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09-03 投稿



chieftain 发音

英:[?t?i?ft?n]  美:[?t?i?ft?n]

英:  美:

chieftain 中文意思翻译



chieftain 网络释义

n. 酋长;首领

chieftain 词性/词形变化,chieftain变形


chieftain 短语词组

1、chieftain poe ─── 坡酋长

2、chieftain pueblo ─── 酋长村

3、chieftain current obituaries ─── 酋长的讣告

4、Chieftain tank ─── 酋长坦克

5、chieftain classic ─── 土司经典

6、chieftain discharge ─── 酋长退伍

7、tribal chieftain ─── 部落首领

8、chieftain sentence ─── 土司判决

9、Indian chieftain ─── [网络] 印度酋长

chieftain 相似词语短语

1、chieftainess ─── 酋长制

2、chieftainries ─── 酋长

3、chieftaincies ─── n.酋长或首领的地位或职位

4、chieftains ─── n.酋长(chieftain的复数形式);首领

5、chieftaincy ─── n.酋长或首领的地位或职位

6、chief town ─── 主要城镇

7、chieftainry ─── 酋长

8、certain ─── adj.某一;必然的;确信;无疑的;有把握的;pron.某些;某几个;n.(Certain)人名;(葡)塞尔塔因;(法)塞尔坦

9、chieftainship ─── n.首领或酋长的地位

chieftain 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Theories and Methods in China's Chieftain System Studies during the 20th Century ─── 20世纪中国土司制度研究的理论与方法

2、party chieftain ─── 党魁

3、Social Features in Chieftain Era in Tujia Minority Area ─── 土家族区域土司时代社会性质初论

4、In memory of this chieftain, the mountain was later given the name Ali ─── 人们为了纪念这位首领,就把这座山命名为“阿里山”。

5、Urduuk held his tongue a moment before speaking again. "I meant no offense, Chieftain Orrek. I simply feel there is a better approach. ─── 乌尔都克沉默了一下但还是再次开口说道,“我不想冒犯您,奥瑞克酋长。我只是觉得这是个更好的办法。

6、His father is the chieftain of the clan. ─── 他父亲是那个部落的酋长。

7、Once upon a time, there was a famous chieftain named Fearless. ─── 从前,有一个叫做天不怕的酋长。

8、A decentralized chieftain-based system evolved into a more centralized economic and religious empire centered on Yap. ─── 分散的首领管理系统进化成一个更集中的以Yap为中心的经济和宗教帝国。

9、Once upon a time,there was a famous chieftain named fearless. ─── 从前,有一个叫做天不怕的酋长。

10、3, chieftain washs king of black, Tibet to wash black, Wendameiyuan black, head state is washed black be exposed to the sun to contain carcinogenic substance. ─── 3、首领一洗黑、藏王一洗黑、温达美源一洗黑、首邦一洗黑被曝含致癌物质。

11、After 800 years of the first 30 on behalf of the Luo Wu Tribal Chieftain Feng Shi-force to help tribes face extinction in Ningwu tight encirclement. ─── 主要内容:历经800年的罗武部落第30代土司凤世雄力助面临灭顶之灾的宁武部落突出重围。

12、The chieftain and native official systems of the minority in southwestern China in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties were the development and sum-up of the Jimi official system of the past dynasties. ─── 元明清时期的西南少数民族土司土官制度是诸朝历代羁縻职官制度的进一步发展和集大成。

13、a storied chieftain of guerrillas. ─── 传说中著名的游击队首领

14、According to the accounts of History of the Song Dynasty, the big chieftain Deva Kulo paid tribute in 1077, but he was accounted as the king of Chola in Biography of Chola. ─── 《宋史·三佛齐传》记载,熙宁十年(1077年)其国大首领地华伽罗入贡,但在《注辇传》中却记地华伽罗为注辇国王。

15、He was completely bald and his face was painted red and blue so that he looked rather like a Red Indian chieftain. ─── 他完全秃了顶,满脸涂着红蓝两色,看上去活象一个印第安人的酋长。

