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09-03 投稿


pollock 发音

英:[?pɑ?l?k]  美:[?p?l?k]

英:  美:

pollock 中文意思翻译



pollock 短语词组

1、coalfish pollock ─── 鳕鱼

2、jason pollock ─── 杰森·波洛克

3、tomcod or pollock ─── 鳕鱼还是 ─── 鳕鱼

4、pollock fish recipes ─── 鳕鱼食谱

5、pollock artwork ─── 波洛克艺术品

6、pollock painting ─── 鳕鱼画

7、Norway pollock ─── 挪威波洛克

8、pollock fish tacos ─── 鳕鱼玉米卷

9、Pollock's operation ─── [医] 波洛克氏手术(膝关节切肢术)

10、pollock twins ─── 波洛克双胞胎

11、pollock calories ─── 鳕鱼卡路里

12、Jackson Pollock ─── 杰克逊·波洛克(美国画家)

13、Alaska pollock ─── 阿拉斯加波洛克

pollock 词性/词形变化,pollock变形


pollock 相似词语短语

1、Pollock ─── n.波洛克(人名)

2、pollacks ─── n.绿鳕,雪鱼类;n.(Pollack)人名;(英、德、罗、瑞典)波拉克;(西)波利亚克

3、bollocks ─── 胡说八道

4、porlock ─── n.波洛克(英国地名)

5、pollack ─── n.绿鳕,雪鱼类;n.(Pollack)人名;(英、德、罗、瑞典)波拉克;(西)波利亚克

6、pellock ─── n.鼠海豚

7、pillock ─── 愚蠢无用的人;傻瓜

8、pollocks ─── n.绿青鳕;鳕科

9、bollock ─── 厚壳滑车

pollock 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I'd rather talk to Guy Pollock in his dusty office. ─── 可我就愿意在盖伊·波洛克那个积满尘埃的公事房里跟他闲聊天。

2、The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law.----Frederick Pollock ,British jurist ─── 法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的----英国法学家波洛克F

3、In British fish-and-chip shops pollock and coley are increasingly used in place of cod, and in American fast-food outlets Alaska pollock has become the staple. ─── 在英国的炸鱼薯片商店,鳕鱼和青鳕越来越多地取代了大西洋鳕鱼;在美国快餐店,阿拉斯加鳕鱼变成了主要商品。

4、Pollock's operation ─── [医] 波洛克氏手术(膝关节切肢术)

5、A four-year-old girl is wowing the New York art world with paintings that are drawing comparisons with Jackson Pollock and Wassily Kandinsky. ─── 一个四岁的小女孩凭借自己的油画作品震惊了整个纽约艺术界,人们把她的画和杰克逊·波洛克和瓦西里·康定斯基的作品相提并论。

6、Frozen Seafood, Clams, Cod, Flounder, Pollock, Surimi, Tuna, ... ─── 希腊公司求购冷冻海产品,蛤,蟹棒,比目鱼,鳕鱼,金枪鱼等2008-12-16

7、Better life condition didn’t make Pollock get rid of dejecting, he went on hitting the bottle and going crazy. ─── 波拉克生活境况的好转并没有让他摆脱颓唐,他仍旧酗酒发疯。

8、From 1947, Pollock began to paint by dripping.As his technique of dousing the dye was more and more proficient, he produced lots of representative paintings. ─── 1947年起,波拉克开始用滴画的手法创作,他控制颜料流动泼洒的手法越来越熟练,创作了大批代表画作。

9、Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea ─── 中白令海峡鳕资源养护与管理公约

10、Pollock lived a natural simple life, and at the same time, attended to painting.Leon wanted him to be a great painter wholeheartedly, and persuaded him not to give birth to a child. ─── 波拉克一面过着于自然融为一体的简朴生活,一面专心画画,李也一心想让他成为最伟大的画家,劝波拉克放弃了想生孩子的要求。

11、Suddenly, the secrets of Jackson Pollock seemed to fall into place for me: he must have adopted nature's rhythms when he painted. ─── 忽然间,帕洛克的秘密似乎已历历在目:他作画时必然采用了自然界的韵律。

