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09-03 投稿



prefecture 发音

英:[?pri?fekt??r]  美:[?pri?fekt??(r)]

英:  美:

prefecture 中文意思翻译



prefecture 短语词组

1、Gannan Zangzu Autonomous Prefecture ─── 甘南藏族自治州

2、Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture ─── 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州

3、prefecture apostolic ─── 教皇监牧区

4、autonomous prefecture ─── 自治州

5、Kyoto Prefecture ─── 京都县

6、Dali Baizu Autonomous Prefecture ─── 大理白族自治州

7、Okinawa Prefecture Police ─── 冲绳县警察局

8、Nujiang Lisuzu Autonomous Prefecture ─── 怒江族自治州

9、Ngawa Zangzu Qiangzu Autonomous Prefecture ─── 恩川藏祖强祖自治州

10、Enshi Tujiazu Miaozu Autonomous Prefecture ─── 恩施土家族苗族自治州

prefecture 词性/词形变化,prefecture变形


prefecture 常用词组

autonomous prefecture ─── 自治州

prefecture 相似词语短语

1、prefixture ─── n.前缀

2、prefixtures ─── n.前缀

3、prefect ─── n.长官,地方行政长官;级长

4、prefectures ─── n.县;管区,辖区;地方官的任期

5、subprefectures ─── n.县;区

6、prefectural ─── adj.县的,府的;地方行政长官的

7、projecture ─── n.凸出物;投影

8、subprefecture ─── n.县;区

9、defeature ─── vt.损伤外貌,使不能辨认;vt.去多余还本真:通过去除某产品多余的功能使其恢复最原始或最基础的用途

prefecture 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wenchuan forms part of the prefecture. ─── 汶川是阿坝州的一部分。

2、An H2-A rocket lifts off from a launching pad at the Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. ─── 一枚H2-A型火箭从日本鹿儿岛的种子岛空间中心火箭发射场发射升空。

3、Born in 1926 in Wakayama Prefecture in Japan, Hainan City, the father is Chinese, his mother is Japanese. ─── 1926年出生在日本和歌山县海南市,父亲是中国人,母亲是日本人。

4、It is separated by Heilongjiang River with Russian Armur State and Bilobizan Jew Auto nomoous Prefecture. ─── 与俄罗斯的阿穆尔州和比罗比詹犹太自治州隔江相望,县辖三镇六乡。

5、President Chiang encourages county mayor Kung Shing-tung of Hongchuan, Pingtung Prefecture, to do a good job. 5. ─── 图4:总统拍拍屏东县恒春镇长龚新通的肩膀,鼓励他好好为乡里服务。

6、Japan hosted its second Olympic Winter Games in 1998,in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture,part of this heavy snowfall region. ─── 1998年,日本在长野县的北部第二次主办了冬奥会,那里正是降雪充沛区的一部分。

7、Xigaze Prefecture set up in 1959, changed to Xigaze City in 1986. ─── 1959年设日喀则县,1986年改为日喀则市。

8、In 2004, Tokyo had been the only prefecture in which land prices rose. ─── 2004年,东京是唯一一个土地价格上涨的地区。

9、A harvester walks amid undulating waves of tea plants in the mountainous Nara Prefecture in central Japan. ─── 在日本中部的奈良山区,一名茶农走在如波涛般起伏的茶树田中.奈良位于京都以南23英里(37公里),是日本第一个真正的首都。

10、Policemen guard the airport, therefore, respectively, belong to Osaka Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture. ─── 因此警备机场的警察分别属于大阪府和兵库县。

11、Four Girls Mountain is located in Rilong town, Xiaojin County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. ─── 四姑娘山位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州小金县日隆境内,是青藏高原东沿横断山系邛崃山脉主峰,由四座相连的雪峰组成。

12、Ise Jingu, or Temple Ise, is located in Mie prefecture of Japan. ─── 在三重县的伊势神宫是日本最重要的神宫之一,历代皇族每年都得到此参拜。

13、There is no evidence of contaminated food from Fukushima prefecture, where the plant is located, reaching other countries, he said. ─── 他又补充道,没有任何迹象表明核电站所在地福岛县把那些受到污染的食品出口到国外。

14、Born in the Garze Tibetan Ethnic Minority Autonomous Prefecture, Chigya Dawa was graduated from the Sichuan College of Fine Arts. ─── 四川省孜藏族自治州人。毕业于四川美术学院。

15、The markings on the boat show its home port to be in Fukushima prefecture, the area hardest hit by the tsunami. ─── 小型船身上的标记显示它来自“福岛县”,正是日本此前遭受海啸重创的地方。

16、Students come from as far away as Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. ─── 学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。

17、The arrival of tiffs edict rejoiced the hearts of all officials in the Prefecture. ─── "该部文书一到,本府官员无不喜悦."

