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09-03 投稿


spigot 发音

英:['sp?g?t]  美:['sp?ɡ?t]

英:  美:

spigot 中文意思翻译



spigot 词性/词形变化,spigot变形

第三人称单数:spigots 名词复数形式:spigots

spigot 短语词组

1、spigot discharge ─── [化] 卸料孔

2、bell and spigot joint ─── [化] 套接; 承插接头

3、socket and spigot joint ─── [化] 承插接合

4、spigot player ─── 插口机

5、spigot plan ─── 插口平面图

6、fusion spigot ─── 熔融套管

7、spigot labs ─── 插口实验室

8、spigot download ─── 插口下载

9、spigot plugins ─── 插口 ─── 插件

10、spigot cmi ─── 套管cmi

11、spigot and faucet pipe ─── [化] 承插管

12、envoys spigot ─── 特使

13、spigot minecraft ─── 插销式水雷艇

14、spigot definition ─── 套管定义

15、bell and spigot ─── [化] 承插口

16、drink from a spigot ─── [法] 喝过度

spigot 相似词语短语

1、epigon ─── Epigon公司

2、bigot ─── n.偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者;n.(Bigot)人名;(法)比戈

3、spigots ─── n.龙头;栓;饮水的地方

4、spinout ─── n.回形滑行

5、spinet ─── n.小型立式钢琴;古时的小型竖琴

6、pigout ─── n.一顿大吃;过量的一顿

7、gigot ─── n.羊腿(或鹿腿);羊腿型袖子;n.(Gigot)人名;(英)吉戈特;(法)吉戈

8、spilt ─── v.洒出,溢出;(东西)散落;(一群人)迅速涌出;(球赛中)掉球;向(某人)说出秘密;减少(帆的)受风压力(spill的过去式和过去分词)

9、saligot ─── 输出

spigot 特殊用法

1、square spigot ─── 方形头

2、centring spigot ─── 定心凸出物

3、union spigot ─── 联管锥

4、spigot of container ─── 集装箱塞

5、tight spigot ─── 夹紧套筒, 定心衬筒

6、positioning spigot ─── 定位栓塞

7、engine spigot ─── 发动机塞

8、countersunk spigot ─── 锥形轴颈, 埋头轴颈

9、spigot of the classifier ─── 分粒器口

spigot 习惯用语

1、brother [knight, man, son] of the spigot ─── [谑]酒保, 小酒店主人, 旅店主人

spigot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、centring spigot ─── 定心凸出物

2、Tap keeps aseptic stock from spoiling Stock for soups and other foods is available aseptically packaged in a bag-in-box with a spigot designed to maintain sterility. ─── 塔保持无菌股票溺爱 库存的食品和其他食物可无菌包装袋盒中的龙头旨在维护不育症。

3、I am sorely afraid that the good wine of my understanding is going to run off at the spigot of authorship. ─── 我就是害怕我的智慧的美酒会从创作的洞眼里流

4、If the Fed keeps money flowing, it's better to hold other assets, but if it shuts off the spigot, being in cash becomes less painful. ─── 如果美联储继续源源不断向金融体系投入资金,持有其他资产是更好的选择,但如果美联储关上资金龙头,持有现金的风险则会小些。

5、Application of Ball-type Spigot and Socket Steel Pipe with Large Caliber in Construction of Soft Soil Foundation ─── 大口径球型承插式钢管的软土地基施工

6、But almost any pressure water system should have a freshwater and/or saltwater manual pump and spigot as backup. ─── 但是,几乎任何压力水系统都应该有一个淡水和/或海水手动泵和作为备用的套管。

7、This article describes the concrete and reinforced concrete drain pipes with spigot and socket, rebated socket or steel-collar socket flexible joints, and the process for their fabrication. ─── 介绍上海市政排水管道常用的承插式、企口式和钢承口式柔性接口混凝土及钢筋混凝土排水管,及其这些排水管材的生产工艺。

8、a metal urn with a spigot at the base; used in Russia to boil water for tea. ─── 在底部有拴的金属壶;在俄国用来煮沸水冲茶。

9、Safety Valve Design Theory for Bell and Spigot Joint for FW RPM Pipe ─── 承插口玻璃钢夹砂管道安全阀设计理论

10、Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and fittings with flexible-antiseismic joint ─── 承插式柔性抗震接口排水铸造铁管及管件

11、Sally hit the back of her head and her face went into the spigot. ─── Sally打她的后脑勺,她的脸就撞到水龙头上了。

12、bell and spigot ─── 承插口

13、If the financial spigot does not open again, most of the new entrants will disappear. ─── 如果金融”水龙头”不再度开启,大部分新进入者将会消失。

