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09-03 投稿



grouper 发音

英:['gru?p?]  美:['gr?p?]

英:  美:

grouper 中文意思翻译



grouper 网络释义

n. 石斑鱼;鲶科鱼;鲈科之鱼

grouper 短语词组

1、Nassau grouper 【 ─── 鱼类】条纹石斑 ─── 鱼(Epinephelus striatus)

2、Greasy grouper ─── 油腻的石斑鱼

3、warsaw grouper ─── 黑色大石斑鱼

4、cabrilla grouper ─── 石斑鱼

5、serranidae grouper ─── 石斑鱼

6、Gulf grouper ─── 海湾石斑鱼

7、grouper fish ─── 石斑鱼

8、Orange spotted grouper ─── 橙色斑点石斑鱼

9、Mottled grouper ─── 装瓶的石斑鱼

grouper 词性/词形变化,grouper变形

名词复数: grouper |

grouper 相似词语短语

1、trouper ─── n.戏团演员;台柱演员;剧团的团员;有经验的演员

2、grouplet ─── n.小群

3、grounder ─── n.滚地球

4、grouter ─── n.[建]灌浆机

5、groutier ─── 地面工

6、grouped ─── adj.分组的;化合的;v.分组,分类(group的过去分词)

7、groupers ─── n.石斑鱼类(grouper的复数)

8、groupies ─── n.吉他手;流行乐队迷(groupie的复数)

9、grouser ─── n.履带齿片;锚定桩;老是发牢骚的人

grouper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any of various similar or related fishes, such as the pike perch or the grouper. ─── 河鲈属的鱼任何一种有关或类似的鱼类,例如狗鱼或双棘石斑鱼

2、Deep-fried grouper with mayonnaise sauce ─── 炸石斑配蛋黄酱

3、live grouper ─── 活石斑鱼

4、About 6 o’clock in the morning Lisbon Maru suddenly changed its course, seeing that, GROUPER dived immediately, ready to take an assault. ─── 早晨6时左右,“里斯本丸”突然改变航向,“鲈鱼”号潜艇立即潜入水下准备发起攻击。

5、Oxford Grouper ─── 牛津集团成员


7、A large grouper(Epinephelus nigritus)of warm Atlantic waters off the southeast coast of the United States. ─── 大海鲈一种大西洋暖水大鲈鱼,(大海鲈),居于美国东南海岸附近

8、Milt Production by Male Red Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus akaara) After Injection of LHRHa, 17P or DOM, Alone or in Combination ─── 注射LHRHa、17-P及其它药物组合诱导赤点石斑鱼排精研究

9、Effects of raw and gelatinized starch on growth, feed utilization and body composition of grouper, Epinephelus coioides Wang Yong, Liu Yong-Jian, Tian Li-xia, Liang Gui-ying ─── 生淀粉和糊化淀粉对石斑鱼生长、饲料利用和体组成的影响

10、Langkawi Underwater World: Life with more than 5000 kinds of marine life the most attractive is a shark grouper and green sea turtles living together in large tanks and 15-meter-long tunnel. ─── ( 兰卡威海底世界:生活着超过5000种的海洋生物,其中最吸引人的是一个鲨鱼、石斑鱼和绿海龟共同居住的大鱼缸,以及15米长的海底隧道。

11、Shallow water-rich lobster, shrimp, grouper and abalone, and other valuable seafood. ─── 浅海盛产龙虾、对虾、石斑鱼、鲍鱼等名贵海鲜。

12、Put the grouper in a mixer. Stir the white wine, white pepper, salt and fresh cream with the grouper to be pulped. ─── 将石斑鱼放入机器中。加入白酒、白胡椒、盐及鲜奶油共同打成细泥浆。

13、You could also raise telaopiatilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kinds, depending on where you live.Some fish are harvested once a year, ; ─── 你也可以饲养罗非鱼、鲶鱼、鲈鱼、遮目鱼、鳗鱼或者其他种类的鱼,这都取决你所居住的区域。

14、Any of several large, spotted, olive-brown marine fishes of the family Serranidae, especially the grouper Epinephelus itajara of tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific waters. ─── 鮨鱼指若干种大型的、带有斑点的墨绿色鮨科海鱼类的统称,尤指产于热带大西洋和东太平洋水域的大石斑鱼

15、Title: Sex Reversal of Grouper (Epinephelus sp. ─── 关键词:石斑鱼;繁殖生物学;性逆转;外源激素

16、color different, generally grey, the Huihe or brown sand, Comparing the original hamster color bright, reddish-brown back, abdomen black, Tice front of a three white hair grouper; ─── 毛色差异较大,一般为灰色、灰褐或沙褐色,原仓鼠毛色比较鲜艳,背部红褐色,腹部黑 ,体侧前部有3块白色毛斑;

