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09-03 投稿



waterspout 发音

英:['w??t?spa?t]  美:['w?t?spa?t]

英:  美:

waterspout 中文意思翻译



waterspout 词性/词形变化,waterspout变形


waterspout 相似词语短语

1、water boat ─── 供水船

2、water cut ─── 水侵;水切削

3、watersports ─── 水上运动

4、water sprout ─── 徒长枝;水萌

5、waterspouts ─── n.海龙卷;排水口

6、water sports ─── 水上运动

7、water polo ─── 水球

8、watersport ─── 水

9、water plug ─── n.防火栓(等于fireplug)

waterspout 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The treatment of breakwater soft foundation by sand-bagged and plastic waterspout can... ─── 采用袋装砂和塑料排水板的软基处理方法完全能够满足工程需要。

2、With his hair in disorder, and without his hat, he ran along the street as never man Was seen to run before, overturning passers-by, rushing over the sidewalk like a waterspout . ─── 头发乱得象一堆稻草,帽子也不见了,跑啊,跑啊,简直谁也没见过一个人会跑得这么快,他在人行道上象一阵风似的疾驰而过,撞倒了多少来往的行人。

3、A waterspout occurs over water;a tornado is its equivalent over land. ─── 水龙捲在水面发生,在陆地时就是龙捲风。

4、1. Which they found was caused by a small waterspout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave. ─── 后来他们发现这是由山洞顶部的一个小孔里喷出的水柱跌落到水潭中发出的声音。

5、A scientist said they were probably picked up by a waterspout(10) or mini-tornado out at sea. ─── 科学家说它们很可能是被龙卷风从海上卷来的。

6、Pictured above is one of the better images yet recorded of a waterspout , a type of tornado that occurs over water. ─── 图为上面是一个更好的图像还记录了水 ,一个类型的龙卷风发生在水面。

7、The observatory said the relatively strong localized convection led to the formation of the waterspout. ─── 天文台表示,是相对强烈的地区性对流活动,导致了此次水龙卷的形成。

8、At the bottom of the button leading salient is a waterspout. ─── 按钮引导凸起的最底端设有排水槽;

9、A waterspout touches down near a boat near Dubrovnik, Croatia, in August 2007. ─── 8月,克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克附近,一场海龙卷接近一艘小船。

10、You follow a drop of your own sweat and plummet with it becoming a river, a flash flood, a waterspout, a hurricane. ─── 各位即将跟随自己身上流出的一滴汗珠,一起坠入河流之中,形成倾盆大雨,摇身变成海龙捲,或是聚集成为飓风。

11、A rapidly rotating, generally vertical column of air, such as a tornado, dust devil, or waterspout . ─── 人造暴风,象龙卷风一样突然窜上高空。

12、a fall of 88 meters with a width of 20 meters at maximum, your huge waterspout pours down irresistibly with great momentum like a runaway horse without bridle. ─── 落差88米,最大宽度20米。巨大的水柱像一匹脱缰的野马,无可抵挡,倾泻而下,气势磅礴。

13、A colorful waterspout shot from the mouth of the electronic dragon and the children clapped. ─── 一道五颜六色的水柱从电龙嘴里的喷出,孩子胶鼓起掌来。

14、waterspout prominence ─── 龙卷日珥

15、A rapidly rotating, generally vertical column of air, such as a tornado, dust devil, or waterspout. ─── 旋风一种急速旋转且常为垂直的空气柱,如龙卷风等

16、The Itsy Bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout. ─── 一只小蜘蛛爬上水龙头。

17、A tornado that takes place over the ocean or any other large body of water is called a waterspout. ─── 在海洋上或任何其他广大的水面上发生的龙捲风,叫做海上的龙捲风。

18、The drain rib begins with the waterspout of the button leading salient and extends to the back of the control panel. ─── 排水肋是从按钮引导凸起的排水槽开始到控制面板的后方向下延长而成。

19、after grasping the hand of Mr. Lorry, who came panting in breathless from his struggle against the waterspout of the Carmagnole; ─── 他又紧握了罗瑞先生的手,罗瑞先生才从奔流的卡尔马尼奥拉队伍里挤过来,挤得气喘吁吁;