18、Back in May, the Kushiro Zoo in Japan's Hokkaido Prefecture marked a happy milestone: the birth of two tiger cubs. ─── 五月时,在日本北海道管辖的钏路动物园,跨入了快乐的里程碑,两只小老虎诞生了!

19、This year, Tongren Prefecture, welcomed the development of cultural tourism Fanjingshan spring. ─── 今年,铜仁地区迎来梵净山文化旅游发展的春天。

20、As a form of legacy from ancestors, "Munao Carnival" of the Jingpo nationality in Dehong Prefecture of Yunnan is a typical example. ─── 作为祖先崇拜遗存的形式,如前章曾提及的云南德宏地区景颇族的"目脑纵歌"颇具代表性。

21、Xiongnu people are pro-Wen Zhi moral Wal-Mart and was informed that hisyan men Prefecture, panic side points. ─── 匈奴人亲闻郅都节操威名,得知他就任雁门太守,惊恐方分。

22、Yuci area set up in 1948, established in 1958 Yuci City, are Jinzhong prefecture, the location of Jinzhong region. ─── 1948年设置榆次专区,1958年设榆次市,是晋中行署、晋中地区所在地。

23、Hence banna is a traditional administrative division of a size between today's prefecture and county. ─── 因此,“版纳”是一种旧行政区划的名称,介于现在的区、县之间。

24、In this way he came to the prefecture, then to the seminary. As he passed through the Cathedral Square, he shook his fist at the church. ─── 他这样走到了省长公署,过后又到了教士培养所。在经过天主堂广场时,他狠狠地对着天主堂扬起了拳头。

25、Junji Ito was born in Gifu prefecture in 1963. ─── 伊藤润二于1963年在日本岐阜县出生。

26、It has an area of 191 000 square kilometers, covering eight municipalities and one autonomous prefecture with a population of 27.16 million. ─── 全省幅员面积为19.1万平方公里,辖8个市和1个自治州,人口2716万。

27、Yu, also known as bitter city, located 70 kilometres Anxi Prefecture. ─── 又名苦峪城,位于安西县东70公里处。

28、Lamas from Ganz* Prefecture, Sichuan, having their group photo taken in front of Potala Palace. ─── 四川省甘孜地区来拉萨朝圣的喇嘛们兴高采烈地在布达拉宫前合影。

29、Traffic developed prefecture, railway, 106 National Road and Lai water shipping. ─── 县内交通发达,有铁路、106国道以及涞水航运。

30、It will be home-ported at Maizuru base in Kyoto prefecture. ─── “爱宕”号驱逐舰将被部署在京都的舞鹤基地。

31、A number of slips record the discussion about the administrative establishment of Dongting Prefecture. ─── 其中还有多枚简涉及对洞庭郡某一行政建制的讨论。

32、Who is the prefecture chief. ─── 太守谓谁?

33、Cast gate at Toshogu, Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.All pieces are cast of metal. ─── 作为本作品的创作者,我将本作品著作相关权利贡献于公有领域。

34、"I owe my fishwife day to the prefecture. ─── “我替市政府当一天骂街的。”

35、The drawing is taken from a photograph of Sakasa-Fuji (Mount Fuji and its beautiful "upside-down" reflection), at Lake Motosu in Yamanashi Prefecture. ─── 富士山上了钱币票面,其图案是在山梨县的本栖湖拍摄的富士山及湖中美丽的倒影。

36、The revitalization of the street in 2001 was Luliang Prefecture, prefecture awarded the "well-off township. ─── 2001年振兴街道被吕梁地委、行署授予“小康乡镇”。

37、Tibet Sunshine Hotel is the only three -star tourism hotel for foreign guests in pasturing counties of Aba Prefecture. ─── 大藏阳光酒店是目前阿坝州牧区县唯一挂三星的涉外旅游饭店。

38、At the southernmost end of the Japanese archipelago,the en tire prefecture lies in the subtropics. ─── 它位于日本群岛的最南端,整个县处于亚热带气候区域。

39、The "Weifeng Drum Dance"in Linfen Prefecture, Shanxi Province, has an imposing manner and militant bearing. ─── 山西临汾地区的"威风锣鼓",气势非凡、威风凛凛,

40、Lowlands to Saitama Prefecture in central as the center, including the coastal plain of the river and coastal plains. ─── 低地以埼玉县中部为中心,包括各河沿岸平原与海岸平原。

41、There are 8 factories in Yunnan who have reached export requirements, most of them are in Simao Prefecture. ─── 云南省有8个松香厂达到出口标准,大部分在思茅地区。

