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09-03 投稿



debiting 发音

英:[?deb?t??]  美:[?deb?t??]

英:  美:

debiting 中文意思翻译




debiting 词性/词形变化,debiting变形

动词第三人称单数: debits |动词过去式: debited |动词过去分词: debited |动词现在分词: debiting |

debiting 短语词组

1、debiting 4902 ─── 借记4902

2、debiting cash ─── 借记现金

3、debiting bank ─── [金融]借款银行借方银行

4、debiting your account ─── 借记您的帐户

5、debiting assets ─── 借记资产

6、debiting sales ─── 借记销售额

7、debiting def ─── 借记def

8、debiting you ─── 借钱给你

9、debiting ap ─── 借记应付账款

10、debiting means ─── 借记方式

debiting 同义词

deduct | obligation | debit entry |bill | withdrawal | subtraction | debt | charge | record | deduction | take out | loss | withdraw | subtract

debiting 反义词


debiting 常用词组

debit card ─── 借记卡;签帐卡;提款卡

direct debit ─── n. [会计]直接借记

debit and credit ─── 借贷,贷借;借方和贷方

debiting 相似词语短语

1、debuting ─── n.初次登台;开张;vi.初次登台;n.(Debut)人名;(法)德比

2、-biting ─── adj.刺痛的;辛辣的;v.咬;抓住;刺进;欺骗(bite的ing形式)

3、biting ─── adj.刺痛的;辛辣的;v.咬;抓住;刺进;欺骗(bite的ing形式)

4、despiting ─── 鄙视

5、rebaiting ─── 重新定位

6、debriding ─── vt.清除

7、debating ─── v.辩论(debate的ing形式)

8、debasing ─── adj.可耻的,不体面的;v.降低……的价值;降低(人)的道德品质;降低(铸币的)成色;败坏……的名誉(debase的现在分词);n.(Debase)(美)德巴塞(人名)

9、rebiting ─── 重编

debiting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Likewise, if you are long OIL going into the rollover we will debit your account to offset the gain in equity. ─── 同样的,如果您在延展日前持有石油多单,您的账户净值在延展日会增加。我们将扣除这部分金额以保持前后一致。

2、We have authorized bank A to debit our account and credit your account with the above sum. ─── 我们已经授权A银行借记我们帐户,并且贷记你们的帐户。

3、Debit his account with $700. = Debit $700 against him. ─── 将七百美元记入他的借方帐中。

4、Once the debit side break the loan contract that the commercial will bring bad assets, lead to loss and erode the capital of bank. ─── 借款人违约将直接导致商业银行产生不良贷款,造成信用资产损失,并侵蚀银行的资本金。

5、An entry of a sum in the debit or left-hand side of an account. ─── 借方帐目记载在借项中或帐簿左边的一笔款项。

6、Upon receipt of documents please authorize us to debit your account with us quoting our Ref. BP NO. ─── 待接到函/电授权书后,借记开证行账户并缮打借记报单寄开证行。考试大收集整理...

7、Conversely, if expenses exceed revenue, the income summary will have a debit balance representing net loss. ─── 反之,如果费用超过收入,收益汇总账户将有一个代表净损失的借方余额。

8、Early Redemption on (DD) (MM) (YY) by debiting to my repayment account no. . ─── 于(日)(月)(年),提早全数还款并从本人还款户口号码扣数。

9、Have you left a debit balance at another firm? ─── 您在其它公司是否有欠款?