17、Hong-Kong Office, NRA:Replacement of fish meal with rendered protein ingredients in practical feeds for grouper. ─── 国家自然科学基金30471340:通过营养操纵和生态操纵降低海水鱼类网箱养殖污染。

18、Sevenband grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus ─── 七带石斑鱼

19、Steamed live grouper in the traditional way ─── 古法蒸红斑

20、unfrozen grouper ─── 冰鲜石斑鱼


22、cannulation;dorsal aorta;oxytetracycline;hematological analysis;grouper ─── 导管;背大动脉;羟四环黴素;血液分析;石班鱼

23、A large grouper(Epinephelus nigritus) of warm Atlantic waters off the southeast coast of the United States. ─── 大海鲈一种大西洋暖水大鲈鱼,(大海鲈),居于美国东南海岸附近

24、Coat the okras with the grouper mousse and roll with the laver before rolling with the grouper mousse. ─── 将秋葵包入石斑幕斯内,捲入海苔,再捲石斑鱼幕斯。

25、The results of this study suggest that increasing duration of light, feeding-frequency ,and size-sorting of fries will reduce cannibalism during the aquaculture of grouper fries. ─── 因此整体说起来,在饲养石斑鱼苗时,若能增加光 照的时间、提高喂食的频率以及适时的筛选出不同的体长使得鱼苗 的大小较为一致,那麽相信必可降低残食的发生。

26、Among them, Yuan Yu, and freshwater grouper world-renowned reputation of the beautiful and rich land of plenty. ─── 其中,元鱼和桂花鱼中外闻名,被誉为美丽富饶的鱼米之乡。

27、fried grouper ─── 炸石斑

28、Detection of cultured grouper viral nervous necrosis by real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR ─── 实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测石斑鱼病毒性神经坏死病

29、Steamed grouper slices spread with minced shrimp and mushrooms ─── 石上鸣秋蝉

30、mud grouper ─── 泥斑鱼

31、Braised fillet of grouper in butter ─── 扒鱼牛油酸汁

32、Gags are the most common grouper caught on the east coast. ─── 堵嘴是最共同的石斑鱼风行东海岸。

33、I was sweat-soaked and sucking air like a beached grouper. ─── 我汗流浃背,象一条搁浅的石斑鱼一样吸着空气。

34、Boiled grouper with red pepper sauce ─── 水煮石斑鱼配红椒汁

35、Decorate the grouper mousse on a plate and sprinkle with tomato salsa and pasto. Serve. ─── 将石斑鱼幕斯摆饰于餐盘内,淋上蕃茄莎莎及青酱装饰即可。

36、Grouper with two special ingredients ─── 大石斑二味

37、You could also raise to tilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kinds, depending on where you live. ─── 你也可以养罗非鱼,鲶鱼,石斑鱼,遮目鱼,鳗鱼或其他品种的鱼。

38、Dust grouper with corn flour. Dip the grouper into beaten egg and place on the white bread as a toast. Dust the fish toast with bread crumbs. ─── 将鱼块先上面粉,然后全面蘸上蛋汁,放上面包,将面包及鱼块一并蘸上面包糠。

39、Crispy shin grouper ─── 皮脆石斑

40、This tiny fish looks like it's about to unwittingly swim into the gaping jaw of a hungry grouper. ─── 这只体型弱小的鱼看起来像是无意中游进一条饥饿的石斑鱼口中。

41、red grouper ─── n. 黑边石斑鱼

42、Preliminary Experiment on Artificial Seed Rearing of Malabar Grouper Epinephelus malabaricus in Outdoor Earthen Pond ─── 室外土池点带石斑鱼人工育苗初步试验

43、Due to high levels of mercurio, the FDA/EPA is advising women not to eat tuna steaks, orange roughy, grouper, tilefish (golden snapper and golden bass), etc. ─── 由于其中含有高度的水银,食品药物管理局/环保署劝告女性不要吃金枪鱼排,新西兰红鱼,石斑鱼,瓦鱼(金鲷鱼或金鲈鱼)等等。

44、Go tropical with a Jamaican grouper recipe ─── 到了牙买加的热带斑食谱

45、Eight grouper species already are listed by IUCN-The World Conservation Union as being in danger of extinction, and the new assessment proposes adding 12 more species. ─── 世界保育联盟(IUCN)已将8种石斑列为濒临灭绝物种,而此最新研究评估提议再加入12种。

