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09-03 投稿


birthmark 发音

英:['b??θmɑ?k]  美:['b?θmɑrk]

英:  美:

birthmark 中文意思翻译



birthmark 反义词


birthmark 短语词组

1、birthmark surgery ─── 胎记手术

2、birthmark red ─── 胎记红

3、birthmark swelling ─── 胎记肿胀

4、birthmark sparknotes ─── 胎记麻雀

5、birthmark meaning ─── 胎记的含义

6、birthmark colors ─── 胎记颜色

7、the birthmark on your shoulder ─── 你肩膀上的胎记

8、cross birthmark ─── 十字胎记

9、birthmark types ─── 胎记类型

10、birthmark removal ─── 胎记去除

11、the birthmark ─── 胎记

birthmark 同义词

labor | dawn | true | biological | labour | birthing | give birth | nascence | beginning | deliver | natural | delivery | have | bear | parentage | extraction |origin | natal | infancy | nativity | parturition | opening | nationality | stem | inception | conception | confinement | naissance | nascency | genetic

birthmark 词性/词形变化,birthmark变形

动词过去分词: birthed |动词第三人称单数: births |动词现在分词: birthing |动词过去式: birthed |

birthmark 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Birthmark: Unusual mark or blemish on the skin at birth. ─── 胎记:出生时,皮肤上不寻常的一种瘢或疤。

2、" Birthmark, birth defects and other signs of defects, can be seen as the portrayal of the lives of past lives. ─── 胎记、先天缺陷以及其他体征缺陷,都可以看成是对前世生活的写照。

3、Excuse me laser of big housekeeping money hits birthmark to be able to be destroyed! ! ! Thank! ! Be urgent! ─── 请问大家用激光打胎记会不会打掉啊!!!谢谢!!急!

4、He was lively and cute, but the funny thing was, on each arm he had a birthmark, and the birthmarks looked just like sparrows! ─── 最奇怪的是,在两条臂上都有一个胎记,每个胎记看上去就像一只麻雀!

5、you want the birthmark? ─── 你想得到预见胎记吗?

6、For the first time I found the birthmark on my face, a small crimson hand shaped mark, became a nuisance. ─── 我平生第一次觉得我脸上的那块深红色的手状胎记,是那么的惹人讨厌。

7、What how has red birthmark treated is fast? Can be you treated over? ─── 红胎记怎么治疗好的快?在那里能治疗呢?

8、8.He's got a birthmark on his right chees. ─── 他右脸颊上有一块胎记。

9、One side of his face was blotted out by a mulberry-coloured birthmark ─── 他的半边脸被一块深紫红色的胎记破了相。

10、I have friends in the Tongji Hospital Branch had plastic pigment laser Qu get a birthmark on the face of a great, good effect, to play down the obvious. ─── 我朋友在同济医院整形科做过激光祛色素弄脸上很大的一块胎记,效果还不错,明显淡化了。

11、All right, I added at the back of his name a little bit a little bit small, I touched a mouth Cape of birthmark, silly of smile. ─── 好吧,我在他名字后面加了个小点点,我摸摸了嘴角的痣,傻乎乎的笑了。

12、"Besides, she had a red birthmark the size of a grain of rice between her eyebrows, which makes me quite sure it's her." ─── "况且他眉心中原有米粒大小的一点胭脂记,从胎里带来的,所以我却认得."

13、That voice resemble my birthmark the similar following behind me, ever since that time that day beginning! ─── 那声音就像我的胎记一样跟随着我,自从那天开始!

14、He's got a birthmark on his right cheek. ─── 他的右脸颊有一块胎记。

15、Hemangioma is the most common type of vascular anomaly (birthmark). ─── 血管瘤是最常见的血管异常(胎记)。

16、Keywords children;congenital giant birthmark;slice-by-slice excision of thick skin;excision and repairing of embedded and stretched flaps with dilator;peri-operative period;nursing; ─── 关键词小儿;先天性巨痣;刃厚皮片切削术;扩张器埋植、扩张皮瓣转移切除修复术;围术期;护理;

17、Joanne had a small dark birthmark near her hairline. ─── 乔安妮的发际线处有一小块黑色胎记。

18、physiologic birthmark ─── 生理胎痣

19、A total of 47 children were diagnosed with cancer between 0 and 8 years.Of these, seen (15%) subjects had a definite or suspected birthmark documented during the first year of life. ─── 共有47名儿童0到8岁期间诊断为癌,其中7例(占15%)出生后一年期间有明确或可疑的胎记的档案记载.