12、Was necessitated by the five to four decision in Pollock v. Farmer's loan & Trust Co. ─── 是因为波洛克诉农场主贷款信托公司一案中5比4的法院判决而成为必须的。

13、Suddenly, the secrets of Jackson Pollock seemed to fall into place for me: he must have adopted nature's rhythms when he painted. ─── 忽然间,帕洛克的秘密似乎已历历在目:他作画时必然采用了自然界的韵律。

14、Think about the styles of Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and Jackson Pollock. ─── 想一想达芬奇、梵高、毕加索、萨尔瓦多.达利、杰克逊.波洛克。

15、5.flesh of young Atlantic cod weighing up to 2 pounds; also young haddock and pollock; often broiled. ─── 大西洋幼小鳕鱼的肉,重量可达磅;也指幼小的黑线鳕和青鳕;通常烧烤。

16、Fredericl Pollock and Frederic W. Maitland, The History of English Law [Cambridge, 1978], Vol.1. p. 467. ─── 拉德布鲁赫.米健,朱林译.法学导论[M].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1997:72.

17、Frozen Seafood, Anchovy, Clams, Cod, Flounder, Mackerel, Monkfish, Pollock, Sardine, Shrimp, Surimi, Tuna, Frozen Foods, ... ─── 拉脱维亚公司求购冷冻水产品,凤尾鱼,蛤,鳕鱼,比目鱼等2008-12-16

18、King salmon get caught in the huge pollock trawl nets, and the dead kings are counted and most are thrown back into the ocean. Some are donated to the needy. ─── 国王鲑鱼被巨大的鳕鱼拖网抓住,渔夫计算死掉的国王鲑鱼数量,其中大多都被丢回海中,有些则捐给穷人。

19、'What we said was that each movie was complete in and of itself, ' says Mr. Pollock. ─── 波拉克说,我们当时说两部电影就其本身而言都是完整的。

20、Mr Pollock is in the evening of life. ─── 波洛克先生已届暮年。

21、6.I survey Western art history to trace "black-and-white" artists find two - Kline and Pollock both of whom found inspiration in Oriental art! ─── 我审视了西方的艺术史,找到克莱恩和波洛克两位“黑白”艺术家,而且两人都曾经从东方艺术得到灵感!

22、"John Pollock, a Senior 2 student from atlanta, explained that seeing the world was one of his main reasons for coming to China." ─── 亚特兰大的一位高二学生John Pollock说他来中国的主要目的之一就是想要开阔眼界。

23、frozen seafood. White shrimp, loligo squid, catfish fillet, pollock filet, salmo ... ─── 求购冷冻海鲜,白虾,鱿鱼,鲶鱼片,鳕鱼片

24、any of several black or dark-colored fishes,especially the pollock or sablefish ─── 任一种黑色或深黑色鱼,尤指绿鳕和黑鱼

25、It is evident that the control of Wei's brush functions differently from that of Pollock. ─── 很显然,魏在运笔上和波洛克是不同的。

26、And while it may not solve all of the problems facing the industry today, people like Jon Pollock, the marketing manager of Toyota G. ─── 尽管这种做法可能无法解决当前汽车工业面临的所有问题,但是人们说这个做法会有帮助。

27、Pollock's ear forceps ─── 波洛克(氏)耳镊

28、One observer noted that His Holiness seemed particularly intrigued by paintings by Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock. ─── 一位观察员发现,法王似乎对马克罗斯科和杰克逊波拉克(多多注:两位都是著名的抽象主义画家)的作品尤其感兴趣。

29、Thousands and thousands of little goblins and ghouls enjoyed more treats than tricks for Halloween, police said last night."So far we haven't been very busy," said Insp.Keith Pollock. ─── 数以千计的小妖精和鬼怪在万圣节的晚上享受得最多的是糖果而不是捣蛋,巡警KeithPollock说:“到目前为止我们并不是很忙。”

30、6. I survey Western art history to trace "black-and-white" artists find two - Kline and Pollock both of whom found inspiration in Oriental art! ─── 我审视了西方的艺术史,找到克莱恩和波洛克两位“黑白”艺术家,而且两人都曾经从东方艺术得到灵感!收藏指正

