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09-03 投稿


decipherment 发音

英:[[d?'sa?f?m?nt]]  美:[[d?'sa?f?m?nt]]

英:  美:

decipherment 中文意思翻译



decipherment 词性/词形变化,decipherment变形

形容词: decipherable |动词第三人称单数: deciphers |动词现在分词: deciphering |动词过去分词: deciphered |动词过去式: deciphered |名词: decipherer |

decipherment 短语词组

1、decipherment date ─── 解密日期

2、decipherment in art ─── 艺术中的解读

3、decipherment transformation ─── 破译变换

4、decipherment meaning ─── 破译意义

5、decipherment norsk ─── 破译诺尔斯克

6、decipherment means ─── 破译手段

7、decipherment in ─── 破译

8、decipherment synonym ─── 破译同义词

9、decipherment define ─── 破译定义

decipherment 相似词语短语

1、decipher ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文

2、ciphertext ─── n.密文

3、bewilderment ─── n.困惑;迷乱;慌张

4、deciphering ─── n.[通信]解密;v.破译(decipher的ing形式);解释;辨认

5、deciphered ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文

6、encipherment ─── n.[计]加密

7、decipherer ─── n.译码器;译码员

8、decipherable ─── adj.可判读的;可解释的

9、deciphers ─── v.破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解;n.密电(或密信的)译文

decipherment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an inscription of a black basalt stone; gave first clue to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics. ─── 刻在黑色玄武岩上的一种碑铭;给出了解读埃及象形文字第一线索。

2、Data Encipherment and Decipherment Technology in Distribution System ─── 分布式系统中的数据加密和解密技术

3、This will expose additional detail and likely enable decipherment of previously illegible portions of the ancient documents. ─── 这将揭露更多的细节更能辨认出难以以前辨认出的古书籍。

4、current decipherment ─── 现代解读

5、Combining with the satellite remote sensing decipherment and field geologic investigation, the closure proportion and altitude of the Sinian top of Wuzhishan structure are conjectured. ─── 结合卫星遥感解译与野外地质考察,计算出五指山构造震旦系顶面圈闭面积、闭合高度。

6、Decipherment about the sentential reason whether is adequate or not relates to the litigants and social mass s consents on judicatory justice and judicatory authority. ─── 判决理由阐释是否充分,关系到当事人和社会公众对司法公正和司法权威的认同。

7、Decipherment, especially of ancient inscriptions. ─── 破译,尤指古代碑刻

8、Decipherment of the Evaluation of Innovation Capacity for Chinese Regions ─── 解读中国区域创新能力评价

9、The paper starts from general decipherment of culture to analyze lawyer culture's concept and its significance, hope to contribute a little. ─── 摘要本文从对文化的一般解读入手,着重分析了律师文化的概念及其意义,以期能为律师文化这一命题的研究做出一点小小的贡献。

10、gave first clue to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics. ─── 给出了解读埃及象形文字第一线索。

11、Module of decipherment in software frame takes charge of converting from such kind of permutation and combination to actual codes in computer language and executing them. ─── 通过软件体系中的解释模块将这些语义描述的测试意图转换为真正的计算机语言并执行;

12、A terrible disappointment to some classicists (who had hoped the tablets would be filled with poetry), the decipherment of Linear B was a revelation to historians. ─── 翻译出来的B类线形文字使一些古典学者极为失望(他们原希望上面会记满了诗歌),对历史学家却是一个新发现。

13、Each national culture is the decipherment to human's nature and will blend into the international culture and will become a part of it in the process of human's social communication. ─── 任何民族的文化都是对人类本性的解读,都从某一侧面反映或表现人的本性,并在人类的交往中逐渐融入到世界文化之中成为世界文化的一部分。

14、Decipherment and Textual Criticism of Place Names ─── 地名译写与考证

15、The decipherment of the language was in essence completed in 1851 and the language was first called Assyrian. ─── 对语言的解读大体上在1851年完成,这种语言首先被称为亚述语。

16、verse decipherment ─── 诗体解读

17、For the decipherment of the sign, however, he bears the entire responsibility. ─── 为了解释此一征象,他负有全部的责任。

18、For the decipherment of the sign, however, he bears the entire responsibility. ─── 为了解释此一征象,他负有全部的责任。

19、Theoretical decipherment of scientific development of the Fengxian Industrial Park of New and High Technology ─── 奉贤高新技术产业孵化园科学发展的理论解读

20、The decipherment of the Mayan glyphs revealed that the New World had a sophisticated, literate civilisation at the time of the Roman empire. ─── 玛雅文字的破译向我们展示了一个与罗马帝国同时代的错综复杂的新大陆——一个同样有着高度文明的国度。

21、spurious message decipherment ─── 伪消息解密

22、Inscribed stone slab, now in the British Museum, that provided an important key to the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs. ─── 刻有铭文的石碑,现被保存于大英博物馆,为解读埃及的象形文字提供了重要线索。

23、A Look at the Planning and Design of World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China from the Thematic Decipherment ─── 从主题解读看中国2010年上海世博会规划设计

24、Decipherment and Consideration of Guideline for Stroke Rehabilitation Care ─── 卒中康复指南的解读与思考

25、an inscription of a black basalt stone; gave first clue to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics. ─── 刻在黑色玄武岩上的一种碑铭;给出了解读埃及象形文字第一线索。

26、to reach conclusions about the dating of the script changes and expect that this chronology will revolutionize the attempts at decipherment. ─── 目前我们正努力断定这文字发生改变的各个年代,预料这份年表将使文字的辨读有突破性进展。

27、decipherment algorithm ─── 解密算法

28、We are currently trying to reach conclusions about the dating of the script changes and expect that this chronology will revolutionize the attempts at decipherment. ─── 目前我们正努力断定这文字发生改变的各个年代,预料这份年表将使文字的辨读有突破性进展。

29、This will expose additional detail and likely enable decipherment of previously illegible portions of the ancient documents. ─── 这将揭露更多的细节更能辨认出难以以前辨认出的古书籍。

30、The Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions. ─── 铭文协会关注古铭文的发现与解读。

31、Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions. ─── 铭文协会从事发现和解密古代的碑文、铭文。

32、in decipherment, collecting biologic feature value of grantor online in real time to obtain information of cipher key, using reverse process of the encrypting process to implement decipherment. ─── 解密时由实时采集授权者的生物特征值获取密钥信息,然后进行加密过程的逆过程实现解密。

33、Resolving and Synthesizing: A Decipherment for Public Relations ─── 分解与融会:对公共关系涵义的一种解读

34、Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions. ─── 铭文学会的目的在发现及解读古代铭文。

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