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09-03 投稿


wormhole 发音

英:['w??mh??l]  美:['w?m,hol]

英:  美:

wormhole 中文意思翻译



wormhole 短语词组

1、shut your wormhole ─── 关上你的虫洞

wormhole 词性/词形变化,wormhole变形


wormhole 相似词语短语

1、porthole ─── n.舷窗;炮眼;汽门;检查孔

2、borehole ─── n.钻孔,井眼;(为探测石油或水)地上凿洞

3、wormholes ─── n.虫洞(wormhole的复数形式)

4、woodhole ─── 木洞

5、armhole ─── n.袖孔

6、cornhole ─── vt.与…...进行尾交

7、workhouse ─── n.(英)济贫院;(美)[法]教养所;感化院;贫民习艺所

8、workhorse ─── n.做重活的人;驮马;重负荷机器;adj.工作重的;吃苦耐劳的

9、wormholed ─── adj.虫蚀的;多蛀孔的

wormhole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On a coral reef in the Bonin Islands, an abandoned wormhole is home to a hermit crab. ─── 在小笠原群岛一个珊瑚礁上,一个废弃的虫洞是寄居蟹的家。


3、Keywords heavy oil;cold recovery;wormhole;foamy oil; ─── 稠油;出砂冷采;蚯蚓洞;泡沫油;

4、Analytical Model for m-fold n-ary Tree with Wormhole Routing ─── m重n叉树中虫孔寻径通信方式的分析模型

5、Keywords heavy oil;wormhole;foamy oil;limited sanding;cold production; ─── 稠油;蚯蚓洞;泡沫油;有限排砂;冷采;

6、Let the wormhole lapse and then dial through to one of their allies and hire out his services as a mercenary. ─── 让虫洞关闭,然后拨通同盟之一,并唯利是图的出卖劳力。

7、Still, by the time Crichton spotted Earth at the far end of a new wormhole, he hesitated before diving in, sorry to leave his shipmates. ─── 尽管如此,当克莱顿在一个新的虫洞的另一端发现地球时,他在驶进虫洞前犹豫了,为离开他的同伴而感到难过。

8、The Wormhole Solution of Nonlinear Scalar Field in Einstein Gravitational Theory ─── 爱因斯坦引力理论中非线性标量场的虫洞浇

9、The results show that the proposed protocol can effectively detect wormhole attacks and involve less computation overhead while compared to the previous works. ─── 藉由模拟的结果显示,我们提出的方法可有效地侦测虫洞攻击,且所提出的协定耗费的网路资源相当微小。

10、The gravity of the star would slow time near that wormhole mouth, so that a time difference between the ends of the wormhole would gradually accumulate. ─── 中子星的重力会使蠹孔开口处的时间减慢,这样就会使蠹孔两端的时间差逐渐累加。

11、Connected Component Algorithm on Wormhole Routed Mesh and Its Applications ─── 虫孔路由Mesh上的连通分量算法及其应用

12、It is impossible for a traveller to go through this type of wormhole because they can only go through a horizon in one direction. ─── 因为他们只能以一个方向通过一个水平线,所以对一个旅行者而言是不可能通过这种类型虫孔。

13、Standing in front of the open wormhole, he wishes that again. ─── 当站在虫洞前,他再次希望他们不曾发现ZPM。


15、Regretting the pain their deception caused to Crichton, these aliens planted complex equations for wormhole travel deep in the Human astronaut's subconscious. ─── 摩亚意外地怀孕以后事态更加艰难。凯恩娜(一个奈巴里逃犯)的到来使得事情更加复杂。

16、As some of us knew, or theoretically guessed, a wormhole is not a portal, but actually a drill or disturbance in the river of space and time. ─── 正如我们一些人知道,或者理论猜测那样,虫洞并不是一个门户,而实际上是一个钻孔或者时空长河中的一个扰动。


18、The Application of Wormhole Algorithm in the Parallel DSP System ─── 蠕虫算法在并行数字信号处理系统中的应用

19、He's been on hundreds of trips through the wormhole, until finally he and his team found the ZPM two days ago. ─── 他已经上百次的通过虫洞,直到两天前和自己的队伍发现了ZPM。

20、This area has a high degree of electromagnetic energy and is often thought of as a portal or wormhole to somewhere off planet Earth. ─── 这个区域电磁能巨大,时常被想到作为一个入口—旋涡—或离开行星地球到达某地的虫洞。

21、The interconnection networks which uses the wormhole switching technology can easily make deadlock. ─── 采用虫孔切换技术容易造成互连网络寻径的死锁。

