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09-03 投稿



hazel 发音

英:[?he?z(?)l]  美:[?he?z(?)l]

英:  美:

hazel 中文意思翻译





hazel 短语词组

1、witch hazel ─── 北美金缕梅

2、hazel-brown ─── [网络] 棕色;榛子褐

3、vernal witch hazel ─── [网络] 春季女巫榛子

4、Virginian witch hazel ─── [网络] 弗吉尼亚女巫榛子

5、flowering hazel ─── [网络] 开花榛子

6、hazel mouse ─── [动物]榛睡鼠

7、witch hazel plant ─── [网络] 女巫榛子植物

8、hazel grouse ─── 榛鸡

9、Chile hazel ─── [网络] 智利榛子

10、hazel tree ─── [网络] 榛树

11、hazel hen = hazel grouse

12、witch hazel leaves fluidextract ─── [医] 北美金缕梅叶流浸膏

13、wych-hazel ─── [医] 北美金缕梅

14、wych hazel plant ─── [网络] 惠氏榛子植物

15、witch-hazel family ─── [网络] 金缕梅科;金螫鰬

16、winter hazel ─── [网络] 冬天榛子

17、wych hazel ─── [网络] 怀伊榛子

18、hazel alder ─── [网络] 榛子al鱼

19、American hazel ─── [网络] 美国榛子

hazel 常用词组

witch hazel ─── [植]金缕梅

hazel 词性/词形变化,hazel变形


hazel 相似词语短语

1、Azazel ─── n.阿撒泻勒(《圣经利未记》中所指旷野恶鬼;有时也指负罪羊)

2、hazelly ─── 朦胧

3、drazel ─── n.淫妇;邋遢的女人

4、hazes ─── n.阴霾;薄雾;疑惑;vt.使变朦胧;使变糊涂;vi.变朦胧;变糊涂;n.(Haze)人名;(法)阿泽

5、Hazel ─── n.淡褐色;榛子;adj.淡褐色的;榛树的;n.(Hazel)人名;(英)黑兹尔

6、hazed ─── n.阴霾;薄雾;疑惑;vt.使变朦胧;使变糊涂;vi.变朦胧;变糊涂;n.(Haze)人名;(法)阿泽

7、hazer ─── n.(Hazer)人名;(土)哈泽尔

8、haze ─── n.阴霾;薄雾;疑惑;vt.使变朦胧;使变糊涂;vi.变朦胧;变糊涂;n.(Haze)人名;(法)阿泽

9、hazels ─── n.淡褐色;榛子;adj.淡褐色的;榛树的;n.(Hazel)人名;(英)黑兹尔

hazel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Contains Bio-gold, Grape Polyphenol, Ginseng, herbal DNA, extract of Witch Hazel, etc. It can nourish , tighten skin, and pores, create fair and velvety soft skin. ─── 富含活性金,葡萄多酚,人参,植物DNA,金缕梅等提取物。可深层滋养皮肤,收紧肌肤,畅通、缩紧毛孔,有柔嫩白皙肌肤的作用。

2、Cinnamon violet leaf thyme birch leaf lemongrass cole seed witch hazel Use with water to clean and exfoliate with one sensational product. ─── 成份:肉桂、紫罗兰叶、百里香、白桦叶、香茅、油菜子、金缕梅。

3、Introduction of Hybrid Hazel Producing Large Nuts and Breeding of Superior Species ─── 大果杂交榛子引种及优良品种的选育

4、She has got hazel hair. ─── 她有淡褐色的头发。

5、deciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees: hazel; sometimes placed in the subfamily or family Corylaceae. ─── 一个灌木或小乔木属,雌雄同体,长坚果;榛子;有时归入榛科或榛亚科。

6、The Hazel Dormouse, once widespread throughout the UK, is now vulnerable to regional extinction. ─── 历史上曾遍布英伦的榛睡鼠,如今却已濒临地区性灭绝的岌岌可危之境。

7、The Country Mouse was sitting under a hazel thicket plucking nuts ─── 乡鼠正坐在榛树丛下摘硬果。

8、Main Compositions: lactic-peppermint, lavendar essence, witch hazel, modified allantois. ─── 主要成份:乳酸薄荷脂,熏衣草精华、金缕梅、改性尿囊。

9、Roberts 39 and Moder 37 have 2-year-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus who were born in November 2004. ─── 39岁的罗伯茨和她37的丈夫莫德已经有了一对两岁的双胞胎黑兹尔和费尼斯。

10、Parameter measurement & analysis of Hazel ett CCM ─── 哈兹莱特连铸机参数测量及分析

11、Discussion on the development prospect of hazel natural resources ─── 对榛属植物资源开发前景的探讨

12、They were standing in the shade of hazel bushes ─── 他们便站在浓荫的榛树下。

13、She has hazel eyes. ─── 她有一双淡褐色的眼睛。

14、Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library--- ─── 加州大学洛衫机分校图书馆.