20、Sometimes Hanna wore a dress with a neckline low enough to reveal the birthmark high on her left shoulder. ─── 有时汉娜穿一件开领上衣,领口开得很大,露出左肩上部的胎记。

21、Police say a relative of the suspect is the one who tipped them off after noticing makeup had been used to cover the birthmark that was part of the posted description of baby Abby. ─── 警察说嫌疑犯的一个亲戚暗示他们注意到,亚比被描述的胎痣被化装掩饰了起来。

22、2.A congenital growth or mark on the skin, such as a mole or birthmark. ─── 最多见良性瘤是一种良性皮肤痣(色素痣),大多数人都有几个,这种赘生物一般不会恶化。

23、When she ru ed the forehead, makeup came off what was covering a small birthmark. ─── 她擦了擦孩子的额头,化妆品所掩盖的一小块胎记露了出来。

24、Get rid of the birthmark, please. ─── 请除掉这胎记。

25、a birthmark ─── 从娘胎带来的记

26、Georgiana soon began to fear his look. His expression would make her face go pale. And the birthmark would stand out like a red jewel on white stone. ─── 乔治亚娜很快开始害怕他的注视.他的表情让她的脸变得苍白.那个胎记将像白石头上的红宝石一样突出.

27、She has a red birthmark on her face. ─── 她脸上有一块红色的胎记。

28、Dr.Alster, 47, is an expert in using lasers, which can treat any perceived blemish, be it wrinkle, sunspot, pimple, pore, scar or birthmark. ─── 47岁的艾斯特,专长是雷射治疗,任何可见的瑕疵,包括皱纹、雀斑、面疱、毛孔、伤疤或胎记。

29、It is bred in its arts and crafts brought birthmark, whether people or animals, whether明器art, religious statues or architectural sculpture, generally reflects a long tradition of decorating fun. ─── 这是它孕育于工艺美术所带来的胎记,无论是人物还是动物,也无论是明器艺术、宗教造像还是建筑装饰雕刻,都普遍反映着传统悠久的装饰趣味。

30、A congenital growth or mark on the skin, such as a mole or birthmark. ─── 痣皮肤上先天的生成物或标记,如痣或胎记

31、If the parents of those worried about the birthmark, consult a doctor can remove any doubt. ─── 如果家长对这些胎记担心的话,可以请教医生消除疑虑。

32、In one's childhood facial minister a kind of not famous blain, grab the spot that similar birthmark left after defeating, do law cure? ─── 小时候脸部长了一种不知名的痘,抓破之后留下了类似胎记的斑,有没有办法治疗啊?

33、On Tuesday night celebrations were expected in Chicago, and elsewhere, as America prepared to welcome the first black president-elect of a country born with the ugly birthmark of slavery. ─── 周二晚上,在芝加哥以及美国其它地方,美国人民会庆祝并欢迎其第一位在农村出生,并且带着丑陋奴隶印记的黑人民选总统。

34、Oerall, 2505 children had a documented definite or suspected birthmark. ─── 整体的,2505名儿童有档案明确记载或可疑的胎记。

35、The prosperity of the Zaju is not the China traditional product but develops in the gap of traditional culture sudden pause.Therefore, it itself has obvious birthmark of Mongolian and Yuan culture. ─── 元杂剧的繁荣不是中国传统文化发展的产物,恰恰是在传统文化猝然断裂的缝隙间茁壮而出的,所以,在它的身上明显带有蒙元文化的胎记。