16、There he met the famous Shoshone chieftain Washakie. ─── 在那里他碰到了著名的绍山酋长华谢基。

17、To add some "pep" to his narrative, the director fabricated a continuity concerning the efforts of Motana, son of headhunter chieftain Kenada, to prove his worthiness to the tribe. ─── 为了给他的叙述增添一些“活力”,导演编造了一个有关猎人头酋长基纳达的儿子摩大拿想要努力证明他对部落的价值的连续故事。

18、chieftain office ─── 土司衙署

19、It was in this main hall that Emperor Qianlong received the heroic Mongolian chieftain Wobaxi of the Turhot tribe who led his tribesmen on their massive migration back to China from Russia. ─── 乾隆接见万里东归的蒙古土尔扈特部杰出领袖渥巴锡,就是在正殿。

20、In order to preserve the forces of Chinese reaction and U.S. aggression in China, Chiang Kai-shek, China's No. 1 war criminal and chieftain of the Kuomintang bandit gang, issued a statement on New Year's Day suing for peace. ─── 为了保存中国反动势力和美国在华侵略势力,中国第一号战争罪犯国民党匪帮首领蒋介石在今年元旦发表了一篇求和的声明。

21、In adventure mode, you control a party of heroes and explore the world as the struggle between Caesar and the Gaul chieftain Vercingetorix evolves. ─── 在冒险模式,你控制了党的英雄,并探讨世界之间的斗争凯撒和高卢土司维新格托里克斯演进。

22、" Urduuk thrust the blade forward suddenly and drove it through the chieftain's chest, staring into the ogre's eyes as he crumpled to the ground. ─── 乌尔都克猛然刺出长剑穿透了酋长的胸部,然后他目不转睛的盯着酋长死不瞑目的双眼,直到他缓缓的瘫倒在地。

23、Once upon a time, there was a famous chieftain named Fearless. ─── 从前,有一个叫做天不怕的酋长。

24、Urduuk looked over at the chieftain, who stood awed and terrified. ─── 乌尔都克回头查看他们的酋长大人,后者因为敬畏和恐惧木立当场。

25、Alexander himself routed the forces of the Illyrian chieftain Clitus in 335 BC, and Illyrian tribal leaders and soldiers accompanied Alexander on his conquest of Persia. ─── 公元前335年,亚历山大掌握了伊利里亚酋长克里特斯的军事力量,其军队随同亚历山大征服了波斯.

26、But the Druze chieftain broke openly with Mr Assad's filial successor after the murder of Mr Hariri, an old ally. ─── 但是在哈里里----德鲁兹的老盟友----被谋杀后,德鲁兹首领就和阿萨德子女继承人公开决裂。

27、Legend has it that this area, in 54BC, was where Cassivellaunus, a British chieftain, made a stand against Julius Caesar's conquering army. ─── 据闻,公元前54年,不列颠首领Cassivellaunus在此处对凯撒的征服军进行了奋力抵抗。

28、In order to govern people of different nationalities, the imperial governement set up some Tusi chieftain institutions during Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. ─── 元明清时期,朝廷在澧水流域设置几个土司机构,统治各族百姓。

29、A traditional social unit in the Scottish Highlands, consisting of a number of families claiming a common ancestor and following the same hereditary chieftain. ─── 宗族苏格兰高地的传统社会单位,由若干自认是同一祖先的后代和追溯同一世袭族长的家庭组成

30、After the foundation of Republic of China, the government adopted the policy on it, but the chieftain system was not completely abolished eventually. ─── 中华民国成立后,民国政府对南甸宣抚司采取了渐进的改土归流,最终也没能彻底革除土司制度。

31、1.a chieftain; the chief of a local tribe; 2.(a slice of) toast ─── 土司

32、The highland chieftain has two daughters. ─── 高地酋长有两个女儿。

33、a native American chieftain in the 16th century who argued for peace with the European settlers. ─── 16世纪和欧洲殖民者争求和平的本地美洲人首领。

34、Thus, it was essential to worship the ancestral spirits to appease them.The village chieftain, priest and shaman were responsible for overseeing the Gaya. ─── 为确保习俗(嘎呀)确实被部落族人遵守,部落内设立头目、祭司及女巫三个职位,职掌不同的权力,以便监督族人奉行习俗。

35、a bandit chieftain ─── 匪首

36、Shaman and Chieftain now found in Nomad encounters. ─── 在大地图也可以遇到僧人和酋长了?

