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09-03 投稿


muffin 发音

英:[?m?f?n]  美:[?m?f?n]

英:  美:

muffin 中文意思翻译



muffin 网络释义

n. (涂牛油趁热吃的)英格兰松饼,(常含小块水果等)杯状小松糕;玛芬

muffin 短语词组

1、muffin games ─── 松饼小游戏

2、muffin story ─── 松饼故事

3、muffin top n. ─── 肚腩肉

4、muffin stories ─── 松饼故事

5、English muffin ─── 英式松饼;玛芬面包

6、holy muffin ─── 神圣的松饼

7、muffin head ─── 松饼头

8、muffin-man n. ─── 卖松饼者

9、abi muffin ─── 两个松饼。

10、muffin squad ─── 松饼队

11、do you know the muffin man ─── 你认识那个卖松饼的人吗

12、muffin team ─── 松饼队

13、corn muffin ─── 玉米粉小蛋糕

14、muffin knight ─── 松饼骑士

15、muffin songs ─── 松饼歌曲

16、english muffin top

17、muffin man na. 〈 ─── 英〉卖松饼的小贩 [网络] 卖松饼的人;松饼人;松饼师

18、bran muffin ─── [网络] 麸皮松饼

19、muffin recipe ─── 松饼配方

muffin 词性/词形变化,muffin变形


muffin 相似词语短语

1、buffing ─── n.[机]磨光,[机]抛光

2、muffins ─── n.(涂牛油趁热吃的)英格兰松饼,(常含小块水果等)杯状小松糕;玛芬

3、cuffing ─── n.成套(如血管周围白细胞聚集如套状)

4、muffing ─── n.暖手筒,皮手筒;保暖套;(古,尤指运动或手工方面)笨拙的人;漏接(球);(粗俚)女子阴部;v.错过(机会);搞砸,把(某事)弄糟,做错;漏接(球),接(球)失误;n.(Muff)(美、瑞、丹)穆夫(人名)

5、muffling ─── v.压低(声音),消声;削弱,使……模糊;(为保暖而用厚衣物)包住,裹起来(muffle的现在分词)

6、duffing ─── 未击中(某物);弄糟(某事)(duff的现在分词)

7、puffin ─── n.善知鸟;海鹦;海鸭之类

8、cuffins ─── 耳机

9、cuffin ─── 库宾

muffin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Spoon half of the batter evenly into the muffin cups, then lay a teaspoon of jam on the top.Finally cover with the rest of batter. ─── 将其勺入备好的麦芬模中,先填入一半量,然后放一小勺的黑樱桃酱在上面,接着再勺入剩下的一半。

2、Okay. Chandler, Mon...there's only one banana nut muffin left. -Oh, I ordered mine first! -Yeah, but I'm so much faster... ─── 恩,钱德,莫..,只有一个香蕉坚果松饼了。--噢,我先要的。--是的,但是我更快些。

3、Fold the wet ingredients into the dry just until moistened and being careful not to over-mix.Divide the batter among the prepared muffin tins, filling each halfway. ─── 交替将湿性材料与干性材料完全混合,但是小心不要搅拌过度,将混合后的材料倒入事先准备好的玛芬杯中,每一杯都倒满一半的量以上。

4、Yes, I know the muffin man, who Iives on Drury Lane? ─── 对,我知道松饼人,她住在特鲁里街?

5、Add to flour mixture; mix thoroughly. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups. ─── 把粉类拌入湿性材料中混合均匀。把面糊勺入备好的烤模中。

6、Would it be possible to have an English muffin instead of toast? ─── 可否不要烤面包而要一块英式小松糕?