15、deciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees: hazel; sometimes placed in the subfamily or family Corylaceae ─── 一个灌木或小乔木属,雌雄同体,长坚果;榛子;有时归入榛科或榛亚科

16、Main Compositions: lavender essence, lactalbumin, sage, witch hazel. ─── 主要成份:熏衣草精华、乳清蛋白、鼠尾草、金缕梅。

17、Sima Guang was also described the scenery on Lake verse: “Die-bridge island of waste, a shortage of Arima Hazel. ─── 当时司马光也有描写月湖风光的诗句:“模桥通废岛,华宇出荒榛。

18、Black, brown, or honey colored hair and black, brown or hazel eyes in human form also falls into the category of greatest compatibility to Earth. ─── 人类形态中的黑色、褐色和蜜色头发及黑色、褐色和淡褐色眼睛也属于与地球最谐调的种类。

19、He later wrote about how “I went out to the Hazel Wood/For a fire was in my head. ─── 他后来写道如何,“我出去到黑兹尔伍德/因为有一团激情的火在我的脑海中燃烧。”

20、He has mussed gray hair and hazel eyes that blend nicely with his charcoal sports coat. ─── 他穿着一件深灰色运动衫,和他那蓬松的淡褐色头发以及浅栗色的眸子很搭调。

21、So I slosh through the yard, leaning against the wind and discovering more joys: a witch hazel sporting pale-yellow pompom-like blossoms, with a brisk citrusy scent. ─── 于是我噼噼啪啪地走过庭院,冒着寒风俯下身子,发现了更多令人欣喜的东西:一棵金缕梅绽放出淡黄色绒球状的花,散发着浓郁的柠檬香味;

22、She began to believe that maybe she had a future after all and maybe it could be with this man, with his kind hazel eyes, wet with their shared tears. ─── 她开始相信不管怎样或许自己还是有希望的,或许希望就寄托在这个亲切的男人身上,因为他浅褐色的眼睛里由于分担了她的痛苦充满了泪水。

23、When they came to the hazel grove, Connie suddenly ran forward, and opened the gate into the park. ─── 当他们赤到擦树丛林时,康妮突然跑到前头去把窗门打开了。

24、Gently astringent extracts of elderflower and witch hazel cool, revitalise, and soothe the eye area. ─── 具有收敛效果的接骨木花成分减淡您的黑眼圈,更新,平复眼部肌肤。

25、he imagined her coming towards him in her radiant majesty , made so loveable mortal by her soft hazel eyes. ─── 他想像着她那么光彩而庄严地向他走来,柔和的褐色眼睛那么可爱。

26、The animals are mainly Red deer, Chinese water deer, Roe deer and wild duck, hazel grouse, pheasant etc. ─── 主要动物有马鹿、獐子、狍子、野兔、野猪、紫貂和野鸭子、榛鸡、山鸡等。

27、Lettuce, goose liver, truffle pieces, French beans, carrot, grinded hazel and boiled egg, with chef vinaigrette seasoning. ─── 什锦生菜、上等鹅肝、松露丝、四季豆、红萝卜、碎榛果、蛋。佐主厨特制油酱。

28、Before Stonehenge was built thousands ofyears ago, the whole of Salisbury Plain wasa forest of towering pines and hazel woodland. ─── 在建造巨石阵的几千年前,整个索尔斯堡平原是一大片参天松柏和榛树林。

29、To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells ─── 使葫芦胀大,鼓起了榛子壳,

30、Ingredients: natural gentle wedding agent, various moisture agents, rich apple, witch hazel activated ingredients. ─── 成份:天然温和乳化剂,多种保湿润肤剂,丰富的苹果、金缕梅等营养活性成份。

