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09-03 投稿


townsman 发音

英:[?ta?nzm?n]  美:[?ta?nzm?n]

英:  美:

townsman 中文意思翻译



townsman 反义词


townsman 同义词

liver | towner

townsman 短语词组

1、townsman 10 ─── 老乡10

2、townsman switch ─── 市民交换机

3、townsman watch ─── 镇民守望

4、townsman paper ─── 市民报纸

5、fellow townsman ─── 同乡

6、townsman ma ─── 马老乡

7、townsman inn larned kansas ─── 堪萨斯州拉兰德镇人酒店

8、townsman inn ─── 市民客栈

townsman 词性/词形变化,townsman变形


townsman 相似词语短语

1、topsman ─── n.绞首刑执行人;桅楼守望员

2、townsmen ─── n.镇民(townsman的复数)

3、gownsmen ─── n.法官;律师;穿长袍式礼服的人

4、pointsman ─── n.交通警察;转辙员

5、townswoman ─── n.城镇的女居民;女同乡

6、gownsman ─── n.法官;律师;穿长袍式礼服的人

7、towerman ─── n.(美)铁路的信号员;机场塔台指挥人员

8、townswomen ─── n.城镇的女居民;女同乡

9、transman ─── transman公司

townsman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The word is recorded around 1796 in a slang usage particular to Cambridge University, "a townsman as opposed to a townsman. " ─── 1796年左右的记录显示,这个词有一个专用于剑桥大学的俚语意思,“与贵族相对应的普通市民”。

2、Demand of consumption of growth need home is exuberant, and our country townsman is at present potential demand is big, significant demand is little. ─── 经济的增长需要国内消费需求旺盛 ,而目前我国城市居民潜在需求量大 ,有效需求量小。

3、Standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life is become by basis of government of each district people the ground is basic charge of necessaries of life and finance bear ability proper motion is affirmatory. ─── 城市居民最低生活保障标准由各地人民政府根据当地基本生活必需品费用和财政承受能力自行确定。

4、As a result of interest structure gigantic adjust, it is difficult that the life of some townsmans appeared, the townsman life that has few number more produced severe difficulty. ─── 由于利益结构的巨幅调整,有些城市居民的生活出现了困难,更有极少数的城市居民生活发生了严重困难。

5、Pedestrian facility is the basic element of townsman environment.As part of the bottom of city space, footway pavement has direct influence on pedestrian's psychology and behavior. ─── 摘要步行设施是城市居民生活环境的基本组成元素,步行道铺装作为城市空间底界面的一部分,直接对行人的心理及行为造成影响。

6、We are also proud of another townsman, Hua Tuo, who was a great physician and was, ironically, killed by Cao for refusing to treat him. ─── 我们也为亳州的另一位老乡,华佗感到自豪。他是一位了不起的神医,但是具有讽刺意味的是,他因为拒绝为曹操治病而被杀害。

7、ABSTRACT: This paper studies the differences of floating farmer worker and townsman in the course of urbanization from micro-level. ─── 摘要:从城市化的微观角度出发,研究外来流动的农民工和城市居民两个不同群体在城市化过程中的差异。

8、(Brit; informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller. ─── 英;非正式;不了解乡村生活(尤指华而不实而又浮夸的男性)的城镇居民。

9、The white snake"s tragedy is caused by feudal Confucianism durance, little townsman"s character defects and self ethical consciousness. ─── 认为白娘子悲剧是封建礼教的禁锢扼杀、小市民的性格缺陷以及白娘子自身的伦理意识所致。

10、Research on Interaction Relation between Townsman Participation in Sports and Mass Media ─── 广州市市民参与体育和大众传媒互动关系的研究

11、Study the result makes clear, recreational activities affects card of chess of the dance of change singing in antiphonal style of townsman consumption structure, tea the biggest. ─── 研究结果表明 ,城市居民消费结构的改变对歌舞、茶棋牌娱乐活动影响最大。

12、Now I have a bailiff a townsman; he seems a practical fellow. ─── 我现在用的总管是个城里人,看起来倒是个很能干的小伙子。

13、Then, touching the shoulder of a townsman who stood next to him, he addressed him, in a formal and courteous manner. ─── 随后,他碰了碰旁边站着的一个本镇居民的肩膀,礼数周到地开了腔。

14、Townsman's human settlement is facing austere challenges!In the 21 century, improving the quality of human settlement becomes one of global attention subjects. ─── 21世纪,改善人居环境的质量成为全球关注的主题之一,创造一个与自然相和谐、安全、健康的人居环境,将是人类发展的永恒主题。

