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09-03 投稿



thrashed 发音

英:[θr??t]  美:[θr??t]

英:  美:

thrashed 中文意思翻译



thrashed 词性/词形变化,thrashed变形

动词过去分词: thrashed |动词过去式: thrashed |名词: thrasher |动词第三人称单数: thrashes |动词现在分词: thrashing |

thrashed 相似词语短语

1、threshed ─── vt.推敲;打谷;反复做;vi.打;打谷;颠簸;n.打谷

2、thranged ─── thranged

3、crashed ─── adj.失事的;v.碰撞,坠落,破产,垮台(crash的过去式);崩溃

4、thrasher ─── n.打谷机;脱粒机;鸫鸟之类;长尾鲨鱼;n.(Thrasher)人名;(英)思拉舍

5、hashed ─── v.将(肉或其他食物)做成酱;切碎(肉或蔬菜)(hash的过去式及过去分词)

6、thralled ─── n.奴隶;束缚;adj.受奴役的;vt.使成为奴隶;n.(Thrall)人名;(英)思罗尔

7、thrashes ─── vt.打;使逆行;vi.打谷;白忙;猛烈摆动;n.打谷;逆风浪行进;踢水动作;n.(Thrash)人名;(英)思拉什

8、trashed ─── adj.烂醉的;完全毁坏的;精疲力尽的;(服用毒品而)亢奋的;v.捣毁;抨击;丢弃;剥(甘蔗)皮使其更快成熟(trash的过去式和过去分词)

9、thrashers ─── n.打谷机;脱粒机;鸫鸟之类;长尾鲨鱼;n.(Thrasher)人名;(英)思拉舍

thrashed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You're a coward and a pup. I'll tell my big brother on you, and he can thrash you with his little finger, and I'll make him do it, too. ─── 你是个胆小鬼,是个狗崽子。我要向我大哥哥告你的状,他只要动动小指头就能把你捏碎,我会让他揍你的。

2、He knows the Premiership side will start overwhelming favourites to beat a team they thrashed at Parkhead in pre-season but he is expecting an intense evening. ─── 他认为曼联会压倒性的打败这支他们季前在Parkhead痛击的球队,但他正期待一个剧烈的傍晚。

3、The Kings were thrashed by the Knicks last night. ─── 国王队昨晚被尼克斯队轻松击败。

4、Major issues of principles must be thoroughly thrashed out. ─── 大是大非问题要彻底弄清楚。

5、You'll have to thrash out the question among yourselves. ─── 你们自己之间必须研讨解决这个问题。

6、Scotland thrashed England 5–1. ─── 苏格兰队以5:1大胜英格兰队。

7、Never mind the side issues, let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement. ─── 别管枝节问题, 让我们讨论问题的实质, 以求得基本一致。

8、The host of the market thrashed the little boy for stealing apples. ─── 商店主人因为小男孩偷苹果而鞭打他。

9、UEFA and FIFA officials meeting in Brussels today are trying desperately to thrash out a new system of contracts to suit both clubs and players. ─── 在布鲁塞斯会议上,欧足联和国际足联官员们今天正努力研究一种新的合同制度以使俱乐部和球员双方都满意。

10、Meanwhile, with the pressures on them suspended, Hamas and Fatah would have a year to thrash out a deal on a joint government. ─── 同时,由于加在哈马斯和法塔赫身上的压力有所缓解,他们可以用一年时间来研究达成一项联合政府协议。

11、Cuba thrashed Tunisia in just 47 minutes! ─── 古巴淘汰出局突尼斯在短短的47分钟!

12、Guns were fired, destroyers thrashed the waters, and the whole gigantic armada put to sea in haste and dudgeon. ─── 于是群炮齐放,驱逐舰搜索海面,整个庞大舰队慌忙而又愤怒地驶出海外。

13、The wounded soldier thrashed about with pain. ─── 伤兵痛得直翻腾。

14、Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand. ─── 农民过去用手打麦脱粒。

15、He catched me a couple of times and thrashed me, but I went to school just the same, and dodged him or outrun him most of the time. ─── 他也来找过我,是为了我没有停止上学的事。他把我促住了几回,还揍了我。不过我还是我上我的学。