31、Student: INAUDIBLE Hazel Prof: no. Thats easy. You can try with Hazel, she might be able to tell you. But I doubt it. ─── 学生:,教授:不,这很简单,你可以看看,她可能能告诉你,但是我不确定。

32、Ingredients: Vegetable skin-cleansing factor, algae essence, aloe essence, natural tea plant essence, extract solution of witch hazel, etc. ─── 使用方法:取适量于掌心,加少量水揉搓,在脸部打圈2-3分钟,清水洗净即可

33、His eyes are under reconstruction, and this shall alter the pigment gradually over time from blue to hazel in color. ─── 他的眼睛正在重建中,随时间逐渐改变色素,从蓝色变到淡褐色。

34、Pleasant non-greasy, non-oily formulation.Ingredients: Bio-gold, sodium DNA, extracts of ginseng, hazel, tea, horsetail, cholesteric esters. ─── 它的主要成份:生物黄金,钠的DNA提取物,人参,榛子,茶叶,马尾,胆甾酯。

35、People with brown or hazel eyes were perceived to be more trustworthy than people with other eye colours. ─── 另外,与眼睛是其他颜色的人相比,那些拥有褐色或浅褐色眼睛的人则被认为更可信赖。

36、You're the cloud in april morn's hazel, ─── 你是四月早天里的云烟

37、Girls placed hazel nuts along grate, each one to symbolize one of her suitors. ─── 女孩们把榛果排列在炉排前面,每一个榛果代表一个求婚者。

38、Ingerdients: Aloe Barbadensis, Witch hazel, Hydrolyzed Elastin, Glycerin, Fruit Extract, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Collagen Amino Acids. ─── 主要成分:有机吉拉索芦荟,金缕梅,水解弹力素,甘油,水果精华,人参精华,胶原氨基酸。

39、On his way home, as he was riding through a green thicket, a hazel twig brushed against him and knocked his hat. ─── 回家的路会经过一篇苍翠的灌木丛,一根榛树的枝条打在了父亲的帽子上。

40、Clifford steered cautiously down the slope of the knoll from the hall, and Connie kept her hand on the chair. In front lay the wood, the hazel thicket nearest, the purplish density of oaks Beyond. ─── 克利福小心地从他们的房屋所在的小山丘上,向着斜坡驶了下去。康妮在旁边用手扶着车子。树林在他们的面前展开着,最近处是擦树丛林,稍远处便是带紫色的浓密的橡树林。

41、Ingredient: Placenta, microelement, hyaluronic acid, switch hazel, collagen. ─── 主要成分:羊胎素,微量元素,透明质酸,波尿酸,胶原蛋白。

42、an astringent alcoholic solution containing an extract from the witch hazel plant. ─── 一种包含榛树提取物的发涩的酒精溶液。

43、Main compositions: Witch hazel extract, natural moisture factor, polylol. ─── 主要成份:金缕梅精华、天然保湿因子、多元醇。

44、Ingredient: Aweto, Microelement, switch Hazel, Collagen. ─── 主要成分:冬虫草,熊果苷.原胶质。

45、But, thank to the PTES’ Hazel Dormouse Biodiversity Action Plan, this species is being reintroduced to the wild. ─── 不过,感谢“信任濒危物种”组织(PTES)的“PTES榛睡鼠多样性行动计划”,这个物种正重新回归自然。

46、And yesterday, the Communities Secretary Hazel Blears advised the Prime Minister to get out and have a "bit of fun" . ─── 昨天,英国社区大臣哈泽尔·布利尔斯建议首相先生多出去走走,给自己“找点乐子”。

47、Clarkson wrote or co-wrote six Breakaway tracks, including one certifiable hit, Behind These Hazel Eyes, and the rest were collected from world-class song doctors and produced by studio veterans. ─── 全力督促唱片公司在电台、商店等场合宣传克莱克森的音乐,并从她的官方简历上删除了“美国偶像冠军”的头衔。

48、Tone to purify. This crisp formula removes impurities from oily and problem skin without irritation. Witch hazel tightens pores without drying. Allantoin calms the skin. ─── 一种基本的纯净爽肤水。有助去除所有残馀的杂质。蕴含有效的榛树能收紧毛孔。含海藻提取物,有助控制多媒体的油脂。

