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09-03 投稿



epidemiologist 发音

英:[?ep??di?mi?ɑ?l?d??st]  美:[?ep??di?mi??l?d??st]

英:  美:

epidemiologist 中文意思翻译



epidemiologist 反义词

endemic |ecdemic

epidemiologist 词性/词形变化,epidemiologist变形

形容词: epidemiologic |名词: epidemiologist |副词: epidemiologically |

epidemiologist 短语词组

1、epidemiologist cv ─── 流行病学家简历

2、epidemiologist definition ─── 流行病学家定义

3、epidemiologist i ─── 流行病学家i

4、epidemiologist admits wrong ─── 流行病学家承认错了

5、epidemiologist salaries ─── 流行病学家薪水

6、epidemiologist 1 ─── 流行病学家1

epidemiologist 同义词

rife | endemic | catching | spate | plague | contagious | rash |widespread | contagion | infectious | craze | prevalent | scourge | pestilence | wide-ranging | sweeping | wave | rampant | outbreak

epidemiologist 相似词语短语

1、kinesiologist ─── 人体运动学家

2、epidemiologists ─── n.流行病学家(epidemiologist的复数)

3、epidemiological ─── adj.流行病学的

4、semiologist ─── n.记号学家

5、epidemiology ─── n.流行病学;传染病学

6、ideologist ─── n.思想家;理论家

7、epidemiologic ─── adj.流行病学的;传染病学的

8、epistemologist ─── n.知识学家

9、ecclesiologist ─── n.教会学家;教堂建筑及装饰学家(ecclesiology的变形)

epidemiologist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"We've made quite a bit of progress," CDC epidemiologist Dr.Celeste Philip, lead author of a CDC report on breast-feeding, said in a telephone interview. ─── 据疾病控制及预防中心介绍,在2004年生育的美国妈妈中,有74%的人母乳喂养孩子,自上世纪90年代早期开始,这一比例就在不断上升。

2、Ruth Lynfield, the state epidemiologist, toured the plant. ─── 流行病学家也造访了该厂。

3、Keywords HIV 1 Genetic subtype;heteroduplex mobility assay(HMA);molecular epidemiolog ─── 人类免疫缺陷病毒1型;基因亚型;异源双链泳动分析法;分子流行病学;

4、"This is going to be al landmark study," said Harold Kohl, an epidemiologist who helped perform some of the best-known studies demonstrating the benefits of exercise. ─── 曾就锻炼的益处作过一些重要研究的流行病学家哈罗德 - 科尔说:“这是一项划时代的研究。

5、Attitudes about weight also are believed to be a factor, said Dr. Liping Pan, a CDC epidemiologist. ─── 对体重的态度也被认为是其中的一个因素,DC的流行病学家潘力平博士表示。

6、Morten Gronbaek, epidemiologist with Denmark's National Institute of Public Health, "can you trade it for one to two drinks per day and be fine? ─── 根据充分记载每周喝些酒(这里的“一些”是指“少量”:女性每天一杯、男性两杯)对心脏有潜在好处。

7、"THERE SEEMS to be something in the air that can harm developing fetuses," Beate Ritz, an epidemiologist who headed the study, said in a statement. ─── 领导这项研究的流行病学家Beate ritz在一次声明中说:"空气中似乎有某种东西会伤害正在发育的胎儿。"

8、"Older women need to be doing more physical activity. Housework probably does cut the mustard," said Dr. Shah Ebrahim,an epidemiologist and expert on aging at the University of Bristol,in southwestern England. ─── 英格兰西南部的布里斯托尔大学的流行病学家沙阿·易卜拉欣博士说:“老年妇女需要进行更多的体育锻炼,做家务也许真的可以起到一定作用。”

9、Careful and frequent review by the epidemiologist ─── 流行病学家的经常而认真的回顾

10、"While we believe we are seeing a downward curve in the number of people who have become ill, we still have many challenges with some patients who remain hospitalized," said State Epidemiologist Dr. ─── 虽然患病人数的曲线有下降趋势,但是,那些仍住院的患者是一个挑战。

11、S.," the CDC said in a summary of the findings by epidemiologist Dr.Ken Dominguez and other researchers. ─── 美国疾病控制中心在一次发现总报告上通过流行病学家肯道明格博士和其他的研究者说。

12、Pablo Kuri, a Mexican epidemiologist, said three of the dead were children: a 9-year-old girl, a 12-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy. ─── 一位墨西哥流行病学专家巴勃罗库里说,死亡案例中有三名是儿童:一个9岁的女孩,一个12岁的女孩和一名13岁的男孩。