46、We want to buy Seafood With Frozen, That Are Including Cuttlefish, Squid, Clam Meat, Shrimp, Frozen Fresh Water Grouper Seafood ─── 我们要采购海鲜与冻结,即是包括乌贼,鱿鱼,文蛤肉,虾,冷冻淡水石斑鱼海鲜

47、Appropriate stocking density and better feed management must be applied to improve the productivity performance of tiger grouper farming. ─── 适当的放养密度与较好的饲育(养)管理必定会有效提升(改善)饲育生产力的表现。

48、Even if the fishing up in Guangzhou, sold more than 700 pieces a pound of grouper they often only take it lightly smile. ─── 即使钓上来在广州卖到700多块一斤的石斑鱼他们也常常只是淡然一笑。

49、Groupers are the basis of the multimillion dollar live reef food fish trade based in Hong Kong, and around the world, consumers pay up to $50 per kilogram (2.2 pounds) for grouper. ─── 石斑是香港和全世界价值数百万美元活珊瑚食用鱼市场的主要鱼种,每公斤售价高达50美元(2.2英镑)。

50、The salt-water fish we usually eat are Grouper,Golden thread and Pomfret. ─── 我们经常吃的咸水鱼有石斑鱼,红衫鱼和仓鱼.

51、You could also raise tilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kinds, depending on where you live. ─── 你也可以养罗非鱼,鲶鱼,石斑鱼,遮目鱼,鳗鱼或者其他的种类,取决于你住在哪里。

52、Iridovirus and nervous necrosis virus (NNV) both were isolated from various grouper, sea bream and sea bass. ─── 无论如何,虹彩病毒和神经坏死病毒都分离自海产的石斑、海鲷、鲈鱼,危害相当大。

53、" Sea and fresh water is rich in product, the most valuable of the eel, grouper, pomfret, Ma shark, shrimp, Gao Xie, swimming crab, squid, oysters, laver, and so on. ─── 海、淡水产品十分丰富,最名贵的鳗鱼、石斑鱼、鲳鱼、马鲛、对虾、膏蟹、梭子蟹、鱿鱼、牡蛎、紫菜等。

54、2. Dust grouper with corn flour. Dip the grouper into beaten egg and place on the white bread as a toast. Dust the fish toast with bread crumbs. ─── 将鱼块先上面粉,然后全面蘸上蛋汁,放上面包,将面包及鱼块一并蘸上面包糠。收藏指正

55、Expression and Purification of Major Capsid Protein of Orange-spotted Grouper Nervous Necrosis Virus ─── 斜带石斑鱼神经坏死病毒主衣壳蛋白的原核表达与纯化

56、You could also raise tilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kinds, depending on where you live.Some fish are harvested once a year; ─── 根据你居住的地方,你也可以养罗非鱼、鲶鱼、鲈鱼、遮目鱼、鳗鱼或其他种类的鱼。

57、They trapped red grouper in a cage without a bottom; the fish dug out of it. ─── 他们把赤点石斑鱼诱捕进一个无底的笼子里;赤点石斑鱼挖出通道逃了出来。

58、frozen grouper ─── 冻石斑鱼

59、The larval grouper of the 17th day after hatching has in stomach many single-layered columnar epitheliums that forms many folds, and the villi are scare in the large intestine. ─── 17日龄时的仔鱼的胃壁形成较多的由单层柱状上皮细胞构成的褶皱,大肠的绒毛相对较少。

60、Includes 3 new fish, Grouper, Striped Bass and Barracuda + 1 new special fish. ─── 新增加3种新的鱼种:鲈鱼、条纹石、梭鱼,外加一种特别的鱼。

61、Put the grouper in a mixer. Stir the white wine, white pepper, salt and fresh cream with the grouper to be pulped. ─── 将石斑鱼放入机器中。加入白酒、白胡椒、盐及鲜奶油共同打成细泥浆。

62、From the wall had a large red brick Wailimian, grouper mottled grey split his inside wall. ─── 墙的外立面已经掉下一大片墙面砖,斑斑驳驳露出里面的灰色墙体。

63、You could also raise terlofiya kept fish rupe tilapia, mile fish elo catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kindsdepanding , depending on require where you live. ─── 你也可以养罗非鱼,鲶鱼,鲶鱼科,遮目鱼,鳗鱼或者其他品种,这要看你在哪里生活。

64、Regarding preference of foods, when the grouper was among the other four bait organisms, the small Epinephelus coioides groupers comprised of 8.33 percentage of the food. ─── 在食物的选择上,当石斑鱼混著其他四种 生物当饵料时,较其体长为小的石斑鱼仅佔其食物组成的8.33%, 排第四位。