10、The act of recording a debit in an account is called debiting an account. ─── 在账户上记录一个借项的行为叫做借记帐户。

11、We undercharge Mr. Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount. ─── 我们少收了史密斯先生的钱,只得给他寄去一张借条所要欠款。

12、The debit portion of the entry allocates this expired cost to expense. ─── 分录的借记方将已使用了的成本部分分配到费用账户。

13、They are debt-equity ratio, debit to tangible net worth ratio and etc. ─── 它们是负债权益比率、负债与有形净资产比率等。

14、Debit 10 pounds against Mr. Smith's account. ─── 把10镑记入史密斯先生的账目(借方)中。

15、We shall of course refund the premium to you upon receipt of your debit note . ─── 当然,一收到你放的还款通知,我方立即将保险费退还你方。

16、We pay all our bills by direct debit. ─── 我们以直接借记方式支付所有账单。

17、Use the rules of debit and credit, determine whether to debit or credit the account to record its increase or decrease. ─── 使用借贷记账规则,确定是借记还是贷记该账户,以反映该账户的增减变化。

18、Reimbursing bank is required to notify us 2 day before debiting our account and hongkong your reimbursement claim. ─── 偿付银行在借记我行在香港账户前2天通知我行有关你行的索偿事宜。

19、Closing the account of withdrawals, therefore, means transferring its debit balance to the owner's capital account. ─── 因此,结清业主提款账户就是将其借方余额转入业主资本账户。

20、Equity Excess over the debit balance (money borrowed) in a stock account. ─── 净值股票账户上超过债务余额(负债)的部分。

21、I note that I have to debit you with the sum of &10.8s. received for drawback of duties on the coal . ─── 惠请注意,煤的出口退税额计10英镑8先令,将记入贵方借方帐内。

22、We accept EPSCO debit card for all of the ESD payment services. ─── 公共服务均接受易办事的付款。

23、For example, a scrutiny of the check stub from the rent payment would reveal the need for debiting Rent Expense and crediting Cash . ─── 例如,检查支付租金的支票存根就会显现出:需要借记“租赁费”和贷记“现金”。

24、The credit risk involves in not only debit and credit, buy also nearly every fields of microeconomic and macroeconomic. ─── 信贷风险不仅涉及到借、贷双方,而且还几乎涉及到微观经济和宏观经济的各个领域。

25、I swiped my debit card and, clutching my groceries in both hands, beat a hasty retreat. ─── 我刷卡埋单,两手紧紧拿着我的商品,快速退出了超市。

26、Please reimburse yourselves to debit our account with 00 Bank New York branch. ─── 为了偿付信用证的议付款,请到00银行纽约分行开立帐户.

27、We must therefore debit you with $850,000 in respect of this deterioration, being 10 percent off the full value. ─── 因此,我们必须请贵公司就货物品质方面的瑕疵折让850,000元,即全价的10,记入贵公司借方帐。

28、This proof of equality of debit and credit balances is called a trial balance. ─── 对借方余额和贷方余额是否相等的验证就叫做试算表。

29、When a company acquires a patent by purchase from the inventor or other holder, the purchase price should be recorded by debiting the intangible asset account, Patents. ─── 当一家公司通过向发明者或其他持有者购买而获得专利权时,购买价格应记到专利权这个无形资产账户。

30、The debit and credit double entry bookkeeping technique is to be used for recording all accounting transactions. ─── 会计上所有交易的记录都采用借贷复式记账法。

31、Can you debit ( credit ) my saving account here for the amount? ─── 你能将这笔钱借记(贷记)到我这里的储蓄帐户上吗?

32、When I enter my credit card or debit card information into the ESD applications, how can I be sure that it is safe? ─── 我如何能确定,输入我的信用咭或扣账咭资料来使用?

33、Parking Management: Automatic Fee debiting Space Availability ─── 停车自动付费系统

34、A closing entry is required at the end of the year to transfer the debit balance in the Dividends account into the Retained Earnings account. ─── 在年末需要作一个结账分录,把股利账户的贷方余额转入留存收益账户。

35、To transfer debit balances in partners' drawing accounts to their respective capital accounts. ─── 把合伙人提用帐户的借方余额转入他们各自的资本帐户。

36、The act of recording a debit in an accounting is called debiting the account. ─── 在帐户上记录一个借项的行为叫做借记帐户。

37、The debit and credit double entry bookkeeping technique is to be used for recordding all accounting transaction. ─── 会计上所有交易的纪录都采用借贷复式记帐法。

38、If the currency has to be paid out abroad, it is registered as a debit. ─── 如果需要对外付出外汇,则应填入借方。