16、he said that an officer had thrashed him for it. ─── 他说,为了这一点有个军官揍了他一顿。

17、She thrashed her head from side to side. ─── 她把头摇得像拨浪鼓似的。

18、Thrash, who had intended high black tie to convey that women should wear high-glamour gowns, rather than little black dresses with a strand of pearls. ─── 她曾经想用“高尚的正式礼服”传递一个意图:女士应穿着高雅的晚礼服,而不是黑色连衣裙配珍珠项链。

19、His side thrashed Paraguayans Olimpia Asuncion 3-0 in 1990, but crumbled on three successive trips to Japan. ─── 1990年,他的球队3-0击败巴拉圭奥林匹克队获得冠军,但接下来的三次日本之行却均以惨淡收场.

20、He thrashed the boy soundly . ─── 他把那个男孩痛打了一顿。

21、Astonishingly, his team lost the final 2-3 to West Germany, after having thrashed them in an earlier group game 8-3. ─── 令人震惊的是,他的球队在决赛中2比3败给了他们曾在此前的小组赛中以8比3狂胜的西德队。

22、They found, for example, that a patient lying on a table about eight feet from a Qigong master moved rhythmically or thrashed about as the master moved his hands. ─── 例如,科学家发现,当一个气功师有节奏地移动他的手的时候,距他有8英尺远的躺在检查床的一位病人会随着气功师的手的移动而同一节奏地扭动身体。

23、He thrashed about in bed with a high fever. ─── 他因为高烧,在床上辗转反侧。

24、Chelsea's Premiership title rivals Manchester United thrashed Roma 7-1 on Tuesday, but Lampard was unfazed by the emphatic scoreline. ─── 切尔西的英超争标对手曼联刚在周二以7-1彻底击溃了罗马,不过兰帕德对这个引人注目的比分却并不惊讶。

25、He became angry and began to thrash a servant. ─── 他很生气,就开始鞭打一个仆人。

26、They thrash him until he could not stand. ─── 他们直到把他打得站不起来才住手。

27、The Goblins whined and the Orcs thrashed them forwards, but the way was unclear. ─── 兽人们用脚踹着哭哭啼啼的地精前进,但道路不辨,地标消失,一切都被这旋转的白色迷宫所吞没。

28、Having thrashed Sporting 12-1 on aggregate to progress into the quarter-finals many teams will want to avoid Bayern. The Bavarians though are keen to avoid Liverpool. ─── 在拜仁12-1狂屠里斯本竞技晋级四分之一决赛后,很多球队都表示不想对阵拜仁。而拜仁最不想碰上的是利物浦。

29、Lawmakers in California approved the budget deal thrashed out between Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor, and legislative leaders. ─── 加利福尼亚州立法者通过了州长阿诺.施瓦辛格与立法领导人共同出台的预算法案。

30、An ideal puppy will struggle briefly then relax.A dominant puppy will thrash around to get off his back and may vocalize or bite. ─── 一只理想中的幼犬会挣扎片刻之后放松下来,而控制欲很强的狗将激烈的挣扎想翻身起来或是嚎叫甚至咬你一口。

31、The two clubs will play a friendly on Saturday and Juve officials will take advantage to thrash out a deal for the Portugal international. ─── 两家俱乐部将在本周六踢一场友谊赛。尤文管理层将趁机向葡萄牙国脚发起猛烈攻势。

32、Wilbur kicked and thrashed and grunted. ─── 动物们离开他们的住所涌进了谷仓。

33、In a not so secret meeting, personal terms have been thrashed out between the player and Chelsea. ─── 在一个不是很保密的会议中,关于球员与球队间个人的一些条款已经被敲定。

34、Sword arm thrash falls to the shoulder, begin rightward to turn head and increase expiratory amount. ─── 右臂划水至肩下,开始向右侧转头和增大呼气量。

35、They still however have to face Scotland at the Parc des Princes tomorrow and I for one hope they get thrashed but come through otherwise unscathed after facing my home country. ─── 他们依然需要在明天在ParcdesPrinces对阵苏格兰,我希望他们能够在对阵我的国家队时翻船,不过没有人遭遇到伤病。

36、An unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane. ─── 一个任性的孩子吃了一顿桦树棍