36、When you take the time to remove the birthmark, also undermines the integrity of her original, so we do not always striving for perfection. ─── 当你把胎记去除的时候,也破坏了她原来的完整性,所以我们不要总是追求完美。

37、birthmark technology ─── 胎记技术

38、Sentimentality was the spiritual birthmark of the new literature of the May Fourth Movement Period. ─── 摘要感伤是“五四”新文学的精神胎记。

39、There is a birthmark on his left leg ─── 他左腿有块记。

40、Over the years, Chou has learned to ignore comments about his birthmark while cultivating a habitual concentration and precocious calm, which have become his valuable personal assets in the highly competitive game of Go. ─── 随著岁月流逝,周俊勋也学著不去在意别人怎麽讲他脸上的胎记,同时培养专注和冷静的习性,让他能在围棋的激烈竞争中临危不乱。

41、Quill is distinguished from his brother and sisters with a bird-like birthmark on his body. ─── 导盲犬可鲁以纯真、善体人意的真诚,感动了几百万人的心。

42、Torrez noticed what a eared to be makeup on the baby's forehead, Corvington said. When she ru ed the forehead, makeup came off what was covering a small birthmark. ─── 科文顿说,特蕾兹注意到了婴儿额头上有用化妆品涂抹的印记。她擦了擦孩子的额头,化妆品所掩盖的一小块胎记露了出来。

43、Yesterday, there webmaster detection oneself of birthmark, tell everyone and kid to be his, everyone spread.Long my face of birthmark, also not the wish appeared in public. ─── 昨天,那儿版主发现了自己的痣,告诉大家孩子是他的,大家都散了。长着痣的我的脸,也不愿见人了。

44、My left leg has birthmark of color of skin, the method of purify which kinds are best, still do not ache? ─── 我的左腿有肤色胎记,去除的方法哪种最好,还不疼呢?

45、However birthmark of the big differences, some significant results, some people may slow the progress of treatment, and to give their doctors some time, a full assessment of the future for treatment. ─── 6.激光扫描法:利用激光的热作用,可以使胎记漂白脱皮即时效果好,但数月后又会复红是其缺点。

46、Torrez noticed what appeared to be makeup on the baby's forehead, Corvington said. When she rubbed the forehead, makeup came off what was covering a small birthmark. ─── 科文顿说,特蕾兹注意到了婴儿额头上有用化妆品涂抹的印记。她擦了擦孩子的额头,化妆品所掩盖的一小块胎记露了出来。

47、"No, Preminger, " the princess said as she showed everyone the crown-shaped birthmark on her shoulder. ─── “不,普雷明格,”公主边说边向所有人亮出她肩膀上的皇冠形胎记。

48、a soft red birthmark. ─── 柔软的、红色的胎记。

49、Of course like the market is one of the origin of Opera,the Human Art practice has the birthmark of popular culture. ─── 他一方面表示接受这话,认为任何作品“一写出,就有宣传的可能。”

50、As for the question which cannot solve includes the inborn big area necrotic color spot, permanent scar, birthmark as well as black mole and so on. ─── 至于不能解决的问题则包括天生的大面积坏死性色斑,永久性疤痕,胎记以及黑痣等。

51、The 6-pound girl, born September 8, has dark brown hair, dark eyes and a strawberry birthmark on her forehead. ─── 艾比在9月8日出生,重6磅,女孩,黑眼睛,棕黑色的头发,前额有一块草莓状的胎记。

52、With half of his face covered by a scarlet birthmark, he was often mocked by his classmates.To dodge curious gazes, Chou locked himself in the strategic world of Go. ─── 半边脸满布猩红的胎记,让周俊勋从小就承受著异样眼光,常遭同学嘲笑,此时的他躲避人群,把自己关在围棋的世界里。

53、There is also a common birthmark known as "Yang strawberry-shaped mole" in the days after delivery, and 3 in the waning years. ─── 还有一种常见的胎记称为“杨莓状痣”,于娩出后两天出现,而于3年内逐渐消退。