14、Gates sees the need to turn off "the spigot of money" ; he also sees it as an opportunity. ─── 盖茨看到了拧紧军费龙头的必要性,并觉得这是一次很好的机会。

15、glass spigot for catheter ─── 导管玻璃塞头

16、I followed him back to the house and to a spigot. ─── 我又跟踪他回到家,到了一个水龙头那儿。

17、Spare at the spigot, and spill at the bung. ─── 捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜。

18、spigot end ─── 插端, 窝接口小端

19、Copper tube fittings for construction (Spigot and socket joint) ─── 建筑用铜管管件(承插式)

20、Nor can they just close the spigot. ─── 他们也不能切断资金流了事。

21、Her sink is a pink plastic bucket, and she hauls water from a community spigot across the street. ─── 她的水池是一个粉色塑料桶,水是从街对面一个小区提来的。

22、Axial needle roller bearing with centring spigot on the bearing washer ─── 垫圈有定心套的推力滚针轴承

23、Credit in China is like a leaky spigot-impossible to turn off all the way. ─── 中国的信贷犹如一个漏水的水龙头——一直无法停止。

24、spigot and socket tee ─── 承插三通

25、Do not close the spigot until a definite smell of chlorine is evident. ─── 如果储水池被污染,应使用强氯溶液对整个系统进行消毒。

26、Axial Needle Roller and Cage Assemblies with Center Spigot ─── 带冲压中心套的推力滚针和保持加组件

27、" What, ho! John Tapster." " At hand, Vill Hostler, " replied the man of the spigot. ─── “喂,喂!约翰 泰卜斯特。”“有,威尔 荷斯德,”酒店主人连忙答道。

28、TS: The first one I did was in the late 70's, and I just had a simple cone with a spigot at the bottom of it. ─── TS:我做的第一个是在70年代后期,我只有一个简单的圆锥,圆锥底部有一个栓。

29、spigot bearing ─── 导向轴承套筒轴承

30、spigot and faucet joint ─── 套筒接合

31、I am sorely afraid that the good wine of my understanding is going to run off at the spigot of authorship ─── 我就是害怕我的智慧的美酒会从创作的洞眼里流尽。

32、spigot shaft ─── 中心轴

33、spigot and socket joint ─── 套袖管接

34、A video that shows the DNA moving along the channel served as a proof-of-principle that allowed the company to return to the venture spigot in 1998 to raise $2 million. ─── 他们制作了一部显示DNA通过管道的影片,证明这个方法可行之后,1998年,美国基因组公司又回头向创投公司筹到了200万美元。

35、Saving at the spigot and wasting at the bunghole. ─── 塞了瓶口,放了桶口。[小处节省,大处浪费。]

36、Spigot Frame and Suspension Frame Use in High-rise Building ─── 插口架在高层建筑施工中的应用

37、The monitoring principles and structure of the spigot coaxial rod extensometer (SCRE for short) were introduced.Likewise, the monitored data of theoretical conversion formula were given. ─── 介绍了新型套管式同轴多点位移计的监测原理、结构,给出了监测结果换算的理论公式。

38、'A similarly massive drop in activity can not be ruled out this time around, especially if the credit spigot continues to close,' said Mr. LaVorgna. ─── 拉瓦格纳说,这次也不能排除经济活动出现类似的大规模下滑的现象,特别是如果信贷市场的水龙头还是牢牢紧闭的话。

39、bell and spigot joint ─── 承插接合套接承插接头承插式接头

40、The reseach results are of guiding significance to the selection of the suitable length and internal diameter of the straight tube of spigot to meet different requirements. ─── 所得研究结果对如何选择旋流器沉砂口直管段的长度和内径具有重要的指导意义。

41、Saving at the spigot and wasting at the bunghole . ─── 塞了瓶口,放了桶口。[小处节省,大处浪费。

42、brother of the spigot ─── 小酒店主人,酒保

43、tight spigot ─── 夹紧套筒定心衬筒

44、He obliterates with the right hand dirty content, opened tap water spigot with left hand, but there is a water at all in conduit. ─── 他用右手擦去脏物,用左手打开了自来水龙头,可是水管里根本就没有出水。

45、spigot edge ─── 定心凸台

46、calking sleeve spigot ─── 套筒塞盖

47、a metal urn with a spigot at the base; ─── 在底部有拴的金属壶;

48、drink from a spigot ─── [法] 喝过度

49、A closed metal vessel having a spigot and used for warming or serving tea or coffee. ─── 壶封闭的有塞的金属容器,用于加热或端茶或咖啡