42、The increase was even more marked in the race for the governorship of Shizuoka prefecture in early July. ─── 在七月初静冈县举行的县长竞选中到场投票人数更是大幅增加。

43、Miyako Fish Market is a major market in Iwate Prefecture. ─── 宫鱼市场是一个主要的市场在岩手县。

44、Anxi Prefecture in the 85 km. ─── 位于安西县东85公里处。

45、Towering Linhai City Wall The towering city wall of Taizhou Prefecture sat on the mountain with a river in the front. ─── 巍巍临海城台州府城跨山面江,气势雄伟,属全国重点文物保护单位。

46、In ancient Aomori prefecture legends, Uwan is a disembodied voice that inhabits old, abandoned temples and homes. ─── 古代青森地区的传说中,哇是一种没有实体只有声音的妖怪,通常住在废弃的破旧庙宇和房屋中。

47、August 1, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu in Qinghai Province Batang navigation Airport. ─── 8月1日,青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树巴塘机场正式通航。

48、In 1684 the Qing Dynasty re-annexed Taiwan and renamed the town Fengshan County, considering it a part of Taiwan Prefecture. ─── 在1684年清朝重新吞并台湾并改名县凤山镇,认为它的一部分,台湾府。

49、A puppy was born in Akita Prefecture and sent as a gift to Professor Ueno of Tokyo University. ─── 前度学生为上野教授送来一只珍贵的纯种秋田小狗,尽管妻子极力反对,爱狗的教授仍留下这只被他名为”阿八”的小狗。

50、Taining Prefecture on stream in the northern part of Lake upstream. ─── 上清溪位于泰宁县东北部,金湖上游。

51、Media reports initially said the protests occurred over two days in Khotan prefecture. ─── 媒体最初报导说,抗议发生在和田地区,持续了两天。

52、The "Weifeng Drum Dance" in Linfen Prefecture, Shanxi Province, has an imposing manner and militant bearing. ─── 山西临汾地区的"威风锣鼓",气势非凡、威风凛凛

53、A long time ago in Mino ( now Gifu Prefecture ) , there lived a wealthy man called Anpachi-dayu. ─── 在很久以前的美浓(现在属于歧阜县),有一个叫Anpachi-dayu的富人。

54、He grew up in an orphanage in Okinawa Prefecture with heroine Haru (Miki Nakatani), Natsumi (Ai Kato), an aspiring actress, and two others. ─── 他从小生长在孤儿院冲绳县与女主人公春(中谷美纪),夏美(爱加藤),一个有抱负的演员,和两个人。

55、He arrived in Japan in 1988, at the age of 26, and began teaching at an English conversation school in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. ─── 就这样,1988年,26岁的约翰来到了日本,在爱知县名古屋市的英语会话学校执教。

56、Administration of three Tama Areas shifted from Kanagawa Prefecture to Tokyo-fu. ─── 多摩的三个地区从神奈川并入东京府。

57、At once the prefecture official sent men to detect the exact cave according to the marks made by the fisherman. ─── 太守即遣人随其往,寻向所志。

58、Sichuan province and Liangshan Prefecture are joining hands to push forward the development of flue cured tobacco. ─── 四川省与凉山州携手共谋烤烟发展。

59、He was born in Yamagata prefecture, north of Tokyo. ─── 他出生于东京以北的山形县。

60、In 1995, he served as head of the Qamdo Prefecture Song and Dance Ensemble. ─── 1995年任昌都地区民族歌舞团团长。

61、"Japan three peculiar temple", one of the Okayama Prefecture West Temple temple on the naked unique style. ─── “日本三大奇特庙会”之一的冈山县西大寺的裸体庙会就独具风格。

62、January 1942, Junichiro Koizumi of Japan in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, a political world was born at home. ─── 1942年1月,小泉纯一郎在日本神奈川县横须贺市的一个政治世家里出生。

63、The Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan in Sichuan Province is the largest Yi community. ─── 他们主要居住在云南、四川、贵州、广西等省区,四川凉山彝族自治州是最大的彝族聚居区。

64、"Certainly, sir; you see, the prefecture of to-day was the bishop's palace before the Revolution. ─── “一定是的,先生。您知道今天的省公署便是革命以前的主教院。

65、Okinawa Prefecture, in the southwestern extremity of the country, has a string of more than 160 islands. ─── 冲绳县位于日本的最西南面,它是由160多个岛屿组成的。

66、Nevertheless a poet, Mitsuharu Kaneko, who was born in Aichi prefecture, once called it "the most Japanesque season". ─── 但是,有位出生于爱知县的诗人叫金子光晴说过,“这是最合适于日本的季节。”

