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09-03 投稿


exert 发音

英:[?ɡ?z??rt]  美:[?ɡ?z??t]

英:  美:

exert 中文意思翻译



exert 常用词组

exert oneself ─── 努力;尽力

exert an influence on ─── 对……产生影响

exert 短语词组

1、exert pressure ─── 施加压力

2、exert every effort ─── 尽一切力量

3、exert myself ─── 努力

4、exert oneself to do sth ─── 竭尽全力做某事

5、exert construction service ─── 发挥施工服务

6、exert influence on ─── 对…施加影响

7、exert oneself to the utmost ─── 尽一切力量

8、exert yourself ─── 努力工作

9、exert oneself to the uttermost ─── 作出极大的努力

10、exert every effort to ─── 竭尽全力…

11、exert direct control of... ─── 对...加以直接控制

12、exert one's utmost ─── 尽最大努力

13、exert pressure upon ─── 对...施加压力

14、exert pressure on sb ─── 对(某人)施加压力

15、over-exert vt. ─── 用力过度; ─── 用力过猛

16、exert an effect on... ─── 对...施加/给予影响

17、exert oneself ─── 努力, 尽力

18、exert influence on sb ─── 对(某人)施加影响

19、exert on ─── 对…施加

exert 词性/词形变化,exert变形


exert 同义词

maintain | forth | apply | put | exercise | put forth | utilize | wield | employ | make use of |use

exert 反义词


exert 习惯用语

1、exert oneself ─── 努力, 尽力, 出力

2、exert oneself to do sth. ─── 努力, 尽力, 出力

exert 相似词语短语

1、exerts ─── v.发挥(exert的三单形式);运用;表现出

2、exedra ─── n.(古希腊或古罗马)开敞式有座谈话间;半圆形室外坐椅

3、exerted ─── adj.外露的

4、exeats ─── n.短时离校(或修道院)许可

5、exergy ─── n.放射本能(热力学系统从给定状态到与周围介质平衡过程中可做的最大功)

6、evert ─── v.使……外翻;翻转;n.(Evert)(瑞典、荷、德、美、希)埃弗特(人名)

7、exeat ─── n.短时离校(或修道院)许可

8、coexert ─── 共施主

9、exempt ─── adj.被免除(责任或义务)的,获豁免的;v.免除,豁免;n.被免除义务者(尤指被免税者)

exert 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A number of neurotransmitters exert their effects by first increasing cyclic AMP concentrations in target neurons. ─── 许多神经递质首先通过增加靶神经元中的循环 AMP 浓度来发挥其作用。

2、His teachings still exert a strong influence. ─── 他的教导仍在产生巨大影响。

3、He didn't exert himself much. ─── 他不够努力。

4、But, meeting somebody uses 4 fund, exert all one's strength will be bungled! ─── 可是,会有人用4块钱,使劲来砸!

5、If our 450 million countrymen all exert themselves,the Chinese nation will certainly achieve final victory! ─── 只要四亿五千万同胞一齐努力,最后的胜利是属于中华民族的!

6、At the same time, monetary policy should focus on agility and levity and exert its structure function. ─── 同时 ,货币政策应注重灵活多变 ,使其在经济活动中适度发挥结构性作用。

7、Do not misconstrue it as an effort to exert force or pressure. ─── 不要把它误解为需要卯尽全力或施加压力的苦差事。

8、She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job. ─── 她很有可能对经理施展她的影响力,给你弄份工作。

9、I suggest that the government should exert more force to stop illegal betting. ─── 另外,我建议政府应多加武力阻止非法投注。

10、It is possible today to exert control over the flow of genetic information. ─── 今天已为切实控制遗传信息流提供了一定程度的可能性。

11、Plus again pendant lamp and mural, luxurious with grace exert therein. ─── 再加上吊灯和壁画,奢华和优雅尽在其中。

12、But part of learning to think functionally requires surrendering notions about that kind of control, allowing you to exert another kind. ─── 但作为函数式思维的一部分,您需要放弃这种控制观念,学会用另一种控制。

13、Working exert will produce good results. ─── 努力任务将产生好结果。

14、He does not have exert himself on my behalf. ─── 他用尽一切影响力让他们用他的计划。


16、It is not easy for her to exert influence on her children. ─── 她不容易对她的孩子产生影响。

17、A pilot of average strength can exert a muscle force of perhaps 100 pounds. ─── 一个飞行员的平均力量可以施加大约100磅的肌肉力量。