31、Psychological Analysis of Pollock's Action Painting ─── 波洛克行动绘画的心理分析

32、Pollock cotton ─── 波洛克棉

33、It seemed that Pollock got more and more lonely. 洛提invented her friends to play with him. ─── 波拉克似乎越来越寂寞,洛提找来自己的朋友陪他一起游玩。

34、Any of several black or dark - colored fishes,especially the pollock or sablefish. ─── 煤黑鱼任一种黑色或深黑色鱼,尤指绿鳕和黑鱼

35、flesh of young Atlantic cod weighing up to 2 pounds; also young haddock and pollock; often broiled ─── 大西洋幼小鳕鱼的肉,重量可达磅;也指幼小的黑线鳕和青鳕;通常烧烤

36、Jackson Pollock was an American painter who worked by splashing and dribbling paint on canvas. ─── 杰克逊·波洛克是一个用泼洒和颜料流动的方法作画的美国画家。

37、To remove the bitterness and fishy smell from hydrolysates of pollock offal protein,the optimum operation conditions which used active carbon,yeast and cyclodextrin as adsorbent were researched. ─── 为去除鳕鱼碎肉酶解液的腥苦味,分别比较了粉末活性炭吸附、酵母发酵和环状糊精包埋法的脱腥脱苦效果。

38、If she was the naive girl, Guy Pollock was the clumsy boy. ─── 如果说她是那个天真烂漫的小姑娘,波洛克就是那个笨头笨脑的小伙子。

39、In contrast to the broken lines painted by conventional brush contact, Pollock had developed a technique in which he poured a constant stream of paint onto horizontal canvases to produce uniquely continuous trajectories. ─── 传统笔触是一条条断开的线,对照之下,帕洛克发展出一种技巧,能够源源不绝将油彩倾灑在横展的画布上,从而创造出独特的连续轨线。

40、We are indeed already seeing that," said Pollock. ─── 我们的确正在看到这种局面。

41、Trawlermen in pursuit of these and other groundfish like pollock and haddock drag steel weights and rollers as well as nets behind their boats, devastating huge areas of the sea floor as they go. ─── 拖捞船为了捕捉鳕鱼和其他如青鳕鱼或黑线鳕之类的底栖鱼,拖着钢铁水力挖掘机,背后还拉着深海拖网,一路走去,大面积的海床就被破坏怠尽了。

42、But at least a Jackson Pollock looks better hanging on a wall than a share certificate does. ─── 但是至少一幅JacksonPollock的滴画挂在墙上总比挂一张股权证书看来强些。

43、He said that he had also removed hairs trapped in the dried paint on Pollock's studio floor and on other potential Pollock paintings. ─── 他说他同样收集了卡在波洛克画室地板上,已经干枯的毛发,和疑似波洛克作品上的毛发。

44、Tom Ray and Karl Sims who simulated digital "ecosystem" and most recently, Jordan Pollock, who grew software creatures which could move in the real world. ─── TomRay和KarlSmis模拟了数字化“生态系统”,最近,JordanPollock制造了可以在真实世界中移动的软件生物。

45、We are indeed already seeing that," said Pollock. ─── 我们的确正在看到这种局面。

46、Pollock's ear polypus forceps ─── 波洛克(氏)耳息肉钳

47、Pollock: Glad to know you, Frank. Speaking of production control? Frank... This is a crackerjack. They're just tickled to death in Toledo. ─── 波洛克:很高兴认识你,弗兰克。谈到生产管理,你真是个奇才,托莱多的那些人非常满意。

48、We started our investigation by scanning a Pollock painting into the computer [see opposite page];we then covered it with a computer-generated mesh of identical squares. ─── 我们把帕洛克的绘画扫描进电脑里(见45页),这是研究的第一步,接著利用电脑产生的方形网格盖在画上。

49、During a survey of Bering Sea pollock resources from June to August,1993,a large concentration of age zero pollock was discovered in the Aleutian Basin by using echointegration/midwater trawl survey method. ─── 1993年夏季白令海狭鳕资源调查期间,作者等应用声学/拖网评估调查方法,首次发现阿留申海盆区有大量当年生狭鳕幼鱼分布。

50、What is the D value of Pollock's work? ─── 帕洛克作品中的D值是多少呢?

