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09-03 投稿



measurable 发音

英:['me?(?)r?b(?)l]  美:['m???r?bl]

英:  美:

measurable 中文意思翻译



measurable 网络释义

adj. 可测量的;重要的;重大的

measurable 词性/词形变化,measurable变形

副词: measurably |名词: measurability |

measurable 反义词


measurable 同义词

determinate | significant | considerable | calculable | gaugeable | mensurable | finite | assessable | noticeable | quantifiable | perceptible | detectable | appreciable |computable | discernible

measurable 短语词组

1、measurable peak ─── [医]可测定峰

2、measurable set ─── 可测集

3、measurable space ─── 可测空间

4、measurable flow ─── 可测流

5、measurable process ─── 可测过程

6、measurable kernel ─── 可测核

7、harmonically measurable ─── 和谐可测量

8、measurable disturbance ─── 可测量的干扰

9、measurable quantity ─── 可测量

10、measurable function ─── 可测函数

11、measurable utility ─── 可计量的效用

12、strongly measurable ─── 强可测量的

13、measurable cardinal ─── 可测基数

14、measurable variable ─── 可测变量

15、measurable partition ─── 可测量的分区

16、measurable event ─── 可测事件

17、measurable mapping ─── 可测映射

18、measurable group ─── 可衡量的群体

19、measurable cover ─── 可测覆盖

measurable 相似词语短语

1、immeasurable ─── adj.不可估量的

2、maturable ─── 成熟的

3、unmeasurable ─── adj.不可测的;无法计量的

4、mensurable ─── adj.定量的;定律的;可测量的

5、censurable ─── adj.该责备的;可非难的

6、treasurable ─── adj.值得珍爱的;可储藏的;贵重的

7、leisurable ─── adj.悠闲的;不慌不忙的

8、measurably ─── adv.可以测定的程度;可视地

9、pleasurable ─── adj.快乐的;心情舒畅的;令人愉快的

measurable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、National service frameworks (NSFs) are long term strategies for improving specific areas of care. They set measurable goals within set time frames. ─── 国家服务框架是改善照顾的特别领域的长期战略。它们在规定时间的框架内建立了可测量的目标。

2、It tried to construct measurable method of unscramble the street sighting from the form element of surface layer by eliciting and accounting. ─── 从“表层”的形态要素的抽出和统计,构筑定量地解读街路景观的方法。

3、Customer Return Rate is included as a measurable quality objective in Alcoa Shanghai's annual operating plan. ─── 公司在每年的运作计划中把顾客退货率作为可测量的质量目标。

4、These should be rated slightly higher than the SMU's maximum measurable voltage. ─── 其额定电压应当比SMU的最大可测量电压略高一些。

5、"They prefer advertising that is measurable," says Roger Barnette, CEO of search marketing firm SearchIgnite. ─── 一份不理想的财报将会阻止雅虎在和微软谈判时获得一个好的价格。

6、Because the findings of user testing are generally measurable and quantitative, usability research is especially useful in comparing specific design variants to choose the most effective solution. ─── 因为用户测试结果基本上是可测量和定量的,如果可用性研究用来比较具体设计变量,并从中选择最有效的方案,就会非常有用。

7、Both sides are demanding mutually assured reductions of emissions that are, in the current jargon, “measurable, verifiable and reportable. ─── 双方都要求互相确保排放量,用时下的行话说,就是“可测量,可证实和可报告”。

8、Prepare a list of prioritized and measurable criteria, either in the form of a worksheet or other method, for analyzing and comparing the candidates. ─── 准备一份经过优选的量化指标,无论采用工作表形式或其它形式均可,以用于对应聘者进行分析、比较。

9、Twelve subjects breathed in a small quantity of magnetite dust,which settled in the lungs and produced a measurable external magnetic field. ─── 12名接受试验的人吸入微量磁铁矿石粉尘,这些粉尘停留在肺内,产生一个可测的磁场。

10、Utility is neither a measurable entity, nor, even if it were, could it be commensurate with the money unit involved in the denominator. ─── 效用不是一个可被衡量的实体,而即便它是,也不可能与分母中设计的货币单位相称。

11、Economists emphasize measurable quantities – the number of jobs, the per capita income. ─── 经济学家们强调可以测算的量–职位数量,人均收入。

12、Increase sales, improve awareness, raise response levels, etc. Try to make your objectives specific and measurable. ─── 增加销售,提高认识,提高应对水平等叫响你的目标具体、可衡量。

13、The algorithm can indicate the degree of outlier with the local deviate factor,so the outlier can be identified exactly and the precision is measurable. ─── 同时用局部偏离指数指示离群点的偏离程度,又具有识别精度高和偏离程度可度量的优点.