15、40. He bowed courteously to the communicative townsman, and whispering a few words to his Indian attendant, they both made their way through the crowd. ─── 他向和他谈话的那镇上人恭恭敬敬地鞠了一躬,又跟他的印第安随从耳语了几句,便双双穿过人群挤到前边去了。

16、Unemployed insurance and system of safeguard of townsman lowest life coordinate each other. ─── 失业保险与城市居民最低生活保障制度是相互配合的。

17、At present townsman provide for the aged, unemployed, medical treatment is sure to be advanced in the round, lowermost life ensures system construction to be strengthened further. ─── 目前城市居民养老、失业、医疗保险全面推进,最低生活保障制度建设进一步加强。

18、My gifted townsman stood gloomily apart, with folded arms, and I could have wished that his curls and forehead had been more probable. ─── 我那位有天才的同乡忧郁地站在旁边,交叉着双臂,我看他的鬈发和额角真该化妆得像一些才是。

19、The city is apparently " zoology deficit " area, townsman relies on the ecosystem besides urban border to satisfy basic life requirement. ─── 城市显然是“生态赤字”区 ,城市居民依靠于城市边界之外的生态系统满足基本生活需求。

20、Euramerican nation is major population lives in the city, live to the suburb to attract townsman, through " global zoology village moves " , in village of zoology of build of urban suburban district. ─── 欧美国家大部分人口居住在城市,为了吸引城市居民到郊区居住,通过“全球生态村运动”,在城市郊区兴建生态村。

21、This year in July, 21-year-old girl Zhang Fuel workers in Sichuan, through fellow townsman, Zhang in the 32-year-old fellow townsman temperature within a certain rental dwellings live. ─── 今年7月,21岁的四川女孩张某来榕务工,通过老乡介绍,张某在32岁的老乡温某租住的民房内住下。

22、The general secretary grabed my grandpa's hands:"fellow townsman, you really had a hard time!" ─── 总书记一把握住俺爷的手:“老乡,受苦了!”

23、The townsman should breed dogs legally ─── 城市居民应树立依法养犬意识

24、"Truly, friend; and methinks it must gladden your heart, after your troubles and sojourn in the wilderness,"said the townsman, "to find yourself, at length," ─── "真的,朋友,我想,你在人迹罕到的地方历经劫难之后,"那个镇上人说,"终于来到我们这块敬仰上帝的新英格兰,心里一定挺高兴的;

25、for helping the lower income families,the gov. has spent 1000000000000 dollars to build new townsman housing. ─── 为了帮助中低收入家庭,中国已经拨出相当于1000亿美元的经费建造新的城市居民住房。

26、He bowed courteously to the communicative townsman, and, whispering a few words to his Indian attendant, they both made their way through the crowd. ─── 他向和他谈话的那镇上人恭恭敬敬地鞠了一躬,又跟他的印第安随从耳语了几句,便双双穿过人群按到前边去了。

27、behooves him well, if he be still in life," responded the townsman. ─── 要是他还活着,是该由他来办的,”那镇上人附和着说。

28、The contradiction with much little ground of our country person is quite acerb, the income of the farmer still is less than the half of townsman. ─── 我国人多地少的矛盾相当尖锐,农民的收入还不到城市居民的一半。

29、The Tendency of Leisure for Townsman and Guidance of Mass Sports Activity ─── 城市居民休闲化趋势与大众体育的开发和指导

30、They seemed to have acquired something of a townsman 's nervousness, for all they seemed to be doing was scuttling and leaping all over the pace and chattering hysterically. ─── 似乎也有几分“都市人”的神经质,它们只是乱窜乱跳,吱吱地歇斯底里地叫。

31、and the Daniel who shall expound it is yet a-wanting," answered the townsman. ─── 像但以理那样聪明的解谜人,我们这儿还没有哪,”那镇上人回答说。

32、The word is recorded around 1796in a slang usage particular to Cambridge University, “a townsman as opposed to a gownsman. ─── 1796年左右的记录显示,这个词有一个专用于剑桥大学的俚语意思,“与贵族相对应的普通市民”。

33、The Research of Townsman Leisure Sports ─── 河北城市居民休闲体育活动的调查研究

34、In recently, the farmers' income wandered and the differences, which are 3.2:1 in 2004, between the farmer and the townsman's income began to enlarge. ─── 然而近年来农民收入一直徘徊不前,城乡居民收入差距进一步扩大,到2004年扩大到3.2:1。

35、The key of the problem depends on, after its happening, can get just, open processing, this are affecting the safe confidence of townsman badly. ─── 问题的关键在于,事情发生后,能不能得到公正、公开的处理,这一点严重影响着城市居民的安全信心。

36、townsfolk; townsman ─── 镇民

37、townspeople, townsfolk, townsman, towner, townie, urbanite, city dweller, city slicker, city resident ─── 城里人。都市人。城市居民。市民。

38、“Pray, honest friend,” said a townsman, “is that Ass your own? ─── “请问,朋友,”一个市民问道:“这驴子是你们自己的吗?”