7、You can even get peanut butter and jelly on an English muffin for breakfast. ─── 早餐时你甚至可以吃到英式松饼,佐以花生酱和果冻。

8、The next day: breakfast, half a cup of boiled beans, a boiled egg and a English muffin. ─── 第二天:早餐半杯炖豆子、一个水煮蛋和一块英国松饼。

9、Okay. Chandler, Mon. . . there's only one banana nut muffin left. -Oh, I ordered mine first! -Yeah, but I'm so much faster. . . ─── 恩,钱德,莫…,只有一个香蕉坚果松饼了。--噢,我先要的。--是的,但是我更快些。

10、If you accept my reasons, then open the door and I will be waiting with your favorite muffin.” ─── 如果你接受我的理由,那么,请开门吧。我买了你最爱吃的松饼等着你。

11、He moved his way,ever so carefully,toward the muffin and finally began to pick at it,retreating from time to time to enjoy his luscious treat and then returning for more. ─── 几分钟后,有一直鸟停在桌子的最远处,它用一只眼看着我,另一只眼看着松饼,小心翼翼地,很谨慎地,慢慢地去吃松饼,然后赶快退回来,接着又继续上前去吃它的美食。

12、Do You Know The Muffin Man? ─── 你知道卖松饼的人吗?

13、Nancy: Oh! Did you eat some fortune foods? (like -fish, Nian Gao, longevity vegetable, pineapple, rice muffin, turnip, dumplings, hot pot and kumquat ─── 你有没有吃些年菜(像-鱼,年糕,长年菜,凤梨,发糕,菜头,火锅,金柑)呢?

14、meadow muffin ─── n. 一堆牛粪

15、They talked about the ponies, Min Min, Muffin and Mandy! ─── 当然,你可以猜测出他们在谈论着他们的小马,敏敏、,玛芬和曼蒂。

16、Will you get me a muffin when you're there? ─── 你过去的时候能给我带一个松饼吗?

17、Divide the batter into prepared muffin cups and top with with walnut kernel. ─── 将面糊分到备好的麦芬模子,放上核桃仁。

18、Place a rack on the highest shelf.Heat up the muffin tin in the hot oven. ─── 将烤架放进焗炉最高一层,松饼盘放进焗炉里加热。

19、We sent cookie and muffin set to the team through manager. ─── 我们通过经理人送了曲奇和松饼点心套餐给剧组.

20、e.g. Her muffin top spread widely over the top of her tight-fitting jeans. ─── 她腰上难看的肥肉全露在她的紧身牛仔裤外。

21、"I just fancy a hot muffin," she said. ─── “我正在幻想吃热松饼”,她说。

22、A muffin could have 11 teaspoons of sugar added, and a grande vanilla latte at Starbucks has about seven teaspoons. ─── 一个松饼可能就含有11茶匙糖分,而星巴克里大的香草拿铁就有7茶匙糖。

23、Perhaps you grab a bagel and cream cheese, perhaps a muffin, perhaps an Egg McMuffin. ─── 你可能拿一份百吉饼和芝士奶酪,或者是一份松饼,又或者是一份鸡蛋麦满分。

24、And would it be possible to have an English muffin instead of toast? ─── 并且能用英式松饼替换烤面包片吗?

25、For a change from ordinary toast, try a wholemeal English muffin or some toasted fruit bread. ─── 尝试换掉以前的普通吐司口味,试一下全麦英式松饼或是一些烤果味面包吧。

26、But I had a Starbucks breakfast - coffee and a chocolate muffin - breakfast of champions. ─── 它从没有结束,而且你不得不担心你的包是否太重,或者在机场,这么重的包袱是否会被撞到。

27、English muffin ─── n. 英式松饼, 英国式松饼, ph. 英式松饼

28、For 12 muffins: Each muffin has 2 grams effective carbohydrate plus 6 grams fiber and 6 grams protein. ─── 一个马芬有8克碳水化合物但有6克是纤维而且有6克蛋白质。

29、Breakfast: 250 milliliter degreasing coffee, 1 big orange, several entire wheat breads, 1 entire wheat muffin, the egg which fries in oil with the Chinese olive, 1 cheese, 1/4 pear, 4 cherry tomato. ─── 早餐:250毫升脱脂咖啡,1个大橘子,几片全麦面包,1个全麦松饼,用橄榄油煎的鸡蛋,1块干酪,1/4个梨,4 个樱桃西红柿。