14、The module is used to build a distributed measurable ARCNET network of temperature,which has high real time and reliability. ─── 利用该模块搭建了ARCNET分布式温度监测网络,有很高的实时性和可靠性。

15、Not the same in any measurable aspect, such as extent or quantity. ─── 不相等的在任何度量方面都不相同,例如范围或数量

16、Twelve subjects breathed in a small quantity of magnetite dust, which settled in the lungs and produced a measurable external magnetic field. ─── 12名接受试验的人吸入微量磁铁矿石粉尘,这些粉尘停留在肺内,产生一个可测的磁

17、Measurable by a common standard;commensurable. ─── 可用共同标准测量的;

18、With a wind of 110 miles per hour, movement off center is never greater than one quarter inch, thus measurable movement is only one half inch, one quarter inch on either side. ─── 在风速为110英里每小时的情况下,建筑偏离中心的振动幅度不会超过四分之一英寸,也就是说,可测量的运动仅仅是半英寸,每一边只有四分之一英寸。

19、Static wages is a measurable challenge for the economy, but employment in a time of massive unemployment also carries an emotional toll. ─── 刚性工资对经济来说是一个重大的挑战,但是大批失业的时候在职的人也容易情绪起伏。

20、When you know what you want, you should be able to set concrete, achievable and measurable goals. ─── 一旦你知道你要的是什么,你应该设立具体的、可达成的、明显的目标。

21、A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors. ─── 寡头卖主垄断一种由少数卖方控制的市场状况。因为卖主极少,以至卖主的任何行为都可能对价格产生实质影响,从而对其竞争对手产生相当大的冲击影响力

22、Measurable by a common standard. ─── 可用共同标准测量的

23、In the United States, use is regulated through measurable leels of the hormones present in muscle, fat, lier, kidney and other organs found in meat products. ─── 在美国,是通过检验动物制品中肌肉,脂肪,肝脏,肾脏和其它器官的激素的含量来限制激素的使用。

24、A device that converts measurable elements of a physical process into data meaningful to computer. ─── 一种器件,将物理过程中的可测量转换成对计算机有意义的数据。

25、Restrictions on teenagers' use of antidepressants have had no measurable impact on suicide rates, a study says. ─── 一项调查显示,限制青少年使用抗抑郁药对自杀率没有什么显著的影响。

26、You are no longer doing what you think will create conversions, but implementing what you know produces measurable results. ─── 你不再是在设计“你认为方便”的作品,而是在反馈结果可度量的情况下进行工作。

27、Determine goals individually or with others. Are goals specific, measurable, and timely? ─── 在制定个体目标时同时考虑相关的因素?

28、Low bone mineral density (BMD) and low bone mineral content (BMC) are two of the most important measurable risk factors to the osteoporotic fracture (OF). ─── 低骨密度(Bone mineral density,BMD)与低骨矿含量(Bone mineral content,BMC)是骨质疏松性骨折(Osteoporotic fracture.OF)两种主要的可测风险因子。

29、In this formulation, the instantaneous state of a quantum system encodes the probabilities of its measurable properties, or "observables". ─── 在这公式里,量子系统的瞬间态编码了其可测量特性的概率,或者“可见的”。

30、Measurable by a common standard; commensurable. ─── 可用共同标准测量的; 可共同测量的

31、In principle centring errors are measurable in transmitted light and in reflection. ─── 原理上定心误差在光传播和光反射里是可测的。

32、"I seem to discern six types [of judicial writing] which divide themselves from one another with measurable distinctness" (Benjamin N. Cardozo). ─── “我好象能区分六种,它们相互之间以可以衡量的差别区分开来”(本杰明·N·卡名佐)。