39、The entry to record receipt of a cash dividend consists of a debit to cash and a credit to Dividend Revenue. ─── 收到现金股利时所作的分录是:借记现金,贷记股利收入。

40、Debiting from Customer's account any commissions or fees owed to IB or other third party. ─── 从客户帐户中扣除客户欠推介商或其他第三方的任何佣金或手续费。

41、Figure 2-2 summarizes the above rules of debit and credit. ─── 图2-2汇总了上述借贷记账规则。

42、Creating a sample order, to be able to debit material requirements. ─── 做份样品定单,以便记入借方的物料要求。

43、The act of recording a debit in an account is called debiting an account. ─── 在账户上记录一个借项的行为叫做借记帐户。

44、Receipts of services are entered in the credit side while payments the debit side. ─── 劳务收入记人贷方,所有劳务支出记入借方。

45、Debit 5 against my account. ─── 在我的帐户借方记入5英镑。

46、Carrying cost (of capital); charge of capital The interest on debit balances. ─── (资本)储备成本;资产维持费指借方余额上的利息。

47、Enclosed you will find a bill of lading, and an invoice of the same, the amount of the latter $500,000 to your debit. ─── 对此,我们寄上提单与发票各一份,请查收为荷。发票面额为500,000元,已记入贵公司借方帐内。

48、If you have a debit from the library while in college, this can prevent you from graduation. ─── 在大学里,如果您有欠图书馆的罚款,可能会影响您的毕业。

49、Please note that Cumberland Hotel will add a small additional cost to any payment made with a debit or credit card. ─── 取消政策:入住日至30天之前准许取消预订取消预订酒店将收取预订总价的房费的25%。

50、After the transaction has been recorded in the journal, the debit and credit changes in the individual accounts are entered in the ledger. ─── 在经济业务记入日记账之后,每个账户的借贷变化再记入分类账中。

51、A debit entry increases an asset account while a credit entry decreases it. ─── 借方记录增加资产账户的数额,而贷方记录会减少这个账户的金额。

52、The debit balance account, Discount on Bonds Payable, is a contra-liability account. ─── 借记账户--应付债券折价是一个抵消负债账户。

53、The company shall implement double entry(debit entry and credit entry) and accrual basis in Accounting. ─── 公司采用国际通用的权责发生制和借贷记帐法记帐。

54、We undercharged Miss. Lee and had to sent her a debit note for the extra amount. ─── 我们少收了李小姐的钱,只得给她寄去一张收款票索要欠款。

55、You can withdraw money by visiting another agent, who checks that you have sufficient funds before debiting your account and handing over the cash. ─── 当遇到下一个代理商时,可以将自己的钱取出,在取钱之前代理商会检查你的账户以确保有足够的现金。

56、The ISOS would have an internal bank with accounts for suppliers and consumers that it must credit or debit according to resource usage. ─── ISOS会有个内部银行,其中有提供者与消费者的帐号,并根据资源的使用建立双方的借贷记录。

57、I conceive you have do quite right to debit him in account for the amount of the invoice transmitted him. ─── 应该交由该人入帐的发票总额,谅已列入该人的借方帐内。

58、Because of large payment to sup - pliers,the account have a debit balance of1000. ─── 因为向供应商大额支付,帐户上有1000英镑的借方余额。

59、We have a big problem with the current payout plugin: it doesn't debit the members correctly in all cases. ─── 我们有插入式当前的支出的一个大问题:它不恰当地扣除成员在所有的情况下。

60、Accountants also use the words debit and credit as verbs. ─── 会计师也将借和贷这两个字用作动词。

61、A manufacturer' s liability for warranty work is recorded by an entry debiting Warranty Expense and Crediting Liability of Warranty Claims. ─── 制造商的保修负债一般通过如下会计分录记录,借记保修费用,贷记保修责任。

62、We will always confirm the revised amount to you in writing before debiting your account. ─── 在记入你的借方账户前,我们每次都会以书面形式向你确认修改过的数额。

63、Debit 50 to me. ─── 把50英镑记入我的帐户借方。

64、In one week you will get the policy together with our debit note for the premium, for which kindly send us a remittance at an early date. ─── 一周后你们将会收到保险单和保险费的借项通知单,请早日将这笔保险费汇给我们。

65、Interest received on bond investments is recorded by a debit to Cash and a credit to Interest Revenue. ─── 债券投资取得的利息收入需借记现金,贷记利息收入。

66、If you have paid by direct debiting (from your bank), we will reimburse you after a time limit of 14 days. ─── 如果您是使用直接(银行)帐上扣除,我们会在14天后退款.