54、That's when she discovered the birthmark and confronted her sister-in-law, who gave her the baby. Abby was handed over to authorities at about 5 p. M. ─── 那时她发现了那个胎记并与她弟妹发生争执,最后婴儿到了她的手里。下午5点左右Abby被一交给了警察局。

55、Birthmark of the pigment-based laser treatment to ruby laser is the best choice, today the concept of treatment is to Chenzao. ─── 到了近代又采用同位素贴敷治疗,虽然对胎记的生长有抑制作用,但因为会留下继发性白斑、黑色素沉着以及肌肉僵化而效果不理想。

56、Birthmark of skin ─── 皮肤胎痣

57、Married white roses, white is the clothes with a grain of rice stick son, red is a single vermilion cinnabar birthmark on her chest. ─── 娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上沾的一粒饭粘子,红的却是心口上一颗朱砂痣。

58、Aylmer saw the mark as a sign of his wife's eventual sadness, sickness and death. Soon, the birthmark caused him more pain than Georgiana's beauty had ever given him pleasure. ─── 艾尔默把胎记看做是她妻子的可能的悲哀,生病和死亡.很块,这胎记给他带来的痛苦多于乔治亚娜的美丽给他带来的快乐.

59、How birthmark of purify chunk cyan? ─── 怎样去除大块青色胎记?

60、Explain with teh examples from the Minister's black veil the statement that the sin is the birthmark of everybody. ─── 用课文中的例子来解释下“威尼斯商人“的课文主题。

61、There is a birthmark on his left leg. ─── 他左腿有块记。

62、hboring union. the 6-pound girl, born september 8, has dark brown hair, dark eyes and a strawberry birthmark on her forehead. ─── 失踪的婴儿叫艾比,寻找她的海报已经张贴到了附近的加油站和餐馆。艾比在9月8日出生,重6磅,女孩,黑眼睛,棕黑色的头发,前额有一块草莓状的胎记。

63、Xiao dream girl didn't hear the work of death notice ZhaoXiuRu, said the girl who died, no birthmark on his head. ─── 晓梦把听到妞妞没死的工作通知了赵秀如,说阿谁死了的女孩头上没有胎记。

64、Lasers May Not Fade Birthmark Forever ─── 雷射无法永久去除胎记

65、"believe" in hawthorne's sin said, "he thinks a thousand people are sins, dark, " guilt is one of the birthmark. ─── 霍桑相信“原罪之说”,他认为人心生来都是罪恶的,黑暗的,“罪恶是人的胎记。”

66、There is a birthmark on my left arm triceps position.It's colour is the same with my skin colour. ─── 在我的左手臂三头肌部位有一块胎记.胎记的颜色和我的肤色一样.

67、Birthmark: Unusual mark or Blemish on the skin at Birth. ─── 胎记: 出生时,皮肤上不寻常的一种瘢或疤。

68、Does laser surgery treat birthmark to ache? ─── 激光手术治疗胎记疼吗?

69、McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye. ─── 麦兜是一只右眼上有个胎记的小猪。

70、After was being bitten by insect, next scar leaves on the leg, resemble birthmark same, it what idea there is is OK to what idea there is eliminate? ? ─── 被虫子咬了后,在腿上留下一个疤,就像胎记一样,有什么办法可以除去??

71、Authorities used a birthmark on Somer Thompson's leg to tentatively ID her. ─── 权威分析专家用了她腿上的胎记最终确定了她的身份。

72、A congenital growth or mark on the skin,such as a mole or birthmark. ─── 痣皮肤上先天的生成物或标记,如痣或胎记。

73、spiritual birthmark ─── 精神胎记

74、male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye. He has a ... ─── 中美对话已经结束,美元反弹是否开始?

75、Can treat, see the depth of the size of your birthmark and color, finish have apparent change. ─── 治疗胎记,红色的,我知道用激光祛除几次就可以了,效果怎么样>?

76、Married the white rose, a rice of the clothes of would be of white glues the son, red but is a vermilion cinnabar birthmark of the center of the chest. ─── 娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上的一粒饭粘子,红的却是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。

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