67、According to an old Niigata prefecture legend, Ouni appeared one day to a group of women as they were spinning hemp into yarn. ─── 古代新滹地区的民间传说中,某日,一群妇女正在纺纱时,苧来到她们面前提出要帮忙。

68、A fire destroyed a former Japanese prime minister's home Sunday in Kanagawa Prefecture. ─── 22日,日本前首相吉田茂位于神奈川县的一座两层木结构宅邸发生火灾,但未造成人员伤亡。

69、Local government: Every prefecture is headed by an appointed governor. ─── 地方政府:各省由省长管理。

70、The brook Huan Zhu Prefecture, bridges cross Bi quicksand. The wind is not the door wall, long and cold spray. ─── 溪上还珠太守家,小桥斜跨碧流沙。清风不共门墙改,长与寒泉起浪花。

71、Ancient Okayama prefecture legends describe Nurarihyon (lit. ─── 从上面的画像可以看到滑飘爷爷的是一个衣冠整齐,长脖秃头的老者。

72、The freedom and prefecture of science have been disturbed and challenged by investor and policy inside and outside. ─── 学术自由和任期受到来自内外投资者双方的挑战和政策干扰。

73、InMiyako Bay,Iwate Prefecture,almost all flounder caught arrive at Miyako Fish Market. ─── 在宫古湾,岩手县,几乎所有捕获的比目鱼都在宫古鱼市销售。

74、Founded in 1998 and is engaged in Liangshan Prefecture earlier seeds, seedlings and other trade companies. ─── 公司成立与1998年,是凉山州较早从事种子、苗木等贸易的公司。

75、Weiming Banner(/County) Hulunbeir Prefecture,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. ─── 内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔盟未名旗

76、Local officials through the regular method, "Monensin" system, so Zhi Han aljing di for Jinan Prefecture. ─── 地方官循于常法,“莫能制”,于是汉景帝拜郅都为济南太守。

77、But he also said he would 'take into consideration the [recent] U. S. -Japan agreement' to keep a Marine air station in the prefecture. ─── 但他也说,他会顾及近期美日之间达成的协议,把美国海军的一个机场留在冲绳县。

78、In this way he came to the prefecture, then to the seminary. ─── 他这样走到了省长公署,过后又到了教士培养所。

79、Company in 1992 in Okayama Prefecture in Japan to set up. ─── 公司于1992年在日本冈山县成立。

80、The Primary Research on Traditional Dwelling Houses and Settlements in the Western Area of HoneHe Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. ─── 云南红河西部地区传统住屋和聚落研究初探。

81、The "Nazierkumu"was a popular dance in Huozhou (Fire Prefecture) of the Western Regions (now Turpan area). ─── "纳孜尔库姆",流传于古西域火州、即今日吐鲁番一带,

82、Its rate of entering higher school has took the forst place of all the schools in the prefecture. ─── 学校各方面工作多次受到国家、省、地各级表彰奖励。

83、Further south in Chiba prefecture, firefighters battled an out-of-control oil refinery blaze that spewed fireballs into the sky. ─── 千叶县的远南地区,消防员正在与已经无法控制的炼油厂火焰战斗,许多喷射出的火球直往天上乱蹿。

84、Since 1986,1145 cases of leprosy have used WHO?s MDT in Qianxinan Prefecture,Guizhou Proviince. ─── 604例MB麻风用MDT后监测7年贵州黔西南州皮肤病防治所?邹太礼贵州黔西南州下属八个县(市),1986年实施WHO的MDT,到1995年底共治疗1145例。

85、Physical Features: Tableland and alpine valleys make up the main landform of the prefecture. ─── 地理特点:阿坝地形以高原和高山峡谷为主。

86、The first two stores will open near Tokyo in 2006, one in Funabashi, Chiba prefecture in April and the other in Kohoku, Kanagawa prefecture in autumn. ─── 头两家店将于2006年在东京附近区域开业,一家在春季开业,地点在船桥千叶县,另一家在秋季开业,地点在港北神奈川县。

87、Koizumi is from the city of Yokosuka in Kanagawa Prefecture where the 11th House of Representatives constituencies. ─── 小泉现为来自横须贺市所在的神奈川县第11选区众议员。

88、In Kesong Manor, Nedong County in Shannan Prefecture, 443 peasants were given 1,696 ke of land. ─── 山南乃东县凯松溪卡的443位农民分得了1696克土地。

89、On January 16, 2004, he was promoted to chief priest of Famen Temple in Fengfu Prefecture of Shaanxi Province. ─── 2004年1月16日,荣膺陕西省扶风县法门寺住持。








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