67、The settlement of these deals would involve the HKMA debiting the clearing accounts of those banks selling the Hong Kong dollars to it. ─── 结算这些交易时,金融管理局需要自向其出售港元的银行的结算户口扣除有关款额。

68、A cost that will benefit more than one accounting period usually is recorded by debiting an asset account. ─── 超过一个会计期间受益的成本常常通过借记一个资产账户。

69、We undercharged Mr. Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount . ─── 我们少收了史密斯先生的钱,只得给他寄去一张借条索要欠款.

70、I will check again in abt. 1 h, and will pass you the debit a.s.a.p. ─── 在一小时之后我会再核对一下.会尽快把资料传给你.

71、Debit: An entry of a sum in the debit or left-hand side of an account. ─── 借方帐目:记载在借项中或帐簿左边的一笔款项。

72、Why only accept debit cards for payment? ─── 为甚么只接受账卡付款?

73、Amounts paid to partners are recorded by debiting the partner's drawing account . ─── 支付给合伙人的款项借记合伙人提用账户。

74、Some schemes issue customers with debit cards linked to their m-banking accounts. ─── 一些方案向消费者发放和他们手机银行帐号挂钩的贷记卡。

75、Double-entry accounting means that the amounts of debit and credit entries must be equal when accounts record every business transactions. ─── 复式记账会计是指会计师记录每笔经济业务时借贷分录的金额必须相等。

76、To close the Dividends account at year-end by transfering its debit balance into the Retained Earnings account. ─── 年末将股利账户的借方余额结转到留存收益账户。

77、If the revenue (credit balances) exceeds the expenses (debit balances), the income summary account will have a credit balance representing net income. ─── 如果收入(贷方余额)超过费用(借方余额),收益汇总账户将有一个代表净收益的贷方余额。

78、Amounts paid to partners are recorded by debiting the partner's drawing account. ─── 支付给合伙人的款项借记合伙人提用账户。

79、Please debit my bank account by completing the Autopay (Direct Debit) Authorisation Form to our office. ─── 請於本人之銀行賬戶中扣除捐款,並填妥以下自動轉賬(直接)付款授權書及寄回本會。

80、Second, it updates a table containing inventory information, debiting the items ordered. ─── 然后更新包含库存信息的表,将已订购的商品记入借方。

81、On the debit side, our detractors view us increasingly as a victim of our own success. ─── 另一方面,诋毁我们的人认为我们的成就反而害了我们。

82、Debit & 70 against Mr Smith/Mr Smith's account. ─── 将70英镑记入史密斯先生账户的借方。

83、Your Prepaid debit MasterCard has been approved! ─── 我们的预付借记万事达卡已获批准!

84、On October 3, the total amount of the debit balances for the four expense accounts is $1. ─── 在10月3日,四个费用账户的借方余I额总计为1美元。

85、You'll never have to face a debit balance when you trade FX with us. ─── 当你与我们交易外汇时,你将永远不会面临借方结余。

86、Did you debit Mr. Smith with $ 1000? ─── 你在史密斯先生帐户的借方记上1000美元了吗?

87、The act of recording a debit in an accounting is called debiting the account. ─── 在帐户上记录一个借项的行为叫做借记帐户。

88、Entertaining expense and other charges amount dls 2568 which debit your a/c. ─── 接待和其他费用共2568美元,一并记在你方帐户上。

89、He instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of checks drawn by himself. ─── 他通知银行仅凭他签发的支票记入他存款的借方。

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