51、The major products of the Group are frozen Cod, Alaska Pollock, Red Fish, Yellowfin Sole, Halibut, Salmon, Hake, etc; ─── 主要产品有冷冻真鳕、狭鳕、红鱼、鲽鱼、比目鱼、三文鱼、无须鳕等系列生鱼片;

52、Worcester,R.(1994). public opinion on environmental issues. In : Taylor, B., Hutchinson, S., Pollock, S., Tapper, R.(Eds.), Environmental Management Handbook (pp. 8-27). London : Pitman. ─── 四倍数:资源使用减半,人民福祉加倍(吴信如译)。台北市:联经出版事业公司。(原作1998年出版)。

53、El Greco, born in Crete, had a unique style, characterised by elongated forms and bright colours, that inspired 20th Century painters such as Cezanne, Picasso and Jackson Pollock. ─── 出生于克里特岛的埃尔·格列柯画风独特,以形象修长、色彩明快著称。他的这个特点影响了一批20世纪的画家,其中包括保罗·塞尚、毕加索和杰克逊·波洛克。

54、Environmental characteristic of walleye pollock fishing ground in high seas of the Okhotsk Sea in summer. ─── 夏季鄂霍茨克海公海区狭鳕渔场环境特征。

55、This is best exemplified in the work of Jackson Pollock, whose paintings clearly show the energetic gestures of the artist, who splashed, dripped, flicked, and threw paint on to the canvas. ─── 最典型的例子就是杰克逊-波拉克的作品。他通过泼、滴、弹、掷的手法来涂抹画布,使得作品中清晰地显示出艺术家充满力度的痕迹。

56、Happiness is a station between too much and too little. ----------Pollock, British jurist ─── 幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。

57、Our main exporting products:pollock fillets,yellow fin sole fillets,cod fillets,red snapper fillets,salmon fillets ,scallop,etc. ─── 主要出口产品有:鳕鱼片、鲽鱼片、真鳕片、红鱼片、马哈鱼片、扇贝丁等其它类产品。

58、Clams, Pollock, Shrimp, Surimi, Frozen Foods, Seafood Snack, ... ─── 新西兰公司求购蛤,鳕鱼,虾,蟹棒,冷冻食品,休闲海鲜食品等2008-12-16

59、I like Klee, Pollock, Newman and Rothko. ─── 我喜欢克利,波洛克、纽曼,罗斯科。

60、For example, the Kennedy family wore them playing football, and so did Jackson Pollock and Keith Haring.Barack Obama was recently seen wearing Converse Product (Red). ─── 我们的产品战略是用充分的产品系列,宣扬过往,提升现在的市场,并且构建未来的轮廓。

61、William Pollock Ker ─── 柯韪良(1864-1945),英国人,外交官,曾任驻华领事。

62、After Pollock became a celebrity in painting field, Beggy and others had visited them many times, but even in parties, Pollock got drunk often the same as before. ─── 波拉克成了画坛名人,贝格等人多次来拜访他们,但即使在聚会中波拉克也还是一样时有醉态。

63、Pollock(Walleye pollock) ─── 狭鳕

64、Jackson Pollock [1912-1956] ─── 卜洛克[美]

65、Ker, William Pollock ─── 柯韪良

66、Adult walleye pollock were mainly distributed in the southern part of theBasin and the Bering High Seas at 175- 225 in depth water layer. ─── 狭鳕成鱼主要分布于海盆区东南部及公海区,主要栖息在175-225m层。

67、If she was a naive girl, Guy Pollock was a clumsy boy. ─── 如果说她是一个天真烂漫的小姑娘,波洛克就是个笨头笨脑的小伙子。

