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09-03 投稿


canoed 发音

英:[k??nu?d]  美:[k??nu?d]

英:  美:

canoed 中文意思翻译



canoed 短语词组

1、canoed crossword ─── 独木舟十字

2、canoed past tense ─── 独木舟过去时

3、canoed definition ─── 独木舟定义

4、canoed joint ─── 独木舟接头

5、canoed meaning ─── 独木舟的意义

6、canoed cigar ─── 独木舟雪茄

canoed 词性/词形变化,canoed变形

名词: canoeist |动词过去式: canoed |动词过去分词: canoed |动词现在分词: canoeing |动词第三人称单数: canoes |

canoed 相似词语短语

1、cantoned ─── n.(瑞士等国的)行政区,州;(纹章)矛面右上角方形部位;v.把……划分成州(或行政区);为(军人)分配营房

2、canoes ─── n.独木舟(canoe的复数);划艇;v.乘独木舟(canoe的三单形式)

3、canned ─── adj.罐装的;录音的;v.装于罐头(can的过去分词)

4、cannoned ─── n.大炮;加农炮;榴弹炮;机关炮;vi.炮轰;开炮;vt.炮轰;n.(Cannon)人名;(英、葡)坎农

5、canopied ─── adj.遮有天篷的;有罩盖的;v.用天篷遮盖;遮蔽(canopy的过去分词)

6、canoer ─── 通道

7、caned ─── n.手杖;藤条;细长的茎;vt.以杖击;以藤编制;abbr.(CanE)加拿大英语(CanadianEnglish);n.(Cane)(英)凯恩,(西、意)卡内,(塞尔维亚)察内(人名)

8、canted ─── adj.有角的;倾斜的;v.倾斜(cant的过去式及过去分词)

9、canoe ─── n.独木舟;轻舟;vi.乘独木舟;vt.用独木舟运

canoed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They canoed down rivers, hiked along muddy trails, and climbed into the forest to explore and learn. ─── 他们乘坐独木舟顺流而下,沿著泥泞的小径,而且爬入森林去探索和学习。

2、Cano identified it as a bacterial spore related to the modern Bacillus sphaericus, which is used to kill mosquito larvae. ─── 卡诺确认它是一种细菌孢子,与现代的球形芽孢杆菌有亲缘关系,后者往往被用于杀死蚊子的幼虫。

3、canoed and portaged the goods ─── 用独木舟及陆路搬运货物

4、His parents would eventually follow him to the US, but for a few years Cano was on his own in a strange new country. ─── 双亲最终也跟随他来到美国,但在最终几年里,卡诺只能独自呆在这个陌生的新国家里。

5、Cano followed with a single before Gobble walked Melky Cabrera. That finally convinced Bell to lift him. ─── 他说,整场反攻起源于一支不起眼的一垒安打,然后厚黑全垒打打破僵局.让我们燃起反攻的热火.

6、Cano, 25, said he has spent the majority of his winter working out in the Dominican Republic. ─── 25岁的卡诺说,他在多明尼加花大部份的季后时间在锻?体能。

7、Cano has hardly been shabby since his May 3, 2005 arrival.His .313 average is the majors' 11th best (minimum 1,500 plate appearances) and so are his 109 doubles. ─── 小王本季目前的成绩为16胜6败,从2005年4月30日升上大联盟以来共累积了43胜17败。

8、Posada hit a solo homer in the second inning, Melky Cabrera stroked an RBI single in the fourth and Robinson Cano had a run-scoring groundout in the fifth. ─── 厚黑击出一支阳春泡,牛奶第四局打出了一支带有打点的一垒安打,坎诺则在第五局击出了一支带有打点的滚地球出局。

9、I was absolutely terrified with when I canoed up the Amazon. ─── 当我架小舟沿亚玛逊河逆流而上时,我真是害怕得很。

10、The munitions were canoed across the river ─── 那些军火已用轻舟运送过河了。

11、Grain used to be canoed up the river. ─── 过去粮食由小划子运送到河的上游。

12、but that was a lie: he got every blessed one of them out of that young flathead that we canoed up to the steamboat. ─── 不过这些都是谎话,这些全是他从那个年轻的笨蛋、也就是从搭我们的划子上大轮的人嘴巴里掏来的。

13、" Cano got his master's and went on to earn a PhD in microbiology at the University of Montana. ─── 卡诺在那里取得硕士学位,并在蒙大拿大学拿到了微生物学博士。

