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09-03 投稿


congressman 发音

[ 'kɑ?gr?sm?n]

英:  美:

congressman 中文意思翻译



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congressman 短语词组

1、congressman collins ─── 柯林斯议员

2、congressman senator ─── 国会议员

3、us congressman davis fangfang ─── 美国国会议员戴维斯·芳芳

4、the congressman ─── 国会议员

5、congressman clyburn ─── 克莱伯恩议员

6、congressman schiff ─── 希夫议员

7、coatless congressman ─── 无衣国会议员

8、congressman steube ─── 斯特尤布议员

9、congressman weldon ─── 韦尔登议员

congressman 相似词语短语

1、congress ─── n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交

2、congressperson ─── n.美国国会议员(不分性别的。尤其指美国众议院议员)

3、congresswomen ─── n.众议院女议员

4、Congressman ─── n.国会议员;众议院议员

5、congresses ─── 大会;国会

6、congressmen ─── n.国会议员(congressman的复数)

7、congressional ─── adj.国会的;会议的;议会的

8、congressmember ─── n.国会议员

9、congresswoman ─── n.(美)国会女议员;众议院女议员

congressman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Several Democrats in the House, including Arkansas congressman Beryl Anthony, were trying to overturn the rules. ─── 众议院的几位民主党人,包括阿肯色州的众议员贝丽尔.安东尼,试图否决这个伤残补助规定。

2、As company president, he had been big frog in a small pond, but he was not so important as a new congressman in Washington. ─── 作为公司的董事长,他算得上是个显赫的人物,但当起华盛顿新的国会议员来,他就微不足道了。

3、He was a congressman, senator, secretary of war, secretary of state and vice president of the United States. ─── 他曾担任过众议员、议员、战部部长、务卿,以及美国副总统。

4、Vito Corleone: Not to our precinct. Give to a Jew Congressman in another district. Who else is on the list? ─── 别给我们这个选区。给别地区的犹太籍议员。名单上还有谁?

5、His father, Howard Buffett, came from a family of grocers but himself became a stockbroker and later a U.S. congressman. ─── 他父亲霍华德·巴菲特成长于一个杂货商的家庭中,但后来却成了一名股票经纪人,之后又成为美国国会的议员。

6、Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I receive them the same. ─── 卡纳克人,塔卡荷人,国会议员,黑人,我相同地给予他们,我相同地接纳他们。

7、Another congressman clung on with a majority of only 18. ─── 另一位国会议员在获得仅仅18张多数票的情况下保住了位子。

8、Today Mr. Rangel is a congressman from New York, a Democrat. ─── 如今兰格先生是一名来自纽约的民主党人国会议员。

9、California Congressman Duncan Hunter says he'll test the waters for a possible presidential run in 2008. ─── 加州议员邓肯亨特称,为了2008年将到来的总统竞选,他将接受沃特斯家族的考验。

10、"This makes it difficult to assess the reliability of recent allegations by OFHEO against Fannie Mae," declared Congressman Frank. ─── 国会议员弗兰克宣称:“这让人们难以判断督察局近来对房利美的指控的可靠性。”

11、The congressman confessed the professional professor's progress in process control. ─── 国会议员承认职业教授在过程控制上的进步.

12、Governor Zell Miller, Senator Sam Nunn, Congressman John Lewis, and other Democrats who had stuck with me all the way were there. ─── 州长泽尔.米勒、参议员萨姆.纳恩、众议员约翰.刘易斯和其他自始至终支持我的民主党人都来了。

13、Congressman Wolf wants more agencies to let workers telecommute. ─── 先生希望更多的机构可以使工作族们远程办公。

14、There was an awkward moment in Times Square when he saw the Naked Cowboy and said, 'Please tell me you're not a Democratic Congressman. ─── 当他看到时代广场的赤裸牛仔时说:不要告诉我你是个民主党的议员。

15、A serious fall incapacitated the 68-year-old congressman. ─── 一次严重跌伤使这位68岁的国会议员丧失了行动能力。

16、It was appointed by Congress rather than the White House( the man who came up with the idea was a congressman from Virginia, Frank Wolf). ─── 它是由国会任命而不是由白宫组成的(个主意时来自弗吉尼亚的现任国会议员弗兰克沃夫想出来的)国防部和政府他们各自有一套调查研究组织。

17、James Oberstar, a congressman, wants to help big urban areas create plans to mitigate traffic. ─── 可以想见,经济刺激计划已经就绪,但其对缓解交通的力度仍是未知数。

18、Congressman was accused of sending out short messages to denigrate his opposing candidate. ─── 一名国会议员被指以手机短讯发布消息,抹黑敌对候选人。