18、On regional readjustment,the textile industry will exert more efforts to revive. ─── 在区域结构调整方面,纺织企业加大力度以求获得生存。

19、He must exert himself to subdue so proud a display of resentment. ─── 他必须施展本事,征服这种因忌恨而产生的骄傲。

20、The entrepreneur has often surprised business rivals by his ability to exert influence far beyond the confines of his prison cell. ─── 黄光裕在牢房之外施展影响力的能力,常常令商业竞争对手感到意外。

21、For this purpose everybody must exert himself. ─── 为了这个目的,就要大家努力。

22、Do not hesitate to exert yourself in work you have chosen, for success will greet you with a smile. ─── 不要放弃自己所选择的,因为成功在向你微笑。

23、The dawn is ahead; we must exert ourselves. ─── “曙光就在前面,我们应当努力。”

24、You should exert yourselves to hasten mechanization and make a greater contribution to the state. ─── 你们努力快一些机械化,多交一些给国家吧。

25、It is not easy for her to exert influence on her children . ─── 她不容易对她的孩子产生影响。

26、If you exert all your strength you can move that rock. ─── 如果你把所有的劲都使出来,你就能移动那块石头了。

27、If you were to exert your influence they might change their decision. ─── 如果你们运用你们的影响,他们可能会改变决定。

28、You'll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam. ─── 你若想考试及格,就必须更加努力。

29、Any two masses, regardless of size, exert an attraction on one another. ─── 任何两个质体,无论大小都会互相吸引。

30、I begged Edward to exert himself for fear you should suspect what was the matter. ─── 我请求爱德华,要他克制自己;我怕你们猜到是怎么一回事。

31、We should exert ourselves mightily during the campaign to raise funds. ─── 在募捐运动中让我们行动起来。

32、In order to be successful he would have to exert himself. ─── 他必须努力才能成功。

33、His speech in at the meeting turned out exert an stimulating effect on the mindof the people present that day. ─── 他那天在会上所做的报告使所有在场的人深受鼓舞。

34、EOP exert many effects through interaction with other transmitters. ─── EOP与其它递质相互作用对脑缺血产生多种影响。

35、She had some power of initiative, latent before, which now began to exert itself. ─── 她身上潜在的主动精神开始表现出来,她开始更实际地考虑自己的处境。

36、It is likely to continue to exert power behind the scenes. ─── 它仍然会在背后发挥影响力。

37、He was too lazy to exert himself and rusted out long before his time. ─── 他懒得萎靡不振,因此早就未老先衰了。

38、If American battle Iraq, the technology will exert. ─── 如果美国同伊拉克开战,该项技术将会发挥作用。

39、Antique shops exert a special fascination on a great many people. ─── 古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。

40、To exert an impelling force; push vigorously. ─── 催促成为驱动力;竭力推动

41、Working in this company can gie me the chance to exert all my strengths. ─── 在贵公司工作能发挥我最大的能力。

42、Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people. ─── 古董店对很多人有特别的魅力。

43、You won't make any progress if you don't exert yourself. ─── 如果你不多用点功,你就不会有长进。

44、But genes exert their effects through the brain. ─── 但遗传基因通过大脑发挥它们的影响。

45、Exert yourself to the utmost! ─── 子其勉之!

46、He likes to exert his authority. ─── 他喜欢行使自己的权力。

47、Fourth, the government will exert every effort to expand employment and re-employment. ─── 四是积极扩大就业和再就业。

48、Into this void came the new, major force of Islam, which was to exert an enormous influence on Europe for centuries. ─── 伊斯兰教这股新的主要势力趁虚而人,几个世纪以来对欧洲产生了巨大影响。

49、Exert great efforts to develop new rare earth materials and high-end application products. ─── 大力发展稀土新材料和高端应用产品。

50、The hypothetical electron smeart must exert a net attractive Hellmann-Feynman force to counterbalance the internuclear repulsion. ─── 假设的电子弥散必须提供净赫尔曼吸引力以抵消核间排斥力。

51、You could not exert your potential without confidence. ─── 如果没有自信就不能发挥你的潜力。

52、To exert strong pressure in order to force(something) open. ─── 冲破,胀破为了迫使(某物)打开而施加强大的压力

53、He is unable to exert any appreciable Influence upon them . ─── 他无力对他们施加太大的影响。

54、If Russia chose to exert more power it might have some influence in Iran. ─── 如果俄罗斯多出一份力的话,它对伊朗可能会产生些影响。