22、(2)the acid wormhole leak-off volume is concerned with the pumping rate, the acid viscosity, the acid concentration, acid injection time and the formation physical property. ─── (2)通过理论研究和岩板流动蚓孔滤失实验得出,酸蚀蚓孔滤失量与排量、酸液粘度、酸液浓度、注酸时间以及储层物性有密切关系。

23、Wood require Naught wormhole、molder、die knotty 、 Rasp mark、kerf、burr side、distortion class diversified badness particle. ─── 木材要求无虫孔、腐朽、死节、刀痕、锯痕、毛边、变形等各种不良点。

24、6. Still, by the time Crichton spotted Earth at the far end of a new wormhole, he hesitated before diving in, sorry to leave his shipmates. ─── 尽管如此,当克莱顿在一个新的虫洞的另一端发现地球时,他在驶进虫洞前犹豫了,为离开他的同伴而感到难过。收藏指正

25、Through the wormhole, the scientist can see himself as he was one minute ago. ─── 通过时间隧道,科学家能够见到一分钟前的自己。

26、Wormhole Solution of Higgs Field ─── Higgs场的虫洞解

27、Scout in with Buzzers(Via The Swarm) or whatever fast unit you have.Open the Wormhole and Send in the Mastermind. ─── 用技能召唤的蜂群(或者任何你拥有的快速单位)探路。

28、This apple is not good. It has a wormhole on it. ─── 这个苹果不太好,上边长了个“疤拉眼儿”。

29、While traveling through a wormhole subluminal (slower-than-light) speeds can be used. ─── 当用低于光速(比光速更慢)旅行通过一个虫孔。

30、A class of multidimensional wormhole solutions are discussed in Einstein theory with perfect fluid and axionic field. ─── 在爱因斯坦理论中,本文对D维理想流体和轴子场的蛀洞解就宇宙学项问题进行了探讨。

31、In a network with wormhole routing, the message arrival is not a simple event, but a lasting process with stochastic character. ─── 在采用虫孔寻径的网络中,消息的到达不是一个简单的事件,而是一个具有随机性的持续过程。

32、Still, by the time Crichton spotted Earth at the far end of a new wormhole, he hesitated before diving in, sorry to leave his shipmates. ─── 尽管如此,当克莱顿在一个新的虫洞的另一端发现地球时,他在驶进虫洞前犹豫了,为离开他的同伴而感到难过。

33、Thus you give this artificial wormhole color and form like black, white, or blue color, etc. ─── 然后通过这入口你看见(以一种你挑选的颜色旋涡形态)你想要去的期望的目的地。

34、7, tooth decay bacteria have infected people. Wormhole is a large number of bacteria to hide. ─── 传染细菌有蛀牙的人。蛀洞也是大量细菌的藏身之地。

35、This powerful and unconventional Peacekeeper discovered the wormhole information in Crichton's mind. ─── 这个强大的非正统的和平卫士发现了克莱顿意识中的虫洞资料。

36、multicomputer, adaptive routing, deadlock-free, wormhole routing, mesh ─── 关键词多计算机,自适应路由,死锁避免,虫洞路由,网格

37、The solution resembles a wormhole (from the exterior to the interior) in a neighborhood of the horizon, with the horizon as the neck. ─── 解决方法类似视界附近的虫洞(自外部到内部),具有瓶颈视界。

38、This area has a high degree of electromagnetic energy and is often thought of as a portal - vortex - or wormhole to somewhere off planet Earth. ─── 这个区域电磁能巨大,时常被想到作为一个入口-旋涡-或离开行星地球到达某地的虫洞。

39、Open the Wormhole and Send in the Mastermind. ─── 打开虫洞,让摄魂师进入。

40、Currently the mothership has a passive cloaking field for nearby units and buildings, wormhole transit, temporal rift, and vortex as its abilities. ─── 目前母舰能为周围建筑和单位提供一个隐形力场,自体带有虫洞传送,时空裂隙,以及星河漩涡这三个技能。

41、Mechanisms of Wormhole and Fluid Loss Control in Carbonate Acidizing ─── 酸蚀蚓孔滤失机理及对碳酸盐岩储层酸化施工的启示

42、Keywords Carbonate acidizing;Acid wormhole;Acid fluid loss mechanism.; ─── 碳酸盐岩酸化;酸蚀蚓孔;滤失机理;

43、Soon Thorne and his colleagues realized that if a stable wormhole could be created, then it could readily be turned into a time machine. ─── 很快地,索恩与他的同事便体认到:一旦可以制造出稳定的蠹孔,那它就可以很容易转变成一部时光机器。

44、McKay: Fantastic! Wait a minute. How could you possibly bring the ZPM back here. You need it for making the wormhole. ─── 太奇妙了,等等,你们又怎么能把zpm带过来,你们要用它来维持虫洞啊。