30、Ladle spoonfuls into 12 greased or lined muffin tins, about ?full. ─── 勺入12个抹油或是铺了麦芬纸的烤盘内,大约3/4满即可。

31、A type of muffin. ─── 一种小松糕

32、Ladle spoonfuls into 12 greased or lined muffin tins, about ¾ full. Decorate tops of muffins with coconut shreds and brown sugar. Bake for about 25 minutes. ─── 勺入12个抹油或是铺了麦芬纸的烤盘内,大约3/4满即可。在上面洒些椰丝和黄砂糖。入预热烤箱烘焙大约25分钟左右。

33、merry peanut muffin ─── 乐口酥

34、If You Give a Moose a Muffin ─── 是你给驼鹿吃松饼

35、Grab a whole-wheat muffin or slice of toast with a scrambled egg and cup of berries for a breakfast that'll jump-start your gray matter. ─── 早餐吃全麦松饼或者一片夹着煎蛋和果酱的面包,这将启动你的大脑灰质。

36、Try bringing breakfast foods to work, too, ke dry cereal and milk or instant oatmeal, and you won't be tempted to buy an expensive pastry or muffin on the way into the office,lhe said. ─── 她同时建议也可以带些干谷物、牛奶和即食燕麦作为早餐,以避免在路上冲动买下昂贵的糕点。

37、Top: This breakfast includes twisted fritters of fried dough, an egg, a Chinese muffin, and a bowl of bean curd milk. ─── 上图:一套酥脆的烧饼、油条,一碗香浓的豆浆,是中国人最喜爱的早点。

38、Try bringing breakfast foods to work, too, like dry cereal and milk or instant oatmeal, and you won't be tempted to buy an expensive pastry or muffin on the way into the office, she said. ─── 她同时建议也可以带些干谷物、牛奶和即食燕麦作为早餐,以避免在路上冲动买下昂贵的糕点。

39、I would like to take a cup of tea and milk,poached egges,and one croissant and banana muffin. ─── 我要加奶红茶、煮鸡蛋、月牙面包、香蕉松饼各一份。

40、Spoon batter into muffin tins lined with paper baking cups, filling each just to top of paper liner. ─── 把面糊勺入烤模(烤模抑或抹油或是放一张麦芬纸)要勺满了,(别溢出来就好)。

41、I'd like to have English muffin and a cup of coffee. ─── 我要英国松糕和一杯咖啡。

42、Take a look at the attached picture. Muffin's back is very unique, with the black and ginger patches. Have a look at the video, too: ENGLISH VIDEO ─── 我们相当爱牠,也很思念牠,希望能够尽快的找到牠,我们已经在师大及公馆地区到处发放寻猫启示,日日夜夜的在找寻著牠,但是至今仍是下落不明。

43、When the woman watching was the boss, she didn't laugh much at the muffin joke. ─── 当女生作为“老板”听到这个松饼笑话时,她基本不怎么笑;

44、I would like to order a room service for 7:30 tomorrow morning. I would like to take a cup of tea and milk,poached egges,and one croissant and banana muffin. ─── 明天早上7点半请送早餐来。我要加奶红茶、煮鸡蛋、月牙面包、香蕉松饼各一份。

45、Drop 1 rounded tablespoonful batter into each muffin liner. ─── 在每一个松饼模中加入一荡勺的混合物。

46、Says Church: "I don't think most people would appreciate that, wow, you only burned 200 or 300 calories, which you're going to neutralize with just half that muffin. ─── 彻奇说:“我想多数人不会重视这个问题。哎,你们刚刚才消耗了200或300卡路里,就马上用那半块松饼找回了平衡”。

47、a very light,hollow muffin made with eggs,milk,and flour ─── 一种用鸡蛋、牛奶和面粉制成的质轻空心的松饼