14、Grain used to be canoed up the river. ─── 过去粮食由小划子运送到河的上游。

15、I was absolutely terrified with when I canoed up the Amazon. ─── 当我架小舟沿亚玛逊河逆流而上时,我真是害怕得很。

16、His brief run with the Orientales Estrellas of the Dominican Winter League drew attention when the Yankees instructed Cano to leave the team last month. ─── 卡诺在多明尼加冬季联盟的出赛引起洋基球团的注意,并且在上个月指示卡诺停止继续出赛。

17、Robinson Cano drove in five runs. Big-game regulars Jeter and Jorge Posada combined to collect six hits and drive in five runs. ─── 卡诺一个人就打下了5分;重大比赛从不缺席的基特和波萨达,合计也贡献了6支安打和5分打点。

18、After they married, they fished for shark together, canoed on wild rivers. ─── 婚后,他们一起捕捞鲨鱼,一起在湍急的河水中独木泛舟。

19、Munitions were canoed across the river. ─── 军火用独木舟搬运过河。

20、He canoed the load across the bay. ─── 他用小划子把货物运过小海湾。

21、They canoed down rivers, hiked along muddy trails, and climbed into the forest to explore and learn. ─── 他们乘坐独木舟顺流而下,沿著泥泞的小径,而且爬入森林去探索和学习。

22、Second baseman Robinson Cano homered twice, while left fielder Hideki Matsui hit his 23rd of the season. ─── 二垒手小卡一共出现双响炮,左外野手酷斯拉敲出本季的第23发全垒打。

23、Niemand ka von mir verlangen, da ich nach Cano a gehe. Lieber verzichte ich auf alles. ─── 谁也别想让我含垢忍辱地去请罪,我宁可什么都放弃不要。

24、After an intentional walk to Bobby Abreu, Alex Rodriguez ripped an RBI double and Robinson Cano had a two-run single to make it 14-10. ─── 当提姆林让大门成为第二个出局数时,好戏来了,队长就耗了他八球,三球打出界外,最后击出清垒长打,比数终于领先,11-10。

25、>",la flor de cano cigars; ─── 你的很多小辫子呢?

26、"He told me the story of how Cano revived the yeast, how it resembled brewer's yeast. ─── “他告诉我卡诺怎样唤醒这些酵母的故事,以及它与酿酒者所用的酵母是如何相似。

27、For her “LA VIE EN ROSE” collection, MATILDE CANO proposes the materialisation of this image constructed on the mythicalEdith Piaf.Parisian glamour impregnates everything. ─── 她的“玫瑰人生系列”塑造了着神话中伊迪丝女神的形象,巴黎印象魅惑今季时尚。

28、News of the Yankees' reported withdrawal from discussions with the Twins regarding Santana should provide Cano's good friend, Melky Cabrera, with some relief. ─── 最近一些有关洋基退出争夺桑塔那的消息可能会使卡诺的好朋友卡布雷拉心情放松不少。

29、and canoed through the Boundary Waters wilderness area of Minnesota for Destinations. ─── 为《终点》杂志在明尼苏达划着小舟穿越美、加边界水域内的公共荒野保护区。

30、canoed and portaged the goods; portaging around the rapids ─── 用独木舟及陆路搬运货物;用陆路绕过激流搬运货物

31、The Temperature Regulation Technology for the Southern Cano pied Vegetables ─── 南方大棚蔬菜的温度调控技术

32、ground ball after another. Cano committed another error in the sixth, ─── 王建民运用伸卡球与滑球抢下不少好球数,并且频频让打者打出滚地球。

33、NEW YORK -- No matter which way the Johan Santana sweepstakes shake out, Robinson Cano seems ready to spot the silver lining. ─── 不管最后双城王牌桑塔那的交易传闻如何落幕,卡诺似乎准备以正面态度看待。

34、He had once canoed down the Nile. ─── 他曾划着独木舟顺尼罗河而下。

35、The Yankees' only big offense was from Cano, who homered twice. He and Hideki Matsui hit solo homers off Halladay in the seventh. ─── 洋基仅有卡奴有二安以上的火力,他敲出两发全垒打.卡奴和酷斯拉在七局从假日先生手中都敲出阳春全垒打.

