥哥手里和弟弟手里一模一样的东西 弟弟也会说换换 哥哥手里有东西 弟弟没有的话哥哥就会在弟弟面前显摆 然后被弟弟抢过来

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