48、Grease 6 muffin cups and set aside. Sieve together the rice flour and baking powder. Repeat twice. ─── 准备6个麦芬烤模,抹油备用。把粘米粉和烤粉混合,过筛3次。

49、Grease 9-10 muffin tins or with paper liners and divide the mixture into each. ─── 10个麦芬模抹油或是放入麦芬纸杯。

50、But galaxies are not randomly sprinkled like raisins in a muffin. ─── 但星系也不像蛋糕中随意点缀的葡萄乾;

51、I'd like to have orange juice, sausages and eggs, a muffin and coffee. ─── 我要橙汁、香肠、鸡蛋、一小块松糕和咖啡。

52、Take a english muffin, plain bagel, or slice of bread and spread a generous layer of cream cheese on it. you can toast it if you like. ─── 拿一块英格兰松饼、普通圈饼,或面包片,有层次地涂上大量奶油干酪。如果你喜欢可以烤一烤它。

53、pop-over muffin ─── 奶油松饼

54、Hi. -Hey, sweetie. -Do you know what a "muffin top" means? Because I've been hearing that all day. ─── 嗨。-嗨,甜心。-你知道“松饼皮”是什么意思吗?因为我今天一直听到别人说。

55、Early versions of these muffins tend to be less sweet and much less varied in ingredients than their contemporary forms. ─── 早期的这些muffin与现在的muffin比,往往不是那么甜,原料也不是很多。

56、How much is a muffin and a latte? ─── 一个马芬和一杯拿铁咖啡一共多少钱?

57、I'll have a bite of your muffin if it isn't too sweet. ─── 如果你的松饼不太甜的话,我要吃一口。

58、We continued guessingFoccacia, english muffin, hamburger bun.Roti, pretzel, bagel.Donut, pappadam, garlic bread ─── 我们继续猜测:富可香包、英式小松饼、汉堡包、印度拉饼、椒盐脆饼、百吉卷、油炸发面圈、叭叭烫酥、大蒜奶油面包片。

59、We continued guessing:Foccacia, english muffin, hamburger bun.Roti, pretzel, bagel.Donut, pappadam, garlic bread. ─── 我们继续猜测:富可香包、英式小松饼、汉堡包、印度拉饼、椒盐脆饼、百吉卷、油炸发面圈、叭叭烫酥、大蒜奶油面包片。

60、Pour into 9 muffin cups and dot with chocolate chunks. Bake in the preheated 180C/350F oven for about 25 minutes. ─── 倒入9个小蛋糕纸模中,在面糊面摆上巧克力块。入预热180C/350F烤箱焗25分钟即可。

61、It is easy to imagine product contagion occurring between lard and baking pans, muffin papers, and so forth. ─── 因此产品传染很容易在猪油和锅具等产品之间发生。

62、Muffin The name muffin is given to two types of breadstuffs, one a yeast-leavened item, and the other a "quick" bread raised with baking powder or baking soda. ─── Muffin(又译松饼,玛芬面包或英式小松糕)主要指两种以面包为原料的食品,一种用酵母发酵而成;另一种更为“快速”的方法是用烘烤粉或者烘烤苏打对面包进行处理而制成。

63、The Muffin Man --Do you know the muffin man? ─── 你认识面点师么?

64、Ladle spoonfuls into12 greased or lined muffin tins, about? full. Decorate tops of muffins with coconut shreds and brown sugar. Bake forabout25 minutes. ─── 勺入12个抹油或是铺了麦芬纸的烤盘内,大约3/满即可。在上面洒些椰丝和黄砂糖。入预热烤箱烘焙大约25分钟左右。

65、peanut muffin with ginseng ─── 人参花生松饼

66、The Starbucks Card is handier than cash, as there's no more searching for change when you pop in for your latte, muffin or bag of whole bean. ─── 星巴克卡比使用现金更方便,因为当你想购买鲜奶咖啡、松饼或袋装咖啡豆时,无须再寻找零钱。

67、I know the muffin man. ─── 我认识面点师。

68、“It was a small conference attended by some of the most senior researchers in the field,” he recalls. “When they heard me, a lowly graduate student, tell the muffin joke, there was a really uncomfortable silence. ─── “那是由一些这个领域非常资力深研究者参加的小型会议,”他回忆说,“当他们听到我,一个小小研究生,说出这个松饼的笑话,真的是一片让人非常不舒服的安静。

69、Or ,you don't have guys buttering your muffin lately so you're jealous? ─── 或者,是你自己欲求不满才嫉妒的?)