37、With periodic cent is water, hold water, thrash in the arms, the arm moves in giving water and air not cannot intersected phase. ─── 以一个周期分为入水、抱水、划水、出水和空中移臂不个不可分割的阶段。

38、They will now meet union leaders to thrash out the details. ─── 他们现在会和工会领导见面以讨论细节。

39、Liverpool will play Reading in the fifth round of the FA Youth Cup sponsored by E.ON after the young Royals thrashed Coventry 5-1 in their fourth round tie last night. ─── 利物浦将在青年足总杯的第五轮比赛中迎来"雷丁的挑战,年轻的"皇室成员"昨晚在第四轮的比赛中以5:1淘汰了考文垂队.

40、John and Claude thrashed him royally, and I had not heard from him for some time. ─── 约翰和克劳德狠狠地揍了他一顿,我好长时间没有听到他的事了。

41、To thrash the man by yourself is to go beyond the law, even though he may deserve it. ─── 你自己打那个人是违法的,尽管他当受此罚。

42、"I can't thrash Aunt March, so I suppose I shall have to bear it." And Jo resigned herself with a sigh. ─── “我不可能揍玛基姑妈,那么看来我只好忍受下去了。”裘叹了口气,只好作罢。

43、They thrashed out their problems for hours. ─── 他们已花了好几个小时彻底讨论他们的问题。

44、Final details of the plans will be thrashed out in the run up to a summit of G20 leaders in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, later this month. ─── 本月晚些时候将在美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡召开G20峰会,届时将对相关计划的最后细节进行磋商并最终确定。

45、He thrashed the boy with a stick. ─── 他用棍子打那男孩。

46、In the meantime, make move after humeral ministry, with the thrash line with significant lengthen. ─── 同时,使肩部后移,以加长有效的划水路线。

47、Since then, Jesualdo Ferreira's side have thrashed Hamburg twice and won in Moscow. ─── 但从那以后,波尔图接连战胜了汉堡和中央陆军。

48、Messrs Dodd and Frank took the unusual step of reopening the conference that had thrashed out the bill, and stripped out the bank levy. ─── 多德和弗兰克先生采取非常步骤重开抛出法案的会议,并且删除了银行税条款。

49、If he refused to speak out the truth, thrash it out. ─── 他若拒绝讲出实情,就打字实情。

50、We thrashed them at football . ─── 在足球较量中,我们把他们打得一败涂地。

51、The family told him the natant method such as thrash, take a breath, after he listens, feel too simple, run to Jiang Bian to jump jump down water. ─── 人家把划水、换气等游泳的方法告诉了他,他听后觉得太简单了,跑到江边便纵身跳下水去。

52、He threatened to thrash the life out of me. ─── 他恐吓说要打死我。

53、but i was in angry, so i insisted on driving him in the midnight. i told him many comfortless words , thrashed him terrificly, and so on. ─── 但是我正在愤怒中,我坚持要他离开,我和他说了很多难听的话,使劲打他。

54、China would squash Tiwan. The US and China would then likely thrash each other in a Navel/ Air war. ─── 中国会打击台湾。然后美国和中国会或许彼此进行海空战。

55、The gale made the branches of the trees thrash against the windows. ─── 大风吹得树枝猛击窗户。

56、She turned a knob, and a nearby generator hummed louder. Tesla thrashed a bit. “I-I hear and will comply. ─── 她拧动旋钮,边上的机器嗡声大作。泰斯拉扭动一番,说:“我,我明白,我服从。”

57、He upped with his whip and thrashed Tom. ─── 他拿起鞭子抽了汤姆一顿。

58、Coming off a positive first weekend of Serie A, during which his team thrashed lowly Cagliari 4-1, Lotito is confident of his teams ability to surprise people this season. ─── 在意甲的第一个周末球队表现出色,以4-1的比分痛击了缺乏进取心的卡利亚里,洛蒂托坚信他的球队本赛季会让所有人大跌眼镜。

59、They thrashed the matter without reaching a conclusion. ─── 他们对这件事进行了反复研讨还没得出结论。

60、Davos next week and the G7 meeting thereafter will be good venues to thrash all this out. ─── 下周的达沃斯论坛及之后的G7会议将是商讨这些问题的好场所。