19、His father had been a Senator and Secretary of the Air Force and his younger brother a former congressman. ─── 父亲曾是参议员和空军部长,弟弟也是前众议员。

20、Says Congressman Rogers. "It is clear that human cloning is not yet possible. ─── 国会议员罗杰斯说:“显然人类无性生殖目前尚不可能。

21、He's been a congressman, cabinet secretary and diplomatic troubleshooter. ─── 他曾是议会会员、内阁大臣以及外交调解专家。

22、Congressman Wilbur D.Mills meets with voters in Heber Springs, Arkansas, to discuss the recession. ─── 众议员威尔伯D.米尔斯会见选民赫柏泉,阿肯色,讨论了经济衰退。

23、The congressman lashed the president for his nepotism. ─── 国会议员抨击总统搞裙带关系。

24、A Congressman should echo the opinions of his constituency. ─── 国会议员应该向议会反映该区选民的意见。

25、"It may have a marginal impact [in moderating oil prices]," said Congressman Markey. ─── 他说:"这可能会对降低油价产生微弱的影响。

26、But, his written commentary has not provided the specific measures, estimated that he will receive therefore congressman's interpellation. ─── 但是,他的书面评论未提供具体措施,估计他将因此受到议员的质询。

27、You have a look at US's president, governor, congressman, enterprise President, the media jorum, is hanging doctor the title is extremely rare really. ─── 你看看美国的总统、州长、议员、企业总裁、媒体大腕,挂着博士头衔的实在是凤毛麟角。

28、Judge Roberta Kittleson: You can write your congressman if you don't like the law, counsel. In here, we simply follow it. ─── 你对法律不满吗,写信给议员吧,律师先生,在这里我们只会依法办事。

29、One congressman told a protester that attempting to reason with her about health care would be like “trying to argue with a dining-room table”. ─── 一名国会议员告诉一名抗议者,就医疗保险问题尝试与她讲理,就像“试图与餐桌争论”。

30、But a congressman says colleges have increased their prices in both good and bad economic times. ─── 但一位众议员认为大学在经济好或不好的情况下都在涨价。

31、There's not much prospect of Mr. Smith's being elected as Congressman. ─── 史密斯先生被选为议员的希望是不大的。

32、I congratulate Senator Obama and Senator Edwards, I thank Senator Dodd, Senator Bardun and Governor Richardson and Congressman Kucinich. ─── .我祝贺参议员奥巴马和参议员爱德华兹,我感谢参议员多德、拜登参议员、州长理查森和众议员库悉尼科。

33、He brought his influence to bear on the congressman. ─── 他向美国众议员施加影响。

34、There' s not much prospect of Mr Smith' s being elected as Congressman. ─── 史密斯先生被选为议员的希望不大。

35、In the Democratic radio address, Massachusetts Congressman, *Barney Frank says Republicans and Democrats should act together and act quickly. ─── 周四,总统与两参议院的两党领导人进行了会谈。他说他相信很快会达成一项协议。

36、After Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Congressman Dave McCurdy of Oklahoma, my other nominators, spoke, the roll was called. ─── 另外两个提名我的人,女众议员麦克辛.沃特斯和俄克拉何马州众议员戴夫.麦柯迪分别发言,然后唱名投票开始了。

37、Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed, so they called their local Congressman and he said, "You're right, there oughta be a law. ─── 一些在家的人,认为他们需要一个法律,所以他们向当地的议员要求,而议员认为,“你是对的,这里需要一部法律。”

38、He is appointing retired Admiral Dennis Blair as National Intelligence director and former Congressman Leon Panetta to head the CIA. ─── 他任命已退休的海军将领丹尼斯.布莱尔为国家情报局长、前任国会议员里昂.帕雷特领导国家情报局。

39、An indictment was handed up today against Democratic Congressman William Jefferson of Louisiana. ─── 一纸控诉告发路易斯安那众议院议员威廉斯·斐逊。

40、The Congressman was too experienced to be milked by newspaper men. ─── "这位议员很有经验,新闻记者无法从他口中套出任何新闻。"

41、In Maryland, protesters hung a junior congressman in effigy. ─── 在马里兰州,抗议者们举着一位资深国会议员的肖像表示不满。

42、The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules. ─── 这个国会议员被指控违反保密条例。

43、In rapid succession he became mayor of Greenville, a member of the Tennessee state legislature, U.S. congressman, governor of Tennessee, and U.S. senator. ─── 不久之后,他的政治舞台越来越宽广,从绿村市的市长、田纳西州立法局的成员、美国众议员、田纳西州州长,以及美国参议员。

44、On the annual traditional summer picnic of White House, the President of USA, Bush, is playing with a son of a congressman. ─── 在白宫传统的一年一度夏季野餐会上,美国总统布什在逗玩国会议员的儿子。