45、You could go into your own past, then come visit yourself before you entered the beginning of the wormhole. ─── 你可以回到你的过去,在进入一个气孔之前看看过去的自己。

46、Things took an unexpected turn for the better, however, with the discovery of a natural wormhole near the system of Canopus. ─── 正如一切转机一样令人料想不到,人们在位于船底星座的老人星附近发现了一个天然的虫洞。

47、This has been called into question by the suggestion that radiation would disperse after traveling through the wormhole, therefore preventing infinite accumulation. ─── 在旅行通过虫孔之后靠暗示辐射会散开这已经被称为问题,因此避免无限的聚积。

48、Study on Calculation Procedures of the Acid Filtration Controlled by the Wormhole in the Acid Fracturing ─── 酸蚀蚓孔控制的酸压滤失计算方法研究

49、Keywords acid fracturing;wormhole;filtrateloss;acid-etched distance;mathematical model; ─── 酸化压裂;蚓孔;滤失;酸蚀距离;数学模型;

50、8. This area has a high degree of electromagnetic energy and is often thought of as a portal - vortex - or wormhole to somewhere off planet Earth. ─── 这个区域电磁能巨大,时常被想到作为一个入口-旋涡-或离开行星地球到达某地的虫洞。收藏指正

51、The wormhole is easy to be formed in the process of carbonate acidizing, which has an important impact on the effects of treatment. ─── 碳酸盐岩酸化过程中极易形成酸蚀孔洞,影响施工效果。

52、As soon as the wormhole expands, natural radiation will enter it, and end up in a loop. ─── 当虫洞膨胀,自然射线进入,最终形成一个循环。

53、Ji days filled their chest, not back, Manbu room to the central and Fazhaodou, page collection of residual good will must shell from the wormhole from the cage haul out on the ground. ─── 霁天捧著胸口,不敢再回头,慢步走向房间中央,发著抖,将残页收集好的绝离壳从虫洞之笼捡了出来,放在地上。

54、Research on the Diagnosis and Description of Wormhole ─── 大孔道诊断和描述技术研究

55、The name "wormhole" comes from the following analogy used to explain the phenomenon: imagine that the universe is the skin of an apple, and a worm is traveling over its surface. ─── “虫孔”名称来自下列过去一直用于说明现象的类推:想像宇宙是一只苹果上的皮,而一个虫子正在它的表面上移动。

56、Keywords carbonate rock acid fracturing acid wormhole leak-off; ─── 碳酸盐岩;酸压;酸蚀蚓孔;滤失;

57、He taps his right hand against his gun and looks around him at the silent Gateroom, the console and furniture covered again by protective sheeting, the only light coming from the wormhole glowing bright and blue in front of him. ─── 他右手轻叩着枪,在安静的星门室环顾四周,控制台和着被再次被披上遮照布,唯一从虫洞闪出的光在他面前熠熠生辉。

58、Calculations hint that the ensuing disturbance would become self-reinforcing, creating a runaway surge of energy that would wreck the wormhole. ─── 某些计算暗示,接续发生的扰动会自我放大,形成一股失去控制的超大能量,终至毁了蠹孔。

59、Keywords carbonate rock;wormhole;acidizing fluid filtration;affecting factor;orthogonal analysis; ─── 碳酸盐岩;酸蚀孔洞;酸液滤失;影响因素;正交分析;

60、Traversable wormholes are a special kind of Lorentzian wormholes which would allow a human to travel from one side of the wormhole to the other. ─── 可旅行的虫孔是特别类型虫孔,它能使一个人从虫孔一边旅行到另一边。

61、Opposed to just running your Mastermind in you can use Wormhole. ─── 除去上述方法外,还可以使用虫洞。

62、In principle, such a minute wormhole could be stabilized by a pulse of energy and then somehow inflated to usable dimensions. ─── 理论上,这麽小的蠹孔,只需要一束能量脉冲便可将之稳住,接著便可将它膨胀到可资使用的大小。

63、and parameters of the wormhole (direction, depth, permeability, size of throat, etc.) are worked out by use of simplified math model. ─── 并利用简化的数学模型,计算大孔道参数(方向、厚度、渗透率、孔喉尺寸等)。

64、For that you will need the W H R a.k.a. the WormHole Rider... which is pretty expensive! ─── 为您将需要的W受体又名的虫洞骑士...这是漂亮昂贵的!