61、Never mind the side-issues; let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement. ─── 别管枝节问题,让我们讨论问题的实质,以求得基本的一致。

62、You can never thrash out any problem with him, for he follows no logic and only talks drivel. ─── 和他是永远谈不清任何一个问题的,他没有逻辑,只会胡扯。

63、Let us thrash the whole subject out . ─── 咱们把这个题目全面地讨论一下。

64、You must learn how to thrash before you can start swimming. ─── 在开始游泳之前,你得先学会怎样用脚打水。

65、As he swam, he thrashed water with his hands. ─── 他游水时,用手臂划水。

66、If he refused to speak out the truth,thrash it out. ─── 他若拒绝讲出实情,就棍棒伺候。

67、They thrash and roll on the surface of the sea and scream piteously as they look up to see arrogant men gloating over their suffering. ─── 牠们在海面上拍打翻滚凄惨地喊叫,看著船上傲慢的人们,正因著牠们的磨难在忘情欢呼。

68、They thrash matters out like that, which is a sight more pleasant in my opinion than the atmosphere of an official discussion. ─── 他们那样讨论问题,我认为比正式讨论的气氛令人愉快得多。

69、He was thrashed within an inch of his life. ─── 他被打得半死。

70、Chelsea were thrashed 6-1 by Leeds. ─── 切尔西队被利兹队以6比1打得一败涂地。

71、The home team thrashed the visiting team. ─── 地主队打败了客队。

72、German football, like the economy, began to decline, which became obvious when the team was thrashed by England in 2001. ─── 于是,德国的足球水平跟它的经济一样开始走下坡路,到2001年国家队惨败英格兰队后表现尤为明显。

73、In one of these he beat world champion Ray Reardon, while in the English amateur champion-ship final he thrashed future world champion, John Spencer, 11-3. ─── 在他的一次世锦赛中打败RayReardon,当时这名英国业余选手以11比3的比分战胜约翰斯宾塞,最终获得了世界冠军。

74、As he swam, he thrashed the water with his hand. ─── 他游泳时用手拍打水。

75、The swordfish, when wounded, jump out of the water and thrash about. ─── 剑鱼受伤后,会跳出水面,身子不断摆动。

76、Then, we ask a group of hooligans to go into the rooms and thrash the rooms. ─── 之后,我们请一群小流氓冲进房间,在房间里乱敲乱打。

77、He managed to grasp the handrail. But he couldn't get a footing, and his legs thrashed. ─── 他设法抓住了扶手,可是他没能踩到踏板上,双腿悬着。

78、He richly deserves to be thrashed. ─── 他的确该挨打。

79、"Because of the manner in which they demolished Madrid and then thrashed United they are clearly the side everyone will want to avoid. ─── 因为他们摧毁了皇马后紧接着击溃了曼联,很明显他们现在谁每个球队都想要逃避的对手。

80、They thrashed the matter over before reaching a conclusion. ─── 他们对这件事反复研究之后才得出结论。

81、The Big Three thrashed over practically all outstanding military and political problems during the next four days. ─── 在此后的四天中,三巨头实际上反复研究了所有重大的军事和政治问题。

82、The only other alternative was our country remedy.She had to lie down on the bed arid have someone thrash her with the door bar. ─── 只有用我们乡下土法,躺在床上,叫人拿了门闩,周身捶着。

83、But is now used as a metaphor for getting completely thrashed by one's opponent. ─── 后来通常用来比喻被打得大败。

84、He thrashed his son soundly. ─── 他痛打了儿子一顿。

85、Sooner or later your sleepy countrymen will come in and thrash the Japanese. ─── 你那些在打瞌睡的同胞迟早会参战并战胜日本人的。

86、Unable to sleep, the patient thrashed about in bed. ─── 因不能入睡,那个病人在床上辗转反侧。

87、"It was a style of play that started when they thrashed Real Madrid 4-0 in the Champions League and continued from there," he said. ─── "他们依旧会保持冠军杯4比0大胜皇马的节奏,然后再度在联赛上演。”

88、He got his comeuppance when the bully thrashed him. ─── 他被混混修理是罪有应得。

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