37、Keywords Yuan Dynasty;Ming Dynasty;Kuang-hsi;Native chieftain system; ─── 元代;明代;广西;土司制度;

38、Urduuk withdrew the blade and lifted it to the sky, watching as it seemed to drink in the blood of the fallen chieftain. ─── 乌尔都克从尸体上拔出剑举向天空,看着它,这剑似乎正在痛饮这死去酋长的鲜血。

39、Later, he suffered defeat at the hands of Yuan Shih-kai, the chieftain of the Northern warlords. ─── 后来,他就失败于北洋军阀首领袁世凯之手。

40、A traditional social unit in the Scottish Highlands,consisting of a number of families claiming a common ancestor and following the same hereditary chieftain. ─── 宗族苏格兰高地的传统社会单位,由若干自认是同一祖先的后代和追溯同一世袭族长的家庭组成。

41、Urduuk withdrew the blade and lifted it to the sky, watching as it seemed to drink in the blood of the fallen chieftain. ─── 乌尔都克从尸体上拔出剑举向天空,看着它,这剑似乎正在痛饮这死去酋长的鲜血。

42、chieftain literatus ─── 土司文人

43、The American Indians'View of Nature in the Letter by a Seattle Chieftain ─── 从西雅图的信看美洲印第安人的自然观

44、The crowd will be warmed up by an energetic performance from Blizzard's very own Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain, who leveled up from 70 during the course of their epic performance. ─── 人群将升温,由一个充满活力的表现,从暴雪的很自己的水平,80精英牛头人酋长,谁层次,从70的过程中,他们的史诗的表现。

45、"You are correct, chieftain, for your death shall serve him as well. ─── “你说对了,酋长,不过这次,倒不如让你的死来为他服务吧。”

46、One such chieftain, Durotan of the Frostwolf clan, warned against the orcs' losing themselves to hate and fury. ─── 其中霜狼氏族的酋长杜隆坦就告戒说,兽人已经迷失了自我而处于仇恨和狂暴之中。

47、At the behest of his mother, he sails downstream in a raft and comes to place known as Yilihada where he successfully stops an internecine war among three Manchu tribes and is voted the chieftain of all three. ─── 他遵照母亲的嘱咐,乘坐筏子顺流而下,来到依立哈达地方,平息了这里的战乱,结束了3个部族的械斗,被推举为三族的首领。

48、But its latest offensive against a Taliban chieftain in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), launched last week in response to unprecedented public goading by America, looks painfully serious. ─── 但是,受美国前所未有的公开刺激,促使巴军上周主动进攻西北边境省的一个塔利班头目,此事看上去很严肃,也很令人苦恼。

49、Once upon a time , there be a famous chieftain named fearless ─── 从前,有一个叫做天不怕的酋长

50、Stemmed from pacifying policy of Tang Dynasty, and further developed in Yuan and Qing Dynasties, China chieftain system gradually matured in Qing Dynasty. ─── 在唐代“羁縻”政策基础上演化而来的土司制度,经过元、明两代的发展,到清代已日臻完善。

51、Some say he was a roving warrior who fought battles throughout his country, while others tell stories of a powerful chieftain with no permanent home, or court. ─── 但是有人说亚瑟王统治了北英格兰坎布里亚郡的被称为亚瑟郡的地方,接近苏格兰边界。历史学家和考古学家长久以来努力想解开这个迷,但是都失败了。

52、the abolition of Tusi chieftain ─── 土司置废

53、What! A chieftain had to fight? ─── 大牛:啊!当土司还要打架?

