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09-03 投稿


eventualities 发音

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eventualities 中文意思翻译



eventualities 词性/词形变化,eventualities变形

名词复数: eventualities |

eventualities 短语词组

1、eventualities inc ─── 可能性公司

2、eventualities means ─── 可能性意味着

3、eventualities louisville ─── 路易斯维尔事件

4、eventualities define ─── 偶然性定义了 ─── 偶然性

5、eventualities meaning ─── 可能性意义

6、eventualities louisville ky ─── 可能性路易斯维尔肯塔基州

eventualities 相似词语短语

1、essentialities ─── n.重要性;本质;真髓;根本性

2、eventualises ─── 可能性

3、eventualising ─── 可能性

4、eventualize ─── 终于引起

5、eventualizes ─── 可能性

6、eventuality ─── n.可能性;可能发生的事;不测的事

7、eventualise ─── 可能性;

8、centralities ─── n.中心;中央;向心性

9、eventualised ─── 事件

eventualities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、prepare oneself for both eventualities ─── 作两手准备

2、A recent study by economists at UBS, a Swiss bank, suggested that the costs in each of these eventualities would be forbiddingly high. ─── 最近一项由瑞士银行UBS的经济学家们所进行的研究表明,任何一种可能性的代价都高得令人生畏。

3、Think it over well beforehand so as to be prepared for all eventualities. ─── 事前要慎重考虑,免得发生问题时没抓挠。

4、To establish a dialogue mechanism in response to economic and financial eventualities ─── 建立应对经济和金融突发事件的紧急对话机制

5、This means working out in advance all the things that could go wrong and making sure you have all those eventualities covered. ─── 这意味着在出问题之前作出预案,确保已经考虑到所有可能性。

6、Maneuvers shown here were intensively trained before, including possible eventualities like crosswind, windshear, and various failures that could happen. ─── 社会主义中国创办经济特区震惊了世界,作为改革开放的突破口和试验田,经济特区在中国的改革开放史上书写了浓墨重彩的一笔。

7、For the safety of the aircraft and the people on board, the captain has the right to make special arrangements in related to the aircraft in special cases eventualities. ─── 飞行中,遇到特殊情况时,为保证民用航空器及其所载人员的安全,机长有权对民用航空器作出处置。

8、it's determined that no one can accuse it of failing to prepare for such eventualities , but it's also wary of instilling a sense of panic. ─── 政府决心不让人们批评它没有采取足够的防备措施来预防象天花病爆发这样的意外事件,但政府也必须小心谨慎不让人们感觉到恐慌。

9、But the coach said he was prepared for all eventualities : "We've tried a few variations this week," he said. ─── 尽管如此,希帅已经做好了充分的准备:“我们已经考虑了许多的情况,而且在这周我们已经尝试了一些新的阵容与打法。”

10、Another method of obtaining variable budgeting is to establish alternative budgets for alternative eventualities . ─── 另一个编制变动预算的方法是制定一个取代可变事件的取代预算。

11、With its new design concept, KHS is prepared for all eventualities when it comes to the pouch infeed. ─── 其新的设计概念,KHS准备一切可能发生说到邮袋料。

12、10.We must mobilize the masses to prepare against all possible eventualities. ─── 我们要发动群众作好准备,以应付各种可能发生的情况。

13、Whoever ultimately comes will, in all eventualities, pair with Lass Diarra. This paring can be effective in a 4-2-3-1 formation, though it is still unlikely in the face of Pellegrini's favorite 4-4-2. ─── 不论最终谁将到来,不出意外,都将与拉萨纳迪亚纳搭档配合。这样的搭配可以出现在4231中,尽管不太可能出现在佩帅的442中。

14、Be Well Prepared for Any Eventualities ─── 要有强烈的忧患意识

15、So long as this act of bondage is not destroyed, therefore, it becomes certain that beings will in future encounter those eventualities. ─── 因此,这种束缚行为并没有被摧毁,反而是在未来,会很确定地面对这些可能性。

16、Generally, you are also covered for any number of eventualities , including theft, vandalism and accidental damage. ─── 一般情况下,您亦包括为任何数目的不测事件,包括盗窃,破坏和意外受损。

17、In fact, I am very well prepared for eventualities in myself. ─── 事实上,我很为自己的不测的事做了准备。

18、I also want to tell Madam that when the Chinese government made this policy decision, it took all eventualities into account. ─── 我还要告诉夫人,中国政府在做出这个决策的时候,各种可能都估计到了。