13、Catherine Loria, one of the study's co-authors and a nutritional epidemiologist with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, which funded the study, was encouraged by the findings. ─── 卡瑟林罗丽亚,该论文的合著者之一,也是一位资助了该项研究的国立心肺血学院的营养流行病学家,她对该项发现感到鼓舞。

14、Sure we are," Joseph Bresee, the CDC's chief flu epidemiologist, said late last week. ─── 我们当然能做到。”

15、An epidemiologist trying to assess exposures across the entire workforce would take random samples from each work group and document changes from shift to shift or day to day. ─── 流行病学家在评估整个工厂内的暴露浓度时,会在每一个工作群中随机采样,并记录不同班别或不同工作日之间的变化;

16、"It is not just walking around the block. It is really working up a sweat," said Tim Spector, a genetic epidemiologist who led the study, in a telephone interview. ─── 该研究负责人、遗传流行病学家蒂姆?斯派科特在接受电话采访时说:“这里所说的锻炼并不只是简单的散散步,而是要运动到出汗。”

17、In early November, Dr.Aaron DeVries, a health department epidemiologist, visited the plant and combed through medical records. ─── 11月初,卫生部门的流行病学家AaronDeVries博士造访了该厂并梳理了相关医疗记录。

18、“It's something no one would have anticipated or thought about,” said Dr.Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist who is working as a consultant for Hormel and Quality Pork. ─── 作为“Hormel”和“QualityPork”的顾问,流行病学家,MichaelOsterholm博士说,“这个点子大家都没有设想过。”

19、Keywords The Bovine Viral Diarrhea/Mucosal Disease;The study of epidemiologist;the identify of pathogen;The produce of HCV viccine;The immunio-responsion; ─── 关键词猪瘟兔化弱毒苗;预防牛病毒性腹泻/粘膜病;流行病学与病原学研究;免疫应答与免疫保护;免疫程序与综防措施;

20、He's now a medical epidemiologist with CDC. ─── 他现在是疾病控制中心的一名流行病学专家。

21、I'm an economist, not an epidemiologist. ─── 我是一位经济学家,不是流行病学家。)

22、Sacker, a world famous clinical epidemiologist and pioneer of evidence-based medicine, to which he makes great contributions to its appearance and development. ─── 萨克特是国际著名的临床流行病学家和循证医学先驱者,他为临床流行病学和循证医学的发生、展作出了重要贡献。

23、One epidemiologist agreed. ─── 流行病专家深以为然。

24、hospital epidemiologist ─── 医院流行病学家, 医院流行病医师

25、William Keene is a senior epidemiologist for the U. S. state of Oregon's public health department, recognized as one of the nation's best. ─── 威廉·肯是美国俄勒冈州立健康部门的一名资深流行病研究者,是位公认的全国最好的专家之一。

26、Michael Thun, chief epidemiologist of the American Cancer Society who had no role in the research. ─── 麦克图恩医生说。他是美国癌症协会的首席流行病学家,并未参与这次调查研究。

27、“Adherence is a huge issue,” said Dr.Nancy Padian, an epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, who specializes in reproductive health and H.I. ─── “能够坚持是关键问题,”旧金山加利福尼亚大学一位流行病学博士NancyPadian博士说,他擅长于生殖健康和艾滋病病毒防治。

28、UNICEF is providing technical expertise and material in the area of water and sanitation; WHO has deployed an epidemiologist. ─── 联合国儿童基金会正在水和环境卫生领域提供技术指导和用品,世卫组织正派遣一名流行病学家。

29、"We've made quite a bit of progress," CDC epidemiologist Dr. Celeste Philip, lead author of a CDC report on breast-feeding, said in a telephone interview. ─── 疾病控制及预防中心母乳喂养报告的主要撰写者、流行病学家西莱斯特·菲利普博士在接受电话采访时说:“我们在这方面进步很大。”

30、The 2002/2005 comparison is “a very powerful finding,” remarks molecular epidemiologist John D. ─── 美国约翰霍普金斯大学的分子流行病学家古柏曼(JohnD.