39、Research on Physical Activity Condition for Townsman in Western Region of China ─── 我国西部城市居民体育现状与对策研究

40、He dreamed of becoming a townsman. ─── 他梦想着成为一名城里人。

41、Report is income to grow steadily in expression of townsman life respect, life quality rises, consumptive domain widens ceaselessly. ─── 反映在城市居民生活方面表现为收入稳步增长,生活质量提高,消费领域不断拓宽。

42、Of living space increasingly narrow, it is one of life dilemma that contemporary townsman must face; ─── 居住空间的日益狭隘,是现代城市居民必须面对的生活困境之一;

43、townsman community ─── 市民社会

44、The wood is born hard, townsman eats fresh vegetable extremely hard. ─── 草木难生,城市居民吃新鲜蔬菜极其艰难。

45、The standard of unemployed insurance gold is decided by provincial people government, the principle is under standard of local minimum wage, life of lowest of prep above townsman ensures a level. ─── 失业保险金的标准由省级人民政府确定,原则是低于当地最低工资标准,高于城市居民最低生活保障标准。

46、"Of a truth, friend, that matter remaineth a riddle; and the Daniel who shall expound it is yet a-wanting,"answered the townsman." ─── "说实在的,朋友,那件事还是一个谜呢;象但以理那样聪明的解谜人,我们这儿还没有哪,"那镇上人回答说。

47、According to statistic, our country townsman has 80 million about, the integral kitchen, product that defend bath is had rate is extremely low. ─── 据统计,我国城市居民约有8000万户,整体厨房、卫浴产品拥有率极低。

48、System of safeguard of townsman lowest life is to point to, the country lives under local dweller lowest to domestic per capita the society that population offers the urban poverty that ensures a level necessary help relieves a system. ─── 城市居民最低生活保障制度是指,国家对家庭人均收入低于当地居民最低生活保障标准的城市贫困人口给予必要帮助的社会救济制度。

49、Brit;informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller. ─── 英;非正式;不了解乡村生活(尤指华而不实而又浮夸的男性)的城镇居民。

50、We are also proud of another townsman , Hua Tuo, who was a great physician and was, ironically, killed by Cao for refusing to treat him. ─── 我们也为亳州的另一位老乡,华佗感到自豪。他是一位了不起的神医,但是具有讽刺意味的是,他因为拒绝为曹操治病而被杀害。

51、We dislike to do some tiring manual work which cannot earn much money like those fellow townsman from countryside. ─── 我们不想跟村里出来打工的那些乡亲一样干些挣钱少又累的苦力活,或者到别人家里去当小保姆。

52、"It behooves him well, if he be still in life,"responded the townsman. ─── "要是他还活着,是该由他来办的,"那镇上人附和着说。"

53、The townsman said to the famer:"I think your pig likes eating apples , but isn't that; ─── 城里人对农夫说,"我看你的猪挺喜欢吃苹果的,但是,这不是很浪费时间吗?

54、To-day, the road all runners come, Shoulder-high we bring you home, And set you at your threshold down, Townsman of a stiller town. ─── 今天,人们又聚集在一起我们把你抬在肩上为你送行,轻轻放你归于尘土,小镇为你肃穆宁静。

55、They transgressed without fear or scruple, the rules of behaviour that were binding on all others: smoking tobacco under the beadle's very nose, although each whiff would have cost a townsman a shilling; ─── 他们肆元忌惮地违犯着约束着众人的行为准则; 公然在差役的鼻子底下吸烟,尽管镇上人每这样吸上一日就要被罚一先令;

56、The policy of reforming and opening of the party makes townsman living conditions had very big improvement, income had carry.. ─── 党的改革开放政策使城市居民生活条件有了很大改善,收入有了提...

57、Are you fellow townsman? ─── 你们是同乡?