54、There is a tremendous difference in strategy between playing Deity and Chieftain. ─── 在神级和酋长级难度下存在着巨大的差异。

55、The bandit chieftain shouted, "We'll have to beat the fellow into telling where the treasure has been hidden!" ─── 匪首吼叫道:“我们得狠狠地打,使这家伙说出藏放财宝的地方!

56、Lady Zhaojun's Lament. This famous tone poem describes the grief of Wang Zhaojun, a palace lady who was sent far from home and kindred to marry a Hun chieftain. ─── 《昭君怨》,是潮州弦诗乐,描写汉代宫女王昭君远嫁匈奴后,遥望故乡,怀念亲人的哀怨。

57、Orc Chieftain - the largest and strongest orcs, armed with big two-handed axes ─── 兽人首领-最大最强壮的兽人,武器为双手斧

58、At the end of last century, there was a nation whose chieftain was deposed by his people. ─── 上个世纪末,他们曾是一个国家,后来酋长被族人罢黜了。

59、Like an animal at bay, the bandit chieftain laid about him in desperation. ─── 土匪头子困兽犹斗,在绝望中向四面八方乱打一气。

60、He looked up at the avatar a moment, then turned and walked to Chieftain Orrek. ─── 他抬头看了化身一眼,然后转身走向奥瑞克酋长。

61、The many brothers had a life-and-death fight in contending for the place of chieftain. ─── 他们兄弟几个为争狼主之位斗得你死我活。

62、Who would you choose your chieftain? ─── 你们愿意选谁为酋长?

63、It was wielded by chieftain Aukthar of the Blackraven tribe in many clashes between his people and the orcish hordes which periodically attempted to invade Ravenrock, their ancestral mound. ─── 它曾是黑鸦部落首领欧克萨在长期对抗兽人入侵渡鸦之岩的先人墓地保卫战中所使用的兵器。

64、The rebelion chieftain was opposed by the masses and deserted by his followers. ─── 叛乱头目众叛亲离。

65、Yongdeng County in the western part of the company towns, is the vicinity of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Citylink Chieftain of Amun, the Yuci Chieftain surname Lu, commonly known as Lu Tusi Amun. ─── 位于永登县西部的连城镇,是明清时期连城一带土司的衙门,因御赐土司姓鲁,俗称鲁土司衙门。

66、In this Beta map, Tauren Chieftain already have complete skill set, there's massive changes on items and even more new items (WTF!). Check the post for pictures and changes. ─── 在这个地图中,牛头酋长的技能已经完全设定了,而且有非常多的道具被修改、非常多的新道具(卧槽),自己看图和注释!

67、a head of a gang; a ringleader; a chieftain; the head of a group; a cock ─── 头目

68、However, the chieftain does not oversee the government of the village.This is handled by the commoners who elect the members of a governing council. ─── 头目虽是世代相传的地主,但部落实际的公共事务,则由平民自治推选出来的人进行管理,颇具民主社会的风格。

69、chieftain culture ─── 土司文化

70、Background Analysis on the Reform of Nomination of Magistrates of Tujia's Chieftain ─── 土家族土司改土归流背景分析

71、Meng Huo was a chieftain of the southern tribes. ─── 南方部落的酋长孟获

72、Tatun Chieftain Manor in Bijie City, Guizhou Province 100 km of the Dongbei Yu Tunxiang. ─── 大屯土司庄园位于贵州省毕节市东北隅100公里的大屯乡。

73、A state-level key cultural relics -- the only intact ancient palaces Chieftain-bureaucratic "South Austin Chieftain bureaucratic. " ─── 有国家级重点文物——全国唯一保存完好的古宫殿式土司衙门“南甸土司衙门”。

74、Quarren Chieftain Nossor Ri cannot bring himself to watch this gruesome sight. ─── 夸伦人首领诺瑟·赖不忍心看这可怕的一幕。