49、He turned his full, hazel, slightly prominent eyes on her in a look of pure detachment. ─── 他那有点浮突的褐色的眼睛,怪不经意地望着她。

50、Main compositions: Witch hazel, bear gallbladders, aloe extract, gastrodia elata extract. ─── 主要成份:金缕梅精华、熊胆素、芦荟提取液、天麻提取液。

51、And through the silent woodland , She peers with watchful eyen;While on her hazel ringlets, Sparkles the glad sunshine. ─── (从那寂静的深林里,她注目似的窥视的;

52、CONCLUSION The Hazel's flower could clear the free radicals and has the effect of anti-lipid peroxidation. ─── [结论]榛花具有清除自由基及抗脂质过氧化作用。

53、She's my body double: blond hair,hazel eyes and fair skin. ─── 她长得跟我一个样--金色的头发,褐色的眼睛,白皙的皮肤。

54、The desks were littered with catkins, hazel and willow, which the pupils had been sketching ─── 学生的课桌上散乱地放着正在临摹的柔美花、榛子和扬柳。

55、"The first Witch Hazel Product developed solely for soothing minor cases of itching, rashes and burns, especially children's insect bites, rashes and abrasions. ─── 全球最强的金缕梅,第一个含薄荷金缕梅,用于小的伤口,痒,皮疹,烧伤和昆虫咬伤。冰凉的感觉会立即缓解上述感觉。

56、Everyone, that is, except Hazel. ─── 每个人,除了 Hazel

57、It was one of several woods used to make golf clubs including ash, greenheart, apple and hazel wood. ─── 其他几种能用于制作杆身的树木有:芩树,樟树,苹果树,榛子树。

58、There are dark circles under those famously hazel eyes, and he keeps looking toward the door, toward the back, toward the bar. ─── 在他那双有名的淡褐色眼睛下面出现了黑眼圈,他不断朝门,朝后面,朝酒吧看去。

59、Main ingredients: ginseng extract, whitch hazel, ganoderma, crystal active gold etc. ─── 主要成分:人参提取液、金缕梅、灵芝、水晶活性金等。

60、Hybrid hazel producing large nuts ─── 大果杂交榛子

61、How can he see the girl And miss those hazel eyes? ─── 他如何能无动于衷的注视着这个女孩并怀念那双淡褐色的眼眸?

62、Hazel ( Corylus avellana L. Gasaway) ─── 山榛

63、Exploitation and Utilization of Wild Hazel Resources in the Greater Xing'anMountains Region ─── 大兴安岭林区野生榛树资源的开发与利用途径

64、She has my Lily's hazel eyes. ─── 她的眼睛。

65、It was one of several woods used to make golf clubs including ash, greenheart, apple and hazel wood. ─── 其他几种能用于制作杆身的树木有:芩树,樟树,苹果树,榛子树。

66、Sunday school has just ended, and Billy and hazel meet in the assembly room of the parish house ─── 主日学校刚下课,皮利和海子在教区宅院的聚会室遇见。

67、The most exotic dishes in Harbin are moose nose, and hazel grouse hazel grouse hazel grouse hazel grouse. ─── 哈尔滨最具特色的佳肴当属驼鹿鼻和浅色松鸡。

68、He imagined her coming towards him in her radiant majesty, made so loveably mortal by her soft hazel eyes ─── 他想像着她那么光彩而庄严地向他走来,柔和的褐色眼睛那么可爱。

69、Genn,Hazel 1999,Paths to Justice:What People Do and Think About Going to Law,Oxford:Hart Publishing.Gluckman,Max 1955,Custom and Conflict in Africa,Oxford:Blackwell. ─── 如1000美元以上的民事案件,只有1/10的美国人会与律师联系,律师只就其中约1/2的案件起诉,起诉后90%以上的案件可庭外和解,故此类民事案件只有不到1%经法庭审理。

70、Chicken cooked stewed mushrooms using small cock missing Scatter wild mushroom and the Northeast Hazel potato starch Youdun system formed. ─── 小鸡炖蘑菇它采用散养小公鸡配上野生的榛蘑和东北的土豆粉条炖制而成。