45、He related several anecdotes about his first years as a congressman. ─── 他讲述自己初任议员那几年的几则轶事。

46、Pennsylvanian Democratic Congressman Kellink said he was opposed to the Protocol because it would reduce the employment rate and the degree of US industrialization. ─── 宾西法尼亚州民主党众议员克林克说,他反对这一个协议是因为协议将减少就业机会,和他所说的降低美国的工业化程度。

47、The resignation last month of Mark Foley, a Republican congressman accused of sending salacious e-mails to young congressional pages, is merely the latest blow. ─── 上个月辞职的马克·福利,最近被暴出一名共和党人国会议员指责寄给淫秽电子邮件给年轻的会议招待员。

48、In Oklahoma, Congressman Dave McCurdy, a DLC leader, lost his Senate race because of, in his words, God, gays, and guns. ─── 在俄克拉何马州,民主党领袖委员会领导人戴夫.麦柯迪议员在参议员竞选中失败,用他自己的话说,原因是“上帝、同性恋和枪”。

49、In the Democratic radio address, Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank says Republicans and Democrats should act together and act quickly. ─── 布什总统星期四在国会对参众两院的两党领袖谈话时说,他相信很快会达成一项协议。

50、Congressman Thomas Reno says he told House Speaker Dennis Hastert months ago about concerns that Congressman Mark Foley sent inappropriate messages to a teenage boy. ─── 国会议员汤玛斯.利诺表示,他在数月之前就向国会发言人丹尼斯.哈斯特告发了有关议员马克.弗利给一名十来岁的男孩发送不适当电子邮件的事情。

51、Dennis Kucinich,a Democratic Party congressman from the state of Ohio, finds the trend troubling. ─── 一个来自于俄亥俄州民主党派议员发现这个让人担心的趋势。

52、Mr.Obama has asked the Illinois Congressman, Rahm Emanuel, who was once an advisor to President Clinton, to be his chief-of-staff. ─── 奥巴马先生已经要求伊利诺伊州的众议员,曾经是克林顿总统的顾问,拉姆伊曼纽尔,成为他的参谋长。

53、President Obama heckled by a Republican Congressman during his address. ─── 奥巴马总统在讲话期间受到共和党人国会议员的激烈质问。

54、Eric Cantor, G. O. P. congressman from Virginia and Republican chief deputy whip: It was almost as if panic had struck the capital. ─── 埃里克康托尔,G.O.P.弗吉尼亚州国会议员和共和党首席代理人指出:好像有人喜急了首都一样。

55、Perot's stand-in was Congressman Mike Synar of Oklahoma, who had Ross's sayings and accent down pat. ─── 佩罗的替身是俄克拉何马州的众议员迈克.西纳尔,他把罗斯的口头禅和口音模仿得惟妙惟肖。

56、As company president, he had been a big frog in a small pond, but he was not so important as a new congressman in Washington. ─── 他本来身为公司董事长,也堪称为一方土地的了,可又怎及得此时当上了华盛顿国会议员这般显赫威风。

57、Emanuel is an Illinois congressman who also served under former President Bill Clinton. ─── 伊曼纽尔是来自伊利诺伊州的国会众议员,曾经在前总统克林顿手下任职。

58、Last week, I had dinner with Senator Bradley and I had a meeting with Congressman Murry two days ago. ─── 上周我和布莱理叁议员吃饭,而两天前又和国会议员莫瑞开会。

59、It is considered political suicide for any congressman to suggest cutting down or cutting back not only present but promised future benefits. ─── 如果哪位国会议员胆敢提议取消或削减现在或未来的社保支付,那无异于政治自杀。

60、"Congressman Black is a real maverick but the voters keep sending him back to Washington. ─── 布莱克议员是一个真正独行其事的人,但是选民们不断投他的票,推选他到华盛顿去当议员。

61、Congressman John Bingham of Ohio was the principal framer of the Equal Protection Clause. ─── 俄亥俄州的国会议员约翰逊.宾汉姆是平等保护条款的起草者。


63、Former Congressman David Bonior says the trend is moving in Senator Obama's direction. ─── 奥巴马的主要支持者说,他们预期竞选活动不会立即结束。

64、A Whig congressman from Pennsylvania made a wild speech against the president. Copies of it were spread throughout the country. ─── 有一位来自宾夕法尼亚州的辉格党国会众议员发表了一篇粗野的演讲指责现任总统,这篇演讲稿在全国流传。

65、Pelosi and Congressman Rahm Emanuel recognized that recruiting moderate candidates was the key to ending that losing streak. ─── 南希和众议院议员拉姆.伊曼纽承认要终止连败的关键是吸收温和的候选人。