75、an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia). ─── 一个无党派的统冶者或者首领(特别是在非洲和阿拉伯半岛)。

76、chieftain holding system ─── 土司制度

77、Chieftain poet Mo Zhen ─── 土司文人莫震

78、Urduuk held his tongue a moment before speaking again. "I meant no offense, Chieftain Orrek. I simply feel there is a better approach." ─── 乌尔都克沉默了一下但还是再次开口说道,“我不想冒犯您,奥瑞克酋长。我只是觉得这是个更好的办法。”

79、"Shall we finish him, then?" one of the robbers asked the chieftain. ─── “要不要乾脆宰了他啊?”一名强盗问这个强盗头子。

80、His father is the chieftain of the clan. ─── 他爸爸是氏族。

81、chieftain: the leader or head of a group, especially a clan or tribe.酋长, ─── 体,尤其是一个帮派或部落的领袖或首领。

82、Local tyrant was the hereditary chieftain of China's minority ethnic groups in the ancient times. ─── 土官是世袭其职的少数民族首领。

83、From Tribal Chieftain to Universal and God: The Legitimation of the Yuan Dynasty ─── 从部落酋长到世界之主:元朝合法性

84、Iraq has been using Soviet MIG jets, French Mirage jets, Brazilian Urutu armored personnel carriers, and Soviet T-72 tanks to fight Iran's American F-4 jets, British Chieftain tanks and Italian-built Chinook helicopters. ─── 伊拉克使用苏制米格式飞机、法制海市蜃楼式飞机、巴西造乌鲁图装甲运兵车和苏制T一72型坦克来对付伊朗的美制F一4式飞机、英制首领式坦克和意大利造的吉努克型直升飞机。

85、a union chieftain ─── 工会首领

86、AC Chaleur, Atlantic, Chieftain, Kennebeck, Norchip, Red Pontiac and Snowden are recommended to develop in West Hunan. ─── 建议推广种植 AC Chaleur,Atlantic,Chieftain,Kennebeck,Norchip,Red Pontiac,Snowden等品种

87、Like an animal at bay, the bandit chieftain laid about him in desperation. ─── 土匪头子困兽犹斗,在绝望中向四面八方乱打一气。

88、Chieftain period ─── 土司时期

89、King City of Tangya Chieftain ─── 唐崖土司王城


自从三周前,Epic商店免费赠送GTA V(《侠盗猎车5》)开始。Epic开启了每周送3A级大作的节奏。正所谓“早买早享受,晚买享折扣,不买免费玩”。


这四款大作已经有三款推出了,分别是GTA V,文明6,无主之地:帅杰克合集,还有就是方舟了。



0 开拓级 Settler 用以让系列新玩家熟悉游戏的难度。AI对手能力非常低。

1 酋长级 Chieftain 牛刀小试的难度。AI对手能力较低。

2 军阀级 Warlord简单难度。AI对手能力接近玩家。

3 王子级 Prince标准难度。玩家和AI对手在同一水平线上展开竞争。

4 国王级 King困难难度。AI对手和野蛮人得到少量优势。

5 皇帝级 Emperor非常困难的难度。AI对手和野蛮人得到中等的优势。

6 不朽级 Immortal极高难度。AI对手和野蛮人得到非常明显的优势。

7 天神级 Deity只有最强大的玩家才可以尝试挑战的难度。


0 开拓级 训练一只猴子也能赢

1 酋长级 边玩边看直播再刷个抖音也能赢

2 军阀级 无脑随便玩也能赢

3 王子级 需要稍微考虑一下战术了

4 国王级 不但要考虑战术,运气也开始变得重要了

5 皇帝级 我靠,旁边的AI怎么都有坦克军团了,我怎么还是骑兵?

6 不朽级 我觉得这个游戏不太适合我了

7 天神级 那个,谁有24项修改器可以给我一个吗?





酋长级: 大家都是朋友,不要打打杀杀的啦。新手难度+1,稍微比上一个等级难一点,但还是可以轻松享受游戏,跟所有人友宣的







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