19、prepare against all eventualities ─── 以备万一

20、it's determined that no one can accuse it of failing to prepare for such eventualities, but it's also wary of instilling a sense of panic. ─── 政府决心不让人们批评它没有采取足够的防备措施来预防象天花病爆发这样的意外事件,但政府也必须小心谨慎不让人们感觉到恐慌。

21、On the other hand one must be thoroughly prepared for all eventualities. ─── 另一方面,一个人对一切不测应有完全的准备。

22、awareness of unexpected development; being prepared for unexpected development; being prepared for any eventualities ─── 忧患意识

23、Beware also of nouns of very general meaning, like circumstances, cases, instances, aspects, factors, relationships, attitudes, eventualities, etc. ─── 同时也要注意具有一般意义的名词,像情况、事例、实例、方面、因素、关系、态度、评价等等。

24、Those eventualities were still ahead, she supposed. ─── 必然还在前头,她想。

25、The Indian military is already preparing for these eventualities. ─── 印度军方已经为面对这样的不测作准备。

26、be ready for any eventualities ─── 以防万一

27、49. Another method of obtaining variable budgeting is to establish alternative budgets for alternative eventualities. ─── 另一个编制变动预算的方法是制定一个取代可变事件的取代预算。

28、prepare for all eventualities (or contingencies) ─── 准备对付一切突然事变

29、Risk is a concept that denotes the precise probability of specific eventualities. ─── 风险是一种概念,指出这个正确的、有力的特别不可能发生的事。

30、This eclipse will fall next to Father Neptune who will try to enter your house.You may need extra homeowners / renters insurance to cover all eventualities. ─── 这月蚀会落入作为父亲的海王星,会尝试进入你的宫位,你可能要另外多加在家庭上的保险,去补救所有可能发生的事。

31、He is dressed as usual for all eventualities: dark grey suit, white shirt, red tie. ─── 他穿着平常适合各种场合:深灰色西装,白衬衫,红领带。

32、2.And weighing the risk of such eventualities against the rewards of hard cash, on the table, right now, makes it clearly daft to raise too much of a stink. ─── 但是权衡利弊,比较可能出现的风险与现在得到摆在桌面的现金,那么过多想象坏的方面肯定是不太明智的。

33、Generally, you are also covered for any number of eventualities, including theft, vandalism and accidental damage. ─── 一般情况下,您亦包括为任何数目的不测事件,包括盗窃,破坏和意外受损。

34、he taking care of all eventualities? ─── 他是否已经考虑到所有的可能性了?

35、We take pride in ensuring that we are better prepared for all eventualities. ─── 我们可以很自豪地说,我们会为一切可能性的发生作好准备。

36、These tools are not designed for these eventualities, experience, will know how much this design would have relaxed regulations and facilities. ─── 这些手段不单是出于以防万一而设计的,体验后就会知道这种设计会给洗浴带来多大的轻松和便利。

37、Note that an alarm relay in the controller is not sufficient protection for all eventualities. ─── 注意;控制器内的报警继电器不是在任何情况下都能提供有效保护。

38、We should be prepared for all eventualities. ─── 对一切突发事件要做好应急准备。

39、The important thing was to consider all eventualities. ─── 重要的是要考虑到各种各样的后果。

40、With its new design concept, KHS is prepared for all eventualities when it comes to the pouch infeed. ─── 其新的设计概念, KHS准备一切可能发生说到邮袋料。

41、emergency pollution eventualities ─── 突发环境污染事件

42、This approach will also allow utmost flexibility in re-allocating surround loudspeakers for all eventualities in future A-chain technology. ─── 一般来说,我们建议只是将一对单独的扬声器被并行联结到一台单独的功放上 。

43、Whoever ultimately comes will, in all eventualities, pair with Lass Diarra. ─── 不论最终谁将到来,不出意外,都将与拉萨纳迪亚纳搭档配合。

44、To cater for all eventualities, preferably notarized Department requested notarized. ─── 为防万一,最好请公证处公证。

45、be ready for all eventualities; be prepared for the worst ─── 防备万一

46、Obviously, we need to design this VERY carefully to cover all eventualities, but we reckon we can work something out. ─── 显然,我们有必要设计出这很小心,以涵盖所有可能发生的,但我们认为我们可以努力的东西。

47、The Study on the Mechanism and Capability of Managing Eventualities in China ─── 养老保险我国应对突发事件的机制和能力研究

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