50、Of course, the oil spigot is not going to run dry tomorrow. There is still coal, tar sands, heavy oil and shale gas. ─── 当然,石油龙头不会一夜间断流,我们还有煤炭、沥青砂、重质油和页岩气。

51、Open all faucets while the system is being filled.Do not close the spigot until a definite smell of chlorine is evident. ─── 当系统被灌满以后请打开所有的水龙头,直到嗅到很明显的氯气味道时再关掉。

52、spigot joint ─── 承插接合套管接合

53、bell and spigot reducer ─── 承插式大小头

54、Do not try to insert spigot at an angle. ─── 不能成一定角度设法嵌入套管。

55、spigot bead ─── 插口凸缘

56、Of course, the longer the monetary spigot remains open, the more addicted to low rates we get, and the harder it will be to kick the habit. ─── 当然,货币龙头必须一直开着,我们越是沉迷于低利率,想改掉这个习惯就越难。

57、to a spigot that we had shut of the water to. ─── 我跟他返回房子里,到了我们关掉的一个水龙头边。

58、engine spigot ─── 发动机塞

59、spigot discharge ─── 卸料孔

60、Just as quickly, a year later, after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the spigot was turned off. ─── 可当次年苏联入侵阿富汗之后,这个渠道又被堵住了。

61、Spigot and socket self-stressed reinforced concrete pipe used for water delivery ─── GB4084-1983承插式自应力钢筋混凝土输水管

62、Practices in construction of big size hemispherical spigot and faucet pipe ─── 大口径半球型承插式钢管施工技术及应用实例

63、bell and spigot bend ─── 承插式弯管

64、He says "the spigot of defense funding opened by 9/11 is closing. ─── 他说, “911开始的国防开支扩充时期正在结束。

65、positioning spigot ─── 定位栓塞

66、Disscussion on Calculation Method of External Test Load of Socket and Spigot Joint Concrete Sewer Pipe ─── 承插口混凝土排水管外压试验荷载计算方法的商榷

67、Keywords dereism;reflux valve;bell and spigot frame;seal line; ─── 关键词自闭性;单向阀;承插结构;密封线;

68、bell and spigot frame ─── 承插结构

69、They could hire legions of extra teachers, clinicians and civil servants, but only if they are prepared to fire them when the aid spigot is closed. ─── 他们会另行雇佣大量教师、临床医师和公务员,但条件是当援助终止时这些人都有被解雇的心理准备。


71、Two of the main forces keeping oil aloft, analysts say, are China's continuing thirst for it and Saudi Arabia's ability to tighten the spigot on world supplies when it pleases. ─── 分析师说,为油价提供支撑的两股力量是:中国持续不断的石油需求,以及沙特随心所欲缩减世界石油供应的能力。

72、adjustable spigot ─── 可调沉砂口

73、spigot coaxial ─── 同轴套管式

74、spigot of the classifier ─── 分粒器口

75、"What, ho! John Tapster." "At hand, Vill Hostler," replied the man of the spigot. ─── “喂,喂!约翰·泰卜斯特。”“有,威尔·荷斯德,”酒店主人连忙答道。

76、PRD Pipe End Expanding Machines are specifically developed for SAW pipe mills to form spigot type pipe ends that conform to AWWA standard applications. ─── PRD管道终端扩展机器是特别为SAW管道工厂开发的,一般用于AWWA应用。

77、spigot and faucet pipe ─── 承插管

78、"What, ho! John Tapster." " At hand, Vill Hostler, " replied the man of the spigot . ─── “喂,喂!约翰泰卜斯特。”“有,威尔荷斯德,”酒店主人连忙答道。

79、ball and spigot ─── adj. 球塞式的

80、spigot nut ─── 导向螺母

81、spigot die ─── 插入模穿透模

82、"The Arctic acts as a global spigot in controlling the flow of deep ocean currents that distribute the Earth’s heat and control climate. ─── 北极等于是地球的枢纽,控制了深海洋流的动向,因此能影响地球热能的传送与气候。

83、a conspicuously large, often isolated spigot near the apex of the PLS is presumed to serve the pseudoflagelliform gland. ─── 接近后侧纺器近部,有一显著的、大的、孤立的纺管,推测可能与伪鞭状腺有关。

84、Study on Pressed Light Metal House of Spigot and Socket Structure ─── 承插式金属压型轻钢结构的研究

85、knight of the spigot ─── 小酒店主人

86、And now Bear, you can tap the spigot into place. ─── 现在该你了,小熊,你可以把龙头敲进这里。

87、square spigot ─── 方形头

88、round flange unit with spigot joint ─── 套筒接头式圆法兰装置

89、spigot and socket ─── 套筒式连接

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