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09-03 投稿


gadflies 发音

英:[?g?dfla?z]  美:[?g?d?fla?z]

英:  美:

gadflies 中文意思翻译



gadflies 短语词组

1、gadflies define ─── 牛虻定义

2、gadflies insect ─── 牛虻

3、gadflies co ─── 牛虻公司

4、gadflies meaning ─── 牛虻的意思

5、gadflies plague ─── 牛瘟

6、gadflies synonym ─── 牛虻同义词

gadflies 词性/词形变化,gadflies变形

名词复数: gadflies |

gadflies 相似词语短语

1、gallflies ─── n.五倍子虫

2、barflies ─── n.酒吧常客

3、grayflies ─── 灰蝇

4、sandflies ─── 白蛉(sandfly的名词复数)

5、gallies ─── v.恐吓,吓唬;adj.(土地)潮湿或贫瘠的;n.(Gally)(法、美、英)加里(人名)

6、medflies ─── n.地中海果蝇(等于Mediterraneanfruitfly)(medfly的变形)

7、dayflies ─── n.蜉蝣

8、mayflies ─── n.蜉蝣

9、gadgies ─── 年

gadflies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So far, they are much more prominent in service roles that support official policy aims than as gadflies or checks on power. ─── 到目前为止,他们在支持官方政策目标的服务方面比在刺激或制衡政府方面的作用要突出。

2、Gadflies began pointing to excesses. ─── 然而一些人也开始走向极端。

3、Certainly, the Tokyo prosecutor's office has a thing against anti-establishment gadflies. ─── 当然,东京检方官员有办法对付那些反政府的捣乱分子。

4、Bloggers saw themselves as gadflies, pricking the arrogance of established elites from their home computers, in their pyjamas, late into the night. ─── (博客们把自己看成牛蝇,总是在深夜中,穿着睡衣,从家中电脑上(发发文章)用来刺穿所谓公认精英们的傲慢自大。)

5、Summer brought no respite, just great swarms of gnats, mosquitoes and gadflies. ─── 夏日炎炎,蚊蝇飞舞,矿工们一年四季也得不到片刻休整。

6、Drones, gadflies, wasps and butterflies flutter about aimlessly, brushing their wings against the walls of the hive. ─── 雄蜂、胡蜂、丸花蜂和蝴蝶徒劳地撞击着巢壁。

7、Doubtless, authoritarian governments are in close touch too, sharing the best ways of dealing with the pestilential gadflies and troublemakers of the internet. ─── 毫无疑问,在共享和交流怎样处理那些互联网捣乱分子的经验方面,专制政府之间有着密切的合作。

8、he is suddenly overwhelmed with such boundless sadness that he looks upon even mosquitoes and gadflies as newborn children. ─── 忽于其处发无穷悲。如是乃至观见蚊虫,犹如赤子。

9、The Nenets report other curious changes - fewer mosquitoes and a puzzling increase in gadflies. ─── 涅涅茨人还报告了其它的奇怪的变化——蚊子减少了,但牛虻却令人费解地增多了。

10、“he is suddenly overwhelmed with such boundless sadness that he looks upon even mosquitoes and gadflies as newborn children. ─── 忽于其处发无穷悲。如是乃至观见蚊虫,犹如赤子,

11、Even if such a platform can be designed, the big exchanges are finding it harder to stay ahead of the gadflies, thanks to the falling cost of technology. ─── 即便这样一个平台能设计出来,由于技术成本的降低,大交易所更难在竞争中保持领先。

12、Certainly, the Tokyo prosecutor's office has a thing against anti-establishment gadflies. ─── 当然,东京检方官员有办法对付那些反政府的捣乱分子。

13、Drones, gadflies, wasps and butterflies flutter about aimlessly, brushing their wings against the walls of the hive. ─── 雄蜂、胡蜂、丸花蜂和蝴蝶徒劳地撞击着巢壁。

14、local gadflies and community chatterboxes—the “gobby” folk—and got them to contribute. ─── 地方牛虻和社区里的话匣子集中起来并且通过他们来建设网站。




n. 苍蝇(fly的复数);舞台上空,吊景区;裤子前面的开口

v. 飞行;时间飞逝;乘飞机;飘动(fly的第三人称单数)

Flies rose in thick black swarms.



time flies时光飞逝;时间过得真快

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