71、Roberts, 39, and Moder, 37, have 2-year-old twins, Hazel and Phinnaeus, who were born in November 2004. The couple were married in July 2002 at Roberts' home in N.M. ─── 39岁的罗伯茨和她37的丈夫莫德已经有了一对两岁的双胞胎黑兹尔和费尼斯。这对夫妇于2002年7月在罗伯茨的家乡新墨西哥州结婚,之后在2004年11月份生下这对龙凤胎。

72、It helps that I'm cute. With a small frame, light hazel eyes, and short blond hair that curls under my chin, I don't appear threatening. ─── 娇小可爱也有很大作用,我戴着一幅镜框,浅红色的眼睛,金色短发卷曲到下巴下面,使我看起来并不具有威胁性。

73、Now that no one else was at home, Cinderella went to her mother's grave beneath the hazel tree, and cried out: Shake and quiver, little tree, Throw gold and silver down to me. ─── 但继母却说道:“算了!你别再白费劲了,你是不能去的。你没有礼服,不会跳舞,你只会给我们丢脸。”说完他们夫妻与她自己的两个女儿出发参加宴会去了。

74、Worse, one current cabinet colleague, Hazel Blears, codedly rebuked him in print, and others have had to deny that they plan to challenge him for leadership of the party in the coming months. ─── 屋漏又逢连夜雨,一位现任内阁成员,布利尔斯也在文章中影射他,而另一些人不得不否认自己曾企图要在未来几个月里挑战布朗作为工党领袖的地位。

75、At the latest dormouse release organized by the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), 11 male and 14 female Hazel Dormice were released “somewhere in Warwickshire. ─── 在这次由PTES组织的榛睡鼠放归行动中,有11只雄性榛睡鼠和14只雌性榛睡鼠被放归在“沃里克郡的某个角落”。

76、Isn't it it vulgar hazel tree that would deserve the nickname of" tree in golden crowns"? ─── 它不是它将应有"在金色的王冠里的树"的绰号的粗俗的榛子树吗?

77、Main compositions: Witch hazel, Sage extract, lactic peppermint enzyme, Aloe extract. ─── 主要成份:金缕梅、鼠尾草精华、乳酸薄荷酶、芦荟提取液。

78、witch hazel leaves fluidextract ─── [医] 北美金缕梅叶流浸膏

79、an astringent alcoholic solution containing an extract from the witch hazel plant ─── 一种包含榛树提取物的发涩的酒精溶液

80、Her hazel eyes gazed off in recollection as she continued. "I was so lucky to have had her. " Her voice trailed off and she met my eyes again, then smiled sadly. ─── 她那淡褐色的双眸目不转睛,回忆着往事,她接着说,“我真幸运有这样一位母亲。”她的话音逐渐消逝,目光再次与我的目光相接,随即凄然一笑。

81、She was followed on Wednesday by another cabinet minister, Hazel Blears, who is responsible for local government. ─── 她的离职是步另一位内阁部长黑兹儿-布莱尔斯的后尘,她已于周三宣布辞职,其任职期间负责地区政府事务。

82、Main ingredients: green tea, witch hazel, almond, marigold, arbutin, and perilla. ─── 主要成份:绿茶、金缕梅、薄荷、银杏、金盏花、熊果苷、紫苏草等。

83、Zoe's wideset hazel eyes looked into Carmen's round black ones and her generous mouth curved in a smile ─── 佐伊淡褐色的眼睛睁得老大,目不转睛地注视着卡门的一对圆溜溜的黑眼睛,她那丰满的嘴唇绽出一个弯弯的微笑。

84、An Experimental Approach on Introducing Some American Hazel into China ─── 北美榛子引种实验

85、deciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees: hazel; ─── 一个灌木或小乔木属,雌雄同体,长坚果;

86、Connie opened the wood-gate, and Clifford puffed slowly through into the Broad riding that ran up an incline Between the clean-whipped thickets of the hazel. ─── 康妮把树林的门开了,克利福慢慢地驶了过去,到了一条宽大的马路。这马路向着一个斜坡上去,两旁是修剪得很整齐的擦林。

87、Hazel thought about it, then nodded. ─── 黑泽尔想了想,然后点了点头。

88、Main ingredients: OPC grape seed essence, AMC wet-keeping element, witch hazel and full-effective mulriple gene. ─── 主要成份:OPC葡萄籽精华、AMC保湿因子、金缕梅、全效复合因子。

89、Hazel shook her head. ─── Hazel 摇了摇她的头。






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