55、The more you exert yourself to push one object, and the quicker just the motion to this object. ─── 你越用力推一物体,该物体就运动得越快。

56、"How you exert BEHa ha ha ha of?can't you talk?"she is some disaffection. ─── “你怎么尽是哈哈哈哈的?你不会说话吗?”她有些不满。

57、In this way,you will exert an influence first of all on the young people and then on the older people. ─── 你们起了模范作用,影响就不同了,首先影响青年,其次影响成年。

58、If you exert all your strength you can move that rock . ─── 如果你把所有的劲都使出来,你就能移动那块石头了。

59、The great majority of mankind should exert their utmost efforts for this purpose. ─── 为了这个目的,人类大多数应该拿出极大的努力。

60、Mum and daughter exert put the shoe on. Daughter can't put it on because of her big foot. ─── 女儿与妈妈一块用劲穿鞋,脚太大,穿不进,作痛苦费劲状。

61、He doesn' t have to exert himself on my behalf. ─── 他不必为我费那麽大力气.

62、The molecules exert forces upon each other,which depend upon the distance between them. ─── 分子之间都存在着力的作用,该力的大小取决于分子之间的距离。

63、We must exert ourselves and learn, because China depends on us for her reconstruction. ─── 中国靠我们来建设,我们必须努力学习。

64、I promise you, if God get gifted me dawn wealth or beauty, I be to do it as exert to you to leave me here as it is to me to leave you. ─── 告诉你吧,假如上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我目前难以离开您。

65、If she is unable to show on the preponderance of the evidence the fact and exert of her loss, she will not be able to recover damages. ─── 如果他不能提出有力证据去证明自己实际上的损失,以及损失是怎样造成,他将不能够取得损害赔偿。

66、Children exert a surprising influence over the purchase of grown-up goods. ─── 孩子们对成年人的商品消费的产生非比寻常的影响。

67、You' ll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam. ─── 你若想考试及格, 就必须更加努力.

68、Why don't you exert yourself more? ─── 你为什么不多出点儿力呢?

69、He met the congressmen in secret to exert backstairs influence. ─── 他秘密会见了议员,暗中对他施加影响。

70、They exert their skill at work, so their work become significative. ─── 他们使工作变得有意义的主要因素是发挥自己的技能。

71、With it, a mage can exert control over that most primal and frightful of mysteries. ─── 使用它,一个法师可以发挥对那些最原始和可怕的秘密的控制力。

72、A good fighter should exert both strength and skill. ─── 一位好的拳击手应该施展力量与技巧。

73、Don't wait for luck is coming, you must exert yourself to master knowledge. ─── 不要等运气降临,应该去努力掌握知识。

74、Exert great efforts in developing bio-technology. ─── 大力发展生物技术产业。

75、Her husband exert a lot of pressure on her to succeed. ─── 她丈夫殷切期望她能成功,给了她很大的压力。

76、Under no circumstances must one exert oneself when playing fortissimo! ─── 在任何情况下弹奏最强音时决不能用力过头。

77、order to be successful he would have to exert himself. ─── 他必须努力才能成功。

78、To exert strong pressure in order to force (something) open. ─── 冲破,胀破:为了迫使(某物)打开而施加强大的压力

79、He exert all his influence to make them accept his plan. ─── 他用尽一切影响力使他们接受他的计划。

80、Exert yourself for that object. ─── 为那目标而努力。

81、This game, Greentown home to the Army plans to exert a strong pressure. ─── 其实,图拔一直把浙江绿城队和周穗安视为强手。

82、He doesn't have to exert himself on my behalf. ─── 他不必为我费那么大力气。

83、To exert oneself physically or mentally in order to do, make, or accomplish something. ─── 创造,实现尽力使用自己的体力或脑力以便做、干或完成某事

84、Nowadays, women still exert their great influence upon everyday life. ─── 如今,女人们每天在生活中仍然发挥着她们巨大的影响力。

85、Where it cannot exert control, the Shabab excuses banditry. ─── 在无法有效控制的地方,青年党就放任犯罪行为。

86、The army exert strong political pressure on the president. ─── 军队给总统施加强大政治压力。

87、Rising population combined with improved nutrition standards and shifting dietary preferences will exert pressure for increases in global food supply. ─── 人口增长、营养标准提高和饮食偏好转变将对全球粮食供应施加压力。

88、He had to exert all his strength to open the door. ─── 他费了牛劲才把门打开。

89、Hey, I may play hooky once in a while, but I applying absorbing exert. ─── 哟,哪儿来那么大的火气呀!

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