36、In 1974, Cano went to work at Cal Poly, starting out as a fungus specialist. ─── 1974年,卡诺进入加州理工大学,成为一名菌类学家。

37、Cano, who batted .306 with 19 home runs and 97 RBIs in a career-high 160 games for the Yankees in 2007, said that he has interest in signing a deal to remain in New York for the foreseeable future. ─── 卡诺在2007年球季总共出赛160场(是他的职业生涯新高记录),缴出三成0六的打击率以及19支全垒打97分打点,卡诺说他希望可以和洋基签下复数年合约,将来继续在洋基打球。

38、You cano ot judge a tree by its bark. ─── 人不可貌相。

39、A 5-gallon glass jug containing hundreds of millions of Cano's yeast cells is sitting on the back porch of Hackett's brewpub in Guerneville, California, 70 miles north of San Francisco. ─── 在旧金山以北七十英里,加利福尼亚的盖尔纳维尔,有一间哈科特的酿酒实验室。实验室后廊中一个五加仑的大玻璃罐子中,装着数亿只卡诺的酵母细胞。

40、Luxurious, sophisticated and elegant, MATILDE CANO seeks a woman in her plenitude, who knows how to choose what highlightsher charms from infinite forms. ─── 华丽、成熟、优雅充分代表了一位MATILDE CANO 女人的特色,她知道怎样发挥自己最大的魅力。

41、Sabathia will look to utilize his slider as much as possible against Yankees lefties (Johnny Damon, Cano, Abreu, Giambi and Matsui) when ahead in the count and with runners on base. ─── 他将可望尽可能用滑球对付洋基的左打(戴门, Cano, 阿尤老伯, 阿吉,和松井)当他球数领先并有跑者在垒上的时候。

42、I was absolutely terrified when I canoed up the Amazon. ─── 当我划着独木舟沿亚玛逊河逆流而上时,我真是害怕得很。

43、Robinson Cano's two-out, bases-loaded single through the middle in the first inning opened the two-run lead. ─── 卡诺在一局满垒两人出局情况下,打出一垒安打,抢先为洋基取两分领先优势。

44、By day we canoed the waterways, spotting turtles, eagles and beavers before swimming in the dark brown waters off Slapfoot Beach. ─── 白天我们在河上划船,看见海龟,苍鹰和海狸,然后我们跳进斯莱普弗特海滩棕黄色的海水里去游泳。

45、"I would like to go long term, but they haven't said anything yet," Cano said. "I hope it happens. If not, I'll just keep playing." ─── 他说:"我很希望能有一份长约,但球队还没有任何回应.我希望愿望能成真,如果没有,我会继续努力表现."

46、Robinson Cano had three RBI, while Jason Giambi, Johnny Damon and Jorge Posada each drove in two runs. ─── 麻吉贡献三分打点,技安、大门、厚黒,都跑了二分回来。

47、Jorge Posada started the scoring spree with a two-run home run and Robinson Cano ended it with a three-run homer. ─── 面对联盟中数据发烂的投手阵容,洋基狂击皇家的放火达人牛棚,敲出7支安打、凹了3个保送,彷佛皇家就是我家。

48、As Hackett finishes preparing his latest batch, Cano arrives.He has driven up from San Luis Obispo to get a pony keg of pale ale for his own personal use. ─── 当哈科特酿完一批啤酒之后,卡诺就会从旧金山奥比斯珀驱车来到这里,带走一小桶白色麦芽酒留给自己享用。

49、We painted, canoed, and sang. ─── 我们一起画画、划船、唱歌。

50、U.S. military forces operate a security and counter-drug operation from the Soto Cano airbase outside the Honduran capital. ─── 他被指责犯有18项罪行,包括叛国和滥用权力。

51、Explanation: Night skies over Chilean mountain to tobservatories cano e dark and clear, with glorious cosmic vistas. ─── 说明: 智利高山天文台上空的夜空,通常是既暗又清澈,星野也格外壮丽。

52、Two children, aged nine and 14, found Chen Liu, who was also known as Anthony, as they canoed down Georges river in south Sydney last year. ─── 这两个孩子十一月一日黄昏划船经过红树林时发现一具裹在地毯里严重腐烂的尸体,就马上跑回家告述其父母。

53、Their baggage was canoed across the river. ─── 他们的行李用独木舟运过河去。

54、And it fell apart for Hernandez in the fourth, beginning with a four-pitch walk of Robinson Cano, just Cano's fourth walk in 17 games since he came back. ─── 在第四局赫南德兹全面失守,一开始面对卡诺连续四球坏球保送,这不过是卡诺自伤兵名单归队后17场比赛的第四个保送。(译:年轻人比较猴急。

55、UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize ─── 教科文组织/吉列尔莫·卡诺世界新闻自由

56、Robinson Cano fields a ball during spring training at Legends Field.The young second baseman's future appears bright, given what he already has accomplished in his short career. (Newsday/Audrey C. ─── Robinson Cano春训在洋基传奇球场,这位年轻的二垒手有光明的未来,在他目前短短的mlb生涯已达成(很好的成绩、复数年合约)。

57、.?;,la flor de cano cigars; ─── ?o` 蝴蝶再美终飞不过海 ?