70、Which came first, cupcake 'cups' or muffin pans? The term 'cupcake' is first mentioned in E. ─── 有用小杯子直接来烤小蛋糕,就称之为"杯形蛋糕"

71、Oh, yes we know the muffin man,Who lives in Dury Lane. ─── 是的,我们认识那个住在丢瑞街的那个做松饼的人。

72、Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups and bake for about 30 minutes. ─── 将面糊分到备好的麦芬模子,烘焙大约30分钟。

73、He quickly scarfed down a muffin and some coffee and we headed for the track for some offseason conditioning. ─── 他很快地吃了一点松饼,喝了点咖啡,同时我们先到跑道扑捉一些训练前的镜头。

74、Coat muffin pan with cooking spray.Divide ham evenly among muffin cups.Sprinkle on cheese. ─── 在松饼盘内涂上喷雾蔬菜油,把火腿平均地放到松饼杯里,洒上奶酪。

75、Soak in the hot tub!) And keep drinking water. Have a high-carb snack such as a muffin, popcorn, pretzels, or hot cocoa and a graham cracker. ─── 保持喝水(泡热水澡时),吃顿高碳食物如松饼、爆米花、碱脆卷饼,或喝杯热巧克力饮料,吃个全麦饼干。

76、I'm now a bit hungry. I'd like to have an English muffin, toasted, with marmalade, and a cup of white coffee. ─── 我现在有些饿了,我想点一些英国松糕,烤面包加柠檬酱,再来一杯加糖加奶的咖啡。

77、We offer soft roll, hard roll, Danish pastry,croissant, French bread, muffin and toast. ─── 我们供应软包,硬包,丹麦包,牛角包,法式面包,提子包,松饼和吐司.

78、Divide half of the rice batter into 8 paper muffin liners, spoon in some poppy fix and add in a few of raisins.Finally cover with the rest of rice batter. ─── 将一半糯米糊匀勺入8个麦芬纸模中,勺入适量罂粟仔馅,加入若干提子,然后勺入剩下的糯米糊。

79、raised muffin cooked on a griddle. ─── 在煎锅里制成的发酵松饼。

80、I realized then that he had not come in search of a banana and a muffin. He came in to get warm. In his heart. ─── 此时我意识到老人并非仅为得到他的香蕉和松糕而来。他是来得到温暖的,是内心所感受的那种温暖。

81、Mixed Fruit Muffin ─── 什锦水果松饼

82、muffin dish ─── 松糕碟

83、Oh,do you know the muffin man ,Who lives in Dury Lane? ─── 你认识那个住在丢瑞街的那个做松饼的人吗?

84、But don't just grab a muffin or a pastry on-the-go, for you and the kids. ─── 但是,无论是对你还是对孩子,都不能抓块松饼或甜点在路上消灭了事。

85、SugarFree Muffin Assortment Half Dozen ─── 无糖脆皮松饼,半打

86、Scoop into the muffin cups, bake for 18mins until golden brown. ─── 将粉酱放入杯杯,焗18分钟至到金黄色.

87、A muffin serving size is the size of a light bulb. ─── 一份松饼是灯泡这么大。

88、The muffin man, the muffin man? ─── 松饼人,松饼人?

89、You might think half a muffin over an entire day wouldn't matter much, particularly if you exercise regularly. ─── 你们也许会认为一整天才吃半块松饼不会有什么关系,特别是经常锻炼。

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