58、9. Now I have a bailiff, a townsman; he seems a practical fellow. ─── 我现在用的总管是个城里人,看起来倒是个很能干的小伙子。

59、The standard of unemployed insurance gold ensures the standard, principle under standard of local minimum wage according to life of lowest of townsman of prep above place, decide by provincial people government. ─── 失业保险金的标准按照高于当地城市居民最低生活保障标准、低于当地最低工资标准的原则,由省级人民政府确定。

60、Familiar all kinds of rules and flows such as: social insurance, townsman housing public fund regulation, training system, and labor contract, file management regulation. ─── 社会保险、住房公积金缴纳规定、培训制度、劳动合同管理规定、档案管理规定等以及相应流程、表单。

61、Rees was a highly self-respected townsman who never by any chance met anyone's eyes. ─── 李斯是个自尊心很强的人,随便碰见什么都不放在眼里。

62、Matt had an idea: Since They are at a party on the knowledge, why not do himself a party, maybe can find more fellow townsman? ─── 马特灵机一动:既然他俩是在派对上认识的,何不自己也办个派对,说不定能找到更多老乡呢?

63、Analysis on Townsman Sports Consumption Demand by ELES Model ─── 用ELES模型对我国城市居民体育消费需求的分析

64、The trip to Nanning, let us harvest greatly from the ballroom after Hengyang Nanning Food fellow townsman by fellow dance will be held, at which reached enhance friendship, information sharing, technical exchanges consensus. ─── 此次南宁之行让我们收获非浅,宴会后衡阳藉南宁餐饮老乡举行了同乡歌舞会,会上达成增进友谊、信息共享、技术交流的共识。

65、The sitting room of home of comparatively well-off house with its capacious and bright " share " imposing manner, let townsman experience happiness perfect. ─── 小康居家的客厅以其宽敞明亮“共享”气势,让城市居民感受到幸福美满。

66、a fellow townsman ─── 同乡

67、"Then, touching the shoulder of a townsman who stood next to him, he addressed him, in a formal and courteous manner." ─── 随后,他碰了碰旁边站着的一个本镇居民的肩膀,礼数周到地开了腔。

68、smoking tobacco under the beadle's very nose, although each whiff would have cost a townsman a shilling; ─── 公然在差役的鼻子底下吸烟,尽管镇上人每这样吸上一日就要被罚一先令;

69、townsman consumption ─── 城市消费

70、To-day, the road all runners come, Shoulder-high we bring you home, And set you at your threshold down, Townsman of a stiller town. ─── 今天,人们又聚集在一起我们把你抬在肩上为你送行,轻轻放你归于尘土,小镇为你肃穆宁静。

71、The townsman was in a trance at the gun's flawless craftsmanship. ─── 那个镇民为枪完美无瑕的工艺所神魂颠倒。

72、Zoology analysis is the effective method that ration evaluates a city to take up to exterior ecosystem, the article decided accordingly the zoology footmark that Jinan town townsman life consumes. ─── 生态分析是定量评估城市对外部生态系统占用的有效方法 ,本文据此判定了济南市城市居民生活消费的生态足迹。

73、if he meets him but a few miles from home, he drops the narrow idea of a street, and salutes him by the name of townsman; ─── 如果他在离家才几英里的地方见到邻居,他会丢掉狭隘的街道观念,向他致意并称邻居是同市人;

74、"It behooves him well, if he be still in life," responded the townsman. ─── “要是他还活着,是该由他来办的,”那镇上人附和着说。

75、He is not my teacher but my fellow townsman. ─── 他不是我的老师,溪工是我的老乡。

76、10. (Brit; informal) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller. ─── 英;非正式;不了解乡村生活(尤指华而不实而又浮夸的男性)的城镇居民。收藏指正

77、Seas of these as above of big city exemple, Beijing, Guangzhou, undertaking industrial structure upgrades optimize while the worry with must be faced with townsman obtain employment difficult however. ─── 这些大城市例如上海、北京、广州等,在进行产业结构升级优化的同时却不得不面临城市居民就业难的困扰。

78、The fellow-townsman that Beijing follows before " comes to Beijing was contacted, the decision lives in school dormitory. " ─── 来京之前就跟北京的老乡联系了,决定住在学校宿舍里。

79、Strive to be good citizen, good townsman and good staff member ─── 争当一名好公民、好市民、好职员

80、Not believing this, the townsman said: “If this is really useful, why should I stint money? ─── 白:城里人不信,而且说:“如果能行,我为什么要吝惜酬金呢!”

81、Then touching the shoulder of a townsman who stood near to him, he addressed him in a formal and courteous manner: ─── 随后,他碰了碰旁边站着的一个本镇居民的肩膀,礼数周到地开了腔。

82、Of unemployed insurance gold extend standard and minimum wage standard and link up with of standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life. ─── 失业保险金的发放标准与最低工资标准和城市居民最低生活保障标准挂钩。

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