58、Cano is delighted with the burgeoning success of Fossil Fuels ale. ─── 看到“化石酿造”麦芽酒迅速成长,卡诺倍感欣慰。

59、They canoed across the river. ─── 他们划著小舟过河。

60、"It's like I tell him -- don't pay attention to the rumors," Cano said of Cabrera."If you get traded, just keep playing. ─── "万一被交易的话也只能专心打球.牛奶说他想待在洋基,他不想离开;

61、Hideki Matsui slide off the books, Cano's bat will become even more critical for the Yankees. ─── “我希望每年都能做的比前一年多一点,即使只是比之前多一点打点。”

62、I was absolutely terrified when I canoed up the Amazon. ─── 当我划着独木舟沿亚玛逊河逆流而上时,我真是害怕得很。

63、Cano homered on Friday for his first run batted in since June 17.But he grounded out three times off Halladay, all with a runner in scoring position. ─── 在星期五时,卡诺才因为一支全垒打,获得自从六月17日以来的第一个打点,但他今天面对哈乐戴时滚地出局三次,每次都是有跑者在得点圈上。

64、It was dead, of course, but Cano theorized that microorganisms in the resin might simply be dormant. ─── 当然,这支蜜蜂已经死掉了。但卡诺认为,树脂中的微生物仅仅只是休眠了。

65、Yet Cano is slightly further along the experience ladder than Melky Cabrera, Shelley Duncan and Joba Chamberlain. ─── Cano是牛奶、邓肯及小张的借镜。

66、Cano made it 7-0 with a three-run shot that bounced off the right field foul pole. ─── 卡诺以一支击中右外野全垒打标竿反弹的三分炮带给洋基7比0的巨幅领先。

67、"I am the keeper of the family jewels," Cano says. ─── “”我是这个珍宝家族的看护者,卡诺说。

68、But for Fossil Fuels' brew, Cano prefers to create new colonies that are as close as possible to the original generation he reawakened from the chunk of amber. ─── 不过,为了保证“化石酿造”的品质,卡诺愿意创造新的群落,让它们尽可能接近从琥珀中唤醒的菌株。

69、Cano, a 63-year-old microbiologist at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, inspects the smelly little mounds lovingly. ─── 加州理工大学微生物学家,六十三岁的卡诺先生慈爱的检视着这几个气味难闻的小土堆。

70、In 1993, Cano worked with Poinar and others to remove DNA from a 125 million-year-old Lebanese weevil entombed in amber. ─── 1993年,卡诺曾与坡因纳尔以及其他人一道,试图从琥珀中一只一亿两千五百万年前的象鼻虫体内提取DNA标本。

71、"For us, every win is important right now in the second half," Cano said. "[If] we want to make it to the playoffs, we need to win some games." ─── 这场胜利是洋基对正处于最后一名的皇家在五场比赛中的第四胜也帮助纽约以十六胜七败取得自明星赛后大联盟最佳成绩。

72、In the fifth, Melky Cabrera and Robinson Cano reached on one-out singles, but Lee struck out Morgan Ensberg swinging and got Jose Molina to fly out, ending the threat. ─── 到了第5局,牛奶和麻吉在一出局后相继上垒,但小李接著三振代班三垒手安斯柏格、让捕手老莫击出飞球接杀,解除了这场危机。

73、That was flat water canoeing, but his parents never canoed before, and 10 minutes after launching they flipped into the water, complete panic. ─── 于是我们决定去划船,他父母从来没有划过窄体的船,所以下水才十分钟就翻了,不知所措。

74、But Cano didn't get this from Whole Foods. ─── 而且卡诺并不是在食物中得到它们的。

75、Always feminine, MATILDE CANO proposes fitted dresses, in rich materials with slight plays on transparencies and the magnificent final touch found in the accessories with a “vintage” air. ─── MATILDE CANO 主张设计适合的时装,充满女人味是他们的目标。所有成衣都采用珍贵面料,还配以古老的配饰,形式丰富,与众不同。

76、"It's a time capsule," Cano says. ─── “它是个时间胶囊”,卡诺说。

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