68、It is curious that Pollock would have spent 10 years refining his drip technique to yield high-D fractals if people prefer low-range to midrange values. ─── 奇怪的是,人们比较偏好低或中值,帕洛克却要花10年的时间来改进他的滴洒技巧,从而得到高D值的碎形。

69、BARBARA KLEIN: Of all these artists, Jackson Pollock was the only one who grew up during the age of jazz music. ─── 芭芭拉KLEIN:所有这些艺术家杰克逊波洛克是唯一一个在爵士音乐的年龄增长。

70、Feminist cultural analyst, theorist and art historian Griselda Pollock contributed to cultural studies from viewpoints of art history and psychoanalysis. ─── 文化研究的其他路线,比如说女性主义文化研究以及美国后期的文化研究发展,则远离这种决定论观点。

71、in 1999, my former manager Craig Pollock set up that team (BAR) with some of my money as well. ─── 在1999年,我的前任经理克雷格波洛克成立车队(英美)的一些我的钱以及.

72、Pollock, Ethan Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars -- New title ─── 斯大林与苏联科学战争

73、It is accessible from Pollock's Path. ─── 可由普乐道前往。

74、The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law.----Frederick Pollock,British jurist ─── 法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的----英国法学家 波洛克 F

75、Frozen alaska pollock fillets IQF ─── 单冻鳕鱼片

76、Frederick Pollock and Frederic William Maitland, The history of Englishlaw: before the time of Edward ─── 弗雷德里克·波洛克和弗雷德里克·威廉·梅特兰。爱德华一世之前的英国法律史

77、Jessie Pollock ─── 波洛克

78、Alive Seafood, Canned Seafood, Frozen Seafood, Cod, Flounder, Mackerel, Monkfish, Pollock, Sardine, Shrimp, Tuna, Seafoo ... ─── 乌克兰公司求购活海鲜,海鲜罐头,冷冻海产品,鳕鱼,比目鱼等2008-12-16

79、We also import seafood, including coldwater shrimp, ribbon fish, yellow croaker, Pacific cod, halibut, Alaska Pollock, Alaska snow crab, king crab, salmon, squid, yellowfin sole, fish roe, etc. ─── 主要进口产品包括:北极甜虾,鳕鱼,阿拉斯加雪蟹,王蟹,三文鱼,带鱼,鱿鱼和黄鱼,比目鱼,各种鱼籽等。

80、Pollock commutator ─── 波洛克换向器集锁式换向器

81、Features are interviews with Lee Krasner (Pollock's wife), and other friends and fellow artists. ─── 剧情: A documentary about the life and tragic death of abstract artist Jackson Pollock.

82、fish part is usually pollock, rather healthy. ─── 鱼条的原材料通常使用鳕鱼,非常健康。

83、Hungerford and Pollock write."Physicians can take heart that the act of referral itself might motivate patients to reappraise their drinking behaviours. ─── 医师能够体认,对病患提建议的行为本身,就能够激励病患重新评估他们喝酒的行为。

84、“It's a matter of finding the right market for each bean,” says Mr Pollock. ─── “重要的是为每种咖啡豆找到合适的市场。”波拉克先生说。

85、DURING POLLOCK'S ERA, nature was assumed to be disordered, operating essentially randomly. ─── 在帕洛克的时代,人们认为大自然的运行是无序、随机的。

86、Full Line Frozen - Yellow Croaker, White Croaker, lllex Squid, Tubes, Rings, Seatrout, Cod, Pollock, Whiting/Hake, Pomfret, Sargo. ─── 全线冰冻--黄鱼,白鱼,鱿鱼,鱼卷,鱼圈,海鲑鱼,鳕鱼,白鳕鱼类,鲳鱼,重牙鲷。

87、GCMS; Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea; ─── 中白令海峡鳕资源养护与管理公约;

88、After rapidly warming, a sea once swimming with fatty forage fish like herring and capelin eventually became dominated by pollock, Atka mackerel and flatfish. ─── 海洋中曾经游弋着大量脂肪含量高的草食鱼类,如青鱼、毛鳞鱼,而在全球急剧变暖的效应之后,海洋成了鳕鱼,远东多线鱼和比目鱼的地盘。

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