31、WHO has reinforced its presence in the country with the deployment of a senior epidemiologist, a logistician and a security office. ─── 世卫组织加强了在该国的力量,紧急部署了一名资深流行病学家、一名后勤专家和一个安全办公室。

32、S.," says Tim Byers, an epidemiologist at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, who was not connected with the research. ─── 没有发现使用手机和脑癌之间的有联系,也没有发现手机的使用量和脑癌之间的关系。

33、In late 2006, an epidemiologist said, “It will be increasingly hard to sustain treatment programs unless we can turn off the tap of new HIV infections. ─── 2006末,一位流行病学家称“如果我们不能够控制住HIV不产生新的感染,治疗方案的维持将会更加困难。”

34、Some may also find the latest outbreak unsettling because it involved a prepackaged food like peanut butter, said Dr.Akiko Kimura, an epidemiologist with the California Department of Public Health. ─── 一名流行病学家明子木村博士在加利福尼亚州公共卫生部说:"有人可能也因最新爆发的事情感到不安,因为它涉及到预先包装食物,像花生酱.

35、Alpa Patel, an American Cancer Society epidemiologist who looked at the data, says the numbers "seem like very reasonable estimates. " ─── 美国癌症流行病学专家阿尔芭.帕特看了这项调查数据后认为,“该数据看起来是非常合理的估计”。

36、Sir Richard Doll, the epidemiologist who discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer in the 1960s, will this week warn that children living near electricity power lines are at an increased risk from leukaemia. ─── 流行病学专家里查德·多尔爵士在20世纪60年代发现了吸烟与肺癌之间的联系。本周,他警告说,住在高压电线附近的孩子得白血病的危险更大。

37、Most experts agree that the changes were related to something in the environment," says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. ─── 约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院的社会流行病学家托马斯·格拉斯说:“大多数专家都认为这些变化与环境有关。”

38、"Older women need to be doing more physical activity. Housework probably does cut the mustard," said Dr. Shah Ebrahim, an epidemiologist and expert on aging at the University of Bristol, in southwestern England. ─── 英格兰西南部的布里斯托尔大学的流行病学家沙阿·易卜拉欣博士说:"老年妇女需要进行更多的体育锻炼,做家务也许真的可以起到一定作用。"

39、“Doing something is better than doing nothing,” says epidemiologist Steven N. ─── 他们想要鼓励人们真正走出运动的第一步。

40、"We were surprised about the results, but the outcome is quite clear," says Anders Ahlbom, an epidemiologist at the Karolinska Institute, who was involved in the study. ─── 这是一个小型的研究,以148个病人对照600个控制组,此研究结果需要更大族群的验证。但是这是第一个明确证实使用行动电话会增加致癌风险的研究报告。

41、John Breitner, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington, is studying whether anti-inflammatory drugs can prevent the disease from developing in the first place. ─── 美国华盛顿大学流行病学家布莱特纳,正在研究消炎药物是否能在早期预防疾病。

42、The high transmission rates in areas such as New York are worrying, says Mark Lipsitch, an epidemiologist of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts. ─── 哈佛大学公共卫生学院的一位流行病学家MarkLipsitch指出:“在诸如纽约这样地区的病毒高传染率是十分令人担忧的”。

43、Tobias Pischon, an epidemiologist and physician at the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam, analyzed data collected in a large European database of subjects. ─── 在359000名被跟踪了近十年的受试者中,腰围尺寸最大者(男性为40.0英寸以上,女性为35.0英寸以上)早死的可能性为腰围最小者(男性为33.8英寸以下,女性为27.6英寸以下)的二倍。

44、Furthermore, an epidemiologist, a public health specialist and a water and sanitation engineer have been dispatched to support control activities in the field. ─── 此外,已派遣一名流行病学家、一名公共卫生专家以及一名水和卫生工程师以支持现场的控制活动。

45、Epicentre has deployed an epidemiologist to support the MSF team in the field. ─── Epicentre已派遣一名流行病学家在现场支持医师无国界协会。

46、Ernest Drucker, an epidemiologist, uses the tools of his trade to examine the laws and their consequences. ─── 欧内斯特?德鲁克是一名流行病学家,利用本专业的工具考察了这些法律及其后果。

47、of the same study, Teresa Seeman, a social epidemiologist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, found a connection between self-esteem and stress in people over 70. ─── 洛杉矶南加州大学社会流行病学家特蕾莎·塞曼是同一研究项目的一员,她发现,70岁以上的人群的自尊心和压力之间存在联系。

48、Eric Brunner, an epidemiologist at University College, London, points out that he and his fellow researchers have struggled for years to try to understand the genetic basis of common diseases. ─── EricBrunner,伦敦大学学院的一名流行病学家,则指出他和他的研究员同仁已经奋斗了多年以尝试了解常见疾病的遗传基础。

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