33、Measurable concentrations of chloroprocaine were recorded in plasma samples for 2 min after its administration. ─── 在注射后2分钟时氯普鲁卡因所有能测出的血浆浓度都给予记载。

34、They should be quite specific and measurable, but you don’t need to obsess about detail. ─── 具体但不是说要面面俱到。要留有余地以便在需要时修改目标。

35、It does tell us almost everything we need to know about the measurable properties of atoms. ─── 它确实能够告诉我们几乎所有我们需要知道的原子的可测性质。

36、Properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics,usually followed by'to'. ─── 在尺寸、程度或者其他可以测量的特性上适当的相关,通常接“to”。

37、The proof can enlighten people on the better study for structure of measurable function and on the better understudying Luzin.N.N theorem. ─── 对可测函数的结构进行了详尽的研究,由此对鲁津定理的理解可更加深透。

38、Antenna Dissipative Loss A power loss resulting from changes in the measurable impedance of a practical antenna from a value theoretically calculated for a perfect antenna. ─── 天线消耗损失由实际天线测量阻抗值相对于理想天线计算得到的理论值的改变而引起的功率损失。

39、There are measurable changes in human performance. ─── 人的行为具有可测出的变化。

40、The amount of measurable work that has been done for a specific project or task. Usually expressed as a percentage. ─── 就一个具体项目或一项具体任务而言,已经做完的、可衡量的工程量或任务量,通常用百分率表示。

41、If the applied and induced currents head the same way, they will add up to exceed the system's threshold for superconductivity, creating a measurable voltage. ─── 如果外加电流与感应电流同向,它们就会因加乘而超过系统超导的阈值,从而产生可测得的电压。

42、Equally important, however, are less measurable skills, attributes and qualities that MBAs develop in their two years at business school. ─── 但是,他们在两年商学院生涯中训练出来的、不易衡量的技能、特性和和品质也同样重要。

43、A core aim of educational technology is the cost-effective achievement of measurable learning objectives, or maximum bang for the buck (Hackbarth, 1996). ─── 使用教育科技的目的是希望能以最具經濟效益的方式提昇社會生產力,以求取全社會的最佳生活方式。

44、Accordingly public institutions of all types will be increasingly held accountable for their use of public money. Measurable outcomes of success will be expected more frequently. ─── 因此,各类公共机构在使用公帑时须负更大的责任,人们也期望看到这些机构有更多可以量度的成就。

45、Metformin was the only antidiabetic agent in this review not associated with measurable harm in patients with diabetes and heart failure. ─── 二甲双胍是唯一降糖剂在这项检讨,但与可衡量的损害,在糖尿病患者及心脏衰竭。

46、Decision-making balance should hold to measurable, orderly, connection, fill to wait for a principle infirmly. ─── 决策平衡要坚持适度、有序、联系、补弱等原则。

47、Despite the magnitude of this global problem, there is a visible growing momentum and measurable success in reducing IDD in many countries. ─── 尽管这个全球性问题规模很大,许多国家在减少碘缺乏症方面已有明显的增长势头,并已取得可观的成绩。

48、What are some good examples of a measurable goal? ─── 一些关于可衡量目标的好例子有哪些呢?

49、The satellite should detect that small bits of time and space are actually missing from each orbit, something indiscernible to orbiting astronauts but measurable nonetheless. ─── 卫星应该可以侦测到时间与空间在每个轨道中的实际细微偏差,这些是进入轨道的宇航员很难识别出的,但的确是可以测量到的。

50、To this ill prevention and cure: Neck ministry maintains measurable pose, avoid to secure unwell head for long, avoid cervical and abrupt acuteness activity. ─── 对本病的防治:头颈部保持适度姿势,避免长时间固定不适头位,避免颈部突然剧烈活动。

51、Desk lamp is very important, best choice can adjust the lamp of angle, light and shade, easy can increase when reading measurable. ─── 台灯是很重要的,最好选择可以调节角度、明暗的灯,读书的时候可以增加舒适度。

52、Whether you're trying to muster up some excitement for your daily walk or rouse yourself to attend a Spinning class, check out these seven real and measurable returns on your investment of time. ─── 不管你是想为日常散步增添一些兴奋或是使自己活跃起来而去参加纺纱课程,用下面七条真实可测的收益来衡量一下你对时间的投资吧。

