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09-03 投稿



matchlock 发音

英:[?m?t??lɑ?k]  美:[?m?t??l?k]

英:  美:

matchlock 中文意思翻译



matchlock 网络释义

n. 火绳枪,火绳

matchlock 词性/词形变化,matchlock变形

名词: matchlessness |副词: matchlessly |

matchlock 短语词组

1、matchlock era ─── 火柴锁时代

2、matchlock miniatures ─── 火柴锁模型

3、matchlock arm ─── 火柴锁臂

4、matchlock pistol ─── 火柴枪

5、matchlock vs flintlock matchlock ─── 与flintlock

6、matchlock musket ─── 火柴枪

matchlock 相似词语短语

1、matchbox ─── n.火柴盒

2、matchstick ─── n.火柴棍,火柴杆;火柴杆似的东西

3、matchlocks ─── n.火绳枪,火绳

4、matchbooks ─── n.纸板火柴(等于matchfolder)

5、man lock ─── 人孔闸

6、matchbook ─── n.纸板火柴(等于matchfolder)

7、Matlock ─── n.马特洛克(英国英格兰中部城镇,德比郡首府)

8、matchless ─── adj.无比的;无敌的

9、matchlist ─── 匹配列表

matchlock 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That evening hanging under the eaves the fire as a pearl slowly burning the chestnut flower matchlock with thick white smoke; ─── 那晚上垂挂在屋檐下,火珠儿慢慢地燃着,冒着浓浓的白烟的栗花火绳;

2、These gunners use a type of heavy matchlock musket, which fires a powerful shot. ─── 骆驼火枪兵使用的长管滑膛火枪,称为"杰扎尔",威力极为惊人。

3、This paper describes the sorts of gun that the aboriginal warrior possessed as including matchlock, flintlock, caplock, Mauser bolt type, and magazine rifle. ─── 这些枪枝不是直接来自西方国家或商人,而是经由台湾岛内客家人、福佬人及汉化的原住民中介转贩。

4、Flintlock: Ignition system for firearms developed in the early 16th century, it superseded the matchlock and the wheel lock. ─── 燧发机:火器点火系统,始于16世纪初,取代火绳机和转轮打火机转轮打火机。

5、Twelve men, all equipped, having each his rest and his matchlock, ─── 十二个人,全副装备,每人都配了枪架和火绳枪,

6、"Flintlock:Ignition system for firearms developed in the early 16th century, it superseded the matchlock and the wheel lock." ─── 燧发机:火器点火系统,始于16世纪初,取代火绳机和转轮打火机转轮打火机。

7、The lighter caliver is therefore a more fitting choice for these men who prefer the complexities of the matchlock firing mechanism over the physical conditioning required to make effective archer. ─── 挽弓怒射百步穿杨需要极佳身体素质,相比而言,机械驱动的火绳枪则更易操纵。

8、Small arms, as distinguished from hand cannon, did not exist until the development of the matchlock in the 15th century.See also flintlock, wheel lock. ─── 有别于手持式火炮的小型武器直到15世纪火绳机发展出来才得以面世。

9、While underneath, in a corner, were fowling-piece, musket, and matchlock. ─── 下面,角落里,堆着鸟枪,步枪,和火绳枪。

10、Flintlock: ignition system for firearms developed in the early16th century it superseded the matchlock and the wheel lock. ─── 燧发机:火器点火系统,始于16世纪初,取代火绳机和转轮打火机转轮打火机。

11、These mercenaries prefer the complexities of the matchlock firing mechanism over the physical conditioning required to make effective archer. ─── 挽弓怒射百步穿杨需要极佳身体素质,相比之下,这些部队更为青睐火绳枪的机械驱动装置。

12、While underneath, in a corner, were fowling-piece, musket, and matchlock. ─── 下面,角落里,堆着鸟枪,步枪,和火绳枪。

13、A heavy, portable matchlock gun invented during the15th century. ─── 火绳枪一种发明于15世纪的、沉重可携带且用火绳引燃的枪

14、Twelve men all equipped, having each his rest and his matchlock. ─── 十二个人,全副装备,每人都配了枪架和火绳枪。

15、a heavy,portable matchlock gun invented during the15th century ─── 一种发明于15世纪的、沉重可携带的火枪

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