65、Put the grouper mousse in the stove for 40 minutes and take out to slice. ─── 将石斑鱼幕斯放入蒸炉蒸约40分钟即可取出切片。

66、Steamed red grouper rolls in soya sauce ─── 清蒸红斑卷

67、orange-spotted grouper ─── 斜带石斑鱼

68、Red grouper are not the only underwater architects. ─── 赤点石斑鱼不是唯一的水下建筑师。

69、Guests dined on grouper, abalone, roast pork and ginseng chicken soup during the 10-course meal. ─── 客人们一共吃了10道菜,有鲶鱼、鲍鱼、烤肉、人参炖鸡等。

70、Feeding experiment of Oregon moist pellet to grouper Epinephlus malabaricu ─── 点带石斑鱼湿颗粒饲料饲养试验

71、Fishermen will be allowed to catch grouper using vertical lines, which are dropped overboard. ─── 渔民只能用抛在水面的围网钓法来捕捞鲶科鱼类。

72、You could also raise tilapia(罗非鱼), catfish(鲶鱼), grouper(鲶科鱼), milkfish(遮目鱼), eel(鳗、鳝) or other kinds, depending on where you live. ─── 你也可以选择养殖罗非鱼、鲶鱼、鲶科鱼、遮目鱼、鳝或者其他鱼种,这取决于你生活的区域。

73、India backyard millennium old trees, the branches and leaves spreading to the surrounding extension, sunlight through the branches on the ground projection little star grouper, suddenly dark suddenly bright. ─── 深藏后院的千年古树,繁茂的枝叶向四周伸展着,阳光透过枝叶在地上投影这点点星斑,忽而暗忽而亮。

74、The pharyngeal teeth and gill raker can be observed clearly in the post-pharyngeal area in the larval grouper of the 26th day. ─── 在26日龄时的仔鱼咽部,明显观察到咽齿及鳃耙,短的食道起源于咽腔,终止于胃,胃分为贲门部和幽门部。

75、By the end of December 2000 to complete Wei film industry, grouper, Verification and land survey industry change verification ; ─── 2000年12月底前完成卫片图斑外业核查及土地变更调查外业复核等外业核查工作;

76、Nutritional Analysis of Different Diets and Effect of Diets on Growth and Fatty Acid Composition in Larval Grouper Epinephelus coioides ─── 斜带石斑仔鱼不同饵料的营养分析及其对生长和鱼体脂肪酸组成的影响

77、You could also raise ***, tilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kinds, depending on where you live.Some fish are harvested once a year. ─── 你还可以饲养罗非鱼、鲇鱼、鲈鱼、遮目鱼、鳗鱼或者其他种类,这取决于你所在的地区。

78、iced grouper ─── 冰藏石斑鱼

79、Most products are inferior wood color caring, and even complex grouper, black spots. ─── 劣质产品则大多木色不纯,甚至有杂斑、黑点。

80、The Gulf of Mexico supplies much of the grouper served on American tables. ─── 墨西哥湾为美国海鲜餐饮提供了大量的鲶科鱼类。

81、A tiny goby fish searches for a meal of parasites on the snout of a grouper on the reefs off Cuba. ─── 图为在古巴近海的一片暗礁中,一只小虾虎鱼在一只石斑鱼的大嘴巴上寻找寄生虫作为它的食物。

82、South Australian specialty grouper, Guangdong, commonly known as grouper, the fish-off, known as Fujian and Zhejiang Kuai fish, the fish. ─── 南澳特产石斑鱼,广东俗称为石斑、过鱼,闽浙俗称鲙鱼、国鱼。

83、Experience on Culture of Malabar Grouper Epinephelus malabaricus in Artificially desalinated Seawater ─── 点带石斑鱼人工海水淡化养殖试验

84、Nassau grouper ─── 条纹石斑鱼

85、Kohler's grouper ─── n. 科氏石斑鱼

86、You could also raise tilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, eel or other kinds, depending on where you live. ─── 你还可以饲养罗非鱼、鲇鱼、鲈鱼、遮目鱼、鳗鱼或者其他种类,这取决于你所在的地区。

87、You can could also raise filapiatilapia, catfish, grouper, milkfish, ell eel or other kinds, depending on where you live. ─── 根据地域不同,你也可以养殖罗非鱼、鲶鱼、石斑鱼、遮目鱼、鳗鱼等其它种类的鱼。

88、A series of three experiments was conducted to study the essential fatty acids nutrition and its effects on immune responses (IR) of the juvenile grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus. ─── 本研究以三实验探讨玛拉巴石斑稚鱼对饵料必需脂肪酸营养及其 对免疫反应之影响。

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