53、And it made her recognise how critical it is to be able to show measurable progress in fitness. ─── 它还使她认识到设法让人了解健康上的明显提高是多么重要。

54、The worst year in financial markets since the Great Depression, 2008 was aberrational in almost every measurable way. ─── 2008年是大萧条以来金融市场表现最差的一年,用几乎任何一种衡量标准来看都是反常的一年。

55、However, when a more sophisticated algorithm is used, no such difference is measurable. ─── 但是当使用更先进的算法时,这种差异是不可测的。

56、They insist that their conclusions are "measurable and actionable"—guides to behavior rather than analysis for its own sake. ─── 他们坚持认为他们的结论是“可测量和可操作的”——是行动指南,而不是单纯的分析。

57、The bag kneads working procedure to be the important process that makes appearance of good asphodel tea, knead to measurable, come with slow fire bake finally sufficient dry. ─── 包揉工序为做好水仙茶外形的重要工序,揉至适度,最后以文火烘焙至足干。

58、In this formulation, the instantaneous state of a quantum system encodes the probabilities of its measurable properties, or "observables" . ─── 在这公式里,量子系统的瞬间态编码了其可测量特性的概率,或者“可见的”。

59、A measurable success story for Malaysian HnB industry, particularly for Penang, the choiced destination for Health &Beauty Tourism in Malaysia. ─── 在涉及健康与美容行业者来说,尤其是来自槟州的商家们,他们都选择槟州为马来西亚健康与美容旅游的最佳地点。

60、Therefore the control law design methods based on suboptimal control method and optimal observer-control method with measurable states are presented and studied. ─── 因此,提出并研究满足上述要求的基于输出反馈的次最优控制法与基于观测器的输出反馈最优控制法。

61、By taking health parameters as augmented state variables,a Kalman filter was then designed to predict the health parameters from the deviation of measurable parameters. ─── 将健康参数作为增广的状态变量,设计了卡尔曼滤波器,从而可以根据可测参数的偏离量估计得到健康参数。

62、The algorithm can indicate the degree of outlier with the local deviate factor, so the outlier can be identified exactly and the precision is measurable. ─── 同时用局部偏离指数指示离群点的偏离程度,又具有识别精度高和偏离程度可度量的优点。

63、A common ancestor, even in the eighth generation, will increase the measurable amount of inbreeding in the pedigree. ─── 即使在第八代,一个共同品系原型在这部家谱中会增加该可测近亲繁殖数量。

64、These quantities are not in general physically measurable. ─── 一般这些量是不能实际测定的。

65、Understanding the mechanisms behind a cell or a virus, for instance, often involves measurable quantities. ─── 举例来说,要了解细胞或病毒背后的机制往往需要可以测量的数量。

66、The principle of the color perception and the methods of color perception measur ement are investigated.The visual evoked potentials created by color were obtai ned. ─── 在讨论服装颜色的感觉形成原理、过程的基础上,对颜色引起的视感觉的测试手段和方法进行了研究。

67、It appears, therefore, that fetal sentience and learning may occur and produce measurable behavioral effects subsequently in the adult. ─── 因此,很明显,胎儿感觉和认知是存在的,并可对以后的成人产生可测量的行为作用。

68、There is also a small (0.2%) amount of measurable - and visible - pincushion distortion at the telephoto end of the zoom ( click here for test chart ). ─── 也有一小(0.2%)金额衡量-有形-枕形失真,在远摄年底缩放(点击这里测试见图)。

69、The goals of the internal audit activity should be capable of being accomplished within specified operating plans and budgets and, to the extent possible, should be measurable. ─── 内部审计部门的目标应该能够在具体操作计划和预算范围内得到实现,并在可能的程度上得到衡量。

70、And we are ensuring the quality of the services by including measurable performance standards in the contracts, as well as safeguarding the rights and benefits of workers. ─── 为了确保服务质素优良,本署在合约中订明可量度的服务表现标准,并载有条款保障工人的权益。