65、Capture the building and Retreat back through the Wormhole with your Mastermind. ─── 占领建筑然后让摄魂师通过虫洞撤回来。

66、Keywords oil spill;marine pipeline;wormhole; ─── 溢油;海底管线;蠕孔;

67、When acid flow along the fracture, the wormhole was developed because some of rock pore or nature fractures are denuded by the acid, thus the filtrateloss of the acid mostly occurs in wormhole. ─── 酸液在酸压裂缝内流动时,有少数较大的岩石孔隙或天然裂缝首先受到过量酸液的溶蚀而迅速增长形成蚓孔,使滤失主要在蚓孔内发生。

68、The path through such a wormhole is called a closed timelike curve, and a wormhole with this property is sometimes referred to as a "timehole. ─── 通过这样一个虫孔的路径被称做一闭合类时曲线,而且具有这个特性的一个虫孔有时被称为“时间洞”。

69、To adapt the wormhole for time travel, one of its mouths could be towed to a neutron star and placed close to its surface. ─── 要改造蠹孔以进行时光之旅,可以把它的一个开口拖往中子星,并安放在其表面附近。

70、A wormhole which connects (usually closed) universes is often called a Schwarzschild wormhole. ─── 一个连接宇宙的虫孔(通常闭合的)常常是被称做Schwarzschild虫孔。


72、Sheppard gives ground when they're through. Shoots his last round. Presses the button on the remote device. Falls backward through the wormhole. ─── 他们穿越的同时,Sheppard退了回去。发射他的最后一波。按下远方装置的按钮。背向穿过虫洞。

73、In string theory a wormhole has been envisioned to connect two D-branes, where the mouths are attached to the branes and are connected by a flux tube. ─── 一系列理论想像一个虫孔连接二个D-branes,在端口处被附上branes而且被一个流量管连接上。

74、Keywords Acid Fracturing;Carbonate Formation;Fracture;Acidizing Fluid;Leakoff;Acidizing Wormhole;Postfrac Evaluation;Hole; ─── 酸化压裂;碳酸盐岩;裂缝;溶洞;酸液;滤失;酸蚀蚓孔;压后评估;

75、Theorectically, human beings can perform a jumping journey in our universe if we could pass through wormhole. ─── 理论上,如果人可以穿过呢个虫洞嘅话,系可以作宇宙跳跃旅行。

76、All of these races are of human origin;their ancestors entered this little part of the universe thousands of years ago through a natural wormhole. ─── 所有的这些种族的祖先都是人类,他们的祖先在几千年前通过一个自然的虫洞进入这个宇宙的边缘一角。

77、wormhole attack ─── 虫孔攻击

78、But an aburupt detour through a space time wormhole lands him on a strange planet where talking apes rule over the human race. ─── 航天员里欧(马克华伯格饰)就是为了要找寻更好的星球,独自一人驾驶航天飞机探索宇宙,却不幸迷失于星际间,坠毁在一个未知星球的沼泽丛林中。

79、Defend against Wormhole Attack Based on Neighbor Trust Evaluation in MANET ─── 一种基于邻居信任评估的虫洞防御机制

80、in science and medicine, blue box, bronchodilator, creutzfeldt-jakob disease, feynman diagram, hyperspace, nicad, packet switching, repetitive strain injury, and wormhole. ─── 在科学和医学领域,新词有bluebox、bronchodilator、creutzfeldt-jakobdisease、feynmandiagram、hyperspace、nicad、packetswitching、repetitivestraininjury和wormhole等等。

81、In a network with wormhole routing, the message arrival is not a simple event, but a lasting process with stochastic character. ─── 在采用虫孔寻径的网络中,消息的到达不是一个简单的事件,而是一个具有随机性的持续过程。

82、A wormhole which connects (usually closed) universes is often called a Schwarzschild wormhole. ─── 一个连接宇宙的虫孔(通常闭合的)常常是被称做Schwarzschild虫孔。

83、The influence of wormhole attack on the node's number of neighbors is analyzed,and a logic topology based method is proposed for attack detection. ─── 分析了虫孔攻击对于网络节点邻居数目的影响,提出了一种基于网络逻辑拓扑的攻击检测方法。

84、This could be accomplished by accelerating one end of the wormhole relative to the other, and then sometime later bringing it back; ─── 这*着加速相对虫孔其它端的一端得以实现,然而某一个时间后将它带回来;

85、leather sofa internal moisture content of wood, thin board, with bark, the use of split wood, rotten wood and wood wormhole. ─── 真皮沙发的内部木材含水率高,板子薄、带树皮,使用劈裂材,腐朽材及虫蚀材.

86、wormhole routing ─── 虫孔寻径

87、The feedback will become so strong it destroys the wormhole. ─── 反馈变得很强大而毁坏了虫洞。

88、Based on a deadlock free virtual channel wormhole routing in this paperk,the performance of communication for hypercubes were analyed. ─── 基于一种无死锁虚拟通道的虫洞技术,本文对超立方体多处理机系统的通信性能进行了详细的分析。

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