20、Small fish rained down on a village in southern India. A scientist said they were probably picked up by a waterspout or mini-tornado out at sea. ─── 印度南部小村庄突然下起“小鱼”雨。科学家说它们很可能是被龙卷风从海上卷来的。

21、In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound which they found was caused by a small waterspout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave. ─── 在这儿,他们可以听见一种连续不断的轰鸣声,后来他们发现这是由山洞顶部的一个小孔里喷出的水柱跌落到水潭中里发出的声音,

22、A rare waterspout was seen near Po Toi at about 8 am on August 19 and was detected on the Hong Kong Observatory's weather radar. ─── 据香港天文台气象雷达监测,蒲台岛附近海域19日早上8时左右出现罕见水龙卷。

23、The machine applies to profile milling for block, lockhole, hardware hole ,waterspout, etc. of aluminium and plastic profile bar. ─── 本机用于铝塑型材的滑轮、锁孔、五金件孔、排水槽等的仿形铣削。

24、You follow a drop of your own sweat and plummet with it becoming a river, a flash flood, a waterspout, a hurricane. ─── 各位即将跟随自己身上流出的一滴汗珠,一起坠入河流之中,形成倾盆大雨,摇身变成海龙卷,或是聚集成为飓风。

25、A colorful waterspout shot from the mouth of the electronic dragon and the children clapped. ─── 一道五颜六色的水柱从电龙嘴里的喷出,孩子胶鼓起掌来。

26、which they found was caused by a small waterspout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave. ─── 后来他们发现这是由山洞顶部的一个小孔里喷出的水柱跌落到水潭中发出的声音。

27、The Hong Kong Observatory had received four reports from the public by 5pm today (August 19) about a waterspout that occurred around 8am for a few minutes near Po Toi Island (see Figure 1). ─── 天文台今日(截至下午五时)接获四位市民报告,目睹一个水龙捲于上午八时左右在蒲台岛附近出现(见图一),维持约数分钟。

28、A rare waterspout(see photo) was seen near Po Toi at about 8 am Wednesday indicated on the Hong Kong Observatory's weather radar. ─── 据香港天文台气象雷达监测,蒲台岛附近海域19日早上8时左右出现罕见水龙卷(见图)。

29、Immediately the head and the whole body of her husband emerged in a waterspout. ─── 水退了,他们又踏上干地,重现人形,但彼此都不知对方在那里。

30、scientist said they were probably picked up by a waterspout or mini-tornado out at sea. ─── 科学家说它们很可能是被龙卷风从海上卷来的。

31、Scientific Exploration on the Efficiency of Fire Extinction of Waterspout in the Fire ─── 火灾中射水灭火效率的科学探讨

32、Locally, it was mainly fine today apart from localised relatively strong convection that led to the formation of showers and the waterspout. ─── 本港今日大致天晴,但局部地区有较强对流发展,形成骤雨及水龙捲。

33、Application of Sandy-Cobble Filtration and Seepage Underground Waterspout in Rolled Earth-Rock Dam ─── 砂卵石反滤排渗暗槽在碾压式土石坝的应用

34、which they found was caused by a small waterspout , ─── 后来他们一个小水柱,

35、tornado, whirlwind, and waterspout ─── 龙卷、旋风和水龙卷

36、In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound which they found caused by a small waterspout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave. ─── 在这儿,他们可以听见一种连续不断的轰鸣声,后来他们发现这是由山洞顶部的一个小孔里喷出的水柱跌落到水潭中发出的声音。

37、A waterspout was last seen in Hong Kong on August 13, 2005. ─── 香港最近一次在境内出现水龙卷是在2005年8月13日。

38、The observatory said the relatively strong localized convection led to the formation of the waterspout. ─── 天文台表示,是相对强烈的地区性对流活动,导致了此次水龙卷的形成。

39、If it shares a creature type with Waterspout Weavers, you may reveal it. ─── 如果该牌与风暴编织者具有相同的生物类别,你可以展示之。





水龙卷(water spout),俗称海龙卷或海龙卷风,是指出现在水面上的龙卷风。它的上端与雷雨云相连,下端与水面相接,水以涡流的形式绕着轴心从水面旋转上升到天空。




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