71、Accordingly, keep indoor and measurable in the summer ventilated, the pollutant in can reducing indoor air effectively releases chroma. ─── 因此,在夏季保持室内适度通风,可以有效降低室内空气中的污染物质释放浓度。

72、But they mostly used to get the measurable parameters and to evaluate the direct results;littler of exploring deeper and more effective information has been done. ─── 常规的测试和分析工作往往限于对样品直接可测试参数的获得和评价,而对更深层次的有效信息的提取和分析评价的应用及研究较少。

73、Its kinda analysis is based on some micro tremors in your voice, which is usually unheard by human ears that is able to form some kind of measurable modulation. ─── 它的分析是基于你声音中一些微小的颤动,这些颤动通常人耳是无法听到的,但是会形成一些可通过机器测量到的调制。

74、Zhou Yunbo, Cao Liang.Inspection and analysis of a maloperation of transformer differential protection and its preventive measur[J].Power System Technology, 2001, 25(12): 71-74. ─── [2]周云波,曹良.一起主变压器差动保护误动事故及防止对策[J].电网技术,2001,25(12):71-74.

75、growing body of opinion that both these physical variations have a measurable impact on the climate. ─── 越来越多的人认为这两种物理变化对气候都有可测的影响。

76、Measurable glass bead spreader,ever beads,and adjustable glass bead spreader by gravity. ─── 定量式玻璃珠散布器落珠均匀,自落式玻璃珠散布器可任意调整。

77、But despite this seemingly simple relation between temperature and elevation, observed topography correlates poorly with the measurable heat flow. ─── 尽管温度和高度之间存在著如此看似简单的关系,但实际上观测到的地形与量测到的热流之间,关联性却相当的低。

78、L12: Set S.M.A.R.T.Goals.Goals you set for yourself, or others, should be Specific, Measurable, Achieveable, Realistic, and Time-based. ─── 你为自己或者别人而设定的目标必须具备明确性、可以量化、可以实现、切合实际的以及有时间性的这些特性。

79、Against our gut feelings, the serialization of numbers had no measurable impact on the performance, among other reasons because there were not that many numbers to serialize. ─── 与我们的直觉相反,在其他原因中,数字的序列化对性能没有可度量的影响,因为并没有多少数字需要序列化。

80、At the end of the day, read over your list and ask yourself, Did I do anything that created a measurable change toward each goal? ─── 在一天结束时,重头读一遍那张单子,问问自己,朝着每个目标我做了什么产生出可衡量的变化的事情吗?

81、BHW provides industry and commerce with consultancy, and training in manufacturing, operations improvement to deliver real and measurable benefits. ─── 实施一系列的改善活动帮助企业提升运营效率。

82、In this one period, masturbating to want only is measurable, abstinent, can consider as a kind to remove reasonably the means of sexual insecurity. ─── 在这一时期,手淫只要是适度的,有节制的,可以认为是一种合理的解除性紧张的方式。

83、But government leaders and language experts say the effort is an uncoordinated jumble too slow to produce measurable results. ─── 但是政府官员和语言专家都说,政府目前的努力是一团未经协调的混乱,并且速度过于缓慢,无法产生可以度量的结果。

84、Other studies showed that ground beef containing E. coli had no measurable levels of the bacteria after the treatment. ─── 其他的研究表明,含有大肠杆菌的绞细牛肉在经过处理之后没有明显可测量的细菌含量。

85、Mr Williamson's theory helpfully specified measurable attributes of transactions that would make them more or less amenable to being conducted on markets. ─── 威廉姆森的理论成功地为交易找到了可衡量的属性,或多或少地令市场交易更易执行。

86、These represent short units of work that produce a steady, measurable pace of project progress (typically measured in hours or a few days). ─── 这些表现了短期的工作单元可以产生出项目进展过程中稳定、可测量的步调(典型的是以小时数或者天数作为衡量标准)。

87、The measurable, countable, or comparable property or aspect of a thing. ─── 可计算的数额一事物可测量的、可计算的或可比较的特性或方面

88、Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time related. ─── 具体,可衡量的,可实现的、现实的和时间有关.

89、The team's general purpose should be translated into specific, measurable performance goals. ─── 团队的一般目标应该是具体的、可测量的绩效目标。







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