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09-03 投稿


derisory 发音

英:[d??ra?s?ri]  美:[d??ra?s?ri]

英:  美:

derisory 中文意思翻译



derisory 短语词组

1、derisory offer ─── 嘲弄的提议

2、derisory remarks ─── 嘲讽的话

3、derisory define ─── 嘲弄地定义

4、derisory sum ─── 嘲弄之和

5、derisory means ─── 嘲弄的意思

6、derisory name ─── 可笑的名字

7、derisory antonym ─── 讽刺反义词

8、derisory definition ─── 可笑的定义

derisory 相似词语短语

1、decisory ─── 决策者

2、permissory ─── 许可证

3、irrisory ─── irrisory公司

4、supervisory ─── adj.监督的

5、delusory ─── adj.迷惑的,困惑的(等于delusive)

6、advisory ─── adj.咨询的;顾问的;劝告的;n.报告;公告

7、dimissory ─── adj.使离去的;解职的

8、revisory ─── adj.修订的,修正的

9、remissory ─── 赦免

derisory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her bid was dismissed as a “derisory” offer from a “low-growth conglomerate”. ─── 她的报价遭到拒绝,因为这是来自一家“低增长集团”的“荒谬”报价。

2、Allied action on the Western front during Hitler's conquest of Poland was derisory. ─── 在希特勒占领波兰期间,盟军在西线几乎没有动作。

3、Cambodian textile workers, who make many of the clothes on sale in the US and Europe, say this wage is derisory. ─── 而为欧美市场生产大量服装的柬埔寨纺织工人们则认为,这份工资是可笑的。

4、Heavy-foot made a derisory noise, proving that he didn't recognize irony when he heard it. ─── 大脚发出了嘲弄的笑声,证明他根本不懂得反话。

5、She was being paid what I considered a derisory amount of money. ─── 她被支付着我认为是微不足道的一笔钱。

6、a contribution so small as to be derisory. ─── 贡献如此之小以致受人嘲笑

7、What matters for Cuban livelihoods is access to hard currency, through remittances or a widespread informal economy, rather than derisory wages or the threadbare official ration system. ─── 对古巴人的日常生活而言,保持硬通货是非常重要的,这就需要接受国外汇款或广泛的非正式经济活动,而不是少得可怜的薪水或俗套的官方配额制度。

8、All the while, Chinese households are earning derisory income on their savings, and in rural, inland areas poverty remains widespread. ─── 与此同时,中国家庭的储蓄只能获得一点可笑的收益,而在内陆的农村地区,贫困现象仍很普遍。

9、Yet in Europe use of natural-gas vehicles is derisory. ─── 然而,在欧洲使用天然气燃料的汽车少的可笑。

10、Yet in Europe use of natural-gas vehicles is derisory. ─── 可是欧洲使用天然气的车辆少的可怜。

11、Nor is China's offer derisory. The Americans complain that China's existing policies would achieve those cuts with no extra effort. ─── 中国的提议也不应引发嘲笑,美国人抱怨中方采用现行政策,不做任何额外努力就可以实现减排目标。

12、Lewis, though a spokesman, said the offer 'is derisory, and I do not believe that shareholders will approve it. ─── 他通过发言人表示,那样一个出价“简直是在嘲笑我们,我不相信股东们会同意”。

13、It “emphatically rejected” Kraft's direct offer to its shareholders, adding, just for good measure, that it was “derisory”. ─── 吉百利“强烈反对”卡夫食品向其股东发出收购要约,另外还说,卡夫食品的这一做法“很搞”。

14、And investment in sanitation has been stuck at a derisory 0.2% of GDP for the past seven years, leaving a quarter of Brazil's urban population lacking access to sewerage. ─── 对卫生设施的投资过去7年来只维持在占GDP0.2%的可笑水平,导致四分之一的巴西市区人口排污能力不足。

15、Few non-Japanese investors own yen cash or bonds, and central bank holdings are similarly derisory. ─── 很少有外国投资者持有日元现金或债券,各国央行的持有量也同样少得可怜。

16、Cadbury declined to comment on the formal bid, but a source close to the company said: "The offer is unchanged and still derisory. " ─── 吉百利拒绝就正式收购要约置评,但一位接近该公司的人士表示,“要约没有变动,仍是嘲弄式的。”

17、As credit markets all but closed, the cheap loans on which they relied dried up.Companies started to change hands for prices that would have seemed derisory just months earlier. ─── 因为信贷市场关闭,这些行业的大公司赖以生存的低息贷款失去来源,他们不得不开始将它们以几个月前看来低的简直令人发笑的价格转手。

18、Back then, we used to howl with derisory laughter at those couples in restaurants eating in stony silence. ─── 在那时候,我们还常常疯狂地嘲笑那些在餐厅里死寂一般吃饭的夫妻。

19、Her bid was dismissed as a "derisory" offer from a "low-growth conglomerate" . ─── 她的报价遭到拒绝,因为这是来自一家“低增长集团”的“荒谬”报价。

20、Lewis, though a spokesman, said the offer 'is derisory , and I do not believe that shareholders will approve it. ─── 他通过发言人表示,那样一个出价“简直是在嘲笑我们,我不相信股东们会同意”。

21、"Nicolas Sarkozy does not intend to give up on it, whatever the derisory manoeuvres that only serve to harm creative diversity," his office said in a statement. ─── “尼古拉斯萨克奇不打算放弃这个法案,无论那些只会伤害创新多元化的微不足道的手段是什么,”他的办公室在一份发言中说道。

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