66、On the annual traditional summer picnic of White House, the President of USA, Bush, is playing with a son of a congressman. ─── 在白宫传统的一年一度夏季野餐会上,美国总统布什在逗玩国会议员的儿子。

67、The rumour about his scandal swept the state where he was running for the state's congressman. ─── 在他竞选的那个州正在迅速传播着有关他丑闻的谣言。

68、A public report says an Arizona Congressman confronted Foley about the messages back in 2000. ─── 一份公开报告称,亚利桑那州一名国会议员与福利当面对质有关他在2000年发送的信息。

69、A congressman speaking for the president called Lindbergh an enemy of his country. ─── 一位代表总统发言的国会议员称林德伯格为国家的敌人。

70、Yet he became a congressman, the American Ambassador to the United Nations and the mayor of Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 不过他后来成为国会议员、美国驻联合国大使和佐治亚州亚特兰大市的市长。

71、Though who he was being ruder to, the congressman or Monica herself, might be one of the few things about that over-told story we shall never know. ─── 不过,克林顿对谁更无礼,是国会议员还是莫尼卡本人?在这个人们谈烂了的故事中,这或许将成为少数几件我们永远不会知道的事情之一。

72、The congressman cut in quick before Johnny could open his mouth. ─── 众议员不等约翰尼张口说话,赶紧插嘴。

73、One Republican congressman fretted that Mr Gore's plan would mean no new industry, no new cars and no new people in America. ─── 一名共和党译员担心戈尔的计划意味着美国将没有新工业,没有新汽车,也没有新生儿。

74、Kevin.Cahill, New York Congressman. ─── 凯文.卡希尔,纽约州联邦众议员。

75、His father was a lawyer who later became a United States congressman. ─── 他的父亲是一名律师,后来当上了美国国会议员。

76、I'll write to the Congressman of my district about this. ─── 关於这件事我要给我区的众议院议员写信。

77、The congressman is meditating a reply to his critics . ─── 国会议员正考虑对他的批评作出回答。

78、Among them, Senator Baucus, Congressman Matsui, Congressman Dooley, Congressman Dreier, Congressman Kolbe, and Congressman Crane. ─── 其中包括参议员鲍卡斯、众议员松井、众议员杜利、众议员德赖尔、众议员科尔比和众议员克兰。

79、They shelved the pork-packer's son and the banker's son, and sat down to consider the Governor's son and the son of the Congressman. ─── 他们把猪肉批发商的儿子和银行老板的儿子束之高阁,然后坐下来考虑州长和众议员的公子了。

80、Congressman Frank has said he would like to see substantial progress on financial system reforms in coming months. ─── 弗兰克众议员表示,他希望在今后几个月里看到金融制度的改革取得实质性进展。

81、As company president, he had been a big frog in a little pond, but to compared to the new congressman in Washington, he was nothing to talk about. ─── 作为公司的董事长,他已经算是个人物;但如果跟华盛顿的新国会议员相比,那简直连提都不用提。

82、Oh, man, does Congressman John Dingell seem mad at FDA. ─── 噢,老兄,不众议员丁格尔似乎在美国疯牛病。

83、Ronald Reagan won the Republican Presidential nomination in 1980 and chose as his running mate former Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush. ─── 1980年里根被提名为共和党总统候选人。他选择前德克萨斯国会议员、联合国大使乔治·布什作为他的竞选搭档。

84、In 1856 an incensed relative of Butler, a congressman from South Carolina, invaded the Senate and severely beat Sumner. ─── 1856年,巴特勒的亲戚(一位来自南卡罗来纳的议员)闯进参议院袭击索姆奈。

85、Not until you write your Congressman and demand McCarthyism once again be our national standard, the menage of Chila will continue to grow. ─── 如果你不写信至众议院要求将麦卡锡主义重新制定为国策,钟国(原文又拼错字)威胁将会持续增长。

86、In Missouri, Senator Jean Carnahan lost to Republican Jim Talent, a former Congressman. ─── 在密苏里州,参议员简?卡耐翰败给了共和党人,前国会议员吉姆?泰伦特。

87、Congressman Lamar Smith was among Republicans making the allegation. ─── 众议院议员拉马.史密斯是提出声明的共和党成员之一。

88、Mr Cantor, the only Jewish Republican congressman, has a wife who hails from a prominent Democratic family (“a mixed marriage”, he calls it). ─── 卡托先生,唯一一个犹太裔共和党众议员,其妻子来自显赫的民主党家族(他称之为“跨党婚姻”)。

89、Ohio Congressman Bob Ney has resigned. ─── 俄亥俄州的议员鲍博.内已经辞职。


















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